truth_nz 4915ed786c New files, and changes to add associated webstes to a biblio.
Adds a new table to database - so installer needs updating again.
2002-05-12 15:37:53 +00:00

813 lines
18 KiB

# MySQL dump 7.1
# Host: localhost Database: c4test
# Server version 3.22.32-log
# Table structure for table 'accountlines'
CREATE TABLE accountlines (
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
accountno smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
itemnumber int(11),
date date,
amount decimal(28,6),
description text,
dispute text,
accounttype varchar(5),
amountoutstanding decimal(28,6),
timestamp timestamp(14),
KEY acctsborridx (borrowernumber),
KEY timeidx (timestamp)
# Table structure for table 'accountoffsets'
CREATE TABLE accountoffsets (
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
accountno smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
offsetaccount smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
offsetamount decimal(28,6),
timestamp timestamp(14)
# Table structure for table 'additionalauthors'
CREATE TABLE additionalauthors (
author text NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
KEY bibidx (biblionumber)
# Table structure for table 'aqbookfund'
CREATE TABLE aqbookfund (
bookfundid varchar(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
bookfundname text,
bookfundgroup varchar(5)
# Table structure for table 'aqbooksellers'
CREATE TABLE aqbooksellers (
id int(11),
name text,
address1 text,
address2 text,
address3 text,
address4 text,
phone varchar(30),
accountnumber text,
othersupplier text,
currency char(3) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
deliverydays smallint(6),
followupdays smallint(6),
followupscancel smallint(6),
specialty text,
booksellerfax text,
notes text,
bookselleremail text,
booksellerurl text,
contact varchar(100),
postal text,
url varchar(255),
contpos varchar(100),
contphone varchar(100),
contfax varchar(100),
contaltphone varchar(100),
contemail varchar(100),
contnotes text,
active tinyint(4),
listprice varchar(5),
invoiceprice varchar(5),
gstreg tinyint(4),
listincgst tinyint(4),
invoiceincgst tinyint(4),
discount float(6,4),
fax varchar(50)
# Table structure for table 'aqbudget'
CREATE TABLE aqbudget (
bookfundid char(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
startdate date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
enddate date,
budgetamount decimal(13,2)
# Table structure for table 'aqorderbreakdown'
CREATE TABLE aqorderbreakdown (
ordernumber int(11),
linenumber int(11),
branchcode char(4),
bookfundid char(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
allocation smallint(6)
# Table structure for table 'aqorderdelivery'
CREATE TABLE aqorderdelivery (
ordernumber date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
deliverynumber smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
deliverydate varchar(18),
qtydelivered smallint(6),
deliverycomments text
# Table structure for table 'aqorders'
CREATE TABLE aqorders (
ordernumber int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
biblionumber int(11) default NULL,
title text,
requisitionedby varchar(10) default NULL,
authorisedby varchar(10) default NULL,
booksellerid varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
deliverydays smallint(6) default NULL,
followupdays smallint(6) default NULL,
numberfollowupsallowed smallint(6) default NULL,
numberfollowupssent smallint(6) default NULL,
entrydate date default NULL,
dateprinted date default NULL,
quantity smallint(6) default NULL,
currency char(3) default NULL,
listprice decimal(28,6) default NULL,
totalamount decimal(28,6) default NULL,
datereceived date default NULL,
booksellerinvoicenumber text,
freight decimal(28,6) default NULL,
unitprice decimal(28,6) default NULL,
quantityreceived smallint(6) default NULL,
sourced text,
cancelledby varchar(10) default NULL,
quantityreceiveddamaged smallint(6) default NULL,
datecancellationprinted date default NULL,
notes text,
supplierreference text,
purchaseordernumber text,
subscription tinyint(1) default NULL,
subscriptionfrom date default NULL,
subscriptionto date default NULL,
serialid varchar(30) default NULL,
basketno int(11) default NULL,
biblioitemnumber int(11) default NULL,
timestamp timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
rrp decimal(13,2) default NULL,
ecost decimal(13,2) default NULL,
gst decimal(13,2) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ordernumber),
KEY booksellerid (booksellerid),
KEY biblionumber (biblionumber),
KEY biblioitemnumber (biblioitemnumber),
KEY biblioitemnumber_2 (biblioitemnumber)
# Table structure for table 'biblio'
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
author text,
title text,
unititle text,
notes text,
abstract text,
serial tinyint(1),
seriestitle text,
copyrightdate smallint(6),
timestamp timestamp(14),
KEY blbnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (biblionumber)
# Table structure for table 'biblioanalysis'
CREATE TABLE biblioanalysis (
analyticaltitle text,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
analyticalauthor text
# Table structure for table 'biblioitems'
CREATE TABLE biblioitems (
biblioitemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
volume text,
number text,
classification varchar(25),
itemtype varchar(4),
url varchar(255),
isbn varchar(14),
issn varchar(9),
dewey double(8,6),
subclass char(3),
publicationyear smallint(6),
publishercode varchar(255),
volumedate date,
volumeddesc varchar(255),
timestamp timestamp(14),
illus varchar(255),
pages varchar(255),
notes text,
size varchar(255),
place varchar(255),
KEY bibinoidx (biblioitemnumber),
KEY bibnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (biblioitemnumber)
# Table structure for table 'bibliosubject'
CREATE TABLE bibliosubject (
subject text NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
# Table structure for table 'bibliosubtitle'
CREATE TABLE bibliosubtitle (
subtitle text NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
KEY bibsubidx (biblionumber)
# Table structure for table 'borexp'
borrowernumber int(11),
newexp date
# Table structure for table 'borrowers'
CREATE TABLE borrowers (
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cardnumber varchar(9) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
surname text NOT NULL,
firstname text NOT NULL,
title text,
othernames text,
initials text NOT NULL,
streetaddress text NOT NULL,
suburb text,
city text NOT NULL,
phone text NOT NULL,
emailaddress text,
faxnumber text,
altstreetaddress text,
altsuburb text,
altcity text,
altphone text,
dateofbirth date,
branchcode varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
categorycode char(2),
dateenrolled date,
gonenoaddress tinyint(1),
lost tinyint(1),
debarred tinyint(1),
studentnumber text,
school text,
contactname text,
borrowernotes text,
guarantor int(11),
area char(2),
ethnicity varchar(50),
ethnotes varchar(255),
sex char(1),
expiry date,
altnotes varchar(255),
altrelationship varchar(100),
streetcity text,
phoneday varchar(50),
preferredcont char(1),
physstreet varchar(100),
KEY borrowernumber (borrowernumber),
KEY cardnumber (cardnumber)
# Table structure for table 'branchcategories'
CREATE TABLE branchcategories (
categorycode char(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
categoryname text,
codedescription text,
PRIMARY KEY (categorycode)
# Table structure for table 'branchrelations'
CREATE TABLE branchrelations (
branchcode varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
categorycode varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
# Table structure for table 'branches'
CREATE TABLE branches (
branchcode varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
branchname text NOT NULL,
branchaddress1 text,
branchaddress2 text,
branchaddress3 text,
branchphone text,
branchfax text,
branchemail text,
issuing tinyint(4),
UNIQUE branchcode (branchcode)
# Table structure for table 'branchtransfers'
CREATE TABLE branchtransfers (
itemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
datesent datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
frombranch varchar(4),
datearrived datetime,
tobranch varchar(4),
comments text
# Table structure for table 'catalogueentry'
CREATE TABLE catalogueentry (
catalogueentry text NOT NULL,
entrytype char(2),
see text,
seealso text,
seeinstead text,
biblionumber int(11)
# Table structure for table 'categories'
CREATE TABLE categories (
categorycode char(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
description text,
enrolmentperiod smallint(6),
upperagelimit smallint(6),
dateofbirthrequired tinyint(1),
finetype varchar(30),
bulk tinyint(1),
enrolmentfee decimal(28,6),
overduenoticerequired tinyint(1),
issuelimit smallint(6),
reservefee decimal(28,6),
UNIQUE categorycode (categorycode)
# Table structure for table 'categoryitem'
CREATE TABLE categoryitem (
categorycode char(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
itemtype varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
restrictedtype tinyint(1),
rentaldiscount decimal(28,6),
reservecharge decimal(28,6),
fine decimal(28,6),
firstremind int(11),
chargeperiod int(11),
accountsent int(11),
chargename varchar(100)
# Table structure for table 'classification'
CREATE TABLE classification (
classification varchar(12) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
# Table structure for table 'currency'
CREATE TABLE currency (
currency varchar(10),
rate float(7,5)
# Table structure for table 'deletedbiblio'
CREATE TABLE deletedbiblio (
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
author text,
title text,
unititle text,
notes text,
serial tinyint(1),
seriestitle text,
copyrightdate smallint(6),
timestamp timestamp(14),
KEY blbnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (biblionumber)
# Table structure for table 'deletedbiblioitems'
CREATE TABLE deletedbiblioitems (
biblioitemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
volume text,
number text,
classification varchar(25),
itemtype varchar(4),
isbn varchar(14),
issn varchar(9),
dewey double(8,6),
subclass char(3),
publicationyear smallint(6),
publishercode varchar(255),
volumedate date,
volumeddesc varchar(255),
timestamp timestamp(14),
illus varchar(255),
pages varchar(255),
notes text,
size varchar(255),
KEY bibinoidx (biblioitemnumber),
KEY bibnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (biblioitemnumber)
# Table structure for table 'deletedborrowers'
CREATE TABLE deletedborrowers (
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
cardnumber varchar(9) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
surname text NOT NULL,
firstname text NOT NULL,
title text,
othernames text,
initials text NOT NULL,
streetaddress text NOT NULL,
suburb text,
city text NOT NULL,
phone text NOT NULL,
emailaddress text,
faxnumber text,
altstreetaddress text,
altsuburb text,
altcity text,
altphone text,
dateofbirth date,
branchcode varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
categorycode char(2),
dateenrolled date,
gonenoaddress tinyint(1),
lost tinyint(1),
debarred tinyint(1),
studentnumber text,
school text,
contactname text,
borrowernotes text,
guarantor int(11),
area char(2),
ethnicity varchar(50),
ethnotes varchar(255),
sex char(1),
expiry date,
altnotes varchar(255),
altrelationship varchar(100),
streetcity text,
phoneday varchar(50),
preferredcont varchar(100),
physstreet varchar(100),
KEY borrowernumber (borrowernumber),
KEY cardnumber (cardnumber)
# Table structure for table 'deleteditems'
CREATE TABLE deleteditems (
itemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
multivolumepart varchar(30),
biblioitemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
barcode varchar(9) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
dateaccessioned date,
booksellerid varchar(10),
homebranch varchar(4),
price decimal(28,6),
replacementprice decimal(28,6),
replacementpricedate date,
datelastborrowed date,
datelastseen date,
multivolume tinyint(1),
stack tinyint(1),
notforloan tinyint(1),
itemlost tinyint(1),
wthdrawn tinyint(1),
bulk varchar(30),
issues smallint(6),
renewals smallint(6),
reserves smallint(6),
restricted tinyint(1),
binding decimal(28,6),
itemnotes text,
holdingbranch varchar(4),
interim tinyint(1),
timestamp timestamp(14),
KEY itembarcodeidx (barcode),
KEY itembinoidx (biblioitemnumber),
KEY itembibnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (itemnumber),
UNIQUE barcode (barcode)
# Table structure for table 'issues'
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
itemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
date_due date,
branchcode char(4),
issuingbranch char(18),
returndate date,
lastreneweddate date,
return char(4),
renewals tinyint(4),
timestamp timestamp(14),
KEY issuesborridx (borrowernumber),
KEY issuesitemidx (itemnumber),
KEY bordate (borrowernumber,timestamp)
# Table structure for table 'items'
itemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
multivolumepart varchar(30),
biblioitemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
barcode varchar(9) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
dateaccessioned date,
booksellerid varchar(10),
homebranch varchar(4),
price decimal(8,2),
replacementprice decimal(8,2),
replacementpricedate date,
datelastborrowed date,
datelastseen date,
multivolume tinyint(1),
stack tinyint(1),
notforloan tinyint(1),
itemlost tinyint(1),
wthdrawn tinyint(1),
bulk varchar(30),
issues smallint(6),
renewals smallint(6),
reserves smallint(6),
restricted tinyint(1),
binding decimal(28,6),
itemnotes text,
holdingbranch varchar(4),
paidfor text,
timestamp timestamp(14),
KEY itembarcodeidx (barcode),
KEY itembinoidx (biblioitemnumber),
KEY itembibnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (itemnumber),
UNIQUE barcode (barcode)
# Table structure for table 'itemsprices'
CREATE TABLE itemsprices (
itemnumber int(11),
price1 decimal(28,6),
price2 decimal(28,6)
# Table structure for table 'itemtypes'
CREATE TABLE itemtypes (
itemtype varchar(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
description text,
loanlength smallint(6),
renewalsallowed smallint(6),
rentalcharge double(16,4),
UNIQUE itemtype (itemtype)
# Table structure for table 'multipart'
CREATE TABLE multipart (
itemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
other int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
# Table structure for table 'multivolume'
CREATE TABLE multivolume (
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
multivolumepart varchar(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
# Table structure for table 'newitems'
CREATE TABLE newitems (
itemnumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
publishercode varchar(18),
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
multivolumepart varchar(30),
barcode varchar(9) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
dateaccessioned date,
booksellerid varchar(10),
homebranch varchar(4),
price decimal(28,6),
replacementprice decimal(28,6),
replacementpricedate date,
datelastborrowed date,
datelastseen date,
multivolume tinyint(1),
stack tinyint(1),
notforloan tinyint(1),
itemlost tinyint(1),
wthdrawn tinyint(1),
bulk varchar(30),
issues smallint(6),
renewals smallint(6),
reserves smallint(6),
restricted tinyint(1),
binding decimal(28,6),
itemnotes text,
holdingbranch varchar(4),
interim tinyint(1),
volume text,
number text,
classification varchar(12),
itemtype varchar(4),
isbn varchar(14),
issn varchar(9),
dewey double(16,4),
subclass char(3),
publicationyear smallint(6),
KEY itembarcodeidx (barcode),
KEY itembibnoidx (biblionumber),
PRIMARY KEY (itemnumber)
# Table structure for table 'printers'
CREATE TABLE printers (
printername char(40),
printqueue char(20),
printtype char(20)
# Table structure for table 'procedures'
CREATE TABLE procedures (
proccode varchar(4),
procdesc text,
proclevel smallint(6)
# Table structure for table 'publisher'
CREATE TABLE publisher (
publishercode varchar(18) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
publishername text NOT NULL
# Table structure for table 'reserveconstraints'
CREATE TABLE reserveconstraints (
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
reservedate date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
biblioitemnumber int(11),
timestamp timestamp(14)
# Table structure for table 'reserves'
CREATE TABLE reserves (
borrowernumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
reservedate date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL,
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
constrainttype char(1),
branchcode varchar(4),
notificationdate date,
reminderdate date,
cancellationdate date,
reservenotes text,
priority smallint(6),
found char(1),
timestamp timestamp(14),
itemnumber int(11)
# Table structure for table 'searchstats'
CREATE TABLE searchstats (
time datetime,
searchstring text
# Table structure for table 'serialissues'
CREATE TABLE serialissues (
biblionumber int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
volume varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
number varchar(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
ordernumber smallint(6),
issuedate varchar(20),
received varchar(18)
# Table structure for table 'statistics'
CREATE TABLE statistics (
datetime datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
branch varchar(4),
proccode varchar(4),
value double(16,4),
type varchar(16),
other text,
usercode varchar(10),
itemnumber int(11),
itemtype varchar(4),
KEY timeidx (datetime)
# Table structure for table 'stopwords'
CREATE TABLE stopwords (
word varchar(255)
# Table structure for table 'systempreferences'
CREATE TABLE systempreferences (
variable char(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
value char(200),
PRIMARY KEY (variable)
# Table structure for table 'users'
usercode varchar(10),
username text,
password text,
level smallint(6)
# Table structure for table 'websites'
CREATE TABLE websites (
websitenumber int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
title text,
description text,
url varchar(255),
PRIMARY KEY (websitenumber)