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<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-open.inc" -->Koha -- Cataloging: MARC Import<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-close.inc" -->
<form method="post" action="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="SCRIPT_NAME" -->" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<caption>MARC acquisition system</caption>
<th colspan="2">Import into the reservoir</th>
<tr><td colspan="2">
<!-- TMPL_IF name="uploadmarc" -->
<p>Import results :</p>
<p><!-- TMPL_VAR name="imported" --> imported records</p>
<p><!-- TMPL_VAR name="alreadyindb" --> not imported because already in DB</p>
<p><!-- TMPL_VAR name="alreadyinfarm" --> not imported because already in farm</p>
<p><!-- TMPL_VAR name="notmarcrecord" --> not imported because they seems not to be MARC format (or ISBN/ISSN missing) !</p>
<p><!-- TMPL_VAR name="total" --> records parsed</p>
<p><a href="addbooks.pl">Back to acquisition</a>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<ul><li>Select a file to import into the reservoir. It will be parsed, and for each ISBN found, a new record will be created in the reservoir.
If an ISBN already exists in the reservoir, you can choose wether to ignore the new one, or overwrite the old one.</li>
<li>You can enter a name for this import. It may be useful, when creating a biblio, to remember where the suggested marc data comes !</li>
<li>Of course, if the ISBN already exists in active DB, the biblio will be ignored.</li></ul>
<td>Select the file to import :</td>
<input type="file" name="uploadmarc"><br>
<td>Name of this import :</td>
<input type="text" name="filename"><br>
<td>If ISBN is already in the reservoir : </td>
<td><input type="radio" name="overwrite_biblio" value="0" checked>Ignore this one, keep the existing one<br>
<input type="radio" name="overwrite_biblio" value="1">Overwrite the existing one with this</td>
<td colspan="2" class="action"><input type="submit" value="Import Data">
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="acquisitions-bottom.inc" -->