Galen Charlton 9eb13aa3cd Bug 10592: fix MARC21 006/008 cataloging plugins
Move the XML and XSD data files so that access to them
(particularly the XML files) is not blocked by the Apache
configuration change introduced by the patch for bug 9812.

To test, after applying the patch.

[1] Open a MARC21 bibliographic record in the cataloging editor.
[2] Click on the plugin link for the 008 field.  Verify that
    that the form for all of the fixed field positions is displayed,
    and verify that you can change the type of material.
[3] Repeat step 2 for the 006 field.
[4] Verify that there are no entries in the Apache error log that contain

client denied by server configuration: {...}/cataloguing/value_builder/marc21_field_008.xml


client denied by server configuration: {...}/cataloguing/value_builder/marc21_field_006.xml

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chris@bigballofwax.co.nz>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Also verified translation of those plugins still works correctly.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2013-07-22 14:00:23 +00:00

349 lines
15 KiB

// Add an option to a select form field
function add_option(select, text, value, selected)
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = text;
option.value = value;
if (selected) option.selected = true;
try {
select.add(option, null);
catch(ex) {
// Return the value of a parameter from the url
function returnValueParam(param)
var params = location.search.substr(1);
var arr = params.split("&");
var pattern = param + "=";
for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].indexOf(pattern) == 0) {
return unescape(arr[i].substr(pattern.length));
return "";
// Return a value from a position on the result string
function returnValuePosFromResult(result, pos)
var index;
if ((index = pos.indexOf("-")) > 0) {
var ini = parseInt(pos.substring(0, index) ,10);
var end = parseInt(pos.substr(index + 1) ,10);
return result.substring(ini, end + 1);
} else {
return result.substr(pos, 1);
// Build string from form fields
function returnResultFromValues(form)
var resultStr = form.result.value;
var pos;
var value;
for (var i=0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
var pattern = new RegExp("f[0-9]+(?:[0-9]+)?");
if (pattern.test(form.elements[i].name)) {
pos = form.elements[i].name.substr(1);
value = (pos.indexOf("-") > 0)?form.elements[i].value:form.elements[i].options[form.elements[i].selectedIndex].value;
resultStr = changePosResult(pos, value, resultStr);
return resultStr;
// Build/modify result string for a position and a value
function changePosResult(pos, value, resultStr)
var index;
var result = "";
if ((index = pos.indexOf("-")) > 0) {
var ini = parseInt(pos.substring(0, index) ,10);
var end = parseInt(pos.substr(index + 1) ,10);
var roffset = (1 + end - ini)- value.length;
if (roffset > 0) for (var i=0; i < roffset; i++) value += " ";
if (ini == 0)
result = value + resultStr.substr(end + 1);
else {
result = resultStr.substring(0, ini) + value;
if (end < resultStr.length)
result += resultStr.substr(end + 1);
} else {
var ini = parseInt(pos, 10);
if (ini == 0)
result = value + resultStr.substr(1);
else {
result = resultStr.substring(0, ini) + value;
if (ini < resultStr.length)
result += resultStr.substr(ini + 1);
result = result.replace(/#/g, " ");
return result;
// Display the result string on a row of a table indicating positions and coloring them if they are incorrect or they are selected
function renderResult(tr_result, result)
if (tr_result) {
var td;
if (tr_result.cells.length != result.length) {
for (var i = tr_result.cells.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (var i=0; i < result.length; i++) {
value = result.charAt(i);
td = tr_result.insertCell(tr_result.cells.length);
var value;
var ini = -1;
var end = -1;
var args = renderResult.arguments;
var whiteAllTD = false;
if (args.length > 2) {
if (typeof(args[2]) == "boolean") {
whiteAllTD = args[2];
} else {
var index;
if ((index = args[2].indexOf("-")) > 0) {
ini = parseInt(args[2].substring(0, index) ,10);
end = parseInt(args[2].substr(index + 1) ,10);
} else ini = parseInt(args[2], 10);
for (var i=0; i < result.length; i++) {
value = result.charAt(i);
td = tr_result.cells[i];
if (td.style.backgroundColor != "yellow" || whiteAllTD) td.style.backgroundColor = "white";
td.innerHTML = (value == " ")?"&nbsp;":value;
td.title = "Pos " + i + ". Value: \"" + value + "\"";
if (ini >= 0) {
if (end > 0) {
if (ini <= i && i <= end) td.style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc";
} else if (i == ini) td.style.backgroundColor = "#cccccc";
} else {
var pos = (i < 10)?'0' + i:i + '';
var obj;
if ((obj = document.getElementById('f' + pos)) != null) {
var found = false;
for (var j=0; j < obj.options.length && !found; j++)
if (obj.options[j].value == value) found = true;
if (!found) {
td.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
td.title = "Pos " + i + ". Incorrect Value: \"" + value + "\"";
// Change displaying of result in the page
function changeH4Result(form, h4_result, tr_result, pos, value)
var resultStr = form.result.value;
var result = changePosResult(pos, value, resultStr);
renderResult(tr_result, result, pos);
h4_result.innerHTML = "&quot;" + result + "&quot;";
form.result.value = result;
// Class to read the xml and render the type of material
xmlControlField = function(tagfield, form_id, select, table, h4_result, tr_result, idMaterial, themelang)
this.tagfield = tagfield;
this.idMaterial = idMaterial;
this.form_id = form_id;
this.form = document.getElementById(form_id);
this.select = select;
this.table = table;
this.h4_result = h4_result;
this.tr_result = tr_result;
this.themelang = themelang;
xmlControlField.prototype =
tagfield: "",
idMaterial: "",
root: null,
form_id: "",
form: null,
select: null,
table: null,
h4_result: "",
tr_result: "",
themelang: "",
setIdMaterial: function(idMaterial)
this.idMaterial = idMaterial;
loadXmlValues: function()
this.xmlDoc = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: this.themelang + "/data/marc21_field_" + this.tagfield + ".xml",
dataType: "xml",
async: false
if (this.xmlDoc) this.renderTemplate();
$("*").ajaxError(function(evt, request, settings){
alert(_("AJAX error: receiving data from ") + settings.url);
renderTemplate: function()
this.root = this.xmlDoc.documentElement;
if (this.root.nodeName == "Tagfield" && this.root.nodeType == 1 && this.root.hasChildNodes()) {
var tag = this.root.attributes.getNamedItem("tag").nodeValue;
var nodeMaterial = this.root.getElementsByTagName('Material');
if (nodeMaterial != null && nodeMaterial.length > 0) {
if (this.idMaterial == "") this.idMaterial = nodeMaterial[0].attributes.getNamedItem("id").nodeValue;
this.renderPositions(nodeMaterial, (this.form.result.value != "")?this.form.result.value:returnValueParam("result"));
renderSelectMaterial: function(nodeMaterial)
if (this.select != null && nodeMaterial != null && nodeMaterial.length > 0) {
if (this.select.options.length <= 1) {
var id;
var name;
var arrSort = new Array();
var arrEquiv = new Array();
for (var i=0; i < nodeMaterial.length; i++) {
id = nodeMaterial[i].attributes.getNamedItem("id").nodeValue;
name = nodeMaterial[i].getElementsByTagName('name')[0].textContent;
arrEquiv[id] = i;
var j;
for (var i=0; i < arrSort.length; i++) {
j = arrEquiv[arrSort[i]];
add_option(this.select, arrSort[i] + " - " + nodeMaterial[j].getElementsByTagName('name')[0].textContent, arrSort[i], (this.idMaterial != "" && arrSort[i] == this.idMaterial)?true:false);
} else if (this.idMaterial != "") {
for (var i=0; i < this.select.options.length; i++) {
if (this.select.options[i].value == this.idMaterial) this.select.options[i].selected = true;
renderPositions: function(nodeMaterial, result)
var materialNode;
try {
var resultXPath = this.xmlDoc.evaluate("//a:Material[@id='" + this.idMaterial + "']", this.xmlDoc.documentElement, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
materialNode = resultXPath.singleNodeValue;
} catch (e) {
for (var i=0; i < nodeMaterial.length; i++) {
if (this.idMaterial == nodeMaterial[i].attributes.getNamedItem("id").nodeValue) {
materialNode = nodeMaterial[i];
if (this.table != null) { // Render table
var tbody = this.table.tBodies[0];
// Clean up table
if (tbody.rows.length > 0)
for (var i = tbody.rows.length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
// Parse Material node
if (materialNode != undefined && materialNode != null && materialNode.nodeType == 1 && materialNode.hasChildNodes()) {
var nodePos = materialNode.firstChild;
var tr;
var td;
var title;
var pos;
var value;
var strInnerHTML = "";
var selected;
var index;
var url;
var description;
var name;
while (nodePos != null) {
if (nodePos.nodeType == 1 && nodePos.nodeName == "Position") {
tr = tbody.insertRow(tbody.rows.length);
td = tr.insertCell(tr.cells.length);
pos = nodePos.attributes.getNamedItem("pos").nodeValue;
// description is required by schema
description = nodePos.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].textContent;
name = nodePos.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].textContent
title = ( description != "")?description:name;
try {
url = ((nodePos.getAttributeNode("url") || nodePos.hasAttribute("url")) && nodePos.getAttribute("url") != "" && nodePos.getElementsByTagName('urltext')[0].textContent != "")?"&nbsp;<a href='" + nodePos.attributes.getNamedItem("url").nodeValue + "' target='_blank'>" + nodePos.getElementsByTagName('urltext')[0].textContent + "</a>":"";
} catch (e) { url = "";}
td.innerHTML = "<label for='" + pos + "' title='" + title + "'>" + pos + " - " + name + url + "</label>";
td = tr.insertCell(tr.cells.length);
value = returnValuePosFromResult(result, pos);
if ((index = pos.indexOf("-")) > 0) { // Position interval
var ini = parseInt(pos.substring(0, index) ,10);
var end = parseInt(pos.substr(index + 1) ,10);
value = value.replace(/ /g, "#");
strInnerHTML = "<input type='text' name='f" + pos + "' id='f" + pos + "' value='" + value + "' size='" + (1 + end - ini) + "' maxlength='" + (1 + end - ini) + "' onkeyup='this.value = this.value.replace(/ /g, \"#\"); changeH4Result(document.getElementById(\"" + this.form_id + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.h4_result + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.tr_result + "\"), \"" + pos + "\", this.value)' onfocus='changeH4Result(document.getElementById(\"" + this.form_id + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.h4_result + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.tr_result + "\"), \"" + pos + "\", this.value)' />";
} else {
strInnerHTML = "<select name='f" + pos + "' id='f" + pos + "' style='width:400px' onchange='changeH4Result(document.getElementById(\"" + this.form_id + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.h4_result + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.tr_result + "\"), \"" + pos + "\", this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)' onfocus='changeH4Result(document.getElementById(\"" + this.form_id + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.h4_result + "\"), document.getElementById(\"" + this.tr_result + "\"), \"" + pos + "\", this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)'>";
value = value.replace("#", " ");
if (nodePos.getElementsByTagName("Value").length != 0) {
var nodeValue = nodePos.firstChild;
while (nodeValue != null) {
if (nodeValue.nodeType == 1 && nodeValue.nodeName == "Value" && nodeValue.hasChildNodes()) {
var code = nodeValue.attributes.getNamedItem("code").nodeValue;
description = nodeValue.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].textContent;
var valNode = code;
valNode = valNode.replace("#", " ");
selected = (value == valNode)?"selected='selected'":"";
strInnerHTML += "<option value='" + valNode + "' " + selected + ">" + code + " - " + description + "</option>";
nodeValue = nodeValue.nextSibling;
} else {
strInnerHTML += "<option value=' ' " + ((value == " ")?"selected='selected'":"") + "># - " + title + "</option>";
strInnerHTML += "<option value='|' " + ((value == "|")?"selected='selected'":"") + ">| - " + title + "</option>";
strInnerHTML += "</select>";
td.innerHTML = strInnerHTML;
nodePos = nodePos.nextSibling;