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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch;
# Copyright 2015 Catalyst IT
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use base qw(Class::Accessor);
use C4::Context;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::Exceptions::Config;
use Koha::Exceptions::Elasticsearch;
use Koha::Filter::MARC::EmbedSeeFromHeadings;
use Koha::SearchFields;
use Koha::SearchMarcMaps;
use Koha::Caches;
use C4::Heading;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc qw( GuessAuthTypeCode );
use Carp qw( carp croak );
use Clone qw( clone );
use Modern::Perl;
use Readonly qw( Readonly );
use Search::Elasticsearch;
use Try::Tiny qw( catch try );
use YAML::XS;
use List::Util qw( sum0 );
use MARC::File::XML;
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 );
use Encode qw( encode );
use Business::ISBN;
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
__PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw( index index_name ));
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( sort_fields ));
# Constants to refer to the standard index names
Readonly our $BIBLIOS_INDEX => 'biblios';
Readonly our $AUTHORITIES_INDEX => 'authorities';
=head1 NAME
Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch - Base module for things using elasticsearch
=over 4
=item index
The name of the index to use, generally 'biblios' or 'authorities'.
=item index_name
The Elasticsearch index name with Koha instance prefix.
sub new {
my $class = shift @_;
my ($params) = @_;
# Check for a valid index
Koha::Exceptions::MissingParameter->throw('No index name provided') unless $params->{index};
my $config = _read_configuration();
$params->{index_name} = $config->{index_name} . '_' . $params->{index};
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
return $self;
=head2 get_elasticsearch
my $elasticsearch_client = $self->get_elasticsearch();
Returns a C<Search::Elasticsearch> client. The client is cached on a C<Koha::SearchEngine::ElasticSearch>
instance level and will be reused if method is called multiple times.
sub get_elasticsearch {
my $self = shift @_;
unless (defined $self->{elasticsearch}) {
$self->{elasticsearch} = Search::Elasticsearch->new(
return $self->{elasticsearch};
=head2 get_elasticsearch_params
my $params = $self->get_elasticsearch_params();
This provides a hashref that contains the parameters for connecting to the
ElasicSearch servers, in the form:
'nodes' => ['', 'anotherserver:9200'],
'index_name' => 'koha_instance_index',
This is configured by the following in the C<config> block in koha-conf.xml:
sub get_elasticsearch_params {
my ($self) = @_;
my $conf;
try {
$conf = _read_configuration();
} catch {
if ( ref($_) eq 'Koha::Exceptions::Config::MissingEntry' ) {
return $conf
=head2 get_elasticsearch_settings
my $settings = $self->get_elasticsearch_settings();
This provides the settings provided to Elasticsearch when an index is created.
These can do things like define tokenization methods.
A hashref containing the settings is returned.
sub get_elasticsearch_settings {
my ($self) = @_;
# Use state to speed up repeated calls
state $settings = undef;
if (!defined $settings) {
my $config_file = C4::Context->config('elasticsearch_index_config');
$config_file ||= C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . '/admin/searchengine/elasticsearch/index_config.yaml';
$settings = YAML::XS::LoadFile( $config_file );
return $settings;
=head2 get_elasticsearch_mappings
my $mappings = $self->get_elasticsearch_mappings();
This provides the mappings that get passed to Elasticsearch when an index is
sub get_elasticsearch_mappings {
my ($self) = @_;
# Use state to speed up repeated calls
state %all_mappings;
state %sort_fields;
if (!defined $all_mappings{$self->index}) {
$sort_fields{$self->index} = {};
# Clone the general mapping to break ties with the original hash
my $mappings = clone(_get_elasticsearch_field_config('general', ''));
my $marcflavour = lc C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
sub {
my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $marc_type ) = @_;
return if $marc_type ne $marcflavour;
# TODO if this gets any sort of complexity to it, it should
# be broken out into its own function.
# TODO be aware of date formats, but this requires pre-parsing
# as ES will simply reject anything with an invalid date.
my $es_type = 'text';
if ($type eq 'boolean') {
$es_type = 'boolean';
} elsif ($type eq 'number' || $type eq 'sum') {
$es_type = 'integer';
} elsif ($type eq 'isbn' || $type eq 'stdno') {
$es_type = 'stdno';
} elsif ($type eq 'year') {
$es_type = 'year';
if ($search) {
$mappings->{properties}{$name} = _get_elasticsearch_field_config('search', $es_type);
if ($facet) {
$mappings->{properties}{ $name . '__facet' } = _get_elasticsearch_field_config('facet', $es_type);
if ($suggestible) {
$mappings->{properties}{ $name . '__suggestion' } = _get_elasticsearch_field_config('suggestible', $es_type);
# Sort is a bit special as it can be true, false, undef.
# We care about "true" or "undef",
# "undef" means to do the default thing, which is make it sortable.
if (!defined $sort || $sort) {
$mappings->{properties}{ $name . '__sort' } = _get_elasticsearch_field_config('sort', $es_type);
$sort_fields{$self->index}{$name} = 1;
$mappings->{properties}{ 'match-heading' } = _get_elasticsearch_field_config('search', 'text') if $self->index eq 'authorities';
$all_mappings{$self->index} = $mappings;
return $all_mappings{$self->index};
=head2 raw_elasticsearch_mappings
Return elasticsearch mapping as it is in database.
marc_type: marc21|unimarc
$raw_mappings = raw_elasticsearch_mappings( $marc_type )
sub raw_elasticsearch_mappings {
my ( $marc_type ) = @_;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema();
my $search_fields = Koha::SearchFields->search({}, { order_by => { -asc => 'name' } });
my $mappings = {};
while ( my $search_field = $search_fields->next ) {
my $marc_to_fields = $schema->resultset('SearchMarcToField')->search(
{ search_field_id => $search_field->id },
join => 'search_marc_map',
order_by => { -asc => ['search_marc_map.marc_type','search_marc_map.marc_field'] }
while ( my $marc_to_field = $marc_to_fields->next ) {
my $marc_map = $marc_to_field->search_marc_map;
next if $marc_type && $marc_map->marc_type ne $marc_type;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{label} = $search_field->label;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{type} = $search_field->type;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{mandatory} = $search_field->mandatory;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{facet_order} = $search_field->facet_order if defined $search_field->facet_order;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{weight} = $search_field->weight if defined $search_field->weight;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{opac} = $search_field->opac if defined $search_field->opac;
$mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{staff_client} = $search_field->staff_client if defined $search_field->staff_client;
push (@{ $mappings->{ $marc_map->index_name }{ $search_field->name }{mappings} },
facet => $marc_to_field->facet || '',
marc_type => $marc_map->marc_type,
marc_field => $marc_map->marc_field,
sort => $marc_to_field->sort,
suggestible => $marc_to_field->suggestible || ''
return $mappings;
=head2 _get_elasticsearch_field_config
Get the Elasticsearch field config for the given purpose and data type.
$mapping = _get_elasticsearch_field_config('search', 'text');
sub _get_elasticsearch_field_config {
my ( $purpose, $type ) = @_;
# Use state to speed up repeated calls
state $settings = undef;
if (!defined $settings) {
my $config_file = C4::Context->config('elasticsearch_field_config');
$config_file ||= C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . '/admin/searchengine/elasticsearch/field_config.yaml';
local $YAML::XS::Boolean = 'JSON::PP';
$settings = YAML::XS::LoadFile( $config_file );
if (!defined $settings->{$purpose}) {
die "Field purpose $purpose not defined in field config";
if ($type eq '') {
return $settings->{$purpose};
if (defined $settings->{$purpose}{$type}) {
return $settings->{$purpose}{$type};
if (defined $settings->{$purpose}{'default'}) {
return $settings->{$purpose}{'default'};
=head2 _load_elasticsearch_mappings
Load Elasticsearch mappings in the format of mappings.yaml.
$indexes = _load_elasticsearch_mappings();
sub _load_elasticsearch_mappings {
my $mappings_yaml = C4::Context->config('elasticsearch_index_mappings');
$mappings_yaml ||= C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . '/admin/searchengine/elasticsearch/mappings.yaml';
return YAML::XS::LoadFile( $mappings_yaml );
sub reset_elasticsearch_mappings {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $indexes = $self->_load_elasticsearch_mappings();
while ( my ( $index_name, $fields ) = each %$indexes ) {
while ( my ( $field_name, $data ) = each %$fields ) {
my %sf_params = map { $_ => $data->{$_} } grep { exists $data->{$_} } qw/ type label weight staff_client opac facet_order mandatory/;
# Set default values
$sf_params{staff_client} //= 1;
$sf_params{opac} //= 1;
$sf_params{name} = $field_name;
my $search_field = Koha::SearchFields->find_or_create( \%sf_params, { key => 'name' } );
my $mappings = $data->{mappings};
for my $mapping ( @$mappings ) {
my $marc_field = Koha::SearchMarcMaps->find_or_create({
index_name => $index_name,
marc_type => $mapping->{marc_type},
marc_field => $mapping->{marc_field}
$search_field->add_to_search_marc_maps($marc_field, {
facet => $mapping->{facet} || 0,
suggestible => $mapping->{suggestible} || 0,
sort => $mapping->{sort} // 1,
search => $mapping->{search} // 1
# FIXME return the mappings?
# This overrides the accessor provided by Class::Accessor so that if
# sort_fields isn't set, then it'll generate it.
sub sort_fields {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $val = $self->_sort_fields_accessor();
return $val if $val;
# This will populate the accessor as a side effect
return $self->_sort_fields_accessor();
=head2 _process_mappings($mappings, $data, $record_document, $meta)
$self->_process_mappings($mappings, $marc_field_data, $record_document, 0)
Process all C<$mappings> targets operating on a specific MARC field C<$data>.
Since we group all mappings by MARC field targets C<$mappings> will contain
all targets for C<$data> and thus we need to fetch the MARC field only once.
C<$mappings> will be applied to C<$record_document> and new field values added.
The method has no return value.
=over 4
=item C<$mappings>
Arrayref of mappings containing arrayrefs in the format
[C<$target>, C<$options>] where C<$target> is the name of the target field and
C<$options> is a hashref containing processing directives for this particular
=item C<$data>
The source data from a MARC record field.
=item C<$record_document>
Hashref representing the Elasticsearch document on which mappings should be
=item C<$meta>
A hashref containing metadata useful for enforcing per mapping rules. For
example for providing extra context for mapping options, or treating mapping
targets differently depending on type (sort, search, facet etc). Combining
this metadata with the mapping options and metadata allows us to mutate the
data per mapping, or even replace it with other data retrieved from the
metadata context.
Current properties are:
C<altscript>: A boolean value indicating whether an alternate script presentation is being
C<data_source>: The source of the $<data> argument. Possible values are: 'leader', 'control_field',
'subfield' or 'subfields_group'.
C<code>: The code of the subfield C<$data> was retrieved, if C<data_source> is 'subfield'.
C<codes>: Subfield codes of the subfields group from which C<$data> was retrieved, if C<data_source>
is 'subfields_group'.
C<field>: The original C<MARC::Record> object.
sub _process_mappings {
my ($_self, $mappings, $data, $record_document, $meta) = @_;
foreach my $mapping (@{$mappings}) {
my ($target, $options) = @{$mapping};
# Don't process sort fields for alternate scripts
my $sort = $target =~ /__sort$/;
if ($sort && $meta->{altscript}) {
# Copy (scalar) data since can have multiple targets
# with differing options for (possibly) mutating data
# so need a different copy for each
my $data_copy = $data;
if (defined $options->{substr}) {
my ($start, $length) = @{$options->{substr}};
$data_copy = length($data) > $start ? substr $data_copy, $start, $length : '';
# Add data to values array for callbacks processing
my $values = [$data_copy];
# Value callbacks takes subfield data (or values from previous
# callbacks) as argument, and returns a possibly different list of values.
# Note that the returned list may also be empty.
if (defined $options->{value_callbacks}) {
foreach my $callback (@{$options->{value_callbacks}}) {
# Pass each value to current callback which returns a list
# (scalar is fine too) resulting either in a list or
# a list of lists that will be flattened by perl.
# The next callback will receive the possibly expanded list of values.
$values = [ map { $callback->($_) } @{$values} ];
# Skip mapping if all values has been removed
next unless @{$values};
if (defined $options->{property}) {
$values = [ map { { $options->{property} => $_ } if $_} @{$values} ];
if (defined $options->{nonfiling_characters_indicator}) {
my $nonfiling_chars = $meta->{field}->indicator($options->{nonfiling_characters_indicator});
$nonfiling_chars = looks_like_number($nonfiling_chars) ? int($nonfiling_chars) : 0;
# Nonfiling chars does not make sense for multiple values
# Only apply on first element
$values->[0] = substr $values->[0], $nonfiling_chars;
$values = [ grep(!/^$/, @{$values}) ];
$record_document->{$target} //= [];
push @{$record_document->{$target}}, @{$values};
=head2 marc_records_to_documents($marc_records)
my $record_documents = $self->marc_records_to_documents($marc_records);
Using mappings stored in database convert C<$marc_records> to Elasticsearch documents.
Returns array of hash references, representing Elasticsearch documents,
acceptable as body payload in C<Search::Elasticsearch> requests.
=over 4
=item C<$marc_documents>
Reference to array of C<MARC::Record> objects to be converted to Elasticsearch documents.
sub marc_records_to_documents {
my ($self, $records) = @_;
my $rules = $self->_get_marc_mapping_rules();
my $control_fields_rules = $rules->{control_fields};
my $data_fields_rules = $rules->{data_fields};
my $marcflavour = lc C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
my $use_array = C4::Context->preference('ElasticsearchMARCFormat') eq 'ARRAY';
my @record_documents;
my %auth_match_headings;
if( $self->index eq 'authorities' ){
my @auth_types = Koha::Authority::Types->search->as_list;
%auth_match_headings = map { $_->authtypecode => $_->auth_tag_to_report } @auth_types;
foreach my $record (@{$records}) {
my $record_document = {};
if ( $self->index eq 'authorities' ){
my $authtypecode = GuessAuthTypeCode( $record );
if( $authtypecode ){
if( $authtypecode !~ m/_SUBD/ ){ #Subdivision records will not be used for linking and so don't require match-heading to be built
my $field = $record->field( $auth_match_headings{ $authtypecode } );
my $heading = C4::Heading->new_from_field( $field, undef, 1 ); #new auth heading
push @{$record_document->{'match-heading'}}, $heading->search_form if $heading;
} else {
warn "Cannot determine authority type for record: " . $record->field('001')->as_string;
my $mappings = $rules->{leader};
if ($mappings) {
$self->_process_mappings($mappings, $record->leader(), $record_document, {
altscript => 0,
data_source => 'leader'
foreach my $field ($record->fields()) {
if ($field->is_control_field()) {
my $mappings = $control_fields_rules->{$field->tag()};
if ($mappings) {
$self->_process_mappings($mappings, $field->data(), $record_document, {
altscript => 0,
data_source => 'control_field',
field => $field
else {
my $tag = $field->tag();
# Handle alternate scripts in MARC 21
my $altscript = 0;
if ($marcflavour eq 'marc21' && $tag eq '880') {
my $sub6 = $field->subfield('6');
if ($sub6 =~ /^(...)-\d+/) {
$tag = $1;
$altscript = 1;
my $data_field_rules = $data_fields_rules->{$tag};
if ($data_field_rules) {
my $subfields_mappings = $data_field_rules->{subfields};
my $wildcard_mappings = $subfields_mappings->{'*'};
foreach my $subfield ($field->subfields()) {
my ($code, $data) = @{$subfield};
my $mappings = $subfields_mappings->{$code} // [];
if ($wildcard_mappings) {
$mappings = [@{$mappings}, @{$wildcard_mappings}];
if (@{$mappings}) {
$self->_process_mappings($mappings, $data, $record_document, {
altscript => $altscript,
data_source => 'subfield',
code => $code,
field => $field
my $subfields_join_mappings = $data_field_rules->{subfields_join};
if ($subfields_join_mappings) {
foreach my $subfields_group (keys %{$subfields_join_mappings}) {
my $data_field = $field->clone; #copy field to preserve for alt scripts
$data_field->delete_subfield(match => qr/^$/); #remove empty subfields, otherwise they are printed as a space
my $data = $data_field->as_string( $subfields_group ); #get values for subfields as a combined string, preserving record order
if ($data) {
$self->_process_mappings($subfields_join_mappings->{$subfields_group}, $data, $record_document, {
altscript => $altscript,
data_source => 'subfields_group',
codes => $subfields_group,
field => $field
if (C4::Context->preference('IncludeSeeFromInSearches') and $self->index eq 'biblios') {
foreach my $field (Koha::Filter::MARC::EmbedSeeFromHeadings->new->fields($record)) {
my $data_field_rules = $data_fields_rules->{$field->tag()};
if ($data_field_rules) {
my $subfields_mappings = $data_field_rules->{subfields};
my $wildcard_mappings = $subfields_mappings->{'*'};
foreach my $subfield ($field->subfields()) {
my ($code, $data) = @{$subfield};
my @mappings;
push @mappings, @{ $subfields_mappings->{$code} } if $subfields_mappings->{$code};
push @mappings, @$wildcard_mappings if $wildcard_mappings;
# Do not include "see from" into these kind of fields
@mappings = grep { $_->[0] !~ /__(sort|facet|suggestion)$/ } @mappings;
if (@mappings) {
$self->_process_mappings(\@mappings, $data, $record_document, {
data_source => 'subfield',
code => $code,
field => $field
my $subfields_join_mappings = $data_field_rules->{subfields_join};
if ($subfields_join_mappings) {
foreach my $subfields_group (keys %{$subfields_join_mappings}) {
my $data_field = $field->clone;
# remove empty subfields, otherwise they are printed as a space
$data_field->delete_subfield(match => qr/^$/);
my $data = $data_field->as_string( $subfields_group );
if ($data) {
my @mappings = @{ $subfields_join_mappings->{$subfields_group} };
# Do not include "see from" into these kind of fields
@mappings = grep { $_->[0] !~ /__(sort|facet|suggestion)$/ } @mappings;
$self->_process_mappings(\@mappings, $data, $record_document, {
data_source => 'subfields_group',
codes => $subfields_group,
field => $field
foreach my $field (keys %{$rules->{defaults}}) {
unless (defined $record_document->{$field}) {
$record_document->{$field} = $rules->{defaults}->{$field};
foreach my $field (@{$rules->{sum}}) {
if (defined $record_document->{$field}) {
# TODO: validate numeric? filter?
# TODO: Or should only accept fields without nested values?
# TODO: Quick and dirty, improve if needed
$record_document->{$field} = sum0(grep { !ref($_) && m/\d+(\.\d+)?/} @{$record_document->{$field}});
# Index all applicable ISBN forms (ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 with and without dashes)
foreach my $field (@{$rules->{isbn}}) {
if (defined $record_document->{$field}) {
my @isbns = ();
foreach my $input_isbn (@{$record_document->{$field}}) {
my $isbn = Business::ISBN->new($input_isbn);
if (defined $isbn && $isbn->is_valid) {
my $isbn13 = $isbn->as_isbn13->as_string;
push @isbns, $isbn13;
$isbn13 =~ s/\-//g;
push @isbns, $isbn13;
my $isbn10 = $isbn->as_isbn10;
if ($isbn10) {
$isbn10 = $isbn10->as_string;
push @isbns, $isbn10;
$isbn10 =~ s/\-//g;
push @isbns, $isbn10;
} else {
push @isbns, $input_isbn;
$record_document->{$field} = \@isbns;
# Remove duplicate values and collapse sort fields
foreach my $field (keys %{$record_document}) {
if (ref($record_document->{$field}) eq 'ARRAY') {
@{$record_document->{$field}} = do {
my %seen;
grep { !$seen{ref($_) eq 'HASH' && defined $_->{input} ? $_->{input} : $_}++ } @{$record_document->{$field}};
if ($field =~ /__sort$/) {
# Make sure to keep the sort field length sensible. 255 was chosen as a nice round value.
$record_document->{$field} = [substr(join(' ', @{$record_document->{$field}}), 0, 255)];
# TODO: Perhaps should check if $records_document non empty, but really should never be the case
if ($use_array) {
$record_document->{'marc_data_array'} = $self->_marc_to_array($record);
$record_document->{'marc_format'} = 'ARRAY';
} else {
my @warnings;
# Temporarily intercept all warn signals (MARC::Record carps when record length > 99999)
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
push @warnings, $_[0];
$record_document->{'marc_data'} = encode_base64(encode('UTF-8', $record->as_usmarc()));
if (@warnings) {
# Suppress warnings if record length exceeded
unless (substr($record->leader(), 0, 5) eq '99999') {
foreach my $warning (@warnings) {
carp $warning;
$record_document->{'marc_data'} = $record->as_xml_record($marcflavour);
$record_document->{'marc_format'} = 'MARCXML';
else {
$record_document->{'marc_format'} = 'base64ISO2709';
push @record_documents, $record_document;
return \@record_documents;
=head2 _marc_to_array($record)
my @fields = _marc_to_array($record)
Convert a MARC::Record to an array modeled after MARC-in-JSON
=over 4
=item C<$record>
A MARC::Record object
sub _marc_to_array {
my ($self, $record) = @_;
my $data = {
leader => $record->leader(),
fields => []
for my $field ($record->fields()) {
my $tag = $field->tag();
if ($field->is_control_field()) {
push @{$data->{fields}}, {$tag => $field->data()};
} else {
my $subfields = ();
foreach my $subfield ($field->subfields()) {
my ($code, $contents) = @{$subfield};
push @{$subfields}, {$code => $contents};
push @{$data->{fields}}, {
$tag => {
ind1 => $field->indicator(1),
ind2 => $field->indicator(2),
subfields => $subfields
return $data;
=head2 _array_to_marc($data)
my $record = _array_to_marc($data)
Convert an array modeled after MARC-in-JSON to a MARC::Record
=over 4
=item C<$data>
An array modeled after MARC-in-JSON
sub _array_to_marc {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
for my $field (@{$data->{fields}}) {
my $tag = (keys %{$field})[0];
$field = $field->{$tag};
my $marc_field;
if (ref($field) eq 'HASH') {
my @subfields;
foreach my $subfield (@{$field->{subfields}}) {
my $code = (keys %{$subfield})[0];
push @subfields, $code;
push @subfields, $subfield->{$code};
$marc_field = MARC::Field->new($tag, $field->{ind1}, $field->{ind2}, @subfields);
} else {
$marc_field = MARC::Field->new($tag, $field)
return $record;
=head2 _field_mappings($facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $target_name, $target_type, $range)
my @mappings = _field_mappings($facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $target_name, $target_type, $range)
Get mappings, an internal data structure later used by
L<_process_mappings($mappings, $data, $record_document, $meta)> to process MARC target
data for a MARC mapping.
The returned C<$mappings> is not to to be confused with mappings provided by
C<_foreach_mapping>, rather this sub accepts properties from a mapping as
provided by C<_foreach_mapping> and expands it to this internal data structure.
In the caller context (C<_get_marc_mapping_rules>) the returned C<@mappings>
is then applied to each MARC target (leader, control field data, subfield or
joined subfields) and integrated into the mapping rules data structure used in
C<marc_records_to_documents> to transform MARC records into Elasticsearch
=over 4
=item C<$facet>
Boolean indicating whether to create a facet field for this mapping.
=item C<$suggestible>
Boolean indicating whether to create a suggestion field for this mapping.
=item C<$sort>
Boolean indicating whether to create a sort field for this mapping.
=item C<$search>
Boolean indicating whether to create a search field for this mapping.
=item C<$target_name>
Elasticsearch document target field name.
=item C<$target_type>
Elasticsearch document target field type.
=item C<$range>
An optional range as a string in the format "<START>-<END>" or "<START>",
where "<START>" and "<END>" are integers specifying a range that will be used
for extracting a substring from MARC data as Elasticsearch field target value.
The first character position is "0", and the range is inclusive,
so "0-2" means the first three characters of MARC data.
If only "<START>" is provided only one character at position "<START>" will
be extracted.
sub _field_mappings {
my ($_self, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $target_name, $target_type, $range) = @_;
my %mapping_defaults = ();
my @mappings;
my $substr_args = undef;
if (defined $range) {
# TODO: use value_callback instead?
my ($start, $end) = map(int, split /-/, $range, 2);
$substr_args = [$start];
push @{$substr_args}, (defined $end ? $end - $start + 1 : 1);
my $default_options = {};
if ($substr_args) {
$default_options->{substr} = $substr_args;
# TODO: Should probably have per type value callback/hook
# but hard code for now
if ($target_type eq 'boolean') {
$default_options->{value_callbacks} //= [];
push @{$default_options->{value_callbacks}}, sub {
my ($value) = @_;
# Trim whitespace at both ends
$value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $value ? 'true' : 'false';
elsif ($target_type eq 'year') {
$default_options->{value_callbacks} //= [];
# Only accept years containing digits and "u"
push @{$default_options->{value_callbacks}}, sub {
my ($value) = @_;
# Replace "u" with "0" for sorting
return map { s/[u\s]/0/gr } ( $value =~ /[0-9u\s]{4}/g );
if ($search) {
my $mapping = [$target_name, $default_options];
push @mappings, $mapping;
my @suffixes = ();
push @suffixes, 'facet' if $facet;
push @suffixes, 'suggestion' if $suggestible;
push @suffixes, 'sort' if !defined $sort || $sort;
foreach my $suffix (@suffixes) {
my $mapping = ["${target_name}__$suffix"];
# TODO: Hack, fix later in less hideous manner
if ($suffix eq 'suggestion') {
push @{$mapping}, {%{$default_options}, property => 'input'};
else {
# Important! Make shallow clone, or we end up with the same hashref
# shared by all mappings
push @{$mapping}, {%{$default_options}};
push @mappings, $mapping;
return @mappings;
=head2 _get_marc_mapping_rules
my $mapping_rules = $self->_get_marc_mapping_rules()
Generates rules from mappings stored in database for MARC records to Elasticsearch JSON document conversion.
Since field retrieval is slow in C<MARC::Records> (all fields are itereted through for
each call to C<MARC::Record>->field) we create an optimized structure of mapping
rules keyed by MARC field tags holding all the mapping rules for that particular tag.
We can then iterate through all MARC fields for each record and apply all relevant
rules once per fields instead of retreiving fields multiple times for each mapping rule
which is terribly slow.
# TODO: This structure can be used for processing multiple MARC::Records so is currently
# rebuilt for each batch. Since it is cacheable it could also be stored in an in
# memory cache which it is currently not. The performance gain of caching
# would probably be marginal, but to do this could be a further improvement.
sub _get_marc_mapping_rules {
my ($self) = @_;
my $marcflavour = lc C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
my $field_spec_regexp = qr/^([0-9]{3})([()0-9a-zA-Z]+)?(?:_\/(\d+(?:-\d+)?))?$/;
my $leader_regexp = qr/^leader(?:_\/(\d+(?:-\d+)?))?$/;
my $rules = {
'leader' => [],
'control_fields' => {},
'data_fields' => {},
'sum' => [],
'isbn' => [],
'defaults' => {}
$self->_foreach_mapping(sub {
my ($name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $marc_type, $marc_field) = @_;
return if $marc_type ne $marcflavour;
if ($type eq 'sum') {
push @{$rules->{sum}}, $name;
push @{$rules->{sum}}, $name."__sort" if $sort;
elsif ($type eq 'isbn') {
push @{$rules->{isbn}}, $name;
elsif ($type eq 'boolean') {
# boolean gets special handling, if value doesn't exist for a field,
# it is set to false
$rules->{defaults}->{$name} = 'false';
if ($marc_field =~ $field_spec_regexp) {
my $field_tag = $1;
my @subfields;
my @subfield_groups;
# Parse and separate subfields form subfield groups
if (defined $2) {
my $subfield_group = '';
my $open_group = 0;
foreach my $token (split //, $2) {
if ($token eq "(") {
if ($open_group) {
"Unmatched opening parenthesis for $marc_field"
else {
$open_group = 1;
elsif ($token eq ")") {
if ($open_group) {
if ($subfield_group) {
push @subfield_groups, $subfield_group;
$subfield_group = '';
$open_group = 0;
else {
"Unmatched closing parenthesis for $marc_field"
elsif ($open_group) {
$subfield_group .= $token;
else {
push @subfields, $token;
else {
push @subfields, '*';
my $range = defined $3 ? $3 : undef;
my @mappings = $self->_field_mappings($facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $name, $type, $range);
if ($field_tag < 10) {
$rules->{control_fields}->{$field_tag} //= [];
push @{$rules->{control_fields}->{$field_tag}}, @mappings;
else {
$rules->{data_fields}->{$field_tag} //= {};
foreach my $subfield (@subfields) {
$rules->{data_fields}->{$field_tag}->{subfields}->{$subfield} //= [];
push @{$rules->{data_fields}->{$field_tag}->{subfields}->{$subfield}}, @mappings;
foreach my $subfield_group (@subfield_groups) {
$rules->{data_fields}->{$field_tag}->{subfields_join}->{$subfield_group} //= [];
push @{$rules->{data_fields}->{$field_tag}->{subfields_join}->{$subfield_group}}, @mappings;
elsif ($marc_field =~ $leader_regexp) {
my $range = defined $1 ? $1 : undef;
my @mappings = $self->_field_mappings($facet, $suggestible, $sort, $search, $name, $type, $range);
push @{$rules->{leader}}, @mappings;
else {
"Invalid MARC field expression: $marc_field"
# Marc-flavour specific rule tweaks, could/should also provide hook for this
if ($marcflavour eq 'marc21') {
# Nonfiling characters processing for sort fields
my %title_fields;
if ($self->index eq $Koha::SearchEngine::BIBLIOS_INDEX) {
# Format is: nonfiling characters indicator => field names list
%title_fields = (
1 => [130, 630, 730, 740],
2 => [222, 240, 242, 243, 245, 440, 830]
elsif ($self->index eq $Koha::SearchEngine::AUTHORITIES_INDEX) {
%title_fields = (
1 => [730],
2 => [130, 430, 530]
foreach my $indicator (keys %title_fields) {
foreach my $field_tag (@{$title_fields{$indicator}}) {
my $mappings = $rules->{data_fields}->{$field_tag}->{subfields}->{a} // [];
foreach my $mapping (@{$mappings}) {
if ($mapping->[0] =~ /__sort$/) {
# Mark this as to be processed for nonfiling characters indicator
# later on in _process_mappings
$mapping->[1]->{nonfiling_characters_indicator} = $indicator;
return $rules;
=head2 _foreach_mapping
sub {
my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type,
$marc_field )
= @_;
return unless $marc_type eq 'marc21';
print "Data comes from: " . $marc_field . "\n";
This allows you to apply a function to each entry in the elasticsearch mappings
table, in order to build the mappings for whatever is needed.
In the provided function, the files are:
=over 4
=item C<$name>
The field name for elasticsearch (corresponds to the 'mapping' column in the
=item C<$type>
The type for this value, e.g. 'string'.
=item C<$facet>
True if this value should be facetised. This only really makes sense if the
field is understood by the facet processing code anyway.
=item C<$sort>
True if this is a field that a) needs special sort handling, and b) if it
should be sorted on. False if a) but not b). Undef if not a). This allows,
for example, author to be sorted on but not everything marked with "author"
to be included in that sort.
=item C<$marc_type>
A string that indicates the MARC type that this mapping is for, e.g. 'marc21',
=item C<$marc_field>
A string that describes the MARC field that contains the data to extract.
sub _foreach_mapping {
my ( $self, $sub ) = @_;
# TODO use a caching framework here
my $search_fields = Koha::Database->schema->resultset('SearchField')->search(
'search_marc_map.index_name' => $self->index,
{ join => { search_marc_to_fields => 'search_marc_map' },
'+select' => [
'+as' => [
while ( my $search_field = $search_fields->next ) {
# Force lower case on indexed field names for case insensitive
# field name searches
=head2 process_error
die process_error($@);
This parses an Elasticsearch error message and produces a human-readable
result from it. This result is probably missing all the useful information
that you might want in diagnosing an issue, so the warning is also logged.
Note that currently the resulting message is not internationalised. This
will happen eventually by some method or other.
sub process_error {
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
warn $msg; # simple logging
# This is super-primitive
return "Unable to understand your search query, please rephrase and try again.\n" if $msg =~ /ParseException|parse_exception/;
return "Unable to perform your search. Please try again.\n";
=head2 _read_configuration
my $conf = _read_configuration();
Reads the I<configuration file> and returns a hash structure with the
configuration information. It raises an exception if mandatory entries
are missing.
The hashref structure has the following form:
'nodes' => ['', 'anotherserver:9200'],
'index_name' => 'koha_instance',
This is configured by the following in the C<config> block in koha-conf.xml:
sub _read_configuration {
my $configuration;
my $conf = C4::Context->config('elasticsearch');
unless ( defined $conf ) {
"Missing <elasticsearch> entry in koha-conf.xml"
unless ( exists $conf->{server} ) {
"Missing <elasticsearch>/<server> entry in koha-conf.xml"
unless ( exists $conf->{index_name} ) {
"Missing <elasticsearch>/<index_name> entry in koha-conf.xml",
while ( my ( $var, $val ) = each %$conf ) {
if ( $var eq 'server' ) {
if ( ref($val) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$configuration->{nodes} = $val;
else {
$configuration->{nodes} = [$val];
} else {
$configuration->{$var} = $val;
$configuration->{cxn_pool} //= 'Static';
return $configuration;
=head2 get_facetable_fields
my @facetable_fields = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch->get_facetable_fields();
Returns the list of Koha::SearchFields marked to be faceted in the ES configuration
sub get_facetable_fields {
my ($self) = @_;
# These should correspond to the ES field names, as opposed to the CCL
# things that zebra uses.
my @search_field_names = qw( author itype location su-geo title-series subject ccode holdingbranch homebranch ln );
my @faceted_fields = Koha::SearchFields->search(
{ name => { -in => \@search_field_names }, facet_order => { '!=' => undef } }, { order_by => ['facet_order'] }
my @not_faceted_fields = Koha::SearchFields->search(
{ name => { -in => \@search_field_names }, facet_order => undef }, { order_by => ['facet_order'] }
# This could certainly be improved
return ( @faceted_fields, @not_faceted_fields );
=head2 clear_search_fields_cache
Clear cached values for ES search fields
sub clear_search_fields_cache {
my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance();
=head1 AUTHOR
=over 4
=item Chris Cormack C<< <> >>
=item Robin Sheat C<< <> >>
=item Jonathan Druart C<< <> >>