Emmi Takkinen f5e9f9634f
Bug 36567: Get rid of Datetime warning in Circulation.t and dateexpiry.t
Running either t/db_dependent/Circulation.t or t/db_dependent/Circulation/dateexpiry.t
cause following error to be dispalyed:

You are creating a DateTime object with a far future year (9999) and a time
zone (Europe/Helsinki). If the time zone you specified has future DST changes
this will be very slow.

Smallest allowed value is 4999, so we need to use that rather than 9999 in tests.

To test prove t/db_dependent/Circulation.t and t/db_dependent/Circulation/dateexpiry.t.

Sponsored-by: Koha-Suomi Oy
Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Pedro Amorim <pedro.amorim@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2024-05-03 16:02:45 +02:00

135 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use DateTime;
use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday time/;
use Test::More tests => 2;
use C4::Members;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref );
use Koha::Database;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use t::lib::Mocks qw( mock_preference );
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
my $patron_category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => { category_type => 'P', enrolmentfee => 0 } });
subtest 'Tests for CanBookBeIssued related to dateexpiry' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
subtest 'Tests for CalcDateDue related to dateexpiry' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
sub can_book_be_issued {
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item;
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
{ class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
dateexpiry => '9999-12-31',
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
my $duration = gettimeofday();
my ( $issuingimpossible, $needsconfirmation ) = C4::Circulation::CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item->barcode );
$duration = gettimeofday() - $duration;
cmp_ok $duration, '<', 1, "CanBookBeIssued should not be take more than 1s if the patron is expired";
is( not( exists $issuingimpossible->{EXPIRED} ), 1, 'The patron should not be considered as expired if dateexpiry is 9999-*' );
$item = $builder->build_sample_item;
$patron = $builder->build_object(
{ class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
dateexpiry => undef,
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
( $issuingimpossible, $needsconfirmation ) = C4::Circulation::CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item->barcode );
is( not( exists $issuingimpossible->{EXPIRED} ), 1, 'The patron should not be considered as expired if dateexpiry is not set' );
my $tomorrow = dt_from_string->add_duration( DateTime::Duration->new( days => 1 ) );
$item = $builder->build_sample_item;
$patron = $builder->build_object(
{ class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
dateexpiry => output_pref( { dt => $tomorrow, dateonly => 1, dateformat => 'sql' } ),
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
( $issuingimpossible, $needsconfirmation ) = C4::Circulation::CanBookBeIssued( $patron, $item->barcode );
is( not( exists $issuingimpossible->{EXPIRED} ), 1, 'The patron should not be considered as expired if dateexpiry is tomorrow' );
sub calc_date_due {
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ReturnBeforeExpiry', 1 );
# this triggers the compare between expiry and due date
my $patron = $builder->build_object(
class => 'Koha::Patrons',
value => {
categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode},
my $item = $builder->build_sample_item;
my $branch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch' } );
my $today = dt_from_string();
# first test with empty expiry date
# note that this expiry date will never lead to an issue btw !!
my $d = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $today, $item->effective_itemtype, $branch->{branchcode}, $patron );
is( ref $d eq "DateTime" && $d->mdy() =~ /^\d+/, 1, "CalcDateDue with expiry undef" );
# second test expiry date==today
my $d2 = output_pref( { dt => $today, dateonly => 1, dateformat => 'sql' } );
$d = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $today, $item->effective_itemtype, $branch->{branchcode}, $patron );
is( ref $d eq "DateTime" && DateTime->compare( $d->truncate( to => 'day' ), $today->truncate( to => 'day' ) ) == 0, 1, "CalcDateDue with expiry today" );
# third test expiry date tomorrow
my $dur = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 1 );
my $tomorrow = $today->clone->add_duration($dur);
$d2 = output_pref( { dt => $tomorrow, dateonly => 1, dateformat => 'sql' } );
$d = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $today, $item->effective_itemtype, $branch->{branchcode}, $patron );
is( ref $d eq "DateTime" && $d->mdy() =~ /^\d+/, 1, "CalcDateDue with expiry tomorrow" );
# fourth test far future
my $t1 = time;
$d = C4::Circulation::CalcDateDue( $today, $item->effective_itemtype, $branch->{branchcode}, $patron );
my $t2 = time;
is( ref $d eq "DateTime" && $t2 - $t1 < 1, 1, "CalcDateDue with expiry in year 9876 in " . sprintf( "%6.4f", $t2 - $t1 ) . " seconds." );