Owen Leonard eb92d94be1 Bug 10309 - New OPAC theme based on Bootstrap
The goal of this theme is to provide a fully-responsive OPAC which
offers a high level of functionality across multiple devices with varied
viewport sizes. Its style is based on the CCSR theme, with elements of
the Bootstrap framework providing default styling of buttons, menus,
modals, etc.

The Bootstrap grid is used everywhere, but Bootstrap's default
responsive breakpoints have been expanded to allow for better
flexibility for our needs.

All non-translation-depended files are in the root directory of this new

css, images, itemtypeimg, js, less, and lib. Languages.pm has been
modified to ignore the new directories when parsing the theme language

This theme introduces the use of LESS (http://lesscss.org/) to build
CSS. Three LESS files can be found in the "less" directory: mixins.less,
opac.less, and responsive.less. These three files are compiled into one
CSS file for production: opac.css. "Base" theme styles are found in
opac.less. A few "mixins" (http://lesscss.org/#-mixins) are found in
mixins.less. Any CSS which is conditional on specific media queries is
found in responsive.less.

At the template level some general sturctural changes have been made.
For the most part JavaScript is now at the end of each template as is
recommended for performance reasons. JavaScript formerly in
doc-head-close.inc is now in opac-bottom.inc.

In order to be able to maintain this structure and accommodate
page-specific scripts at the same time the use of BLOCK and PROCESS are
added. By default opac-bottom.inc will PROCESS a "jsinclude" block:

[% PROCESS jsinclude %]

Each page template in the theme must contain this block, even if it is

[% BLOCK jsinclude %][% END %]

Pages which require that page-specific JavaScript be inserted can add it
to the jsinclude block and it will appear correctly at the bottom of the
rendered page.

The same is true for page-specific CSS. Each page contains a cssinclude

[% BLOCK cssinclude %][% END %]

...which is processed in doc-head-close.inc:

[% PROCESS cssinclude %]

Using these methods helps us maintain a strict separation of CSS links
and blocks (at the top of each page) and JavaScript (at the bottom). A
few exceptions are made for some JavaScript which must be processed
sooner: respond.js (https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond, conditionally
applied to Internet Explorer versions < 9 to allow for layout
responsiveness), the _() function required for JS translatability, and
Modernizr (http://modernizr.com/, a script which detects browser
features and allows us to conditionally load JavaScript based on
available features--or lack thereof).

Another new JavaScript dependency in this theme is enquire.js
(http://wicky.nillia.ms/enquire.js/), which lets us trigger JavaScript
events based on viewport size.

I have made an effort to re-indent the templates in a sane way,
eliminating trailing spaces and tabs. However, I have not wrapped lines
at a specific line length. In order to improve template legibility I
have also tried to insert comments indicating the origin of closing tags
like <div> or template directives like [% END %]:

</div> <!-- / .container-fluid -->

[% END # / IF ( OpacBrowseResults && busc ) %]


Proper testing of this theme is no easy task: Every template has been
touched. Each page should work reasonable well at a variety of screen
dimensions. Pages should be tested under many conditions which are
controlled by toggling OPAC system preferences on and off. A variety of
devices, platforms, and browsers should be tested.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2013-10-14 23:13:05 +00:00

541 lines
22 KiB

package C4::Languages;
# Copyright 2006 (C) LibLime
# Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
# Portions Copyright 2009 Chris Cormack and the Koha Dev Team
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
#use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
use Carp;
use C4::Context;
eval {
if (C4::Context->ismemcached) {
require Memoize::Memcached;
import Memoize::Memcached qw(memoize_memcached);
memoize_memcached('getTranslatedLanguages', memcached => C4::Context->memcached);
memoize_memcached('getFrameworkLanguages' , memcached => C4::Context->memcached);
memoize_memcached('getAllLanguages', memcached => C4::Context->memcached);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(getFrameworkLanguages getTranslatedLanguages getAllLanguages get_bidi regex_lang_subtags language_get_description accept_language);
$DEBUG = 0;
=head1 NAME
C4::Languages - Perl Module containing language list functions for Koha
use C4::Languages;
=head2 getFrameworkLanguages
Returns a reference to an array of hashes:
my $languages = getFrameworkLanguages();
for my $language(@$languages) {
print "$language->{language_code}\n"; # language code in iso 639-2
print "$language->{language_name}\n"; # language name in native script
print "$language->{language_locale_name}\n"; # language name in current locale
sub getFrameworkLanguages {
# get a hash with all language codes, names, and locale names
my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
my @languages;
# find the available directory names
my $dir=C4::Context->config('intranetdir')."/installer/data/";
opendir (MYDIR,$dir);
my @listdir= grep { !/^\.|CVS/ && -d "$dir/$_"} readdir(MYDIR);
closedir MYDIR;
# pull out all data for the dir names that exist
for my $dirname (@listdir) {
for my $language_set (@$all_languages) {
if ($dirname eq $language_set->{language_code}) {
push @languages, {
'native_descrition'=>$language_set->{language_native_description} }
return \@languages;
=head2 getTranslatedLanguages
Returns a reference to an array of hashes:
my $languages = getTranslatedLanguages();
print "Available translated languages:\n";
for my $language(@$trlanguages) {
print "$language->{language_code}\n"; # language code in iso 639-2
print "$language->{language_name}\n"; # language name in native script
print "$language->{language_locale_name}\n"; # language name in current locale
sub getTranslatedLanguages {
my ($interface, $theme, $current_language, $which) = @_;
my $htdocs;
my @languages;
my @enabled_languages;
if ($interface && $interface eq 'opac' ) {
@enabled_languages = split ",", C4::Context->preference('opaclanguages');
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
if ( $theme and -d "$htdocs/$theme" ) {
(@languages) = _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
else {
for my $theme ( _get_themes('opac') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
elsif ($interface && $interface eq 'intranet' ) {
@enabled_languages = split ",", C4::Context->preference('language');
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
if ( $theme and -d "$htdocs/$theme" ) {
@languages = _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
else {
foreach my $theme ( _get_themes('intranet') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
else {
@enabled_languages = split ",", C4::Context->preference('opaclanguages');
my $htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
foreach my $theme ( _get_themes('intranet') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
foreach my $theme ( _get_themes('opac') ) {
push @languages, _get_language_dirs($htdocs,$theme);
my %seen;
$seen{$_}++ for @languages;
@languages = keys %seen;
return _build_languages_arrayref(\@languages,$current_language,\@enabled_languages);
=head2 getAllLanguages
Returns a reference to an array of hashes:
my $alllanguages = getAllLanguages();
print "Available translated languages:\n";
for my $language(@$alllanguages) {
print "$language->{language_code}\n";
print "$language->{language_name}\n";
print "$language->{language_locale_name}\n";
sub getAllLanguages {
my $lang = shift;
# if no parameter is passed to the function, it returns english languages names
# if a $lang parameter conforming to RFC4646 syntax is passed, the function returns languages names translated in $lang
# if a language name is not translated in $lang in database, the function returns english language name
my @languages_loop;
my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh;
my $default_language = 'en';
my $current_language = $default_language;
if ($lang) {
$current_language = regex_lang_subtags($lang)->{'language'};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM language_subtag_registry WHERE type=\'language\'');
while (my $language_subtag_registry = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $desc;
# check if language name is stored in current language
my $sth4= $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM language_descriptions WHERE type='language' AND subtag =? AND lang = ?");
while (my $language_desc = $sth4->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $sth2= $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM language_descriptions LEFT JOIN language_rfc4646_to_iso639 on language_rfc4646_to_iso639.rfc4646_subtag = language_descriptions.subtag WHERE type='language' AND subtag =? AND language_descriptions.lang = ?");
if ($desc) {
else {
my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM language_descriptions WHERE type='language' AND subtag=? AND lang=?");
# add the correct description info
while (my $language_descriptions = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $native_description;
while (my $description = $sth3->fetchrow_hashref) {
$native_description = $description->{description};
# fill in the ISO6329 code
$language_subtag_registry->{iso639_2_code} = $language_descriptions->{iso639_2_code};
# fill in the native description of the language, as well as the current language's translation of that if it exists
if ($native_description) {
$language_subtag_registry->{language_description} = $native_description;
$language_subtag_registry->{language_description}.=" ($language_descriptions->{description})" if $language_descriptions->{description};
else {
$language_subtag_registry->{language_description} = $language_descriptions->{description};
push @languages_loop, $language_subtag_registry;
return \@languages_loop;
=head2 _get_themes
Internal function, returns an array of all available themes.
(@themes) = &_get_themes('opac');
(@themes) = &_get_themes('intranet');
sub _get_themes {
my $interface = shift;
my $htdocs;
my @themes;
if ( $interface eq 'intranet' ) {
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
else {
$htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
opendir D, "$htdocs";
my @dirlist = readdir D;
foreach my $directory (@dirlist) {
# if there's an en dir, it's a valid theme
-d "$htdocs/$directory/en" and push @themes, $directory;
return @themes;
=head2 _get_language_dirs
Internal function, returns an array of directory names, excluding non-language directories
sub _get_language_dirs {
my ($htdocs,$theme) = @_;
my @lang_strings;
opendir D, "$htdocs/$theme";
for my $lang_string ( readdir D ) {
next if $lang_string =~/^\./;
next if $lang_string eq 'all';
next if $lang_string =~/png$/;
next if $lang_string =~/js$/;
next if $lang_string =~/css$/;
next if $lang_string =~/CVS$/;
next if $lang_string =~/\.txt$/i; #Don't read the readme.txt !
next if $lang_string =~/img|images|famfam|js|less|lib|sound|pdf/;
push @lang_strings, $lang_string;
return (@lang_strings);
=head2 _build_languages_arrayref
Internal function for building the ref to array of hashes
FIXME: this could be rewritten and simplified using map
sub _build_languages_arrayref {
my ($translated_languages,$current_language,$enabled_languages) = @_;
my @translated_languages = @$translated_languages;
my @languages_loop; # the final reference to an array of hashrefs
my @enabled_languages = @$enabled_languages;
# how many languages are enabled, if one, take note, some contexts won't need to display it
my %seen_languages; # the language tags we've seen
my %found_languages;
my $language_groups;
my $track_language_groups;
my $current_language_regex = regex_lang_subtags($current_language);
# Loop through the translated languages
for my $translated_language (@translated_languages) {
# separate the language string into its subtag types
my $language_subtags_hashref = regex_lang_subtags($translated_language);
# is this language string 'enabled'?
for my $enabled_language (@enabled_languages) {
#warn "Checking out if $translated_language eq $enabled_language";
$language_subtags_hashref->{'enabled'} = 1 if $translated_language eq $enabled_language;
# group this language, key by langtag
$language_subtags_hashref->{'sublanguage_current'} = 1 if $translated_language eq $current_language;
$language_subtags_hashref->{'rfc4646_subtag'} = $translated_language;
$language_subtags_hashref->{'native_description'} = language_get_description($language_subtags_hashref->{language},$language_subtags_hashref->{language},'language');
$language_subtags_hashref->{'script_description'} = language_get_description($language_subtags_hashref->{script},$language_subtags_hashref->{'language'},'script');
$language_subtags_hashref->{'region_description'} = language_get_description($language_subtags_hashref->{region},$language_subtags_hashref->{'language'},'region');
$language_subtags_hashref->{'variant_description'} = language_get_description($language_subtags_hashref->{variant},$language_subtags_hashref->{'language'},'variant');
push ( @{ $language_groups->{$language_subtags_hashref->{language}} }, $language_subtags_hashref );
# $key is a language subtag like 'en'
while( my ($key, $value) = each %$language_groups) {
# is this language group enabled? are any of the languages within it enabled?
my $enabled;
for my $enabled_language (@enabled_languages) {
my $regex_enabled_language = regex_lang_subtags($enabled_language);
$enabled = 1 if $key eq $regex_enabled_language->{language};
push @languages_loop, {
# this is only use if there is one
rfc4646_subtag => @$value[0]->{rfc4646_subtag},
native_description => language_get_description($key,$key,'language'),
language => $key,
sublanguages_loop => $value,
plural => $track_language_groups->{$key} >1 ? 1 : 0,
current => $current_language_regex->{language} eq $key ? 1 : 0,
group_enabled => $enabled,
return \@languages_loop;
sub language_get_description {
my ($script,$lang,$type) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $desc;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM language_descriptions WHERE subtag=? AND lang=? AND type=?");
#warn "QUERY: SELECT description FROM language_descriptions WHERE subtag=$script AND lang=$lang AND type=$type";
while (my $descriptions = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$desc = $descriptions->{'description'};
unless ($desc) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM language_descriptions WHERE subtag=? AND lang=? AND type=?");
while (my $descriptions = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$desc = $descriptions->{'description'};
return $desc;
=head2 regex_lang_subtags
This internal sub takes a string composed according to RFC 4646 as
an input and returns a reference to a hash containing keys and values
for ( language, script, region, variant, extension, privateuse )
sub regex_lang_subtags {
my $string = shift;
# Regex for recognizing RFC 4646 well-formed tags
# http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4646.txt
# regexes based on : http://unicode.org/cldr/data/tools/java/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/langtagRegex.txt
# The structure requires no forward references, so it reverses the order.
# The uppercase comments are fragments copied from RFC 4646
# Note: the tool requires that any real "=" or "#" or ";" in the regex be escaped.
my $alpha = qr/[a-zA-Z]/ ; # ALPHA
my $digit = qr/[0-9]/ ; # DIGIT
my $alphanum = qr/[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ; # ALPHA / DIGIT
my $x = qr/[xX]/ ; # private use singleton
my $singleton = qr/[a-w y-z A-W Y-Z]/ ; # other singleton
my $s = qr/[-]/ ; # separator -- lenient parsers will use [-_]
# Now do the components. The structure is slightly different to allow for capturing the right components.
# The notation (?:....) is a non-capturing version of (...): so the "?:" can be deleted if someone doesn't care about capturing.
my $extlang = qr{(?: $s $alpha{3} )}x ; # *3("-" 3ALPHA)
my $language = qr{(?: $alpha{2,3} | $alpha{4,8} )}x ;
#my $language = qr{(?: $alpha{2,3}$extlang{0,3} | $alpha{4,8} )}x ; # (2*3ALPHA [ extlang ]) / 4ALPHA / 5*8ALPHA
my $script = qr{(?: $alpha{4} )}x ; # 4ALPHA
my $region = qr{(?: $alpha{2} | $digit{3} )}x ; # 2ALPHA / 3DIGIT
my $variantSub = qr{(?: $digit$alphanum{3} | $alphanum{5,8} )}x ; # *("-" variant), 5*8alphanum / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
my $variant = qr{(?: $variantSub (?: $s$variantSub )* )}x ; # *("-" variant), 5*8alphanum / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
my $extensionSub = qr{(?: $singleton (?: $s$alphanum{2,8} )+ )}x ; # singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
my $extension = qr{(?: $extensionSub (?: $s$extensionSub )* )}x ; # singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
my $privateuse = qr{(?: $x (?: $s$alphanum{1,8} )+ )}x ; # ("x"/"X") 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
# Define certain grandfathered codes, since otherwise the regex is pretty useless.
# Since these are limited, this is safe even later changes to the registry --
# the only oddity is that it might change the type of the tag, and thus
# the results from the capturing groups.
# http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry
# Note that these have to be compared case insensitively, requiring (?i) below.
my $grandfathered = qr{(?: (?i)
en $s GB $s oed
| i $s (?: ami | bnn | default | enochian | hak | klingon | lux | mingo | navajo | pwn | tao | tay | tsu )
| sgn $s (?: BE $s fr | BE $s nl | CH $s de)
# For well-formedness, we don't need the ones that would otherwise pass, so they are commented out here
# | art $s lojban
# | cel $s gaulish
# | en $s (?: boont | GB $s oed | scouse )
# | no $s (?: bok | nyn)
# | zh $s (?: cmn | cmn $s Hans | cmn $s Hant | gan | guoyu | hakka | min | min $s nan | wuu | xiang | yue)
# Here is the final breakdown, with capturing groups for each of these components
# The language, variants, extensions, grandfathered, and private-use may have interior '-'
#my $root = qr{(?: ($language) (?: $s ($script) )? 40% (?: $s ($region) )? 40% (?: $s ($variant) )? 10% (?: $s ($extension) )? 5% (?: $s ($privateuse) )? 5% ) 90% | ($grandfathered) 5% | ($privateuse) 5% };
$string =~ qr{^ (?:($language)) (?:$s($script))? (?:$s($region))? (?:$s($variant))? (?:$s($extension))? (?:$s($privateuse))? $}xi; # |($grandfathered) | ($privateuse) $}xi;
my %subtag = (
'rfc4646_subtag' => $string,
'language' => $1,
'script' => $2,
'region' => $3,
'variant' => $4,
'extension' => $5,
'privateuse' => $6,
return \%subtag;
# Script Direction Resources:
# http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-scripts
sub get_bidi {
my ($language_script)= @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $bidi;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT bidi FROM language_script_bidi WHERE rfc4646_subtag=?');
while (my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$bidi = $result->{'bidi'};
return $bidi;
sub accept_language {
# referenced http://search.cpan.org/src/CGILMORE/I18N-AcceptLanguage-1.04/lib/I18N/AcceptLanguage.pm
my ($clientPreferences,$supportedLanguages) = @_;
my @languages = ();
if ($clientPreferences) {
# There should be no whitespace anways, but a cleanliness/sanity check
$clientPreferences =~ s/\s//g;
# Prepare the list of client-acceptable languages
foreach my $tag (split(/,/, $clientPreferences)) {
my ($language, $quality) = split(/\;/, $tag);
$quality =~ s/^q=//i if $quality;
$quality = 1 unless $quality;
next if $quality <= 0;
# We want to force the wildcard to be last
$quality = 0 if ($language eq '*');
# Pushing lowercase language here saves processing later
push(@languages, { quality => $quality,
language => $language,
lclanguage => lc($language) });
} else {
carp "accept_language(x,y) called with no clientPreferences (x).";
# Prepare the list of server-supported languages
my %supportedLanguages = ();
my %secondaryLanguages = ();
foreach my $language (@$supportedLanguages) {
# warn "Language supported: " . $language->{language};
my $subtag = $language->{rfc4646_subtag};
$supportedLanguages{lc($subtag)} = $subtag;
if ( $subtag =~ /^([^-]+)-?/ ) {
$secondaryLanguages{lc($1)} = $subtag;
# Reverse sort the list, making best quality at the front of the array
@languages = sort { $b->{quality} <=> $a->{quality} } @languages;
my $secondaryMatch = '';
foreach my $tag (@languages) {
if (exists($supportedLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}})) {
# Client en-us eq server en-us
return $supportedLanguages{$tag->{language}} if exists($supportedLanguages{$tag->{language}});
return $supportedLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}};
} elsif (exists($secondaryLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}})) {
# Client en eq server en-us
return $secondaryLanguages{$tag->{language}} if exists($secondaryLanguages{$tag->{language}});
return $supportedLanguages{$tag->{lclanguage}};
} elsif ($tag->{lclanguage} =~ /^([^-]+)-/ && exists($secondaryLanguages{$1}) && $secondaryMatch eq '') {
# Client en-gb eq server en-us
$secondaryMatch = $secondaryLanguages{$1};
} elsif ($tag->{lclanguage} =~ /^([^-]+)-/ && exists($secondaryLanguages{$1}) && $secondaryMatch eq '') {
# FIXME: We just checked the exact same conditional!
# Client en-us eq server en
$secondaryMatch = $supportedLanguages{$1};
} elsif ($tag->{lclanguage} eq '*') {
# * matches every language not already specified.
# It doesn't care which we pick, so let's pick the default,
# if available, then the first in the array.
#return $acceptor->defaultLanguage() if $acceptor->defaultLanguage();
return $supportedLanguages->[0];
# No primary matches. Secondary? (ie, en-us requested and en supported)
return $secondaryMatch if $secondaryMatch;
return undef; # else, we got nothing.
=head1 AUTHOR
Joshua Ferraro