Jonathan Druart 77853e2e53 Bug 19882: Fix syntax issue in .pref file
The translate script raised an error:
Use of uninitialized value $pref_name in concatenation (.) or string at
LangInstaller.pm line 190.

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2018-04-16 11:17:31 -03:00

398 lines
15 KiB

Enhanced Content:
- <strong>NOTE:</strong> you can only choose one source of cover images from below, otherwise Koha will show the images from all sources selected.
- pref: FRBRizeEditions
default: 0
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- other editions of an item on the staff client (if found by one of the services below).
- pref: OPACFRBRizeEditions
default: 0
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- other editions of an item on the OPAC.
- Use Amazon data from its
- pref: AmazonLocale
US: American
CA: Canadian
DE: German
FR: French
JP: Japanese
UK: British
- website.
- Put the associate tag
- pref: AmazonAssocTag
- on links to Amazon. This can net your library referral fees if a patron decides to buy an item.
- pref: AmazonCoverImages
default: 1
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- cover images from Amazon on search results and item detail pages on the staff interface.
- pref: OPACAmazonCoverImages
default: 1
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- cover images from Amazon on search results and item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: Babeltheque
yes: Do
no: "Don't"
- include information (such as reviews and citations) from Babelthèque in item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: Babeltheque_url_js
- Defined the url for the Babeltheque javascript file (eg. http://www.babeltheque.com/bw_XX.js)
- pref: Babeltheque_url_update
- Defined the url for the Babeltheque update periodically (eq. http://www.babeltheque.com/.../file.csv.bz2).
Baker and Taylor:
- pref: BakerTaylorEnabled
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- Baker and Taylor links and cover images to the OPAC and staff client. This requires that you have entered in a username and password (which can be seen in image links).
- 'Baker and Taylor "My Library Bookstore" links should be accessed at <code>https://'
- pref: BakerTaylorBookstoreURL
class: url
- <em>isbn</em></code> (this should be filled in with something like <code>ocls.mylibrarybookstore.com/MLB/actions/searchHandler.do?nextPage=bookDetails&amp;parentNum=10923&amp;key=</code>). Leave it blank to disable these links.
- Access Baker and Taylor using username
- pref: BakerTaylorUsername
class: password
- and password
- pref: BakerTaylorPassword
class: password
- .
Novelist Select:
- pref: NovelistSelectEnabled
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- Novelist Select content to the OPAC (requires that you have entered in a user profile and password, which can be seen in image links).
- Display Novelist Select content
- pref: NovelistSelectView
tab: in an OPAC tab
above: above the holdings table
below: below the holdings table
right: under the Save Record dropdown, on the right
- .
- Access Novelist Select using user profile
- pref: NovelistSelectProfile
- on the opac
- Access Novelist Select using user profile
- pref: NovelistSelectStaffProfile
- on the staff client
- Access Novelist Select using password
- pref: NovelistSelectPassword
class: password
- .
- pref: NovelistSelectStaffEnabled
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- Novelist Select content to the Staff client (requires that you have entered in a user profile and password, which can be seen in image links).
- Display Novelist Select staff content
- pref: NovelistSelectStaffView
tab: in a tab
above: above the holdings table
below: below the holdings table
- .
- pref: GoogleJackets
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- cover images from Google Books to search results and item detail pages on the OPAC.
Open Library:
- pref: OpenLibraryCovers
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- cover images from Open Library to search results and item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: OpenLibrarySearch
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- search results from Open Library on the OPAC.
Library Thing:
# Awkward syntax below, due to quoting conflicts
- pref: ThingISBN
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- the ThingISBN service to show other editions of a title (when either FRBRizeEditions or OPACFRBRizeEditions is on). This is separate from Library Thing for Libraries.
- pref: LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- "reviews, similar items, and tags from Library Thing for Libraries on item detail pages on the OPAC. If you've enabled this, you need to "
- <a href="https://www.librarything.com/forlibraries/">sign up</a>, then enter in your ID below.
- Access Library Thing for Libraries using the customer ID
- pref: LibraryThingForLibrariesID
- .
- Show Library Thing for Libraries content
- pref: LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView
yes: in tabs.
no: in line with the bibliographic information.
- pref: IDreamBooksReviews
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- a tab on the OPAC details with book reviews from critics aggregated by <a href='https://idreambooks.com/'>IDreamBooks.com</a>.
- pref: IDreamBooksReadometer
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- a "Readometer" that summarizes the reviews gathered by <a href='https://idreambooks.com/'>IDreamBooks.com</a> to the OPAC details page.
- pref: IDreamBooksResults
yes: Add
no: "Don't add"
- the rating from <a href='https://idreambooks.com/'>IDreamBooks.com</a> to OPAC search results.
- pref: XISBN
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- the OCLC xISBN service to show other editions of a title (when either FRBRizeEditions or OPACFRBRizeEditions is on).
- Use the <a href="http://www.worldcat.org/affiliate/webservices/xisbn/app.jsp">OCLC affiliate ID</a>
- pref: OCLCAffiliateID
- to access the xISBN service. Note that unless you have signed up for an ID, you are limited to 1000 requests per day.
- Only use the xISBN service
- pref: XISBNDailyLimit
class: integer
- times a day. Unless you are paying for the xISBN service, you should leave this at the default of 999 (as detailed above).
- pref: SyndeticsEnabled
yes: Use
no: "Don't use"
- content from Syndetics. Note that this requires that you have signed up for the service and entered in your client code below.
- Use the client code
- pref: SyndeticsClientCode
- to access Syndetics.
- pref: SyndeticsCoverImages
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- cover images from Syndetics on search results and item detail pages on the OPAC in a
- pref: SyndeticsCoverImageSize
MC: medium
LC: large
- size.
- pref: SyndeticsAuthorNotes
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- notes about the author of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: SyndeticsAwards
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- information from Syndetics about the awards a title has won on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: SyndeticsEditions
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- information about other editions of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC (when OPACFRBRizeEditions is on).
- pref: SyndeticsExcerpt
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- excerpts from of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: SyndeticsReviews
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- reviews of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: SyndeticsSeries
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- "information on other books in a title's series from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC."
- pref: SyndeticsSummary
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- a summary of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: SyndeticsTOC
yes: Show
no: "Don't show"
- the table of contents of a title from Syndetics on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: TagsEnabled
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons and staff to put tags on items.
- pref: TagsModeration
yes: Require
no: "Don't require"
- that tags submitted by patrons be reviewed by a staff member before being shown.
- Show
- pref: TagsShowOnList
class: integer
- tags on search results on the OPAC.
- pref: TagsInputOnList
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to input tags on search results on the OPAC.
- Show
- pref: TagsShowOnDetail
class: integer
- tags on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- pref: TagsInputOnDetail
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- patrons to input tags on item detail pages on the OPAC.
- Allow tags in the dictionary of the ispell executable
- pref: TagsExternalDictionary
class: file
- on the server to be approved without moderation.
Local Cover Images:
- pref: LocalCoverImages
yes: Display
no: "Don't display"
- local cover images on intranet search and details pages.
- pref: OPACLocalCoverImages
yes: Display
no: "Don't display"
- local cover images on OPAC search and details pages.
- pref: AllowMultipleCovers
yes: Allow
no: "Don't allow"
- multiple images to be attached to each bibliographic record.
HTML5 Media:
- Show a tab with a HTML5 media player for files catalogued in field 856
- pref: HTML5MediaEnabled
not: "not at all."
opac: "in the OPAC."
staff: "in the staff client."
both: "in OPAC and staff client."
- Media file extensions
- pref: HTML5MediaExtensions
class: multi
- (separated with |).
- pref: HTML5MediaYouTube
yes: "Embed"
no: "Don't embed"
- YouTube links as videos.
- pref: UseKohaPlugins
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- the ability to use Koha Plugins. Note, the plugin system must also be enabled in the Koha configuration file to be fully enabled.
- Include OverDrive availability information with the client key
- pref: OverDriveClientKey
- and client secret
- pref: OverDriveClientSecret
- .
- "Show items from the OverDrive catalog of library #"
- pref: OverDriveLibraryID
- .
- pref: OverDriveCirculation
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- users to access their OverDrive circulation history, and circulate items.
- If you enable access, you must register auth return url of
- http(s)://my.opac.hostname/cgi-bin/koha/external/overdrive/auth.pl
- with OverDrive.
Coce Cover images cache:
- pref: Coce
yes: Enable
no: "Don't enable"
- a Coce image cache service.
- Coce server URL
- pref: CoceHost
class: url
- Use the following providers to fetch the covers
- pref: CoceProviders
aws: Amazon Web Services
gb: Google Books
ol: Open Library