This patch includes: - removing the use of subroutines InsertInTable, UpdateInTable, SearchInTable replaced by subroutines of DBIx::Class in the subroutines AddBudget, ModBudget, GetBudgets, AddBudgetPeriods, ModBudgetPeriod and GetBudgetPeriods and admin/aqbudgetperiods.pl - removing old database fields in OrderFromSubscription.t, Bookseller.t, Budgets.t, Serials.t, Serials_2.t - improvement of unit tests in t/db_dependent/Budgets.t - adaptation of calls to the subroutines AddBudget, ModBudget, GetBudgets, AddBudgetPeriods, ModBudgetPeriod and GetBudgetPeriods in order to match with the use of DBIx::Class Test plan: 1) Execute the UT of all of files wich uses AddBudget, ModBudget, GetBudgets, AddBudgetPeriods, ModBudgetPeriod or GetBudgetPeriods by launching the command : prove t/Budgets/ t/Budgets.t t/db_dependent/Budgets.t t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t t/db_dependent/Acquisition/ t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t t/db_dependent/Serials.t t/db_dependent/Serials_2.t 2) The result has to be a success : t/Budgets/CanUserModifyBudget.t ........................... ok t/Budgets/CanUserUseBudget.t .............................. ok t/Budgets.t ............................................... ok t/db_dependent/Budgets.t .................................. ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t .............................. ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition/GetBasketsInfosByBookseller.t .. ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition/GetOrdersByBiblionumber.t ...... ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition/Invoices.t ..................... ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition/OrderFromSubscription.t ........ ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition/TransferOrder.t ................ 1/11 # Transfering order to basket2 t/db_dependent/Acquisition/TransferOrder.t ................ ok t/db_dependent/Acquisition/close_reopen_basket.t .......... ok t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t ............................... 16/72 WARNING: GetBooksellerWithLateOrders is called with a negative value at /home/yohann/koha/C4/Bookseller.pm line 135. t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t ............................... ok t/db_dependent/Serials.t .................................. ok t/db_dependent/Serials_2.t ................................ ok All tests successful. Files=14, Tests=571, 22 wallclock secs ( 0.17 usr 0.03 sys + 20.26 cusr 1.10 csys = 21.56 CPU) Result: PASS 3) Go on the page admin/aqbudgetperiods.pl : Koha Administration > Budgets 4) Click on the button "New Budget" and record a new budget with a "nonzero amount" and "make budget active" 5) Click on the button "New Budget" and record another budget without "make budget active" 6) Verify there is the firt budget displayed in "Active budgets" and the second budget in "Inactive budgets" 7) Edit a budget and verify the new values are updated 8) Click on the budget active name in order to go on the page admin/aqbudgets.pl 9) Click on the button "New fund for ..." and record a new fund 10) Click on the button "Edit" then "Duplicate budget ..." in order to duplicate the budget 11) Verify there are two budgets in "Active Budgets" and one in "Inactive Budgets" 12) Click on "Funds" in the menu and verify there are two identical funds and each is associated to a different budget. Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@gmail.com>
728 lines
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use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 72;
use Test::MockModule;
use C4::Context;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use DateTime::Duration;
use C4::Acquisition;
use C4::Serials;
use C4::Budgets;
use C4::Biblio;
'C4::Bookseller', qw(
ModBookseller )
#Start transaction
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
#Start tests
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqorders|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqbasket|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqbooksellers|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM subscription|);
#Test AddBookseller
my $count = scalar( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('') );
my $sample_supplier1 = {
name => 'Name1',
address1 => 'address1_1',
address2 => 'address1-2',
address3 => 'address1_2',
address4 => 'address1_2',
postal => 'postal1',
phone => 'phone1',
accountnumber => 'accountnumber1',
fax => 'fax1',
url => 'url1',
contact => 'contact1',
contpos => 'contpos1',
contphone => 'contphone1',
contfax => 'contefax1',
contaltphone => 'contaltphone1',
contemail => 'contemail1',
contnotes => 'contnotes1',
active => 1,
gstreg => 1,
listincgst => 1,
invoiceincgst => 1,
gstrate => '1.0000',
discount => '1.0000',
notes => 'notes1',
deliverytime => undef
my $sample_supplier2 = {
name => 'Name2',
address1 => 'address1_2',
address2 => 'address2-2',
address3 => 'address3_2',
address4 => 'address4_2',
postal => 'postal2',
phone => 'phone2',
accountnumber => 'accountnumber2',
fax => 'fax2',
url => 'url2',
contact => 'contact2',
contpos => 'contpos2',
contphone => 'contphone2',
contfax => 'contefax2',
contaltphone => 'contaltphone2',
contemail => 'contemail2',
contnotes => 'contnotes2',
active => 1,
gstreg => 1,
listincgst => 1,
invoiceincgst => 1,
gstrate => '2.0000',
discount => '2.0000',
notes => 'notes2',
deliverytime => 2,
my $id_supplier1 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier1);
my $id_supplier2 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier2);
#my $id_bookseller3 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller();# NOTE : Doesn't work because the field name cannot be null
like( $id_supplier1, '/^\d+$/', "AddBookseller for supplier1 return an id" );
like( $id_supplier2, '/^\d+$/', "AddBookseller for supplier2 return an id" );
is( scalar( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('') ),
$count + 2, "Supplier1 and Supplier2 have been added" );
#Test DelBookseller
my $del = C4::Bookseller::DelBookseller($id_supplier1);
is( $del, 1, "DelBookseller returns 1 - 1 supplier has been deleted " );
is( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1),
undef, "Supplier1 has been deleted - id_supplier1 doesnt exist anymore" );
#Test GetBookSeller
my @bookseller2 = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller( $sample_supplier2->{name} );
is( scalar(@bookseller2), 1, "Get only Supplier2" );
$bookseller2[0] = field_filter( $bookseller2[0] );
delete $bookseller2[0]->{basketcount};
$sample_supplier2->{id} = $id_supplier2;
is_deeply( $bookseller2[0], $sample_supplier2,
"GetBookSeller returns the right informations about $sample_supplier2" );
$id_supplier1 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier1);
my @booksellers = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('')
; #NOTE :without params, it returns all the booksellers
for my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@booksellers) - 1 ) {
$booksellers[$i] = field_filter( $booksellers[$i] );
delete $booksellers[$i]->{basketcount};
$sample_supplier1->{id} = $id_supplier1;
is( scalar(@booksellers), $count + 2, "Get Supplier1 and Supplier2" );
my @tab = ( $sample_supplier1, $sample_supplier2 );
is_deeply( \@booksellers, \@tab,
"Returns right fields of Supplier1 and Supplier2" );
#Test basketcount
my @bookseller1 = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller( $sample_supplier1->{name} );
#FIXME : if there is 0 basket, GetBookSeller returns 1 as basketcount
#is( $bookseller1[0]->{basketcount}, 0, 'Supplier1 has 0 basket' );
my $sample_basket1 =
C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier1, 'authorisedby1', 'basketname1' );
my $sample_basket2 =
C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier1, 'authorisedby2', 'basketname2' );
@bookseller1 = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller( $sample_supplier1->{name} );
is( $bookseller1[0]->{basketcount}, 2, 'Supplier1 has 2 baskets' );
#Test GetBookSellerFromId
my $bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId();
is( $bookseller1fromid, undef,
"GetBookSellerFromId returns undef if no id given" );
$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
$bookseller1fromid = field_filter($bookseller1fromid);
delete $bookseller1fromid->{basketcount};
delete $bookseller1fromid->{subscriptioncount};
is_deeply( $bookseller1fromid, $sample_supplier1,
"Get Supplier1 (GetBookSellerFromId)" );
#Test basketcount
$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
is( $bookseller1fromid->{basketcount}, 2, 'Supplier1 has 2 baskets' );
#Test subscriptioncount
my $dt_today = dt_from_string;
my $today = output_pref({ dt => $dt_today, dateformat => 'iso', timeformat => '24hr', dateonly => 1 });
my $dt_today1 = dt_from_string;
my $dur5 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -5 );
my $daysago5 = output_pref({ dt => $dt_today1, dateformat => 'iso', timeformat => '24hr', dateonly => 1 });
my $budgetperiod = C4::Budgets::AddBudgetPeriod({
budget_period_startdate => $daysago5,
budget_period_enddate => $today,
budget_period_description => "budget desc"
my $id_budget = AddBudget({
budget_code => "CODE",
budget_amount => "123.132",
budget_name => "Budgetname",
budget_notes => "This is a note",
budget_period_id => $budgetperiod
my $bib = MARC::Record->new();
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => 'Journal of ethnology'),
MARC::Field->new('500', ' ', ' ', a => 'bib notes'),
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($bib, '');
$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
is( $bookseller1fromid->{subscriptioncount},
0, 'Supplier1 has 0 subscription' );
my $id_subscription1 = NewSubscription(
undef, 'BRANCH2', $id_supplier1, undef, $id_budget, $biblionumber,
'01-01-2013',undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
1, "subscription notes",undef, '01-01-2013', undef, undef,
undef, 'CALL ABC', 0, "intnotes", 0,
undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-11-30', 0
my @subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({biblionumber => $biblionumber});
is($subscriptions[0]->{publicnotes}, 'subscription notes', 'subscription search results include public notes (bug 10689)');
my $id_subscription2 = NewSubscription(
undef, 'BRANCH2', $id_supplier1, undef, $id_budget, $biblionumber,
'01-01-2013',undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
1, "subscription notes",undef, '01-01-2013', undef, undef,
undef, 'CALL DEF', 0, "intnotes", 0,
undef, undef, 0, undef, '2013-07-31', 0
$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
is( $bookseller1fromid->{subscriptioncount},
2, 'Supplier1 has 2 subscriptions' );
#Test ModBookseller
$sample_supplier2 = {
id => $id_supplier2,
name => 'Name2 modified',
address1 => 'address1_2 modified',
address2 => 'address2-2 modified',
address3 => 'address3_2 modified',
address4 => 'address4_2 modified',
postal => 'postal2 modified',
phone => 'phone2 modified',
accountnumber => 'accountnumber2 modified',
fax => 'fax2 modified',
url => 'url2 modified',
contact => 'contact2 modified',
contpos => 'contpos2 modified',
contphone => 'contphone2 modified',
contfax => 'contefax2 modified',
contaltphone => 'contaltphone2 modified',
contemail => 'contemail2 modified',
contnotes => 'contnotes2 modified',
active => 1,
gstreg => 1,
listincgst => 1,
invoiceincgst => 1,
gstrate => '2.0000 ',
discount => '2.0000',
notes => 'notes2 modified',
deliverytime => 2,
my $modif1 = C4::Bookseller::ModBookseller();
is( $modif1, undef,
"ModBookseller returns undef if no params given - Nothing happened" );
$modif1 = C4::Bookseller::ModBookseller($sample_supplier2);
is( $modif1, 1, "ModBookseller modifies only the supplier2" );
is( scalar( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('') ),
$count + 2, "Supplier2 has been modified - Nothing added" );
$modif1 = C4::Bookseller::ModBookseller(
id => -1,
name => 'name3'
#is( $modif1, '0E0',
# "ModBookseller returns OEO if the id doesnt exist - Nothing modified" );
#Test GetBooksellersWithLateOrders
#Add 2 suppliers
my $sample_supplier3 = {
name => 'Name3',
address1 => 'address1_3',
address2 => 'address1-3',
address3 => 'address1_3',
address4 => 'address1_3',
postal => 'postal3',
phone => 'phone3',
accountnumber => 'accountnumber3',
fax => 'fax3',
url => 'url3',
contact => 'contact3',
contpos => 'contpos3',
contphone => 'contphone3',
contfax => 'contefax3',
contaltphone => 'contaltphone3',
contemail => 'contemail3',
contnotes => 'contnotes3',
active => 1,
gstreg => 1,
listincgst => 1,
invoiceincgst => 1,
gstrate => '3.0000',
discount => '3.0000',
notes => 'notes3',
deliverytime => 3
my $sample_supplier4 = {
name => 'Name4',
address1 => 'address1_4',
address2 => 'address1-4',
address3 => 'address1_4',
address4 => 'address1_4',
postal => 'postal4',
phone => 'phone4',
accountnumber => 'accountnumber4',
fax => 'fax4',
url => 'url4',
contact => 'contact4',
contpos => 'contpos4',
contphone => 'contphone4',
contfax => 'contefax4',
contaltphone => 'contaltphone4',
contemail => 'contemail4',
contnotes => 'contnotes4',
active => 1,
gstreg => 1,
listincgst => 1,
invoiceincgst => 1,
gstrate => '3.0000',
discount => '3.0000',
notes => 'notes3',
my $id_supplier3 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier3);
my $id_supplier4 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier4);
#Add 2 baskets
my $sample_basket3 =
C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier3, 'authorisedby3', 'basketname3',
'basketnote3' );
my $sample_basket4 =
C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier4, 'authorisedby4', 'basketname4',
'basketnote4' );
#Modify the basket to add a close date
my $basket1info = {
basketno => $sample_basket1,
closedate => $today,
booksellerid => $id_supplier1
my $basket2info = {
basketno => $sample_basket2,
closedate => $daysago5,
booksellerid => $id_supplier2
my $dt_today2 = dt_from_string;
my $dur10 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -10 );
my $daysago10 = output_pref({ dt => $dt_today2, dateformat => 'iso', timeformat => '24hr', dateonly => 1 });
my $basket3info = {
basketno => $sample_basket3,
closedate => $daysago10,
my $basket4info = {
basketno => $sample_basket4,
closedate => $today,
#Add 1 subscription
my $id_subscription3 = NewSubscription(
undef, "BRANCH1", $id_supplier1, undef, $id_budget, $biblionumber,
'01-01-2013',undef, undef, undef, undef,
undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef,
1, "subscription notes",undef, '01-01-2013', undef, undef,
undef, undef, 0, "intnotes", 0,
undef, undef, 0, 'LOCA', '2013-12-31', 0
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({expiration_date => '2013-12-31'});
is(scalar(@subscriptions), 3, 'search for subscriptions by expiration date');
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({expiration_date => '2013-08-15'});
is(scalar(@subscriptions), 1, 'search for subscriptions by expiration date');
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({callnumber => 'CALL'});
is(scalar(@subscriptions), 2, 'search for subscriptions by call number');
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({callnumber => 'DEF'});
is(scalar(@subscriptions), 1, 'search for subscriptions by call number');
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({location => 'LOCA'});
is(scalar(@subscriptions), 1, 'search for subscriptions by location');
#Add 4 orders
my ( $ordernumber1, $ordernumber2, $ordernumber3, $ordernumber4 );
my ( $basketno1, $basketno2, $basketno3, $basketno4 );
( $basketno1, $ordernumber1 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
basketno => $sample_basket1,
quantity => 24,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
budget_id => $id_budget,
entrydate => '01-01-2013',
currency => 'EUR',
notes => "This is a note1",
gstrate => 0.0500,
orderstatus => 1,
subscriptionid => $id_subscription1,
quantityreceived => 2,
rrp => 10,
ecost => 10,
datereceived => '01-06-2013'
( $basketno2, $ordernumber2 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
basketno => $sample_basket2,
quantity => 20,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
budget_id => $id_budget,
entrydate => '01-01-2013',
currency => 'EUR',
notes => "This is a note2",
gstrate => 0.0500,
orderstatus => 1,
subscriptionid => $id_subscription2,
rrp => 10,
ecost => 10,
( $basketno3, $ordernumber3 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
basketno => $sample_basket3,
quantity => 20,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
budget_id => $id_budget,
entrydate => '02-02-2013',
currency => 'EUR',
notes => "This is a note3",
gstrate => 0.0500,
orderstatus => 2,
subscriptionid => $id_subscription3,
rrp => 11,
ecost => 11,
( $basketno4, $ordernumber4 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
basketno => $sample_basket4,
quantity => 20,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
budget_id => $id_budget,
entrydate => '02-02-2013',
currency => 'EUR',
notes => "This is a note3",
gstrate => 0.0500,
orderstatus => 2,
subscriptionid => $id_subscription3,
rrp => 11,
ecost => 11,
quantityreceived => 20
#Test cases:
# Sample datas :
# Supplier1: delivery -> undef Basket1 : closedate -> today
# Supplier2: delivery -> 2 Basket2 : closedate -> $daysago5
# Supplier3: delivery -> 3 Basket3 : closedate -> $daysago10
#Case 1 : Without parameters:
# quantityreceived < quantity AND rrp <> 0 AND ecost <> 0 AND quantity - COALESCE(quantityreceived,0) <> 0 AND closedate IS NOT NULL -LATE-
# datereceived !null AND rrp <> 0 AND ecost <> 0 AND quantity - COALESCE(quantityreceived,0) <> 0 AND closedate IS NOT NULL -LATE-
# datereceived !null AND rrp <> 0 AND ecost <> 0 AND quantity - COALESCE(quantityreceived,0) <> 0 AND closedate IS NOT NULL -LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
my %suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders();
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ), "Supplier1 has late orders" );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ), "Supplier2 has late orders" );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ), "Supplier3 has late orders" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" )
; # Quantity = quantityreceived
#Case 2: With $delay = 4
# today + 0 > now-$delay -NOT LATE-
# (today-5) + 2 <= now() - $delay -NOT LATE-
# (today-10) + 3 <= now() - $delay -LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 4, undef, undef );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
1, "Supplier1 has late orders but today > now() - 4 days" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
1, "Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 <= now() - (4 days+2)" );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 <= now() - (4 days+3)" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 3: With $delay = -1
is( C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( -1, undef, undef ),
undef, "-1 is a wrong value for a delay" );
#Case 4: With $delay = 0
# today == now-0 -LATE- (if no deliverytime or deliverytime == 0)
# today-5 <= now() - $delay+2 -LATE-
# today-10 <= now() - $delay+3 -LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 0, undef, undef );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders but $today == now() - 0 days" )
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 <= now() - 2" );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 <= now() - 3" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 5 : With $estimateddeliverydatefrom = today-4
# today >= today-4 -NOT LATE-
# (today-5)+ 2 days >= today-4 -LATE-
# (today-10) + 3 days < today-4 -NOT LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
my $dt_today3 = dt_from_string;
my $dur4 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -4 );
my $daysago4 = output_pref({ dt => $dt_today3, dateformat => 'iso', timeformat => '24hr', dateonly => 1 });
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago4, undef );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders and $today >= $daysago4 -deliverytime undef" );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 + 2 days >= $daysago4 " );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
1, "Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 + 5 days < $daysago4 " );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 6: With $estimateddeliverydatefrom =today-10 and $estimateddeliverydateto = today - 5
# $daysago10<$daysago5<today -NOT LATE-
# $daysago10<$daysago5<$daysago5 +2 -NOT lATE-
# $daysago10<$daysago10 +3 <$daysago5 -LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago10,
$daysago5 );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
1, "Supplier1 has late orders but $daysago10 < $daysago5 < $today" );
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago10 < $daysago5 < $daysago5+2"
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 <= $daysago10 +3 <= $daysago5"
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 7: With $estimateddeliverydateto = today-5
# $today >= $daysago5 -NOT LATE-
# $daysago5 + 2 days > $daysago5 -NOT LATE-
# $daysago10 + 3 <+ $daysago5 -LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, undef, $daysago5 );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders but $today >= $daysago5 - deliverytime undef" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
1, "Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago5 + 2 days > $daysago5 " );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 + 3 <= $daysago5" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Test with $estimateddeliverydatefrom and $estimateddeliverydateto and $delay
#Case 8 :With $estimateddeliverydatefrom = 2013-07-05 and $estimateddeliverydateto = 2013-07-08 and $delay =5
# $daysago4<today<=$today and $today<now()-3 -NOT LATE-
# $daysago4 < $daysago5 + 2days <= today and $daysago5 <= now()-3+2 days -LATE-
# $daysago4 > $daysago10 + 3days < today and $daysago10 <= now()-3+3 days -NOT LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 3, $daysago4, $today );
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders but $daysago4<today<=$today and $today<now()-3"
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago4 < $daysago5 + 2days <= today and $daysago5 <= now()-3+2 days"
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier3 has late orders but $daysago4 > $daysago10 + 3days < today and $daysago10 <= now()-3+3 days"
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 9 :With $estimateddeliverydatefrom = $daysago5 and $delay = 3
# $today < $daysago5 and $today > $today-5 -NOT LATE-
# $daysago5 + 2 days >= $daysago5 and $daysago5 < today - 3+2 -LATE-
# $daysago10 + 3 days < $daysago5 and $daysago10 < today -3+2-NOT LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 3, $daysago5, undef );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
1, "$today < $daysago10 and $today > $today-3" );
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 + 2 days >= $daysago5 and $daysago5 < today - 3+2"
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago10 + 3 days < $daysago5 and $daysago10 < today -3+2 "
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Test with $estimateddeliverydateto and $delay
#Case 10:With $estimateddeliverydateto = $daysago5 and $delay = 5
# today > $daysago5 today > now() -5 -NOT LATE-
# $daysago5 + 2 days > $daysago5 and $daysago5 > now() - 2+5 days -NOT LATE-
# $daysago10 + 3 days <= $daysago5 and $daysago10 <= now() - 3+5 days -LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 5, undef, $daysago5 );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
1, "Supplier2 has late orders but today > $daysago5 today > now() -5" );
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago5 + 2 days > $daysago5 and $daysago5 > now() - 2+5 days"
exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago10 + 3 days <= $daysago5 and $daysago10 <= now() - 3+5 days "
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 11: With $estimateddeliverydatefrom =today-10 and $estimateddeliverydateto = today - 10
# $daysago10==$daysago10==$daysago10 -NOT LATE-
# $daysago10==$daysago10<$daysago5+2-NOT lATE-
# $daysago10==$daysago10 <$daysago10+3-LATE-
# quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
#Basket1 closedate -> $daysago10
$basket1info = {
basketno => $sample_basket1,
closedate => $daysago10,
%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago10,
$daysago10 );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders and $daysago10==$daysago10==$daysago10 " )
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
"Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago10==$daysago10<$daysago5+2" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
"Supplier3 has late orders but $daysago10==$daysago10 <$daysago10+3" );
isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
#Case 12: closedate == $estimateddeliverydatefrom =today-10
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago10, undef );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders and $daysago10==$daysago10 " );
#Case 13: closedate == $estimateddeliverydateto =today-10
%suppliers =
C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, undef, $daysago10 );
ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
"Supplier1 has late orders and $daysago10==$daysago10 " )
C4::Context->_new_userenv('DUMMY SESSION');
C4::Context::set_userenv(0,0,0,'firstname','surname', 'BRANCH1', 'Library 1', 0, '', '');
my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
my $module = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Auth');
sub {
# simulate user that has serials permissions but
# NOT superserials
my ($userid, $flagsrequired) = @_;
return 0 if 'superserials' eq ($flagsrequired->{serials} // 0);
return exists($flagsrequired->{serials});
C4::Context->set_preference('IndependentBranches', 0);
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({expiration_date => '2013-12-31'});
scalar(grep { !$_->{cannotdisplay} } @subscriptions ),
'ordinary user can see all subscriptions with IndependentBranches off'
C4::Context->set_preference('IndependentBranches', 1);
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({expiration_date => '2013-12-31'});
scalar(grep { !$_->{cannotdisplay} } @subscriptions ),
'ordinary user can see only their library\'s subscriptions with IndependentBranches on'
# don the cape and turn into Superlibrarian!
C4::Context::set_userenv(0,0,0,'firstname','surname', 'BRANCH1', 'Library 1', 1, '', '');
@subscriptions = SearchSubscriptions({expiration_date => '2013-12-31'});
scalar(grep { !$_->{cannotdisplay} } @subscriptions ),
'superlibrarian can see all subscriptions with IndependentBranches on (bug 12048)'
#End transaction
#field_filter filters the useless fields or foreign keys
#NOTE: all the fields of aqbookseller arent considered
#returns a cleaned structure
sub field_filter {
my ($struct) = @_;
for my $field (
'bookselleremail', 'booksellerfax',
'booksellerurl', 'othersupplier',
'currency', 'invoiceprice',
if ( grep { /^$field$/ } keys %$struct ) {
delete $struct->{$field};
return $struct;