System preference 'CSVdelimiter' has a special case for tabulation. Preference value contains string 'tabulation' but string '\t' must be used in CSV file. This is OK in many places, for exemple Bug 17590. This patch adds C4::Context->csv_delimiter to add a uniq metod dealing with this behavior. Also create Koha::Template::Plugin::Koha->CSVDelimiter for calls from Toolkit Templates. Test plan : 1) Set system preference 'CSVdelimiter' = 'tabs'. 2) Create CSV export in impacted pages 3) Check columns are separated by tabulation character and not string 'tabulation' 4) Check with another delimiter Signed-off-by: David Nind <> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
515 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
515 lines
18 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Reports qw( GetDelimiterChoices );
use Koha::AuthorisedValues;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use Date::Calc qw( Add_Delta_YM Today );
=head1 NAME
plugin that shows a stats on borrowers
my $input = CGI->new;
my $do_it=$input->param('do_it');
my $fullreportname = "reports/";
my $line = $input->param("Line");
my $column = $input->param("Column");
my @filters = $input->multi_param("Filter");
my $digits = $input->param("digits");
our $period = $input->param("period");
my $borstat = $input->param("status");
my $borstat1 = $input->param("activity");
my $output = $input->param("output");
my $basename = $input->param("basename");
our $sep = C4::Context->csv_delimiter(scalar $input->param("sep"));
my ($template, $borrowernumber, $cookie)
= get_template_and_user({template_name => $fullreportname,
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => {reports => '*'},
$template->param(do_it => $do_it);
if ($do_it) {
my $attributes;
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) {
$attributes = parse_extended_patron_attributes($input);
my $results = calculate($line, $column, $digits, $borstat,$borstat1 ,\@filters, $attributes);
if ($output eq "screen"){
$template->param(mainloop => $results);
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
} else {
print $input->header(-type => 'application/vnd.sun.xml.calc',
-encoding => 'utf-8',
-name => "$basename.csv",
-attachment => "$basename.csv");
my $cols = @$results[0]->{loopcol};
my $lines = @$results[0]->{looprow};
print @$results[0]->{line} ."/". @$results[0]->{column} .$sep;
foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
print $col->{coltitle}.$sep;
print "Total\n";
foreach my $line ( @$lines ) {
my $x = $line->{loopcell};
print $line->{rowtitle}.$sep;
foreach my $cell (@$x) {
print $cell->{value}.$sep;
print $line->{totalrow};
print "\n";
print "TOTAL";
$cols = @$results[0]->{loopfooter};
foreach my $col ( @$cols ) {
print $sep.$col->{totalcol};
print $sep.@$results[0]->{total};
exit; # exit after do_it, regardless
} else {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $req;
my $patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search({}, {order_by => ['description']});
$template->param( patron_categories => $patron_categories );
$req = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCTROW zipcode FROM borrowers WHERE zipcode IS NOT NULL AND zipcode <> '' ORDER BY zipcode");
$template->param( ZIP_LOOP => $req->fetchall_arrayref({}));
$req = $dbh->prepare("SELECT authorised_value,lib FROM authorised_values WHERE category='Bsort1' ORDER BY lib");
$template->param( SORT1_LOOP => $req->fetchall_arrayref({}));
$req = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCTROW sort2 AS value FROM borrowers WHERE sort2 IS NOT NULL AND sort2 <> '' ORDER BY sort2 LIMIT 200");
# More than 200 items in a dropdown is not going to be useful anyway, and w/ 50,000 patrons we can destroy DB performance.
$template->param( SORT2_LOOP => $req->fetchall_arrayref({}));
my $CGIextChoice = ( 'CSV' ); # FIXME translation
my $CGIsepChoice=GetDelimiterChoices;
CGIextChoice => $CGIextChoice,
CGIsepChoice => $CGIsepChoice,
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) {
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub calculate {
my ($line, $column, $digits, $status, $activity, $filters, $attr_filters) = @_;
my @mainloop;
my @loopfooter;
my @loopcol;
my @loopline;
my @looprow;
my %globalline;
my $grantotal =0;
# extract parameters
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# check parameters
my @valid_names = qw(categorycode zipcode branchcode sex sort1 sort2);
if ($line =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)/) {
my $attribute_type = $1;
return unless Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->find($attribute_type);
} else {
return unless (grep { $_ eq $line } @valid_names);
if ($column =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)/) {
my $attribute_type = $1;
return unless Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->find($attribute_type);
} else {
return unless (grep { $_ eq $column } @valid_names);
return if ($digits and $digits !~ /^\d+$/);
return if ($status and (grep { $_ eq $status } qw(debarred gonenoaddress lost)) == 0);
return if ($activity and (grep { $_ eq $activity } qw(active nonactive)) == 0);
# Filters
my $linefilter;
if ( $line =~ /categorycode/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[0]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /zipcode/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[1]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /branchcode/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[2]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /sex/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[5]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /sort1/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[6]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /sort2/ ) { $linefilter = @$filters[7]; }
elsif ( $line =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)$/ ) { $linefilter = $attr_filters->{$1}; }
else { $linefilter = ''; }
my $colfilter;
if ( $column =~ /categorycode/ ) { $colfilter = @$filters[0]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /zipcode/ ) { $colfilter = @$filters[1]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /branchcode/) { $colfilter = @$filters[2]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /sex/) { $colfilter = @$filters[5]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /sort1/) { $colfilter = @$filters[6]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /sort2/) { $colfilter = @$filters[7]; }
elsif ( $column =~ /^patron_attr\.(.*)$/) { $colfilter = $attr_filters->{$1}; }
else { $colfilter = ''; }
my @loopfilter;
foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @$filters) {
my %cell;
if ( @$filters[$i] ) {
if ( $i == 0) { $cell{crit} = "Cat code"; }
elsif ( $i == 1 ) { $cell{crit} = "ZIP/Postal code"; }
elsif ( $i == 2 ) { $cell{crit} = "Branch code"; }
elsif ( $i == 3 ||
$i == 4 ) { $cell{crit} = "Date of birth"; }
elsif ( $i == 5 ) { $cell{crit} = "Sex"; }
elsif ( $i == 6 ) { $cell{crit} = "Sort1"; }
elsif ( $i == 7 ) { $cell{crit} = "Sort2"; }
else { $cell{crit} = "Unknown"; }
push @loopfilter, \%cell;
foreach my $type (keys %$attr_filters) {
if($attr_filters->{$type}) {
push @loopfilter, {
crit => "Attribute $type",
filter => $attr_filters->{$type}
my @branchcodes = Koha::Libraries->search->get_column('branchcode');
($status ) and push @loopfilter,{crit=>"Status", filter=>$status };
($activity) and push @loopfilter,{crit=>"Activity",filter=>$activity};
# year of activity
my ( $period_year, $period_month, $period_day )=Add_Delta_YM( Today(),-$period, 0);
my $newperioddate=$period_year."-".$period_month."-".$period_day;
# 1st, loop rows.
my $linefield;
my $line_attribute_type;
if ($line =~/^patron_attr\.(.*)$/) {
$line_attribute_type = $1;
$line = 'borrower_attributes.attribute';
if (($line =~/zipcode/) and ($digits)) {
$linefield = "left($line,$digits)";
} else {
$linefield = $line;
my $patron_categories = Koha::Patron::Categories->search({}, {order_by => ['categorycode']});
my $strsth;
my @strparams; # bind parameters for the query
if ($line_attribute_type) {
$strsth = "SELECT distinct attribute FROM borrower_attributes
WHERE attribute IS NOT NULL AND code=?";
push @strparams, $line_attribute_type;
} else {
$strsth = "SELECT distinctrow $linefield FROM borrowers
$linefilter =~ s/\*/%/g;
if ( $linefilter ) {
$strsth .= " AND $linefield LIKE ? " ;
push @strparams, $linefilter;
$strsth .= " AND $status='1' " if ($status);
$strsth .=" order by $linefield";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth);
while (my ($celvalue) = $sth->fetchrow) {
my %cell;
if ($celvalue) {
$cell{rowtitle} = $celvalue;
$cell{rowtitle_display} = ($patron_categories->find($celvalue)->description || "$celvalue\*") if ($line eq 'categorycode');
$cell{totalrow} = 0;
push @loopline, \%cell;
# 2nd, loop cols.
my $colfield;
my $column_attribute_type;
if ($column =~/^patron_attr.(.*)$/) {
$column_attribute_type = $1;
$column = 'borrower_attributes.attribute';
if (($column =~/zipcode/) and ($digits)) {
$colfield = "left($column,$digits)";
} else {
$colfield = $column;
my $strsth2;
my @strparams2; # bind parameters for the query
if ($column_attribute_type) {
$strsth2 = "SELECT DISTINCT attribute FROM borrower_attributes
WHERE attribute IS NOT NULL AND code=?";
push @strparams2, $column_attribute_type;
} else {
$strsth2 = "SELECT DISTINCTROW $colfield FROM borrowers
if ($colfilter) {
$colfilter =~ s/\*/%/g;
$strsth2 .= " AND $colfield LIKE ? ";
push @strparams2, $colfield;
$strsth2 .= " AND $status='1' " if ($status);
$strsth2 .= " order by $colfield";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($strsth2);
while (my ($celvalue) = $sth2->fetchrow) {
my %cell;
if (defined $celvalue) {
$cell{coltitle} = $celvalue;
# $cell{coltitle_display} = ($colfield eq 'branchcode') ? $branches->{$celvalue}->{branchname} : $celvalue;
$cell{coltitle_display} = $patron_categories->find($celvalue)->description if ($column eq 'categorycode');
push @loopcol, \%cell;
my $i=0;
#Initialization of cell values.....
my %table;
# warn "init table";
foreach my $row (@loopline) {
foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
my $rowtitle = $row->{rowtitle} // '';
my $coltitle = $row->{coltitle} // '';
$table{$rowtitle}->{$coltitle} = 0;
$row->{rowtitle} ||= '';
$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{rowtitle_display} = $row->{rowtitle_display};
# preparing calculation
my $strcalc;
my @calcparams;
$strcalc = "SELECT ";
if ($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " attribute_$line_attribute_type.attribute AS line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $linefield, ";
if ($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " attribute_$column_attribute_type.attribute AS column_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $colfield, ";
$strcalc .= " COUNT(*) FROM borrowers ";
foreach my $type (keys %$attr_filters) {
if (
($line_attribute_type and $line_attribute_type eq $type)
or ($column_attribute_type and $column_attribute_type eq $type)
or ($attr_filters->{$type})
) {
$strcalc .= " LEFT JOIN borrower_attributes AS attribute_$type
ON (borrowers.borrowernumber = attribute_$type.borrowernumber
AND attribute_$type.code = " . $dbh->quote($type) . ") ";
$strcalc .= " WHERE 1 ";
@$filters[0]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[0]);
$strcalc .= " AND categorycode like '" . @$filters[0] ."'" if ( @$filters[0] );
@$filters[1]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[1]);
$strcalc .= " AND zipcode like '" . @$filters[1] ."'" if ( @$filters[1] );
@$filters[2]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[2]);
$strcalc .= " AND branchcode like '" . @$filters[2] ."'" if ( @$filters[2] );
@$filters[3]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[3]);
$strcalc .= " AND dateofbirth > '" . @$filters[3] ."'" if ( @$filters[3] );
@$filters[4]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[4]);
$strcalc .= " AND dateofbirth < '" . @$filters[4] ."'" if ( @$filters[4] );
@$filters[5]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[5]);
$strcalc .= " AND sex like '" . @$filters[5] ."'" if ( @$filters[5] );
@$filters[6]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[6]);
$strcalc .= " AND sort1 like '" . @$filters[6] ."'" if ( @$filters[6] );
@$filters[7]=~ s/\*/%/g if (@$filters[7]);
$strcalc .= " AND sort2 like '" . @$filters[7] ."'" if ( @$filters[7] );
foreach my $type (keys %$attr_filters) {
if($attr_filters->{$type}) {
my $filter = $attr_filters->{$type};
$filter =~ s/\*/%/g;
$strcalc .= " AND attribute_$type.attribute LIKE '" . $filter . "' ";
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.borrowernumber in (select distinct(borrowernumber) from old_issues where issuedate > '" . $newperioddate . "')" if ($activity eq 'active');
$strcalc .= " AND borrowers.borrowernumber not in (select distinct(borrowernumber) from old_issues where issuedate > '" . $newperioddate . "' AND borrowernumber IS NOT NULL)" if ($activity eq 'nonactive');
$strcalc .= " AND $status='1' " if ($status);
$strcalc .= " GROUP BY ";
if ($line_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " line_attribute, ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $linefield, ";
if ($column_attribute_type) {
$strcalc .= " column_attribute ";
} else {
$strcalc .= " $colfield ";
my $dbcalc = $dbh->prepare($strcalc);
(scalar(@calcparams)) ? $dbcalc->execute(@calcparams) : $dbcalc->execute();
my $emptycol;
while (my ($row, $col, $value) = $dbcalc->fetchrow) {
# warn "filling table $row / $col / $value ";
$emptycol = 1 if (!defined($col));
$col = "zzEMPTY" if (!defined($col));
$row = "zzEMPTY" if (!defined($row));
$grantotal += $value;
push @loopcol,{coltitle => "NULL"} if ($emptycol);
foreach my $row (sort keys %table) {
my @loopcell;
#@loopcol ensures the order for columns is common with column titles
# and the number matches the number of columns
foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
my $coltitle = $col->{coltitle} // '';
$coltitle = $coltitle eq "NULL" ? "zzEMPTY" : $coltitle;
my $value =$table{$row}->{$coltitle};
push @loopcell, {value => $value};
push @looprow,{
'rowtitle' => ($row eq "zzEMPTY")?"NULL":$row,
'rowtitle_display' => $table{$row}->{rowtitle_display} || ($row eq "zzEMPTY" ? "NULL" : $row),
'loopcell' => \@loopcell,
'totalrow' => $table{$row}->{totalrow}
foreach my $col ( @loopcol ) {
my $total=0;
foreach my $row ( @looprow ) {
my $rowtitle = $row->{rowtitle} // '';
$rowtitle = ($rowtitle eq "NULL") ? "zzEMPTY" : $rowtitle;
my $coltitle = $col->{coltitle} // '';
$coltitle = ($coltitle eq "NULL") ? "zzEMPTY" : $coltitle;
$total += $table{$rowtitle}->{$coltitle} || 0;
# warn "value added ".$table{$row->{rowtitle}}->{$col->{coltitle}}. "for line ".$row->{rowtitle};
# warn "summ for column ".$col->{coltitle}." = ".$total;
push @loopfooter, {'totalcol' => $total};
# the header of the table
# the core of the table
$globalline{looprow} = \@looprow;
$globalline{loopcol} = \@loopcol;
# # the foot (totals by borrower type)
$globalline{loopfooter} = \@loopfooter;
$globalline{total}= $grantotal;
$globalline{line} = ($line_attribute_type) ? $line_attribute_type : $line;
$globalline{column} = ($column_attribute_type) ? $column_attribute_type : $column;
push @mainloop,\%globalline;
return \@mainloop;
sub parse_extended_patron_attributes {
my ($input) = @_;
my @params_names = $input->param;
my %attr;
foreach my $name (@params_names) {
if ($name =~ /^Filter_patron_attr\.(.*)$/) {
my $code = $1;
my $value = $input->param($name);
$attr{$code} = $value;
return \%attr;
sub patron_attributes_form {
my $template = shift;
my $library_id = C4::Context->userenv ? C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} : undef;
my $attribute_types = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->search_with_library_limits({}, {}, $library_id);
my %items_by_class;
while ( my $attr_type = $attribute_types->next ) {
# TODO The following can be simplified easily
my $entry = {
class => $attr_type->class(),
code => $attr_type->code(),
description => $attr_type->description(),
repeatable => $attr_type->repeatable(),
category => $attr_type->authorised_value_category(),
category_code => $attr_type->category_code(),
my $newentry = { %$entry };
if ($attr_type->authorised_value_category()) {
$newentry->{use_dropdown} = 1;
$newentry->{auth_val_loop} = GetAuthorisedValues(
push @{ $items_by_class{ $attr_type->class() } }, $newentry;
my @attribute_loop;
foreach my $class ( sort keys %items_by_class ) {
my $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search({ category => 'PA_CLASS', authorised_value => $class });
my $lib = $av->count ? $av->next->lib : $class;
push @attribute_loop, {
class => $class,
items => $items_by_class{$class},
lib => $lib,
$template->param(patron_attributes => \@attribute_loop);