Nick Clemens
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <> Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
285 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
285 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use MARC::Record;
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::Warn;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::ItemTypes;
use_ok('C4::XSLT', qw( transformMARCXML4XSLT getAuthorisedValues4MARCSubfields buildKohaItemsNamespace ));
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
subtest 'transformMARCXML4XSLT tests' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
my $itemtype = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' });
my $itemtype_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' });
my $branch = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $branch_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $branches = { map { $_->branchcode => $_->branchname } Koha::Libraries->search({}, { order_by => 'branchname' })->as_list };
my $itemtypes = { map { $_->{itemtype} => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization->unblessed } };
my $auth_val = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::AuthorisedValues' });
my $av = {
942 => { 'n' => { category => "SUPPRESS", SUPPRESS => { 1 => 'banana' } } },
952 => {
'a' => { category => $auth_val->category, $auth_val->category => {
$auth_val->authorised_value => $auth_val->unblessed
'b' => { category => $auth_val->category, $auth_val->category => {
$auth_val->authorised_value => $auth_val->unblessed
'c' => { category => "branches" },
'd' => { category => "itemtypes" }
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
my $suppress_field = MARC::Field->new( 942, ' ', ' ', n => '1' );
my $mapped_field = MARC::Field->new( 952, ' ', ' ',
a => $auth_val->authorised_value,
b => "POTATO",
c => $branch->branchcode,
d => $itemtype->itemtype
$record->append_fields( ($suppress_field, $mapped_field ) );
C4::XSLT::transformMARCXML4XSLT( 3, $record, 0, $branches, $itemtypes, $av );
is($record->subfield( '942', 'n' ),1,'942$n is not transformed');
is($record->subfield( '952', 'a' ),$auth_val->lib,'952$a is transformed when value found');
is($record->subfield( '952', 'b' ),'POTATO','952$b is not transformed when value not found');
is($record->subfield( '952', 'c' ),$branch->branchname,'952$c is transformed when valid branchcode');
is($record->subfield( '952', 'd' ),$itemtype->translated_description,'952$d is transformed when valid itemtype');
$av->{952}->{a}->{$auth_val->category}->{$auth_val->authorised_value}->{lib} = "";
$record->field(952)->update( a => $auth_val->authorised_value, c => $branch_2->branchcode, d => $itemtype_2->itemtype );
C4::XSLT::transformMARCXML4XSLT( 3, $record, $branches, $itemtypes, $av );
is($record->subfield( '952', 'a' ),$auth_val->authorised_value,'952$a is not transformed when value found but blank');
is($record->subfield( '952', 'c' ),$branch_2->branchcode,'952$c is returned unaltered invalid branchcode');
is($record->subfield( '952', 'd' ),$itemtype_2->itemtype,'952$d is returned unaltered when invalid itemtype');
subtest 'buildKohaItemsNamespace status tests' => sub {
plan tests => 17;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('Reference_NFL_Statuses', '1|2');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACResultsLibrary', 'holdingbranch' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'OPACResultsMaxItems', '2' );
my $itype = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' });
my $itemtype = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::ItemTypes' });
my $holdinglibrary = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item({ itype => $itype->itemtype });
$item->holdingbranch( $holdinglibrary->branchcode )->store;
my $branches = { map { $_->branchcode => $_->branchname } Koha::Libraries->search({}, { order_by => 'branchname' })->as_list };
my $itemtypes = { map { $_->{itemtype} => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search->unblessed } };
my $xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<status>available</status>},"Item is available when no other status applied");
# notforloan
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('item-level_itypes', 0);
$itemtypes = { map { $_->{itemtype} => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search->unblessed } };
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<status>reference</status>},"reference if positive itype notforloan value");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('item-level_itypes', 1);
$itemtypes = { map { $_->{itemtype} => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search->unblessed } };
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<status>reference</status>},"reference if positive itemtype notforloan value");
my $substatus = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => 'NOT_LOAN', authorised_value => -1 })->next->lib;
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<status>reallynotforloan</status>},"reallynotforloan if negative notforloan value");
like($xml,qr{<substatus>$substatus</substatus>},"substatus set if negative notforloan value");
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<status>reference</status>},"reference if positive notforloan value");
# But now make status notforloan==1 count under Not available
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('Reference_NFL_Statuses', '2');
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<status>reallynotforloan</status>},"reallynotforloan when we change Reference_NFL_Statuses");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('Reference_NFL_Statuses', '1|2');
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like( $xml, qr/<status>other<\/status>/, "Checked out is part of other statuses" );
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Checked out</substatus>},"Checked out status takes precedence over Not for loan");
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Withdrawn</substatus>},"Withdrawn status takes precedence over Checked out");
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Lost</substatus>},"Lost status takes precedence over Withdrawn");
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Damaged</substatus>},"Damaged status takes precedence over Lost");
$builder->build({ source => "Branchtransfer", value => {
itemnumber => $item->itemnumber,
datearrived => undef,
datecancelled => undef,
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>In transit</substatus>},"In-transit status takes precedence over Damaged");
my $hold = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Holds', value => {
biblionumber => $item->biblionumber,
itemnumber => $item->itemnumber,
found => 'W',
priority => 0,
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Hold waiting</substatus>},"Waiting status takes precedence over In transit");
$builder->build({ source => "TmpHoldsqueue", value => {
itemnumber => $item->itemnumber
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[], undef, $branches, $itemtypes);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Pending hold</substatus>},"Pending status takes precedence over all");
my $library_name = $holdinglibrary->branchname;
like($xml,qr{<resultbranch>${library_name}</resultbranch>}, "Found resultbranch / holding branch" );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UseRecalls', 1);
my $recall = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Recalls', value => {
biblionumber => $item->biblionumber,
itemnumber => $item->itemnumber,
branchcode => $item->holdingbranch,
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $item->biblionumber,[]);
like($xml,qr{<substatus>Recall waiting</substatus>},"Waiting status takes precedence over In transit (recalls)");
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('UseRecalls', 0);
subtest 'buildKohaItemsNamespace() including/omitting items tests' => sub {
plan tests => 23;
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
my $biblio2 = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
# Have two known libraries for testing purposes
my $library_1 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $library_2 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $library_3 = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' });
my $item_1 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $library_1->id });
my $item_2 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $library_2->id });
my $item_3 = $builder->build_sample_item({ biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber, library => $library_3->id });
my $items_rs = $biblio->items->search({ "me.itemnumber" => { '!=' => $item_3->itemnumber } });
my $branches = { map { $_->branchcode => $_->branchname } Koha::Libraries->search({}, { order_by => 'branchname' })->as_list };
my $itemtypes = { map { $_->{itemtype} => $_ } @{ Koha::ItemTypes->search->unblessed } };
## Test passing items_rs only
my $xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, undef, $items_rs, $branches, $itemtypes );
my $library_1_name = $library_1->branchname;
my $library_2_name = $library_2->branchname;
my $library_3_name = $library_3->branchname;
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 not present in the XML' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OpacHiddenItems', 'biblionumber: ['.$biblio2->biblionumber.']');
my $hid_rs = $biblio->items->search({ "me.itemnumber" => { '!=' => $item_3->itemnumber } })->filter_by_visible_in_opac();
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, undef, $hid_rs, $branches, $itemtypes );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 not present in the XML' );
## Test passing one item in hidden_items and items_rs
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, [ $item_1->itemnumber ], $items_rs->reset, $branches, $itemtypes );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 not present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 not present in the XML' );
## Test passing both items in hidden_items and items_rs
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, [ $item_1->itemnumber, $item_2->itemnumber ], $items_rs->reset, $branches, $itemtypes );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 not present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 not present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 not present in the XML' );
is( $xml, '<items xmlns=""></items>', 'Empty XML' );
## Test passing both items in hidden_items and no items_rs
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, [ $item_1->itemnumber, $item_2->itemnumber, $item_3->itemnumber ], $branches, $itemtypes );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 not present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 not present in the XML' );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 not present in the XML' );
is( $xml, '<items xmlns=""></items>', 'Empty XML' );
## Test passing one item in hidden_items and items_rs
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, [ $item_1->itemnumber ], undef, $branches, $itemtypes );
unlike( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 not present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 present in the XML' );
## Test not passing any param
$xml = C4::XSLT::buildKohaItemsNamespace( $biblio->biblionumber, undef, undef, $branches, $itemtypes );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_1_name</homebranch>}, '$item_1 present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_2_name</homebranch>}, '$item_2 present in the XML' );
like( $xml, qr{<homebranch>$library_3_name</homebranch>}, '$item_3 present in the XML' );