Add a rule based system for merging MARC records to for example prevent field data from being overwritten. To test: 1. Apply this patch. 2. Log in to staff client. 3. Enable new syspref MARCMergeRules. 4. Click the new link "MARC merge rules" in the "Catalog" section of the Koha administration page. 5. Create a new rule: Module: source, Filter: *, Tag: 245, Preset: Protect. 6. Clicking "Edit" should allow you to edit corresponding rule. 7. Clicking "Delete" should remove corresponding rule after confirmation. 8. Selecting one or more rules followed by clicking "Delete selected" should remove all selected rules after confirmation. 9. Try creating a rule with tag set to "**", the other options does not matter. Verify that saving this rule produces an error message complaining about invalid tag regular expression. 10. Try creating a rule with tag set to "008" (or other control field) and set Appended: Append and Removed: Skip, the other options does not matter. Verify that saving this rule produces an error message complaining about invalid combination of actions for control field. 11. With the 245 rule in step 5 in place, edit a bibliographic record, change 245a for example (which should be Title for MARC21) and save. 12. Verify that the changes has not been saved. 13. Create a new rule: Module: source, Filter: intranet, Tag: 245, Preset: Overwrite. 14. Repeat step 12, and verify that the changes has now been saved. 15. Run tests in t/db_dependent/Biblio/MarcMergeRules.t and very that all tests pass. Sponsored-by: Halland County Library Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Sponsored-by: Gothenburg University Library Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com> Signed-off-by: Christian Stelzenmüller <christian.stelzenmueller@bsz-bw.de> Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
823 lines
35 KiB
Executable file
823 lines
35 KiB
Executable file
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 14;
use Test::MockModule;
use Test::Warn;
use List::MoreUtils qw( uniq );
use MARC::Record;
use t::lib::Mocks qw( mock_preference );
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::Caches;
use Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures;
use C4::Linker::Default qw( get_link );
use_ok('C4::Biblio', qw( AddBiblio GetMarcFromKohaField BiblioAutoLink GetMarcSubfieldStructure GetMarcSubfieldStructureFromKohaField LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities GetBiblioData GetMarcBiblio ModBiblio GetMarcISSN GetMarcControlnumber GetMarcISBN GetMarcPrice GetFrameworkCode GetMarcUrls IsMarcStructureInternal GetMarcStructure GetXmlBiblio DelBiblio ));
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
Koha::Caches->get_instance->clear_from_cache( "MarcSubfieldStructure-" );
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
subtest 'AddBiblio' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my $marcflavour = 'MARC21';
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'marcflavour', $marcflavour );
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
my ( $f, $sf ) = GetMarcFromKohaField('biblioitems.lccn');
my $lccn_field = MARC::Field->new( $f, ' ', ' ',
$sf => 'ThisisgoingtobetoomanycharactersfortheLCCNfield' );
my $nb_biblios = Koha::Biblios->count;
my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber );
warnings_like { ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( $record, '' ) }
[ qr/Data too long for column 'lccn'/, qr/Data too long for column 'lccn'/ ],
"expected warnings when adding too long LCCN";
is( $biblionumber, undef,
'AddBiblio returns undef for biblionumber if something went wrong' );
is( $biblioitemnumber, undef,
'AddBiblio returns undef for biblioitemnumber if something went wrong'
is( Koha::Biblios->count, $nb_biblios,
'No biblio should have been added if something went wrong' );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BiblioAddsAuthorities', $marcflavour );
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AutoCreateAuthorities', $marcflavour );
my $mock_biblio = Test::MockModule->new("C4::Biblio");
$mock_biblio->mock( BiblioAutoLink => sub {
my $record = shift;
my $frameworkcode = shift;
warn "My biblionumber is ".$record->subfield('999','c')." and my frameworkcode is $frameworkcode";
warning_like { $builder->build_sample_biblio(); }
qr/My biblionumber is \d+ and my frameworkcode is /, "The biblionumber is correctly passed to BiblioAutoLink";
subtest 'GetMarcSubfieldStructureFromKohaField' => sub {
plan tests => 25;
my @columns = qw(
tagfield tagsubfield liblibrarian libopac repeatable mandatory kohafield tab
authorised_value authtypecode value_builder isurl hidden frameworkcode
seealso link defaultvalue maxlength
# biblio.biblionumber must be mapped so this should return something
my $marc_subfield_structure = GetMarcSubfieldStructureFromKohaField('biblio.biblionumber');
ok(defined $marc_subfield_structure, "There is a result");
is(ref $marc_subfield_structure, "HASH", "Result is a hashref");
foreach my $col (@columns) {
ok(exists $marc_subfield_structure->{$col}, "Hashref contains key '$col'");
is($marc_subfield_structure->{kohafield}, 'biblio.biblionumber', "Result is the good result");
like($marc_subfield_structure->{tagfield}, qr/^\d{3}$/, "tagfield is a valid tagfield");
# Add a test for list context (BZ 10306)
my @results = GetMarcSubfieldStructureFromKohaField('biblio.biblionumber');
is( @results, 1, 'We expect only one mapping' );
is_deeply( $results[0], $marc_subfield_structure,
'The first entry should be the same hashref as we had before' );
# foo.bar does not exist so this should return undef
$marc_subfield_structure = GetMarcSubfieldStructureFromKohaField('foo.bar');
is($marc_subfield_structure, undef, "invalid kohafield returns undef");
subtest "GetMarcSubfieldStructure" => sub {
plan tests => 5;
# Add multiple Koha to Marc mappings
Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search({ frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '399', tagsubfield => [ 'a', 'b' ] })->delete;
Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new({ frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '399', tagsubfield => 'a', kohafield => "mytable.nicepages" })->store;
Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new({ frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '399', tagsubfield => 'b', kohafield => "mytable.nicepages" })->store;
Koha::Caches->get_instance->clear_from_cache( "MarcSubfieldStructure-" );
my $structure = C4::Biblio::GetMarcSubfieldStructure('');
is( @{ $structure->{"mytable.nicepages"} }, 2,
'GetMarcSubfieldStructure should return two entries for nicepages' );
is( $structure->{"mytable.nicepages"}->[0]->{tagfield}, '399',
'Check tagfield for first entry' );
is( $structure->{"mytable.nicepages"}->[0]->{tagsubfield}, 'a',
'Check tagsubfield for first entry' );
is( $structure->{"mytable.nicepages"}->[1]->{tagfield}, '399',
'Check tagfield for second entry' );
is( $structure->{"mytable.nicepages"}->[1]->{tagsubfield}, 'b',
'Check tagsubfield for second entry' );
subtest "GetMarcFromKohaField" => sub {
plan tests => 8;
#NOTE: We are building on data from the previous subtest
# With: field 399 / mytable.nicepages
# Check call in list context for multiple mappings
my @retval = C4::Biblio::GetMarcFromKohaField('mytable.nicepages');
is( @retval, 4, 'Should return two tags and subfields' );
is( $retval[0], '399', 'Check first tag' );
is( $retval[1], 'a', 'Check first subfield' );
is( $retval[2], '399', 'Check second tag' );
is( $retval[3], 'b', 'Check second subfield' );
# Check same call in scalar context
is( C4::Biblio::GetMarcFromKohaField('mytable.nicepages'), '399',
'GetMarcFromKohaField returns first tag in scalar context' );
# Bug 19096 Default is authoritative
# If we add a new empty framework, we should still get the mappings
# from Default. CAUTION: This test passes intentionally the obsoleted
# framework parameter.
my $new_fw = t::lib::TestBuilder->new->build({source => 'BiblioFramework'});
@retval = C4::Biblio::GetMarcFromKohaField(
'mytable.nicepages', $new_fw->{frameworkcode},
is( @retval, 4, 'Still got two pairs of tags/subfields' );
is( $retval[0].$retval[1], '399a', 'Including 399a' );
subtest "Authority creation with default linker" => sub {
plan tests => 4;
# Automatic authority creation
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('LinkerModule', 'Default');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BiblioAddsAuthorities', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutoCreateAuthorities', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('marcflavour', 'MARC21');
my $linker = C4::Linker::Default->new({});
my $authorities_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Heading' );
sub {
my $results = [{ authid => 'original' },{ authid => 'duplicate' }];
return $results;
my $marc_record = MARC::Record->new();
my $field = MARC::Field->new(655, ' ', ' ','a' => 'Magical realism');
$marc_record->append_fields( $field );
my ($num_changed,$results) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities($linker, $marc_record, "",undef);
is( $num_changed, 0, "We shouldn't link or create a new record");
ok( !defined $results->{added}, "If we have multiple matches, we shouldn't create a new record");
($num_changed,$results) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities($linker, $marc_record, "",undef);
is( $num_changed, 0, "We shouldn't link or create a new record using cached result");
ok( !defined $results->{added}, "If we have multiple matches, we shouldn't create a new record on second instance");
# Mocking variables
my $biblio_module = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Biblio');
sub {
my ($self) = shift;
my ( $title_field, $title_subfield ) = get_title_field();
my ( $subtitle_field, $subtitle_subfield ) = get_subtitle_field();
my ( $medium_field, $medium_subfield ) = get_medium_field();
my ( $part_number_field, $part_number_subfield ) = get_part_number_field();
my ( $part_name_field, $part_name_subfield ) = get_part_name_field();
my ( $isbn_field, $isbn_subfield ) = get_isbn_field();
my ( $issn_field, $issn_subfield ) = get_issn_field();
my ( $biblionumber_field, $biblionumber_subfield ) = ( '999', 'c' );
my ( $biblioitemnumber_field, $biblioitemnumber_subfield ) = ( '999', '9' );
my ( $itemnumber_field, $itemnumber_subfield ) = get_itemnumber_field();
return {
'biblio.title' => [ { tagfield => $title_field, tagsubfield => $title_subfield } ],
'biblio.subtitle' => [ { tagfield => $subtitle_field, tagsubfield => $subtitle_subfield } ],
'biblio.medium' => [ { tagfield => $medium_field, tagsubfield => $medium_subfield } ],
'biblio.part_number' => [ { tagfield => $part_number_field, tagsubfield => $part_number_subfield } ],
'biblio.part_name' => [ { tagfield => $part_name_field, tagsubfield => $part_name_subfield } ],
'biblio.biblionumber' => [ { tagfield => $biblionumber_field, tagsubfield => $biblionumber_subfield } ],
'biblioitems.isbn' => [ { tagfield => $isbn_field, tagsubfield => $isbn_subfield } ],
'biblioitems.issn' => [ { tagfield => $issn_field, tagsubfield => $issn_subfield } ],
'biblioitems.biblioitemnumber' => [ { tagfield => $biblioitemnumber_field, tagsubfield => $biblioitemnumber_subfield } ],
'items.itemnumber' => [ { tagfield => $itemnumber_subfield, tagsubfield => $itemnumber_subfield } ],
my $currency = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Acquisition::Currencies');
sub {
return Koha::Acquisition::Currency->new(
{ symbol => '$',
isocode => 'USD',
currency => 'USD',
active => 1,
sub run_tests {
my $marcflavour = shift;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('marcflavour', $marcflavour);
# Authority tests don't interact well with Elasticsearch at the moment due to the fact that there's currently no way to
# roll back ES index changes.
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('SearchEngine', 'Zebra');
my $isbn = '0590353403';
my $title = 'Foundation';
my $subtitle1 = 'Research';
my $subtitle2 = 'Conclusions';
my $medium = 'Medium';
my $part_number = '123';
my $part_name = 'First years';
# Generate a record with just the ISBN
my $marc_record = MARC::Record->new;
$marc_record->append_fields( create_isbn_field( $isbn, $marcflavour ) );
# Add the record to the DB
my( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $marc_record, '' );
my $data = GetBiblioData( $biblionumber );
is( $data->{ isbn }, $isbn,
'(GetBiblioData) ISBN correctly retireved.');
is( $data->{ title }, undef,
'(GetBiblioData) Title field is empty in fresh biblio.');
my ( $isbn_field, $isbn_subfield ) = get_isbn_field();
my $marc = GetMarcBiblio({ biblionumber => $biblionumber });
is( $marc->subfield( $isbn_field, $isbn_subfield ), $isbn, );
# Add title
my $field = create_title_field( $title, $marcflavour );
$marc_record->append_fields( $field );
ModBiblio( $marc_record, $biblionumber ,'' );
$data = GetBiblioData( $biblionumber );
is( $data->{ title }, $title,
'ModBiblio correctly added the title field, and GetBiblioData.');
is( $data->{ isbn }, $isbn, '(ModBiblio) ISBN is still there after ModBiblio.');
$marc = GetMarcBiblio({ biblionumber => $biblionumber });
my ( $title_field, $title_subfield ) = get_title_field();
is( $marc->subfield( $title_field, $title_subfield ), $title, );
# Add other fields
$marc_record->append_fields( create_field( $subtitle1, $marcflavour, get_subtitle_field() ) );
$marc_record->append_fields( create_field( $subtitle2, $marcflavour, get_subtitle_field() ) );
$marc_record->append_fields( create_field( $medium, $marcflavour, get_medium_field() ) );
$marc_record->append_fields( create_field( $part_number, $marcflavour, get_part_number_field() ) );
$marc_record->append_fields( create_field( $part_name, $marcflavour, get_part_name_field() ) );
ModBiblio( $marc_record, $biblionumber ,'' );
$data = GetBiblioData( $biblionumber );
is( $data->{ title }, $title, '(ModBiblio) still there after adding other fields.' );
is( $data->{ isbn }, $isbn, '(ModBiblio) ISBN is still there after adding other fields.' );
is( $data->{ subtitle }, "$subtitle1 | $subtitle2", '(ModBiblio) subtitles correctly added and returned in GetBiblioData.' );
is( $data->{ medium }, $medium, '(ModBiblio) medium correctly added and returned in GetBiblioData.' );
is( $data->{ part_number }, $part_number, '(ModBiblio) part_number correctly added and returned in GetBiblioData.' );
is( $data->{ part_name }, $part_name, '(ModBiblio) part_name correctly added and returned in GetBiblioData.' );
my $biblioitem = Koha::Biblioitems->find( $biblioitemnumber );
is( $biblioitem->_result->biblio->title, $title, # Should be $biblioitem->biblio instead, but not needed elsewhere for now
'Do not know if this makes sense - compare result of previous two GetBiblioData tests.');
is( $biblioitem->isbn, $isbn,
'Second test checking it returns the correct isbn.');
my $success = 0;
$field = MARC::Field->new(
655, ' ', ' ',
'a' => 'Auction catalogs',
'9' => '1'
eval {
$success = ModBiblio($marc_record,$biblionumber,'');
} or do {
$success = 0;
ok($success, "ModBiblio handles authority-linked 655");
eval {
$success = ModBiblio($marc_record,$biblionumber,'');
} or do {
$success = 0;
ok($success, "ModBiblio handles 655 with authority link but no heading");
eval {
$success = ModBiblio($marc_record,$biblionumber,'');
} or do {
$success = 0;
ok($success, "ModBiblio handles 655 with no subfields");
## Testing GetMarcISSN
my $issns;
$issns = GetMarcISSN( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( $issns->[0], undef,
'GetMarcISSN handles records without the ISSN field (list is empty)' );
is( scalar @$issns, 0,
'GetMarcISSN handles records without the ISSN field (count is 0)' );
# Add an ISSN field
my $issn = '1234-1234';
$field = create_issn_field( $issn, $marcflavour );
$issns = GetMarcISSN( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( $issns->[0], $issn,
'GetMarcISSN handles records with a single ISSN field (first element is correct)' );
is( scalar @$issns, 1,
'GetMARCISSN handles records with a single ISSN field (count is 1)');
# Add multiple ISSN field
my @more_issns = qw/1111-1111 2222-2222 3333-3333/;
foreach (@more_issns) {
$field = create_issn_field( $_, $marcflavour );
$issns = GetMarcISSN( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( scalar @$issns, 4,
'GetMARCISSN handles records with multiple ISSN fields (count correct)');
# Create an empty ISSN
$field = create_issn_field( "", $marcflavour );
$issns = GetMarcISSN( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( scalar @$issns, 4,
'GetMARCISSN skips empty ISSN fields (Bug 12674)');
## Testing GetMarcControlnumber
my $controlnumber;
$controlnumber = GetMarcControlnumber( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( $controlnumber, '', 'GetMarcControlnumber handles records without 001' );
$field = MARC::Field->new( '001', '' );
$controlnumber = GetMarcControlnumber( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( $controlnumber, '', 'GetMarcControlnumber handles records with empty 001' );
$field = $marc_record->field('001');
$controlnumber = GetMarcControlnumber( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( $controlnumber, '123456789X', 'GetMarcControlnumber handles records with 001' );
## Testing GetMarcISBN
my $record_for_isbn = MARC::Record->new();
my $isbns = GetMarcISBN( $record_for_isbn, $marcflavour );
is( scalar @$isbns, 0, '(GetMarcISBN) The record contains no ISBN');
# We add one ISBN
$isbn_field = create_isbn_field( $isbn, $marcflavour );
$record_for_isbn->append_fields( $isbn_field );
$isbns = GetMarcISBN( $record_for_isbn, $marcflavour );
is( scalar @$isbns, 1, '(GetMarcISBN) The record contains one ISBN');
is( $isbns->[0], $isbn, '(GetMarcISBN) The record contains our ISBN');
# We add 3 more ISBNs
$record_for_isbn = MARC::Record->new();
my @more_isbns = qw/1111111111 2222222222 3333333333 444444444/;
foreach (@more_isbns) {
$field = create_isbn_field( $_, $marcflavour );
$isbns = GetMarcISBN( $record_for_isbn, $marcflavour );
is( scalar @$isbns, 4, '(GetMarcISBN) The record contains 4 ISBNs');
for my $i (0 .. $#more_isbns) {
is( $isbns->[$i], $more_isbns[$i],
"(GetMarcISBN) Correctly retrieves ISBN #". ($i + 1));
is( GetMarcPrice( $record_for_isbn, $marcflavour ), 100,
"GetMarcPrice returns the correct value");
my $newincbiblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber+1;
$dbh->do("UPDATE biblioitems SET biblioitemnumber = ? WHERE biblionumber = ?;", undef, $newincbiblioitemnumber, $biblionumber );
my $updatedrecord = GetMarcBiblio({
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
embed_items => 0 });
my $frameworkcode = GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber);
my ( $biblioitem_tag, $biblioitem_subfield ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( "biblioitems.biblioitemnumber" );
die qq{No biblioitemnumber tag for framework "$frameworkcode"} unless $biblioitem_tag;
my $biblioitemnumbertotest;
if ( $biblioitem_tag < 10 ) {
$biblioitemnumbertotest = $updatedrecord->field($biblioitem_tag)->data();
} else {
$biblioitemnumbertotest = $updatedrecord->field($biblioitem_tag)->subfield($biblioitem_subfield);
is ($newincbiblioitemnumber, $biblioitemnumbertotest, 'Check newincbiblioitemnumber');
# test for GetMarcUrls
MARC::Field->new( '856', '', '', u => ' https://koha-community.org ' ),
MARC::Field->new( '856', '', '', u => 'koha-community.org' ),
my $marcurl = GetMarcUrls( $marc_record, $marcflavour );
is( @$marcurl, 2, 'GetMarcUrls returns two URLs' );
like( $marcurl->[0]->{MARCURL}, qr/^https/, 'GetMarcUrls did not stumble over a preceding space' );
ok( $marcflavour ne 'MARC21' || $marcurl->[1]->{MARCURL} =~ /^http:\/\//,
'GetMarcUrls prefixed a MARC21 URL with http://' );
# Automatic authority creation
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BiblioAddsAuthorities', 1);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutoCreateAuthorities', 1);
my $authorities_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Heading' );
sub {
my @results;
return \@results;
$success = 0;
$field = create_author_field('Author Name');
eval {
$success = ModBiblio($marc_record,$biblionumber,'');
} or do {
$success = 0;
ok($success, "ModBiblio handles authority addition for author");
my ($author_field, $author_subfield, $author_relator_subfield) = get_author_field();
$field = $marc_record->field($author_field);
ok($field->subfield($author_subfield), "ModBiblio keeps $author_field$author_subfield intact");
my $authid = $field->subfield('9');
ok($authid, 'ModBiblio adds authority id');
use_ok('C4::AuthoritiesMarc', qw( GetAuthority ));
my $auth_record = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::GetAuthority($authid);
ok($auth_record, 'Authority record successfully retrieved');
my ($auth_author_field, $auth_author_subfield) = get_auth_author_field();
$field = $auth_record->field($auth_author_field);
ok($field, "Authority record contains field $auth_author_field");
'Author Name',
'Authority $auth_author_field$auth_author_subfield contains author name'
is($field->subfield($author_relator_subfield), undef, 'Authority does not contain relator subfield');
# Reset settings
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BiblioAddsAuthorities', 0);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutoCreateAuthorities', 0);
sub get_title_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '200', 'a' ) : ( '245', 'a' );
sub get_medium_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '200', 'b' ) : ( '245', 'h' );
sub get_subtitle_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '200', 'e' ) : ( '245', 'b' );
sub get_part_number_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '200', 'h' ) : ( '245', 'n' );
sub get_part_name_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '200', 'i' ) : ( '245', 'p' );
sub get_isbn_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '010', 'a' ) : ( '020', 'a' );
sub get_issn_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '011', 'a' ) : ( '022', 'a' );
sub get_itemnumber_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '995', '9' ) : ( '952', '9' );
sub get_author_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '700', 'a', '4' ) : ( '100', 'a', 'e' );
sub get_auth_author_field {
my $marc_flavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
return ( $marc_flavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? ( '106', 'a' ) : ( '100', 'a' );
sub create_title_field {
my ( $title, $marcflavour ) = @_;
my ( $title_field, $title_subfield ) = get_title_field();
my $field = MARC::Field->new( $title_field, '', '', $title_subfield => $title );
return $field;
sub create_field {
my ( $content, $marcflavour, $field, $subfield ) = @_;
return MARC::Field->new( $field, '', '', $subfield => $content );
sub create_isbn_field {
my ( $isbn, $marcflavour ) = @_;
my ( $isbn_field, $isbn_subfield ) = get_isbn_field();
my $field = MARC::Field->new( $isbn_field, '', '', $isbn_subfield => $isbn );
# Add the price subfield
my $price_subfield = ( $marcflavour eq 'UNIMARC' ) ? 'd' : 'c';
$field->add_subfields( $price_subfield => '$100' );
return $field;
sub create_issn_field {
my ( $issn, $marcflavour ) = @_;
my ( $issn_field, $issn_subfield ) = get_issn_field();
my $field = MARC::Field->new( $issn_field, '', '', $issn_subfield => $issn );
return $field;
sub create_author_field {
my ( $author ) = @_;
my ( $author_field, $author_subfield, $author_relator_subfield ) = get_author_field();
my $field = MARC::Field->new(
$author_field, '', '',
$author_subfield => $author,
$author_relator_subfield => 'aut'
return $field;
subtest 'MARC21' => sub {
plan tests => 47;
subtest 'UNIMARC' => sub {
plan tests => 47;
# Mock the auth type data for UNIMARC
$dbh->do("UPDATE auth_types SET auth_tag_to_report = '106' WHERE auth_tag_to_report = '100'") or die $dbh->errstr;
subtest 'IsMarcStructureInternal' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
my $tagslib = GetMarcStructure();
my @internals;
for my $tag ( sort keys %$tagslib ) {
next unless $tag;
for my $subfield ( sort keys %{ $tagslib->{$tag} } ) {
push @internals, $subfield if IsMarcStructureInternal($tagslib->{$tag}{$subfield});
@internals = uniq @internals;
is( scalar(@internals), 7, 'expect 7 internals');
is( grep( /^lib$/, @internals ), 1, 'check lib' );
is( grep( /^tab$/, @internals ), 1, 'check tab' );
is( grep( /^mandatory$/, @internals ), 1, 'check mandatory' );
is( grep( /^repeatable$/, @internals ), 1, 'check repeatable' );
is( grep( /^important$/, @internals ), 1, 'check important' );
is( grep( /^a$/, @internals ), 0, 'no subfield a' );
is( grep( /^ind1_defaultvalue$/, @internals ), 1, 'check indicator 1 default value' );
is( grep( /^ind2_defaultvalue$/, @internals ), 1, 'check indicator 2 default value' );
subtest 'deletedbiblio_metadata' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
my $biblio_metadata = C4::Biblio::GetXmlBiblio( $biblionumber );
C4::Biblio::DelBiblio( $biblionumber );
my ( $moved ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(q|SELECT biblionumber FROM deletedbiblio WHERE biblionumber=?|, undef, $biblionumber);
is( $moved, $biblionumber, 'Found in deletedbiblio' );
( $moved ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(q|SELECT biblionumber FROM deletedbiblio_metadata WHERE biblionumber=?|, undef, $biblionumber);
is( $moved, $biblionumber, 'Found in deletedbiblio_metadata' );
subtest 'DelBiblio' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
my $deleted = C4::Biblio::DelBiblio( $biblionumber );
is( $deleted, undef, 'DelBiblio returns undef is the biblio has been deleted correctly - Must be 1 instead'); # FIXME We should return 1 instead!
$deleted = C4::Biblio::DelBiblio( $biblionumber );
is( $deleted, undef, 'DelBiblo should return undef is the record did not exist');
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio;
my $subscription = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Subscriptions',
value => { biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber }
my $serial = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Serials',
value => {
biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber,
subscriptionid => $subscription->subscriptionid
my $subscription_history = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Subscription::Histories',
value => {
biblionumber => $biblio->biblionumber,
subscriptionid => $subscription->subscriptionid
C4::Biblio::DelBiblio($biblio->biblionumber); # Or $biblio->delete
is( $subscription->get_from_storage, undef, 'subscription should be deleted on biblio deletion' );
is( $serial->get_from_storage, undef, 'serial should be deleted on biblio deletion' );
is( $subscription_history->get_from_storage, undef, 'subscription history should be deleted on biblio deletion' );
subtest 'MarcFieldForCreatorAndModifier' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('MarcFieldForCreatorId', '998$a');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('MarcFieldForCreatorName', '998$b');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('MarcFieldForModifierId', '998$c');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('MarcFieldForModifierName', '998$d');
my $c4_context = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context');
$c4_context->mock('userenv', sub { return { number => 123, firstname => 'John', surname => 'Doe'}; });
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
my ($biblionumber) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio($record, '');
$record = GetMarcBiblio({biblionumber => $biblionumber});
is($record->subfield('998', 'a'), 123, '998$a = 123');
is($record->subfield('998', 'b'), 'John Doe', '998$b = John Doe');
is($record->subfield('998', 'c'), 123, '998$c = 123');
is($record->subfield('998', 'd'), 'John Doe', '998$d = John Doe');
$c4_context->mock('userenv', sub { return { number => 321, firstname => 'Jane', surname => 'Doe'}; });
C4::Biblio::ModBiblio($record, $biblionumber, '');
$record = GetMarcBiblio({biblionumber => $biblionumber});
is($record->subfield('998', 'a'), 123, '998$a = 123');
is($record->subfield('998', 'b'), 'John Doe', '998$b = John Doe');
is($record->subfield('998', 'c'), 321, '998$c = 321');
is($record->subfield('998', 'd'), 'Jane Doe', '998$d = Jane Doe');
subtest 'ModBiblio called from linker test' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $called = 0;
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BiblioAddsAuthorities', 1);
my $biblio_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Biblio' );
$biblio_mod->mock( 'LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities', sub {
$called = 1;
my $record = MARC::Record->new();
my ($biblionumber) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio($record,'');
is($called,1,"We called to link bibs because not from linker");
$called = 0;
C4::Biblio::ModBiblio($record,$biblionumber,'',{ disable_autolink => 1 });
is($called,0,"We didn't call to link bibs because from linker");
subtest "LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities record generation tests" => sub {
plan tests => 12;
# Set up mocks to ensure authorities are generated
my $biblio_mod = Test::MockModule->new( 'C4::Linker::Default' );
$biblio_mod->mock( 'get_link', sub {
return (undef,undef);
# UNIMARC valid headings are built from the marc_subfield_structure for bibs and
# include all subfields as valid, testing with MARC21 should be sufficient for now
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('marcflavour', 'MARC21');
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('AutoCreateAuthorities', '1');
my $linker = C4::Linker::Default->new();
my $biblio = $builder->build_sample_biblio();
my $record = $biblio->metadata->record;
# Generate a record including all valid subfields and an invalid one 'e'
my $field = MARC::Field->new('650','','','a' => 'Beach city', 'b' => 'Weirdness', 'v' => 'Fiction', 'x' => 'Books', 'y' => '21st Century', 'z' => 'Fish Stew Pizza', 'e' => 'Depicted');
my ( $num_headings_changed, $results ) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities($linker, $record, "",undef,650);
is( $num_headings_changed, 1, 'We changed the one we passed' );
is_deeply( $results->{added},
{"Beach city Weirdness--Fiction--Books--21st Century--Fish Stew Pizza" => 1 },
"We added an authority record for the heading"
# Now we check the authority record itself
my $authority = GetAuthority( $record->subfield('650','9') );
is( $authority->field('150')->as_string(),
"Beach city Weirdness Fiction Books 21st Century Fish Stew Pizza",
"The generated record contains the correct subfields"
#Add test for this case using verbose
( $num_headings_changed, $results ) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities($linker, $record, "",undef, 650, 1);
is( $num_headings_changed, 1, 'We changed the one we passed' );
is( $results->{details}->[0]->{status}, 'CREATED', "We added an authority record for the heading using verbose");
# Now we check the authority record itself
$authority = GetAuthority($results->{details}->[0]->{authid});
is( $authority->field('150')->as_string(),
"Beach city Weirdness Fiction Books 21st Century Fish Stew Pizza",
"The generated record contains the correct subfields when using verbose"
# Example series link with volume and punctuation
$field = MARC::Field->new('800','','','a' => 'Tolkien, J. R. R.', 'q' => '(John Ronald Reuel),', 'd' => '1892-1973.', 't' => 'Lord of the rings ;', 'v' => '1');
( $num_headings_changed, $results ) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities($linker, $record, "",undef, 800);
is( $num_headings_changed, 1, 'We changed the one we passed' );
is_deeply( $results->{added},
{"Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973. Lord of the rings ;" => 1 },
"We added an authority record for the heading"
# Now we check the authority record itself
$authority = GetAuthority( $record->subfield('800','9') );
is( $authority->field('100')->as_string(),
"Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973. Lord of the rings",
"The generated record contains the correct subfields"
# The same example With verbose
( $num_headings_changed, $results ) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities($linker, $record, "",undef, 800, 1);
is( $num_headings_changed, 1, 'We changed the one we passed' );
is( $results->{details}->[0]->{status}, 'CREATED', "We added an authority record for the heading using verbose");
# Now we check the authority record itself
$authority = GetAuthority($results->{details}->[0]->{authid});
is( $authority->field('100')->as_string(),
"Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973. Lord of the rings",
"The generated record contains the correct subfields"
# Cleanup
Koha::Caches->get_instance->clear_from_cache( "MarcSubfieldStructure-" );