Marcel de Rooy 0c138700b2 Bug 14893: Separate temporary storage per instance in Upload.pm
To make life easier when multiple instances are uploading temporary
files to Koha, this patch adds the database name to the upload subfolder
in your /tmp folder.

Note: Although multiple instances could share the same subfolder for
temporary storage (hashvalue is based on a timestamp too), it will be
better to separate them for efficient housekeeping (removing older or
partial files with a cronjob etc.)
Since multiple instances come with separate permissions, keeping them in
separate folders will be much simpler.

Permanent storage is not affected by this patch. The location of permanent
storage is ruled by the upload_path in each config file. Sharing that
space is not recommended too.

Although it may not be strictly necessary yet to remove files from the old
temp storage folder (before the 3.22 release), the accompanying db rev
performs that housekeeping task.

Test plan:
[1] Do not yet apply this patch. Upload a temporary file (use the
    tools/upload.pl script without selecting a category).
[2] Check /tmp/koha_upload.
[3] Apply this patch. Run the db rev with web installer.
[4] Upload another temporary file.
[5] Check /tmp for folder [your_database]_upload.
[6] Check that /tmp/koha_upload is gone and the associated records too.
[7] Run the adjusted t/db../Upload.t

Followed test plan. Could not do steps before applying patch [1]-[2]
(I suppose a local permission problem).
After applying patch and updating db file appears in /tmp/[database]
as expected.
Signed-off-by: Marc Véron <veron@veron.ch>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>

Signed-off-by: Brendan Gallagher brendan@bywatersolutions.com
2016-01-29 01:17:55 +00:00

183 lines
5.5 KiB

use Modern::Perl;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use Test::More tests => 7;
use Test::MockModule;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::Upload;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
our $current_upload = 0;
our $uploads = [
{ name => 'file1', cat => 'A', size => 6000 },
{ name => 'file2', cat => 'A', size => 8000 },
{ name => 'file3', cat => 'B', size => 1000 },
{ name => 'file4', cat => undef, size => 5000 }, # temporary
{ name => 'file2', cat => 'A', size => 8000 },
# uploading a duplicate in cat A should fail
{ name => 'file4', cat => undef, size => 5000 }, # temp duplicate
# Before we mock upload_path, we are checking the real folder
# This may help identifying upload problems
my $realdir = C4::Context->config('upload_path');
if( !$realdir ) {
warn "WARNING: You do not have upload_path in koha-conf.xml";
} elsif( !-w $realdir ) {
warn "WARNING: You do not have write permissions in $realdir";
# Redirect upload dir structure and mock File::Spec and CGI
my $tempdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_config('upload_path', $tempdir);
my $specmod = Test::MockModule->new( 'File::Spec' );
$specmod->mock( 'tmpdir' => sub { return $tempdir; } );
my $cgimod = Test::MockModule->new( 'CGI' );
$cgimod->mock( 'new' => \&newCGI );
# Start testing
subtest 'Test01' => sub {
plan tests => 7;
subtest 'Test02' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
subtest 'Test03' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
subtest 'Test04' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
subtest 'Test05' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
subtest 'Test06' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
subtest 'Test07' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
sub test01 {
# Delete existing records (for later tests)
$dbh->do( "DELETE FROM uploaded_files" );
my $upl = Koha::Upload->new({
category => $uploads->[$current_upload]->[0]->{cat},
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
my $res= $upl->result;
is( $res =~ /^\d+,\d+$/, 1, 'Upload 1 includes two files' );
is( $upl->count, 2, 'Count returns 2 also' );
foreach my $r ( $upl->get({ id => $res }) ) {
if( $r->{name} eq 'file1' ) {
is( $r->{uploadcategorycode}, 'A', 'Check category A' );
is( $r->{filesize}, 6000, 'Check size of file1' );
} elsif( $r->{name} eq 'file2' ) {
is( $r->{filesize}, 8000, 'Check size of file2' );
is( $r->{public}, undef, 'Check public undefined' );
is( $upl->err, undef, 'No errors reported' );
sub test02 {
my $upl = Koha::Upload->new({
category => $uploads->[$current_upload]->[0]->{cat},
public => 1,
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 1, 'Upload 2 includes one file' );
my $res= $upl->result;
my $r = $upl->get({ id => $res, filehandle => 1 });
is( $r->{uploadcategorycode}, 'B', 'Check category B' );
is( $r->{public}, 1, 'Check public == 1' );
is( ref($r->{fh}) eq 'IO::File' && $r->{fh}->opened, 1, 'Get returns a file handle' );
sub test03 {
my $upl = Koha::Upload->new({ tmp => 1 }); #temporary
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 1, 'Upload 3 includes one temporary file' );
my $r = $upl->get({ id => $upl->result });
is( $r->{uploadcategorycode} =~ /_upload$/, 1, 'Check category temp file' );
sub test04 { # Fail on a file already there
my $upl = Koha::Upload->new({
category => $uploads->[$current_upload]->[0]->{cat},
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 0, 'Upload 4 failed as expected' );
is( $upl->result, undef, 'Result is undefined' );
my $e = $upl->err;
is( $e->{file2}, 1, "Errcode 1 [already exists] reported" );
sub test05 { # add temporary file with same name and contents, delete it
my $upl = Koha::Upload->new({ tmp => 1 });
my $cgi= $upl->cgi;
is( $upl->count, 1, 'Upload 5 adds duplicate temporary file' );
my $id = $upl->result;
my $r = $upl->get({ id => $id });
my @d = $upl->delete({ id => $id });
is( $d[0], $r->{name}, 'Delete successful' );
is( -e $r->{path}? 1: 0, 0, 'File no longer found after delete' );
is( scalar $upl->get({ id => $id }), undef, 'Record also gone' );
is( $upl->delete({ id => $id }), undef, 'Repeated delete failed' );
sub test06 { #some extra tests for get
my $upl = Koha::Upload->new({ public => 1 });
my @rec = $upl->get({ term => 'file' });
is( @rec, 1, 'Get returns only one public result (file3)' );
$upl = Koha::Upload->new; # public == 0
@rec = $upl->get({ term => 'file' });
is( @rec, 4, 'Get returns now four results' );
sub test07 { #simple test for httpheaders and getCategories
my @hdrs = Koha::Upload->httpheaders('does_not_matter_yet');
is( @hdrs == 4 && $hdrs[1] =~ /application\/octet-stream/, 1, 'Simple test for httpheaders');
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES (?,?,?) ", undef, ( 'UPLOAD', 'HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE', 'Hi there' ));
my $cat = Koha::Upload->getCategories;
is( @$cat >= 1, 1, 'getCategories returned at least one category' );
sub newCGI {
my ( $class, $hook ) = @_;
my $read = 0;
foreach my $uh ( @{$uploads->[ $current_upload ]} ) {
for( my $i=0; $i< $uh->{size}; $i+=1000 ) {
$read+= 1000;
&$hook( $uh->{name}, 'a'x1000, $read );
return $class;