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use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 14;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Category;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
my @categories = C4::Category->all;
my $categorycode = $categories[0]->categorycode;
my $branchcode = 'CPL';
my %john_doe = (
cardnumber => '123456',
firstname => 'John',
surname => 'Doe',
categorycode => $categorycode,
branchcode => $branchcode,
dateofbirth => '',
dateexpiry => '9999-12-31',
userid => 'john.doe'
my %jane_doe = (
cardnumber => '345678',
firstname => 'Jane',
surname => 'Doe',
categorycode => $categorycode,
branchcode => $branchcode,
dateofbirth => '',
dateexpiry => '9999-12-31',
userid => 'jane.doe'
my $borrowernumber1 = AddMember(%john_doe);
my $borrowernumber2 = AddMember(%jane_doe);
my $rating1 = AddRating( 1, $borrowernumber1, 3 );
my $rating2 = AddRating( 1, $borrowernumber2, 4 );
my $rating3 = ModRating( 1, $borrowernumber1, 5 );
my $rating4 = GetRating( 1, $borrowernumber2 );
my $rating5 = GetRating(1);
ok( defined $rating1, 'add a rating' );
ok( defined $rating2, 'add another rating' );
ok( defined $rating3, 'update a rating' );
ok( defined $rating4, 'get a rating, with borrowernumber' );
ok( $rating3->{'rating_avg'} == '4', "get a bib's average(float) rating" );
ok( $rating3->{'rating_avg_int'} == 4.5, "get a bib's average(int) rating" );
ok( $rating3->{'rating_total'} == 2, "get a bib's total number of ratings" );
ok( $rating3->{'rating_value'} == 5, "verify user's bib rating" );
my $rating_1 = GetRating(1);
my $rating_1_1 = GetRating( 1, $borrowernumber1 );
rating_avg_int => 4.5,
rating_total => 2,
rating_avg => 4,
rating_value => undef,
'GetRating should return total, avg_int and avg if biblionumber is given'
rating_avg_int => 4.5,
rating_total => 2,
rating_avg => 4,
rating_value => 5,
'GetRating should return total, avg_int, avg and value if biblionumber is given'
my $rating6 = DelRating( 1, $borrowernumber1 );
my $rating7 = DelRating( 1, $borrowernumber2 );
ok( defined $rating6, 'delete a rating' );
ok( defined $rating7, 'delete another rating' );
is( GetRating( 1, $borrowernumber1 ),
undef, 'GetRating should return undef if no rating exist' );