Refactor the most performance critical subroutines in Circulation.pm to take objects instead of unblessed ones to reduce unnecessary unblessings and generally clean up the code. To test: 1) Ensure the following tests all pass: t/db_dependent/Circulation.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/CalcDateDue.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/CheckIfIssuedToPatron.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/GetPendingOnSiteCheckouts.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/GetTopIssues.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/IsItemIssued.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/MarkIssueReturned.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/ReturnClaims.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/Returns.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/SwitchOnSiteCheckouts.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/TooMany.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/dateexpiry.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/issue.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/maxsuspensiondays.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/transferbook.t t/db_dependent/Circulation_holdsqueue.t t/db_dependent/DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t t/db_dependent/Holds/DisallowHoldIfItemsAvailable.t t/db_dependent/Holds/RevertWaitingStatus.t t/db_dependent/ILSDI_Services.t t/db_dependent/Illrequests.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Account/Line.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Biblio.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Items.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Object.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Patrons.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Pseudonymization.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Template/Plugin/CirculationRules.t t/db_dependent/Letters/TemplateToolkit.t t/db_dependent/Members/GetAllIssues.t t/db_dependent/Members/IssueSlip.t t/db_dependent/Patron/Borrower_Discharge.t t/db_dependent/Patron/Borrower_PrevCheckout.t t/db_dependent/SIP/ILS.t t/db_dependent/Holds.t t/db_dependent/Holds/LocalHoldsPriority.t t/db_dependent/Holds/HoldFulfillmentPolicy.t t/db_dependent/Holds/HoldItemtypeLimit.t t/db_dependent/Reserves/GetReserveFee.t t/db_dependent/api/v1/return_claims.t t/db_dependent/api/v1/biblios.t t/db_dependent/api/v1/checkouts.t t/db_dependent/Reserves.t t/db_dependent/HoldsQueue.t t/db_dependent/selenium/regressions.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Plugins/Circulation_hooks.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Plugins/Recall_hooks.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Recalls.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Recall.t t/db_dependent/Circulation/_CalculateAndUpdateFine.t Sponsored-by: Gothenburg University Library Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
360 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
360 lines
14 KiB
Executable file
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 19;
use Test::MockModule;
use DBI;
use DateTime;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use C4::Calendar qw( new insert_single_holiday delete_holiday insert_week_day_holiday );
use Koha::CirculationRules;
use_ok('C4::Circulation', qw( CalcDateDue ));
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $library = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' })->store;
my $dateexpiry = '2013-01-01';
my $patron_category = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => { category_type => 'B' } })->store;
my $borrower = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode,
dateexpiry => $dateexpiry,
my $itemtype = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' })->store->itemtype;
my $issuelength = 10;
my $renewalperiod = 5;
my $lengthunit = 'days';
categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode,
itemtype => $itemtype,
branchcode => $library->branchcode,
rules => {
issuelength => $issuelength,
renewalperiod => $renewalperiod,
lengthunit => $lengthunit,
#Set syspref ReturnBeforeExpiry = 1 and useDaysMode = 'Days'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ReturnBeforeExpiry', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('useDaysMode', 'Days');
my $branchcode = $library->branchcode;
my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance();
my $key = $branchcode . "_holidays";
my $start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
my $date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, $dateexpiry . 'T23:59:00', 'date expiry');
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
#Set syspref ReturnBeforeExpiry = 1 and useDaysMode != 'Days'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ReturnBeforeExpiry', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('useDaysMode', 'noDays');
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, $dateexpiry . 'T23:59:00', 'date expiry with useDaysMode to noDays');
# Let's add a special holiday on 2013-01-01. With ReturnBeforeExpiry and
# useDaysMode different from 'Days', return should forward the dateexpiry.
my $calendar = C4::Calendar->new(branchcode => $branchcode);
day => 1,
month => 1,
year => 2013,
title =>'holidayTest',
description => 'holidayDesc'
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, '2012-12-31T23:59:00', 'date expiry should be 2013-01-01 -1 day');
day => 31,
month => 12,
year => 2012,
title =>'holidayTest',
description => 'holidayDesc'
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, '2012-12-30T23:59:00', 'date expiry should be 2013-01-01 -2 day');
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
#Set syspref ReturnBeforeExpiry = 0 and useDaysMode = 'Days'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ReturnBeforeExpiry', 0);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('useDaysMode', 'Days');
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, '2013-02-' . (9 + $issuelength) . 'T23:59:00', "date expiry ( 9 + $issuelength )");
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
is($date, '2013-02-' . (9 + $renewalperiod) . 'T23:59:00', "date expiry ( 9 + $renewalperiod )");
# Now we want to test the Dayweek useDaysMode option
# For this we need a loan period that is a mutiple of 7 days
# But, since we currently don't have that, let's test it does the
# right thing in that case, it should act as though useDaysMode is set to
# Datedue
#Set syspref ReturnBeforeExpiry = 0 and useDaysMode = 'Dayweek'
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ReturnBeforeExpiry', 0);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('useDaysMode', 'Dayweek');
# No closed day interfering, so we should get the regular due date
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, '2013-02-' . (9 + $issuelength) . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, no closed days, issue date expiry ( start + $issuelength )");
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
is($date, '2013-02-' . (9 + $renewalperiod) . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, no closed days, renewal date expiry ( start + $renewalperiod )");
# Now let's add a closed day on the expected renewal date, it should
# roll forward as per Datedue (i.e. one day at a time)
# For issues...
day => 9 + $issuelength,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
title =>'DayweekTest1',
description => 'DayweekTest1'
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower );
is($date, '2013-02-' . (9 + $issuelength + 1) . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, closed on due date, 10 day loan (should not trigger 7 day roll forward), issue date expiry ( start + $issuelength + 1 )");
# Remove the holiday we just created
day => 9 + $issuelength,
month => 2,
year => 2013
# ...and for renewals...
day => 9 + $renewalperiod,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
title =>'DayweekTest2',
description => 'DayweekTest2'
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
is($date, '2013-02-' . (9 + $renewalperiod + 1) . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, closed on due date, 5 day renewal (should not trigger 7 day roll forward), renewal date expiry ( start + $renewalperiod + 1 )");
# Remove the holiday we just created
day => 9 + $renewalperiod,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
# Now we test it does the right thing if the loan and renewal periods
# are a multiple of 7 days
my $dayweek_issuelength = 14;
my $dayweek_renewalperiod = 7;
my $dayweek_lengthunit = 'days';
$patron_category = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => { category_type => 'K' } })->store;
categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode,
itemtype => $itemtype,
branchcode => $branchcode,
rules => {
issuelength => $dayweek_issuelength,
renewalperiod => $dayweek_renewalperiod,
lengthunit => $dayweek_lengthunit,
my $dayweek_borrower = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode,
dateexpiry => $dateexpiry,
# For issues...
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
day => 9 + $dayweek_issuelength,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
title =>'DayweekTest3',
description => 'DayweekTest3'
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $dayweek_borrower );
my $issue_should_add = $dayweek_issuelength + 7;
my $dayweek_issue_expected = $start_date->add( days => $issue_should_add );
is($date, $dayweek_issue_expected->strftime('%F') . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, closed on due date, 14 day loan (should trigger 7 day roll forward), issue date expiry ( start + $issue_should_add )");
# Remove the holiday we just created
day => 9 + $dayweek_issuelength,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
# ...and for renewals...
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
day => 9 + $dayweek_renewalperiod,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
title => 'DayweekTest4',
description => 'DayweekTest4'
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $dayweek_borrower, 1 );
my $renewal_should_add = $dayweek_renewalperiod + 7;
my $dayweek_renewal_expected = $start_date->add( days => $renewal_should_add );
is($date, $dayweek_renewal_expected->strftime('%F') . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, closed on due date, 7 day renewal (should trigger 7 day roll forward), renewal date expiry ( start + $renewal_should_add )");
# Remove the holiday we just created
day => 9 + $dayweek_renewalperiod,
month => 2,
year => 2013,
# Now test it continues to roll forward by 7 days until it finds
# an open day, so we create a 3 week period of closed Saturdays
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
my $expected_rolled_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 3, day => 9});
my $holiday = $start_date->clone();
$holiday->add(days => 7);
day => $holiday->day,
month => $holiday->month,
year => 2013,
title =>'DayweekTest5',
description => 'DayweekTest5'
$holiday->add(days => 7);
day => $holiday->day,
month => $holiday->month,
year => 2013,
title =>'DayweekTest6',
description => 'DayweekTest6'
$holiday->add(days => 7);
day => $holiday->day,
month => $holiday->month,
year => 2013,
title =>'DayweekTest7',
description => 'DayweekTest7'
# For issues...
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $dayweek_borrower );
$dayweek_issue_expected = $start_date->add( days => $issue_should_add );
is($date, $expected_rolled_date->strftime('%F') . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, closed on due date and two subequent due dates, 14 day loan (should trigger 2 x 7 day roll forward), issue date expiry ( start + 28 )");
# ...and for renewals...
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $dayweek_borrower, 1 );
$dayweek_issue_expected = $start_date->add( days => $renewal_should_add );
is($date, $expected_rolled_date->strftime('%F') . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, closed on due date and three subsequent due dates, 7 day renewal (should trigger 3 x 7 day roll forward), issue date expiry ( start + 28 )");
# Remove the holidays we just created
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
my $del_holiday = $start_date->clone();
$del_holiday->add(days => 7);
day => $del_holiday->day,
month => $del_holiday->month,
year => 2013
$del_holiday->add(days => 7);
day => $del_holiday->day,
month => $del_holiday->month,
year => 2013
$del_holiday->add(days => 7);
day => $del_holiday->day,
month => $del_holiday->month,
year => 2013
# Now test that useDaysMode "Dayweek" doesn't try to roll forward onto
# a permanently closed day and instead rolls forward just one day
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
# Our tests are concerned with Saturdays, so let's close on Saturdays
weekday => 6,
title => "Saturday closure",
description => "Closed on Saturdays"
# For issues...
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $dayweek_borrower );
$dayweek_issue_expected = $start_date->add( days => $dayweek_issuelength + 1 );
is($date, $dayweek_issue_expected->strftime('%F') . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, due on Saturday, closed on Saturdays, 14 day loan (should trigger 1 day roll forward), issue date expiry ( start + 15 )");
# ...and for renewals...
$start_date = DateTime->new({year => 2013, month => 2, day => 9});
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $dayweek_borrower, 1 );
$dayweek_renewal_expected = $start_date->add( days => $dayweek_renewalperiod + 1 );
is($date, $dayweek_renewal_expected->strftime('%F') . 'T23:59:00', "useDaysMode = Dayweek, due on Saturday, closed on Saturdays, 7 day renewal (should trigger 1 day roll forward), issue date expiry ( start + 8 )");
# Remove the holiday we just created
weekday => 6
# Renewal period of 0 is valid
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
branchcode => undef,
rules => {
issuelength => 9999,
renewalperiod => 0,
lengthunit => 'days',
daysmode => 'Days',
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
is( $date->ymd, $start_date->ymd, "Dates should match for renewalperiod of 0" );
# Renewal period of "" should trigger fallover to issuelength for renewal
categorycode => undef,
itemtype => undef,
branchcode => undef,
rules => {
issuelength => 7,
renewalperiod => q{},
lengthunit => 'days',
daysmode => 'Days',
my $renewed_date = $start_date->clone->add( days => 7 );
$date = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $start_date, $itemtype, $branchcode, $borrower, 1 );
is( $date->ymd, $renewed_date->ymd, 'Renewal period of "" should trigger fallover to issuelength for renewal' );