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# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use DateTime;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Branch;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Reserves;
use Koha::DateUtils;
use Koha::Database;
use Test::More tests => 59;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema();
# Start transaction
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
# Start with a clean slate
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issues');
my $CircControl = C4::Context->preference('CircControl');
my $HomeOrHoldingBranch = C4::Context->preference('HomeOrHoldingBranch');
my $item = {
homebranch => 'MPL',
holdingbranch => 'MPL'
my $borrower = {
branchcode => 'MPL'
# No userenv, PickupLibrary
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', 'PickupLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PickupLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned item branch (no userenv defined)'
# No userenv, PatronLibrary
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', 'PatronLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PatronLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned borrower branch'
# No userenv, ItemHomeLibrary
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', 'ItemHomeLibrary');
'CircControl changed to ItemHomeLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned item branch'
# Now, set a userenv
C4::Context::set_userenv(0,0,0,'firstname','surname', 'MPL', 'Midway Public Library', '', '', '');
is(C4::Context->userenv->{branch}, 'MPL', 'userenv set');
# Userenv set, PickupLibrary
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', 'PickupLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PickupLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned current branch'
# Userenv set, PatronLibrary
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', 'PatronLibrary');
'CircControl changed to PatronLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned borrower branch'
# Userenv set, ItemHomeLibrary
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', 'ItemHomeLibrary');
'CircControl changed to ItemHomeLibrary'
C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch($item, $borrower),
'_GetCircControlBranch returned item branch'
# Reset initial configuration
C4::Context->set_preference('CircControl', $CircControl);
'CircControl reset to its initial value'
# Set a simple circ policy
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issuingrules');
q{INSERT INTO issuingrules (categorycode, branchcode, itemtype, reservesallowed,
maxissueqty, issuelength, lengthunit,
renewalsallowed, renewalperiod,
norenewalbefore, auto_renew,
fine, chargeperiod)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?,
?, ?,
?, ?,
?, ?
'*', '*', '*', 25,
20, 14, 'days',
1, 7,
'', 0,
.10, 1
# Test C4::Circulation::ProcessOfflinePayment
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accountlines WHERE amount = '-123.45' AND accounttype = 'Pay'");
my ( $original_count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
C4::Context->dbh->do("INSERT INTO borrowers ( cardnumber, surname, firstname, categorycode, branchcode ) VALUES ( '99999999999', 'Hall', 'Kyle', 'S', 'MPL' )");
C4::Circulation::ProcessOfflinePayment({ cardnumber => '99999999999', amount => '123.45' });
my ( $new_count ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
ok( $new_count == $original_count + 1, 'ProcessOfflinePayment makes payment correctly' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber IN ( SELECT borrowernumber FROM borrowers WHERE cardnumber = '99999999999' )");
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM borrowers WHERE cardnumber = '99999999999'");
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines");
# CanBookBeRenewed tests
# Generate test biblio
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my $title = 'Silence in the library';
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Moffat, Steven'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title),
my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio($biblio, '');
my $barcode = 'R00000342';
my $branch = 'MPL';
my ( $item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode,
replacementprice => 12.00
my $barcode2 = 'R00000343';
my ( $item_bibnum2, $item_bibitemnum2, $itemnumber2 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode2,
replacementprice => 23.00
my $barcode3 = 'R00000346';
my ( $item_bibnum3, $item_bibitemnum3, $itemnumber3 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode3,
replacementprice => 23.00
# Create borrowers
my %renewing_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'John',
surname => 'Renewal',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => $branch,
my %reserving_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Katrin',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => $branch,
my %hold_waiting_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Kyle',
surname => 'Reservation',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => $branch,
my $renewing_borrowernumber = AddMember(%renewing_borrower_data);
my $reserving_borrowernumber = AddMember(%reserving_borrower_data);
my $hold_waiting_borrowernumber = AddMember(%hold_waiting_borrower_data);
my $renewing_borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $renewing_borrowernumber );
my $constraint = 'a';
my $bibitems = '';
my $priority = '1';
my $resdate = undef;
my $expdate = undef;
my $notes = '';
my $checkitem = undef;
my $found = undef;
my $datedue = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode);
is (defined $datedue, 1, "Item 1 checked out, due date: $datedue");
my $datedue2 = AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode2);
is (defined $datedue2, 1, "Item 2 checked out, due date: $datedue2");
my $borrowing_borrowernumber = GetItemIssue($itemnumber)->{borrowernumber};
is ($borrowing_borrowernumber, $renewing_borrowernumber, "Item checked out to $renewing_borrower->{firstname} $renewing_borrower->{surname}");
my ( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber, 1);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Can renew, no holds for this title or item');
# Biblio-level hold, renewal test
$branch, $reserving_borrowernumber, $biblionumber,
$constraint, $bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $checkitem, $found
# Testing of feature to allow the renewal of reserved items if other items on the record can fill all needed holds
C4::Context->set_preference('AllowOnShelfHolds', 1 );
C4::Context->set_preference('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 1 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
# Now let's add a waiting hold on the 3rd item, it's no longer available tp check out by just anyone, so we should no longer
# be able to renew these items
my $hold = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Reserve')->create(
borrowernumber => $hold_waiting_borrowernumber,
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
itemnumber => $itemnumber3,
branchcode => $branch,
priority => 0,
found => 'W'
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Bug 11634 - Allow renewal of item with unfilled holds if other available items can fill those holds');
C4::Context->set_preference('AllowRenewalIfOtherItemsAvailable', 0 );
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved');
is( $error, 'on_reserve', '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved (returned error is on_reserve)');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved');
is( $error, 'on_reserve', '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, reserved (returned error is on_reserve)');
my $reserveid = C4::Reserves::GetReserveId({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, borrowernumber => $reserving_borrowernumber});
my $reserving_borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $reserving_borrowernumber );
AddIssue($reserving_borrower, $barcode3);
my $reserve = $dbh->selectrow_hashref(
'SELECT * FROM old_reserves WHERE reserve_id = ?',
{ Slice => {} },
is($reserve->{found}, 'F', 'hold marked completed when checking out item that fills it');
# Item-level hold, renewal test
$branch, $reserving_borrowernumber, $biblionumber,
$constraint, $bibitems, $priority, $resdate, $expdate, $notes,
$title, $itemnumber, $found
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber, 1);
is( $renewokay, 0, '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, item reserved');
is( $error, 'on_reserve', '(Bug 10663) Cannot renew, item reserved (returned error is on_reserve)');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber2, 1);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Can renew item 2, item-level hold is on item 1');
# Items can't fill hold for reasons
ModItem({ notforloan => 1 }, $biblionumber, $itemnumber);
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber, 1);
is( $renewokay, 1, 'Can renew, item is marked not for loan, hold does not block');
ModItem({ notforloan => 0, itype => '' }, $biblionumber, $itemnumber,1);
# FIXME: Add more for itemtype not for loan etc.
$reserveid = C4::Reserves::GetReserveId({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, itemnumber => $itemnumber, borrowernumber => $reserving_borrowernumber});
CancelReserve({ reserve_id => $reserveid });
# Test automatic renewal before value for "norenewalbefore" in policy is set
my $barcode4 = '11235813';
my ( $item_bibnum4, $item_bibitemnum4, $itemnumber4 ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode4,
replacementprice => 16.00
AddIssue( $renewing_borrower, $barcode4, undef, undef, undef, undef, { auto_renew => 1 } );
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber4 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Cannot renew, renewal is automatic' );
is( $error, 'auto_renew',
'Cannot renew, renewal is automatic (returned code is auto_renew)' );
# set policy to require that loans cannot be
# renewed until seven days prior to the due date
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = 7');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Cannot renew, renewal is premature');
is( $error, 'too_soon', 'Cannot renew, renewal is premature (returned code is too_soon)');
GetSoonestRenewDate($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber),
$datedue->clone->add(days => -7),
'renewals permitted 7 days before due date, as expected',
# Test automatic renewal again
( $renewokay, $error ) =
CanBookBeRenewed( $renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber4 );
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature' );
is( $error, 'auto_too_soon',
'Cannot renew, renewal is automatic and premature (returned code is auto_too_soon)'
# Too many renewals
# set policy to forbid renewals
$dbh->do('UPDATE issuingrules SET norenewalbefore = NULL, renewalsallowed = 0');
( $renewokay, $error ) = CanBookBeRenewed($renewing_borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
is( $renewokay, 0, 'Cannot renew, 0 renewals allowed');
is( $error, 'too_many', 'Cannot renew, 0 renewals allowed (returned code is too_many)');
# Test WhenLostForgiveFine and WhenLostChargeReplacementFee
C4::Overdues::UpdateFine( $itemnumber, $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber},
15.00, q{}, Koha::DateUtils::output_pref($datedue) );
LostItem( $itemnumber, 1 );
my $item = $schema->resultset('Item')->find( $itemnumber );
ok( !$item->onloan(), "Lost item marked as returned has false onloan value" );
my $total_due = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT SUM( amountoutstanding ) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber = ?',
undef, $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}
ok( $total_due == 12, 'Borrower only charged replacement fee with both WhenLostForgiveFine and WhenLostChargeReplacementFee enabled' );
C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines");
C4::Overdues::UpdateFine( $itemnumber2, $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber},
15.00, q{}, Koha::DateUtils::output_pref($datedue) );
LostItem( $itemnumber2, 0 );
my $item2 = $schema->resultset('Item')->find( $itemnumber2 );
ok( $item2->onloan(), "Lost item *not* marked as returned has true onloan value" );
$total_due = $dbh->selectrow_array(
'SELECT SUM( amountoutstanding ) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber = ?',
undef, $renewing_borrower->{borrowernumber}
ok( $total_due == 15, 'Borrower only charged fine with both WhenLostForgiveFine and WhenLostChargeReplacementFee disabled' );
my $now = dt_from_string();
my $future = dt_from_string();
$future->add( days => 7 );
my $units = C4::Overdues::_get_chargeable_units('days', $future, $now, 'MPL');
ok( $units == 0, '_get_chargeable_units returns 0 for items not past due date (Bug 12596)' );
# GetUpcomingDueIssues tests
my $barcode = 'R00000342';
my $barcode2 = 'R00000343';
my $barcode3 = 'R00000344';
my $branch = 'MPL';
#Create another record
my $biblio2 = MARC::Record->new();
my $title2 = 'Something is worng here';
MARC::Field->new('100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Anonymous'),
MARC::Field->new('245', ' ', ' ', a => $title2),
my ($biblionumber2, $biblioitemnumber2) = AddBiblio($biblio2, '');
#Create third item
homebranch => $branch,
holdingbranch => $branch,
barcode => $barcode3
# Create a borrower
my %a_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'Fridolyn',
surname => 'SOMERS',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => $branch,
my $a_borrower_borrowernumber = AddMember(%a_borrower_data);
my $a_borrower = GetMember( borrowernumber => $a_borrower_borrowernumber );
my $yesterday = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz())->add( days => -1 );
my $two_days_ahead = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz())->add( days => 2 );
my $today = DateTime->today(time_zone => C4::Context->tz());
my $datedue = AddIssue( $a_borrower, $barcode, $yesterday );
my $datedue2 = AddIssue( $a_borrower, $barcode2, $two_days_ahead );
my $upcoming_dues;
# GetUpcomingDueIssues tests
for my $i(0..1) {
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => $i } );
is ( scalar( @$upcoming_dues ), 0, "No items due in less than one day ($i days in advance)" );
#days_in_advance needs to be inclusive, so 1 matches items due tomorrow, 0 items due today etc.
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 2 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 1, "Only one item due in 2 days or less" );
for my $i(3..5) {
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => $i } );
is ( scalar( @$upcoming_dues ), 1,
"Bug 9362: Only one item due in more than 2 days ($i days in advance)" );
# Bug 11218 - Due notices not generated - GetUpcomingDueIssues needs to select due today items as well
my $datedue3 = AddIssue( $a_borrower, $barcode3, $today );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => -1 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 0, "Overdues can not be selected" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 0 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 1, "1 item is due today" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 1 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 1, "1 item is due today, none tomorrow" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 2 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 2, "2 items are due withing 2 days" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues( { days_in_advance => 3 } );
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 2, "2 items are due withing 2 days" );
$upcoming_dues = C4::Circulation::GetUpcomingDueIssues();
is ( scalar ( @$upcoming_dues), 2, "days_in_advance is 7 in GetUpcomingDueIssues if not provided" );