Jonathan Druart
'rows' is a reserved word since MariaDB 10.2.4 and MySQL Test plan: Do not apply this patch and make sure you recreate the reported issue Apply this patch and confirm that it is now fixed. QA will take care for the changes in installer and test files Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <> Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
1459 lines
76 KiB
1459 lines
76 KiB
# Copyright 2015 BibLibre
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Graphics::Magick;
use Test::More tests => 645;
use Test::MockModule;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use Koha::Database;
use Test::Warn;
'C4::Creators::Lib', qw(
html_table )
my $schema = Koha::Database->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issues');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM creator_templates');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM creator_layouts');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM creator_images');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM creator_batches');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM printers_profile');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM borrowers');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM items');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM biblioitems');
# Inserted data
my $library1 = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
my $library2 = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
my $library3 = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
# ---------- Some Templates --------------------
my $query = '
INSERT INTO creator_templates
(profile_id , template_code, template_desc, page_width,
page_height , label_width , label_height , top_text_margin,
left_text_margin, top_margin , left_margin , cols,
`rows` , col_gap , row_gap , units,
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';
my $insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( 1, 'TEMPL1', 'Template 1', 100, 150, 10, 15, 2, 3, 1, 4, 9, 6, 0.1, 0.2, 'POINT', 'Labels' );
$insert_sth->execute( 2, 'TEMPL2', 'Template 2', 101, 151, 11, 16, 3, 4, 2, 5, 10, 7, 0.2, 0.3, 'POINT', 'Labels' );
$query = '
SELECT template_id, template_code
FROM creator_templates
WHERE profile_id = ?
my ( $template_id1, $template_code1 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, 1 );
# ---------- Some Layouts -----------------------
$query = '
INSERT INTO creator_layouts
(barcode_type , start_label , printing_type, layout_name,
guidebox , font , font_size , units ,
callnum_split , text_justify, format_string, layout_xml ,
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( 'COOP2OF5', 1, 'BAR1', 'NAME1', 1, 'TR', 11, 'POINT', 1, 'L', 'barcode', 'layout_xml1', 'Labels' );
$insert_sth->execute( 'EAN13', 2, 'BAR2', 'NAME2', 2, 'TR', 12, 'POINT', 2, 'L', 'barcode', 'layout_xml2', 'Labels' );
# ---------- Some Printers ---------------------
$query = '
INSERT INTO printers_profile
(printer_name, template_id, paper_bin,
offset_horz , offset_vert, creep_horz,
creep_vert , units , creator)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( 'Layout1 Name', 1234, 'Bypass', 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 'POINT', 'Labels' );
$insert_sth->execute( 'Layout2 Name', 1235, 'Bypass', 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 'POINT', 'Labels' );
# ---------- Some Images -----------------------
my $image1 = Graphics::Magick->new;
my $image2 = Graphics::Magick->new;
$query = '
INSERT INTO creator_images
(imagefile, image_name)
VALUES (?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( "$image1->ImageToBlob()", 'Image 1' );
$insert_sth->execute( "$image2->ImageToBlob()", 'Image 2' );
# ---------- Some biblios -----------------------
my $title1 = 'Title 1';
my $title2 = 'Title 2';
my $title3 = 'Title 3';
my $author1 = 'Author 1';
my $author2 = 'Author 2';
my $author3 = 'Author 3';
$query = '
(title, author, datecreated)
VALUES (?,?, NOW())';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( $title1, $author1 );
$insert_sth->execute( $title2, undef );
$insert_sth->execute( $title3, $author3 );
$query = '
SELECT biblionumber
FROM biblio
WHERE title = ?';
my $biblionumber1 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $title1 );
my $biblionumber2 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $title2 );
my $biblionumber3 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $title3 );
# ---------- Some biblio items -------------------------
$query = '
INSERT INTO biblioitems
(biblionumber, itemtype)
VALUES (?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( $biblionumber1, 'Book' );
$insert_sth->execute( $biblionumber2, 'Music' );
$insert_sth->execute( $biblionumber3, 'Book' );
$query = '
SELECT biblioitemnumber
FROM biblioitems
WHERE biblionumber = ?';
my $biblioitemnumber1 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblionumber1 );
my $biblioitemnumber2 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblionumber2 );
my $biblioitemnumber3 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblionumber3 );
# ---------- Some items -------------------------
my $barcode1 = '111111';
my $barcode2 = '222222';
my $barcode3 = '333333';
$query = '
(biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, barcode, itype)
VALUES (?,?,?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( $biblionumber1, $biblioitemnumber1, $barcode1, 'Book' );
$insert_sth->execute( $biblionumber2, $biblioitemnumber2, $barcode2, 'Music' );
$insert_sth->execute( $biblionumber3, $biblioitemnumber3, $barcode3, 'Book' );
$query = '
SELECT itemnumber
FROM items
WHERE barcode = ?';
my $item_number1 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $barcode1 );
my $item_number2 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $barcode2 );
my $item_number3 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $barcode3 );
# ---------- Some borrowers ---------------------
my $surname1 = 'Borrower 1';
my $surname2 = 'Borrower 2';
my $surname3 = 'Borrower 3';
my $firstname1 = 'firstname 1';
my $firstname2 = 'firstname 2';
my $firstname3 = 'firstname 3';
my $cardnumber1 = '00001';
my $cardnumber2 = '00002';
my $cardnumber3 = '00003';
my $categorycode = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Category')->first()->categorycode();
my $branchcode = Koha::Database->new()->schema()->resultset('Branch')->first()->branchcode();
$query = '
INSERT INTO borrowers
(surname, firstname, cardnumber, branchcode, categorycode)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( $surname1, $firstname1, $cardnumber1, $branchcode, $categorycode );
$insert_sth->execute( $surname2, $firstname2, $cardnumber2, $branchcode, $categorycode );
$insert_sth->execute( $surname3, $firstname3, $cardnumber3, $branchcode, $categorycode );
$query = '
SELECT borrowernumber
FROM borrowers
WHERE surname = ?';
my $borrowernumber1 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $surname1 );
my $borrowernumber2 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $surname2 );
my $borrowernumber3 = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $surname3 );
# ---------- Some batches -----------------------
$query = '
INSERT INTO creator_batches
(batch_id , item_number, borrower_number,
timestamp, branch_code, creator)
VALUES (?,?,?,NOW(),?,?)';
$insert_sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$insert_sth->execute( 11, $item_number1, $borrowernumber1, $library1->{branchcode}, 'Labels' );
$insert_sth->execute( 12, $item_number2, $borrowernumber2, $library2->{branchcode}, 'Labels' );
$insert_sth->execute( 12, $item_number3, $borrowernumber3, $library3->{branchcode}, 'Labels' );
# Testing Subs
# ---------- Testing get_all_templates --------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $templates;
warning_is { $templates = get_all_templates() } 'Database returned the following error: something went wrong',
'get_all_templates() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $templates, -1, '$templates return -1' );
# Without params ----------------------
my $templates = get_all_templates();
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_templates
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 templates' );
is( @$templates, $count, 'There are 2 templates matching' );
isa_ok( $templates, 'ARRAY', '$templates is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $templates->[0], 'HASH', '$templates->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $templates->[0]->{profile_id}, 1, 'profile_id is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL1', 'template_code is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{template_desc}, 'Template 1', 'template_desc is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{page_width}, 100, 'page_width is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{page_height}, 150, 'page_height is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{label_width}, 10, 'label_width is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{label_height}, 15, 'label_height is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{top_text_margin}, 2, 'top_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{left_text_margin}, 3, 'left_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{top_margin}, 1, 'top_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{left_margin}, 4, 'left_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{cols}, 9, 'cols is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{rows}, 6, 'rows is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{col_gap}, 0.1, 'col_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{row_gap}, 0.2, 'row_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $templates->[1], 'HASH', '$templates->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $templates->[1]->{profile_id}, 2, 'profile_id is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL2', 'template_code is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{template_desc}, 'Template 2', 'template_desc is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{page_width}, 101, 'page_width is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{page_height}, 151, 'page_height is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{label_width}, 11, 'label_width is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{label_height}, 16, 'label_height is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{top_text_margin}, 3, 'top_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{left_text_margin}, 4, 'left_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{top_margin}, 2, 'top_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{left_margin}, 5, 'left_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{cols}, 10, 'cols is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{rows}, 7, 'rows is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{col_gap}, 0.2, 'col_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{row_gap}, 0.3, 'row_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With field_list params --------------
$templates = get_all_templates( {fields=> [qw(units cols rows)] } );
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_templates
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 templates' );
is( @$templates, $count, 'There are 2 templates matching' );
isa_ok( $templates, 'ARRAY', '$templates is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $templates->[0], 'HASH', '$templates->[0] is a HASH' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{profile_id}, 1, 'profile_id is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL1', 'template_code is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{template_desc}, 'Template 1', 'template_desc is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{page_width}, 100, 'page_width is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{page_height}, 150, 'page_height is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{label_width}, 10, 'label_width is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{label_height}, 15, 'label_height is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{top_text_margin}, 2, 'top_text_margin is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{left_text_margin}, 3, 'left_text_margin is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{top_margin}, 1, 'top_margin is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{left_margin}, 4, 'left_margin is good' );
is ( $templates->[0]->{cols}, 9, 'cols is good' );
is ( $templates->[0]->{rows}, 6, 'rows is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{col_gap}, 0.1, 'col_gap is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{row_gap}, 0.2, 'row_gap is good' );
is ( $templates->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $templates->[1], 'HASH', '$templates->[1] is a HASH' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{profile_id}, 2, 'profile_id is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL2', 'template_code is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{template_desc}, 'Template 2', 'template_desc is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{page_width}, 101, 'page_width is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{page_height}, 151, 'page_height is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{label_width}, 11, 'label_width is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{label_height}, 16, 'label_height is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{top_text_margin}, 3, 'top_text_margin is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{left_text_margin}, 4, 'left_text_margin is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{top_margin}, 2, 'top_margin is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{left_margin}, 5, 'left_margin is good' );
is ( $templates->[1]->{cols}, 10, 'cols is good' );
is ( $templates->[1]->{rows}, 7, 'rows is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{col_gap}, 0.2, 'col_gap is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{row_gap}, 0.3, 'row_gap is good' );
is ( $templates->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $templates->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With filters params ------------------
$templates = get_all_templates( { filters => { rows => 7} } );
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_templates
WHERE `rows` = 7
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 1, 'There is 1 template matching' );
is( @$templates, $count, 'There is 1 template matching' );
isa_ok( $templates, 'ARRAY', '$templates is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $templates->[0], 'HASH', '$templates->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $templates->[0]->{profile_id}, 2, 'profile_id is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL2', 'template_code is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{template_desc}, 'Template 2', 'template_desc is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{page_width}, 101, 'page_width is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{page_height}, 151, 'page_height is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{label_width}, 11, 'label_width is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{label_height}, 16, 'label_height is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{top_text_margin}, 3, 'top_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{left_text_margin}, 4, 'left_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{top_margin}, 2, 'top_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{left_margin}, 5, 'left_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{cols}, 10, 'cols is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{rows}, 7, 'rows is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{col_gap}, 0.2, 'col_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{row_gap}, 0.3, 'row_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
$templates = get_all_templates( { filters => { rows => [-42, 7]} } );
is( @$templates, $count, 'There is 1 template matching' );
# With orderby param ------------------
$templates = get_all_templates( { orderby => 'rows DESC' } );
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_templates
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 templates' );
is( @$templates, $count, 'There are 2 templates matching' );
isa_ok( $templates, 'ARRAY', '$templates is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $templates->[0], 'HASH', '$templates->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $templates->[0]->{profile_id}, 2, 'profile_id is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL2', 'template_code is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{template_desc}, 'Template 2', 'template_desc is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{page_width}, 101, 'page_width is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{page_height}, 151, 'page_height is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{label_width}, 11, 'label_width is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{label_height}, 16, 'label_height is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{top_text_margin}, 3, 'top_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{left_text_margin}, 4, 'left_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{top_margin}, 2, 'top_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{left_margin}, 5, 'left_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{cols}, 10, 'cols is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{rows}, 7, 'rows is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{col_gap}, 0.2, 'col_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{row_gap}, 0.3, 'row_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $templates->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $templates->[1], 'HASH', '$templates->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $templates->[1]->{profile_id}, 1, 'profile_id is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{template_code}, 'TEMPL1', 'template_code is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{template_desc}, 'Template 1', 'template_desc is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{page_width}, 100, 'page_width is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{page_height}, 150, 'page_height is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{label_width}, 10, 'label_width is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{label_height}, 15, 'label_height is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{top_text_margin}, 2, 'top_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{left_text_margin}, 3, 'left_text_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{top_margin}, 1, 'top_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{left_margin}, 4, 'left_margin is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{cols}, 9, 'cols is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{rows}, 6, 'rows is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{col_gap}, 0.1, 'col_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{row_gap}, 0.2, 'row_gap is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $templates->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_all_layouts ----------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $layouts;
warning_is { $layouts = get_all_layouts() } 'Database returned the following error: something went wrong',
'get_all_layouts() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $layouts, -1, '$layouts return -1' );
# Without params ----------------------
my $layouts = get_all_layouts();
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_layouts
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 layouts' );
is( @$layouts, $count, 'There are 2 layouts matching' );
isa_ok( $layouts, 'ARRAY', '$layouts is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[0], 'HASH', '$layouts->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{barcode_type}, 'COOP2OF5', 'barcode_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{start_label}, 1, 'start_label is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{printing_type}, 'BAR1', 'printing_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{layout_name}, 'NAME1', 'layout_name is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{guidebox}, 1, 'guidebox is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{font_size}, 11, 'font_size is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{callnum_split}, 1, 'callnum_split is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml1', 'layout_xml is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[1], 'HASH', '$layouts->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{barcode_type}, 'EAN13', 'barcode_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{start_label}, 2, 'start_label is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{printing_type}, 'BAR2', 'printing_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{layout_name}, 'NAME2', 'layout_name is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{guidebox}, 2, 'guidebox is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{font_size}, 12, 'font_size is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{callnum_split}, 2, 'callnum_split is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml2', 'layout_xml is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With field_list params --------------
$layouts = get_all_layouts( { fields => [qw(barcode_type layout_name font)] });
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_layouts
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 layouts' );
is( @$layouts, $count, 'There are 2 layouts matching' );
isa_ok( $layouts, 'ARRAY', '$layouts is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[0], 'HASH', '$layouts->[0] is a HASH' );
is ( $layouts->[0]->{barcode_type}, 'COOP2OF5', 'barcode_type is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{start_label}, 1, 'start_label is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{printing_type}, 'BAR1', 'printing_type is good' );
is ( $layouts->[0]->{layout_name}, 'NAME1', 'layout_name is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{guidebox}, 1, 'guidebox is good' );
is ( $layouts->[0]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{font_size}, 11, 'font_size is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{callnum_split}, 1, 'callnum_split is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml1', 'layout_xml is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[1], 'HASH', '$layouts->[1] is a HASH' );
is ( $layouts->[1]->{barcode_type}, 'EAN13', 'barcode_type is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{start_label}, 2, 'start_label is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{printing_type}, 'BAR2', 'printing_type is good' );
is ( $layouts->[1]->{layout_name}, 'NAME2', 'layout_name is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{guidebox}, 2, 'guidebox is good' );
is ( $layouts->[1]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{font_size}, 12, 'font_size is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{callnum_split}, 2, 'callnum_split is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml2', 'layout_xml is good' );
isnt( exists $layouts->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With filters params ------------------
$layouts = get_all_layouts( { filters => { font_size => 12 } } );
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_layouts
WHERE font_size = 12
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 1, 'There is 1 layout matching' );
is( @$layouts, $count, 'There is 1 layout matching' );
isa_ok( $layouts, 'ARRAY', '$layouts is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[0], 'HASH', '$layouts->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{barcode_type}, 'EAN13', 'barcode_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{start_label}, 2, 'start_label is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{printing_type}, 'BAR2', 'printing_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{layout_name}, 'NAME2', 'layout_name is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{guidebox}, 2, 'guidebox is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{font_size}, 12, 'font_size is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{callnum_split}, 2, 'callnum_split is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml2', 'layout_xml is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With orderby param ------------------
$layouts = get_all_layouts( { orderby => 'font_size DESC' } );
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_layouts
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are layout matching' );
is( @$layouts, $count, 'There are 2 layouts matching' );
isa_ok( $layouts, 'ARRAY', '$layouts is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[0], 'HASH', '$layouts->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{barcode_type}, 'EAN13', 'barcode_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{start_label}, 2, 'start_label is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{printing_type}, 'BAR2', 'printing_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{layout_name}, 'NAME2', 'layout_name is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{guidebox}, 2, 'guidebox is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{font_size}, 12, 'font_size is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{callnum_split}, 2, 'callnum_split is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml2', 'layout_xml is good' );
is( $layouts->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $layouts->[1], 'HASH', '$layouts->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{barcode_type}, 'COOP2OF5', 'barcode_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{start_label}, 1, 'start_label is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{printing_type}, 'BAR1', 'printing_type is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{layout_name}, 'NAME1', 'layout_name is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{guidebox}, 1, 'guidebox is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{font}, 'TR', 'font is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{font_size}, 11, 'font_size is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{callnum_split}, 1, 'callnum_split is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{text_justify}, 'L', 'text_justify is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{format_string}, 'barcode', 'format_string is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{layout_xml}, 'layout_xml1', 'layout_xml is good' );
is( $layouts->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_all_profiles ---------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $profiles;
warning_is { $profiles = get_all_profiles() } 'Database returned the following error: something went wrong',
'get_all_profiles() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $profiles, -1, '$profiles return -1' );
# Without params ----------------------
my $profiles = get_all_profiles();
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM printers_profile
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 profiles' );
is( @$profiles, $count, 'There are 2 profiles matching' );
isa_ok( $profiles, 'ARRAY', '$profiles is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $profiles->[0], 'HASH', '$profiles->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{printer_name}, 'Layout1 Name', 'printer_name is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{template_id}, 1234, 'template_id is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{paper_bin}, 'Bypass', 'paper_bin is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{offset_horz}, 0.1, 'offset_horz is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{offset_vert}, 0.2, 'offset_vert is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{creep_horz}, 0.3, 'creep_horz is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{creep_vert}, 0.4, 'creep_vert is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $profiles->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $profiles->[1], 'HASH', '$profiles->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{printer_name}, 'Layout2 Name', 'printer_name is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{template_id}, 1235, 'template_id is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{paper_bin}, 'Bypass', 'paper_bin is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{offset_horz}, 0.2, 'offset_horz is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{offset_vert}, 0.3, 'offset_vert is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{creep_horz}, 0.4, 'creep_horz is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{creep_vert}, 0.5, 'creep_vert is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
is( $profiles->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With field_list params --------------
$profiles = get_all_profiles( { fields => [qw(printer_name template_id)] });
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM printers_profile
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 profiles' );
is( @$profiles, $count, 'There are 2 profiles matching' );
isa_ok( $profiles, 'ARRAY', '$profiles is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $profiles->[0], 'HASH', '$profiles->[0] is a HASH' );
is ( $profiles->[0]->{printer_name}, 'Layout1 Name', 'printer_name is good' );
is ( $profiles->[0]->{template_id}, 1234, 'template_id is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{paper_bin}, 'Bypass', 'paper_bin is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{offset_horz}, 0.1, 'offset_horz is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{offset_vert}, 0.2, 'offset_vert is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{creep_horz}, 0.3, 'creep_horz is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{creep_vert}, 0.4, 'creep_vert is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
isa_ok( $profiles->[1], 'HASH', '$profiles->[1] is a HASH' );
is ( $profiles->[1]->{printer_name}, 'Layout2 Name', 'printer_name is good' );
is ( $profiles->[1]->{template_id}, 1235, 'template_id is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{paper_bin}, 'Bypass', 'paper_bin is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{offset_horz}, 0.2, 'offset_horz is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{offset_vert}, 0.3, 'offset_vert is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{creep_horz}, 0.4, 'creep_horz is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{creep_vert}, 0.5, 'creep_vert is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[1]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# With filters params ------------------
$profiles = get_all_profiles( { filters => { template_id => 1235 } } );
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM printers_profile
WHERE template_id = 1235
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 1, 'There is 1 profile matching' );
is( @$profiles, $count, 'There is 1 profile matching' );
isa_ok( $profiles, 'ARRAY', '$profiles is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $profiles->[0], 'HASH', '$profiles->[0] is a HASH' );
is ( $profiles->[0]->{printer_name}, 'Layout2 Name', 'printer_name is good' );
is ( $profiles->[0]->{template_id}, 1235, 'template_id is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{paper_bin}, 'Bypass', 'paper_bin is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{offset_horz}, 0.2, 'offset_horz is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{offset_vert}, 0.3, 'offset_vert is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{creep_horz}, 0.4, 'creep_horz is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{creep_vert}, 0.5, 'creep_vert is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{units}, 'POINT', 'units is good' );
isnt( exists $profiles->[0]->{creator}, 'Labels', 'creator is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_all_image_names ------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $images;
warning_is { $images = get_all_image_names() } 'Database returned the following error: something went wrong',
'get_all_image_names() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $images, -1, '$images return -1' );
# Without params ----------------------
my $images = get_all_image_names();
$query = '
SELECT count(*)
FROM creator_images
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array($query);
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 images' );
is( @$images, $count, 'There are 2 images matching' );
isa_ok( $images, 'ARRAY', '$images is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $images->[0], 'HASH', '$images->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $images->[0]->{name}, 'Image 1', 'name is good' );
is( $images->[0]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
is( $images->[0]->{type}, $images->[0]->{name}, 'type is good' );
isa_ok( $images->[1], 'HASH', '$images->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $images->[1]->{name}, 'Image 2', 'name is good' );
is( $images->[1]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
is( $images->[1]->{type}, $images->[1]->{name}, 'type is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_batch_summary --------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $batches;
warning_is { $batches = get_batch_summary() } 'Database returned the following error on attempted SELECT: something went wrong',
'get_batch_summary() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $batches, -1, '$batches return -1' );
# Without creator params --------------
my $batches = get_batch_summary( { filters => { creator => 'Labels' } } );
$query = '
SELECT batch_id, count(batch_id)
FROM creator_batches
WHERE creator = ?
GROUP BY batch_id
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$count = $sth->rows;
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 batches' );
is( @$batches, $count, 'There are 2 batches matching' );
isa_ok( $batches, 'ARRAY', '$batches is an ARRAY' );
$query = '
SELECT count(batch_id)
FROM creator_batches
WHERE creator = ?
AND batch_id = ?
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, 'Labels', 11 );
is( $count, 1, 'There is 1 batch where batch_id = 11' );
isa_ok( $batches->[0], 'HASH', '$batches->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $batches->[0]->{batch_id}, 11, 'batch_id is good' );
is( $batches->[0]->{_item_count}, $count, 'item_number is good for this batch_id' );
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, 'Labels', 12 );
is( $count, 2, 'There are 2 batches where batch_id = 12' );
isa_ok( $batches->[1], 'HASH', '$batches->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $batches->[1]->{batch_id}, 12, 'batch_id is good' );
is( $batches->[1]->{_item_count}, $count, 'item_number is good for this batch_id' );
# Without filters -----
$batches = get_batch_summary( { filters => { branch_code => $library1->{branchcode}, creator => 'Labels' } } );
is( @$batches, 1, 'There is 1 batch matching' );
$query = '
SELECT batch_id, count(batch_id)
FROM creator_batches
WHERE creator = ?
AND branch_code = ?
GROUP BY batch_id
my ( $id, $nb ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, 'Labels', $library1->{branchcode} );
is( $batches->[0]->{batch_id}, $id, 'batch_id is good' );
is( $batches->[0]->{_item_count}, $nb, 'item_number is good for this batch_id' );
# ---------- Testing get_label_summary --------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $labels;
my @items = [ { item_number => $item_number1 } ];
warning_is { $labels = get_label_summary( items => @items ) } 'Database returned the following error on attempted SELECT: something went wrong',
'get_label_summary() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $labels, -1, '$labels return -1' );
# Without params ----------------------
my $labels = get_label_summary();
isa_ok( $labels, 'ARRAY', '$labels is an ARRAY' );
is( @$labels, 0, '$labels is empty' );
# With items param --------------------
$query = '
SELECT biblionumber, title, author
FROM biblio
WHERE biblionumber = ?
my ( $b_biblionumber1, $b_title1, $b_author1 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblionumber1 );
my ( $b_biblionumber2, $b_title2, $b_author2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblionumber2 );
$query = '
SELECT biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, itemtype
FROM biblioitems
WHERE biblioitemnumber = ?
my ( $bi_biblionumber1, $bi_biblioitemnumber1, $bi_itemtype1 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblioitemnumber1 );
my ( $bi_biblionumber2, $bi_biblioitemnumber2, $bi_itemtype2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $biblioitemnumber2 );
$query = '
SELECT biblionumber, biblioitemnumber, itemnumber, barcode, itype
FROM items
WHERE itemnumber = ?
my ( $i_biblionumber1, $i_biblioitemnumber1, $i_itemnumber1, $i_barcode1, $i_itype1 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $item_number1 );
my ( $i_biblionumber2, $i_biblioitemnumber2, $i_itemnumber2, $i_barcode2, $i_itype2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $item_number2 );
$query = '
SELECT label_id, batch_id, item_number
FROM creator_batches
WHERE item_number = ?
my ( $c_label_id1, $c_batch_id1, $c_item_number1 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $item_number1 );
my ( $c_label_id2, $c_batch_id2, $c_item_number2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $item_number2 );
is( $c_item_number1, $i_itemnumber1, 'CREATOR_BATCHES.item_number == ITEMS.itemnumber' );
is( $i_biblioitemnumber1, $bi_biblioitemnumber1, 'ITEMS.biblioitemnumber == BIBLIOITEMS.biblioitemnumber' );
is( $bi_biblionumber1, $b_biblionumber1, 'BIBLIOITEMS.biblionumber == BIBLIO.biblionumber' );
is( $c_item_number2, $i_itemnumber2, 'CREATOR_BATCHES.item_number == ITEMS.itemnumber' );
is( $i_biblioitemnumber2, $bi_biblioitemnumber2, 'ITEMS.biblioitemnumber == BIBLIOITEMS.biblioitemnumber' );
is( $bi_biblionumber2, $b_biblionumber2, 'BIBLIOITEMS.biblionumber == BIBLIO.biblionumber' );
my @items = [
{ item_number => $item_number1,
label_id => $c_label_id1,
$labels = get_label_summary( items => @items, batch_id => $c_batch_id1 );
is( @$labels, 1, 'There is 1 label for $item_number1' );
isa_ok( $labels, 'ARRAY', '$labels is an array' );
isa_ok( $labels->[0], 'HASH', '$labels->[0] is an hash' );
my $record_author = $b_author1;
my $record_title = $b_title1;
$record_author =~ s/[^\.|\w]$//;
$record_title =~ s/\W*$//;
$record_title = '<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/' . $b_biblionumber1 . '"> ' . $b_title1 . '</a>';
my $summary1 = $record_title . " | " . ( $b_author1 ? $b_author1 : 'N/A' );
my $itemtypes_pref = C4::Context->preference("item-level_itypes");
my $record_itemtype = $itemtypes_pref ? $i_itype1 : $bi_itemtype1;
is( $labels->[0]->{_label_number}, 1, '_label_number is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_summary}, $summary1, '_summary is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_item_type}, $record_itemtype, '_item_type is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_barcode}, $i_barcode1, '_barcode is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_item_number}, $i_itemnumber1, '_item_number is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_label_id}, $c_label_id1, '_label_id is good' );
# record without author
@items = [
{ item_number => $item_number2,
label_id => $c_label_id2,
$labels = get_label_summary( items => @items, batch_id => $c_batch_id2 );
is( @$labels, 1, 'There is 1 label for $item_number2' );
isa_ok( $labels, 'ARRAY', '$labels is an array' );
isa_ok( $labels->[0], 'HASH', '$labels->[0] is an hash' );
$record_author = $b_author2;
$record_title = $b_title2;
$record_author =~ s/[^\.|\w]$// if $b_author2;
$record_title =~ s/\W*$//;
$record_title = '<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/' . $b_biblionumber2 . '"> ' . $b_title2 . '</a>';
my $summary2 = $record_title . " | " . ( $b_author2 ? $b_author2 : 'N/A' );
$itemtypes_pref = C4::Context->preference("item-level_itypes");
$record_itemtype = $itemtypes_pref ? $i_itype2 : $bi_itemtype2;
is( $labels->[0]->{_label_number}, 1, '_label_number is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_summary}, $summary2, '_summary is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_item_type}, $record_itemtype, '_item_type is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_barcode}, $i_barcode2, '_barcode is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_item_number}, $i_itemnumber2, '_item_number is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_label_id}, $c_label_id2, '_label_id is good' );
#Mocking C4::Context->preference("item-level_itypes")
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( "item-level_itypes", 0 );
my $h = C4::Context->preference("item-level_itypes");
my @items = [
{ item_number => $item_number1,
label_id => $c_label_id1,
$labels = get_label_summary( items => @items, batch_id => $c_batch_id1 );
is( @$labels, 1, 'There is 1 label for $item_number1' );
isa_ok( $labels, 'ARRAY', '$labels is an array' );
isa_ok( $labels->[0], 'HASH', '$labels->[0] is an hash' );
my $record_author = $b_author1;
my $record_title = $b_title1;
$record_author =~ s/[^\.|\w]$//;
$record_title =~ s/\W*$//;
$record_title = '<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/' . $b_biblionumber1 . '"> ' . $b_title1 . '</a>';
my $summary1 = $record_title . " | " . ( $b_author1 ? $b_author1 : 'N/A' );
my $itemtypes_pref = C4::Context->preference("item-level_itypes");
my $record_itemtype = $itemtypes_pref ? $i_itype1 : $bi_itemtype1;
is( $labels->[0]->{_label_number}, 1, '_label_number is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_summary}, $summary1, '_summary is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_item_type}, $record_itemtype, '_item_type is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_barcode}, $i_barcode1, '_barcode is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_item_number}, $i_itemnumber1, '_item_number is good' );
is( $labels->[0]->{_label_id}, $c_label_id1, '_label_id is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_card_summary ---------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $cards;
my @items = [ { item_number => $item_number1 } ];
warning_is { $cards = get_card_summary( items => @items ) } 'Database returned the following error on attempted SELECT: something went wrong',
'get_card_summary() raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $cards, -1, '$cards return -1' );
# Without params ----------------------
my $cards = get_card_summary();
isa_ok( $cards, 'ARRAY', '$cards is an ARRAY' );
is( @$cards, 0, '$cards is empty' );
# With items param --------------------
$query = '
SELECT surname, firstname, cardnumber
FROM borrowers
WHERE borrowernumber = ?
my ( $b_surname1, $b_firstname1, $b_cardnumber1 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $borrowernumber1 );
@items = [
{ item_number => $item_number1,
label_id => $c_label_id1,
borrower_number => $borrowernumber1,
$cards = get_card_summary( items => @items );
is( @$cards, 1, 'There is 1 card for $item_number1' );
isa_ok( $cards, 'ARRAY', '$cards is an array' );
isa_ok( $cards->[0], 'HASH', '$cards->[0] is an hash' );
my $name1 = "$b_surname1, $b_firstname1";
is( $cards->[0]->{_card_number}, 1, '_card_number is good' );
is( $cards->[0]->{_summary}, $name1, '_summary is good' );
is( $cards->[0]->{borrowernumber}, $borrowernumber1, 'borrowernumber is good' );
is( $cards->[0]->{_label_id}, $c_label_id1, '_label_id is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_barcode_types --------------------
my $barcode_types = get_barcode_types();
is( @$barcode_types, 6, 'There are 6 barcodes types' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types, 'ARRAY', '$barcode_types is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types->[0], 'HASH', '$barcode_types->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $barcode_types->[0]->{type}, 'CODE39', 'type is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[0]->{name}, 'Code 39', 'name is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[0]->{desc}, 'Translates the characters 0-9, A-Z, \'-\', \'*\', \'+\', \'$\', \'%\', \'/\', \'.\' and \' \' to a barcode pattern.', 'desc is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[0]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types->[1], 'HASH', '$barcode_types->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $barcode_types->[1]->{type}, 'CODE39MOD', 'type is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[1]->{name}, 'Code 39 + Modulo43', 'name is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[1]->{desc},
'Translates the characters 0-9, A-Z, \'-\', \'*\', \'+\', \'$\', \'%\', \'/\', \'.\' and \' \' to a barcode pattern. Encodes Mod 43 checksum.',
'desc is good'
is( $barcode_types->[1]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types->[2], 'HASH', '$barcode_types->[2] is a HASH' );
is( $barcode_types->[2]->{type}, 'CODE39MOD10', 'type is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[2]->{name}, 'Code 39 + Modulo10', 'name is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[2]->{desc}, 'Translates the characters 0-9, A-Z, \'-\', \'*\', \'+\', \'$\', \'%\', \'/\', \'.\' and \' \' to a barcode pattern. Encodes Mod 10 checksum.', 'desc is good');
is( $barcode_types->[2]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types->[3], 'HASH', '$barcode_types->[3] is a HASH' );
is( $barcode_types->[3]->{type}, 'COOP2OF5', 'type is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[3]->{name}, 'COOP2of5', 'name is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[3]->{desc}, 'Creates COOP2of5 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9', 'desc is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[3]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types->[4], 'HASH', '$barcode_types->[4] is a HASH' );
is( $barcode_types->[4]->{type}, 'EAN13', 'type is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[4]->{name}, 'EAN13', 'name is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[4]->{desc}, 'Creates EAN13 barcodes from a string of 12 or 13 digits. The check number (the 13:th digit) is calculated if not supplied.', 'desc is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[4]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $barcode_types->[5], 'HASH', '$barcode_types->[5] is a HASH' );
is( $barcode_types->[5]->{type}, 'INDUSTRIAL2OF5', 'type is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[5]->{name}, 'Industrial2of5', 'name is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[5]->{desc}, 'Creates Industrial2of5 barcodes from a string consisting of the numeric characters 0-9', 'desc is good' );
is( $barcode_types->[5]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_label_types ----------------------
my $label_types = get_label_types();
is( @$label_types, 5, 'There are 5 label types' );
isa_ok( $label_types, 'ARRAY', '$label_types is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $label_types->[0], 'HASH', '$label_types->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $label_types->[0]->{type}, 'BIB', 'type is good' );
is( $label_types->[0]->{name}, 'Biblio', 'name is good' );
is( $label_types->[0]->{desc}, 'Only the bibliographic data is printed.', 'desc is good' );
is( $label_types->[0]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $label_types->[1], 'HASH', '$label_types->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $label_types->[1]->{type}, 'BARBIB', 'type is good' );
is( $label_types->[1]->{name}, 'Barcode/Biblio', 'name is good' );
is( $label_types->[1]->{desc}, 'Barcode proceeds bibliographic data.', 'desc is good' );
is( $label_types->[1]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $label_types->[2], 'HASH', '$label_types->[2] is a HASH' );
is( $label_types->[2]->{type}, 'BIBBAR', 'type is good' );
is( $label_types->[2]->{name}, 'Biblio/Barcode', 'name is good' );
is( $label_types->[2]->{desc}, 'Bibliographic data proceeds barcode.', 'desc is good' );
is( $label_types->[2]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $label_types->[3], 'HASH', '$label_types->[3] is a HASH' );
is( $label_types->[3]->{type}, 'ALT', 'type is good' );
is( $label_types->[3]->{name}, 'Alternating', 'name is good' );
is( $label_types->[3]->{desc}, 'Barcode and bibliographic data are printed on alternating labels.', 'desc is good' );
is( $label_types->[3]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $label_types->[4], 'HASH', '$label_types->[4] is a HASH' );
is( $label_types->[4]->{type}, 'BAR', 'type is good' );
is( $label_types->[4]->{name}, 'Barcode', 'name is good' );
is( $label_types->[4]->{desc}, 'Only the barcode is printed.', 'desc is good' );
is( $label_types->[4]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_font_types -----------------------
my $font_types = get_font_types();
is( @$font_types, 12, 'There are 12 font types' );
isa_ok( $font_types, 'ARRAY', '$font_types is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[0], 'HASH', '$font_types->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[0]->{type}, 'TR', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[0]->{name}, 'Times-Roman', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[0]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[1], 'HASH', '$font_types->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[1]->{type}, 'TB', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[1]->{name}, 'Times-Bold', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[1]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[2], 'HASH', '$font_types->[2] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[2]->{type}, 'TI', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[2]->{name}, 'Times-Italic', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[2]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[3], 'HASH', '$font_types->[3] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[3]->{type}, 'TBI', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[3]->{name}, 'Times-Bold-Italic', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[3]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[4], 'HASH', '$font_types->[4] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[4]->{type}, 'C', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[4]->{name}, 'Courier', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[4]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[5], 'HASH', '$font_types->[5] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[5]->{type}, 'CB', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[5]->{name}, 'Courier-Bold', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[5]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[6], 'HASH', '$font_types->[6] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[6]->{type}, 'CO', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[6]->{name}, 'Courier-Oblique', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[6]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[7], 'HASH', '$font_types->[7] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[7]->{type}, 'CBO', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[7]->{name}, 'Courier-Bold-Oblique', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[7]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[8], 'HASH', '$font_types->[8] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[8]->{type}, 'H', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[8]->{name}, 'Helvetica', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[8]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[9], 'HASH', '$font_types->[9] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[9]->{type}, 'HO', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[9]->{name}, 'Helvetica-Oblique', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[9]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[10], 'HASH', '$font_types->[10] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[10]->{type}, 'HB', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[10]->{name}, 'Helvetica-Bold', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[10]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $font_types->[11], 'HASH', '$font_types->[11] is a HASH' );
is( $font_types->[11]->{type}, 'HBO', 'type is good' );
is( $font_types->[11]->{name}, 'Helvetica-Bold-Oblique', 'name is good' );
is( $font_types->[11]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_text_justification_types ---------
my $text_justification_types = get_text_justification_types();
is( @$text_justification_types, 3, 'There are 3 text justification types' );
isa_ok( $text_justification_types, 'ARRAY', '$text_justification_types is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $text_justification_types->[0], 'HASH', '$font_types->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $text_justification_types->[0]->{type}, 'L', 'type is good' );
is( $text_justification_types->[0]->{name}, 'Left', 'name is good' );
is( $text_justification_types->[0]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $text_justification_types->[1], 'HASH', '$font_types->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $text_justification_types->[1]->{type}, 'C', 'type is good' );
is( $text_justification_types->[1]->{name}, 'Center', 'name is good' );
is( $text_justification_types->[1]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $text_justification_types->[2], 'HASH', '$font_types->[2] is a HASH' );
is( $text_justification_types->[2]->{type}, 'R', 'type is good' );
is( $text_justification_types->[2]->{name}, 'Right', 'name is good' );
is( $text_justification_types->[2]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_unit_values ----------------------
my $unit_values = get_unit_values();
is( @$unit_values, 5, 'There are 5 unit values' );
isa_ok( $unit_values, 'ARRAY', '$unit_values is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $unit_values->[0], 'HASH', '$unit_values->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $unit_values->[0]->{type}, 'POINT', 'type is good' );
is( $unit_values->[0]->{desc}, 'PostScript Points', 'desc is good' );
is( $unit_values->[0]->{value}, 1, 'value is good' );
is( $unit_values->[0]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $unit_values->[1], 'HASH', '$unit_values->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $unit_values->[1]->{type}, 'AGATE', 'type is good' );
is( $unit_values->[1]->{desc}, 'Adobe Agates', 'desc is good' );
is( $unit_values->[1]->{value}, 5.1428571, 'value is good' );
is( $unit_values->[1]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $unit_values->[2], 'HASH', '$unit_values->[2] is a HASH' );
is( $unit_values->[2]->{type}, 'INCH', 'type is good' );
is( $unit_values->[2]->{desc}, 'US Inches', 'desc is good' );
is( $unit_values->[2]->{value}, 72, 'value is good' );
is( $unit_values->[2]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $unit_values->[3], 'HASH', '$unit_values->[3] is a HASH' );
is( $unit_values->[3]->{type}, 'MM', 'type is good' );
is( $unit_values->[3]->{desc}, 'SI Millimeters', 'desc is good' );
is( $unit_values->[3]->{value}, 2.83464567, 'value is good' );
is( $unit_values->[3]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
isa_ok( $unit_values->[4], 'HASH', '$unit_values->[4] is a HASH' );
is( $unit_values->[4]->{type}, 'CM', 'type is good' );
is( $unit_values->[4]->{desc}, 'SI Centimeters', 'desc is good' );
is( $unit_values->[4]->{value}, 28.3464567, 'value is good' );
is( $unit_values->[4]->{selected}, 0, 'selected is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_output_formats -------------------
my $output_formats = get_output_formats();
is( @$output_formats, 2, 'There are 2 output format' );
isa_ok( $output_formats, 'ARRAY', '$output_formats is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $output_formats->[0], 'HASH', '$output_formats->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $output_formats->[0]->{type}, 'pdf', 'type is good' );
is( $output_formats->[0]->{desc}, 'PDF File', 'name is good' );
isa_ok( $output_formats->[1], 'HASH', '$output_formats->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $output_formats->[1]->{type}, 'csv', 'type is good' );
is( $output_formats->[1]->{desc}, 'CSV File', 'name is good' );
# ---------- Testing get_table_names ----------------------
my $table_names = get_table_names("aq");
my $KOHA_PATH = C4::Context->config("intranetdir");
my $kohastructure = "$KOHA_PATH/installer/data/mysql/kohastructure.sql";
open( my $fh, '<', $kohastructure ) or die $!;
my $tables_names_matching = [];
while ( my $intext = <$fh> ) {
while ( $intext =~ /CREATE TABLE `*\w*aq\w*`*/g ) {
my @tables_names_matching = split( /\ /, $intext );
if ( $tables_names_matching[2] =~ /`*`/ ) {
$tables_names_matching[2] =~ s/`//g;
push( @$tables_names_matching, "$tables_names_matching[2]" );
close $fh;
@$tables_names_matching = sort @$tables_names_matching;
is_deeply( $table_names, $tables_names_matching, 'get_table_names return all tables matching' );
# ---------- Testing html_table ---------------------------
my $display_columns = [
{ _label_number => { label => 'Label Number', link_field => 0 } },
{ _summary => { label => 'Summary', link_field => 0 } },
{ _item_type => { label => 'Item Type', link_field => 0 } },
{ _barcode => { label => 'Barcode', link_field => 1 } },
{ _template_code => { label => 'Template Name', link_field => 0 } },
{ select => { label => 'Select', value => '_label_id' } },
#without $data param ------------------
my $db_rows = [];
my $table = html_table( $display_columns, $db_rows );
is( $table, undef, 'No need to generate a table if there is not data to display' );
#with $data param ---------------------
$db_rows = [
{ _label_number => 1,
_summary => $summary1,
_item_type => 'Book',
_barcode => $barcode1,
_label_id => 'Label ID',
template_id => $template_id1,
$table = html_table( $display_columns, $db_rows );
isa_ok( $table, 'ARRAY', '$table is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $table->[0]->{header_fields}, 'ARRAY', '$table->[0]->{header_fields} is an ARRAY' );
is( scalar( @{ $table->[0]->{header_fields} } ), 6, 'There are 7 header_fields' );
my $field_value = $display_columns->[0]->{_label_number}->{label};
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[0]->{hidden}, 0, '[Label Number] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[0]->{select_field}, 0, '[Label Number] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[0]->{field_name}, '_label_number', '[Label Number] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[0]->{field_label}, $field_value, '[Label Number] field_label field is good' );
$field_value = $display_columns->[1]->{_summary}->{label};
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[1]->{hidden}, 0, '[Summary] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[1]->{select_field}, 0, '[Summary] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[1]->{field_name}, '_summary', '[Summary] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[1]->{field_label}, $field_value, '[Summary] field_label field is good' );
$field_value = $display_columns->[2]->{_item_type}->{label};
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[2]->{hidden}, 0, '[Item Type] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[2]->{select_field}, 0, '[Item Type] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[2]->{field_name}, '_item_type', '[Item Type] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[2]->{field_label}, $field_value, '[Item Type] field_label field is good' );
$field_value = $display_columns->[3]->{_barcode}->{label};
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[3]->{hidden}, 0, '[Barcode] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[3]->{select_field}, 0, '[Barcode] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[3]->{field_name}, '_barcode', '[Barcode] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[3]->{field_label}, $field_value, '[Barcode] field_label field is good' );
$field_value = $display_columns->[4]->{_template_code}->{label};
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[4]->{hidden}, 0, '[Template Code] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[4]->{select_field}, 0, '[Template Code] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[4]->{field_name}, '_template_code', '[Template Code] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[4]->{field_label}, $field_value, '[Template Code] field_label field is good' );
$field_value = $display_columns->[5]->{select}->{label};
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[5]->{hidden}, 0, '[Select] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[5]->{select_field}, 0, '[Select] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[5]->{field_name}, 'select', '[Select] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[0]->{header_fields}->[5]->{field_label}, $field_value, '[Select] field_label field is good' );
isa_ok( $table->[1]->{text_fields}, 'ARRAY', '$table->[0]->{text_fields} is an ARRAY' );
is( scalar( @{ $table->[1]->{text_fields} } ), 6, 'There are 6 text_fields' );
#test : if (grep {$table_column eq $_} keys %$db_row)
my $link_field = $display_columns->[0]->{_label_number}->{link_field};
my $field_name = "$table->[0]->{header_fields}->[0]->{field_name}_tbl";
$field_value = $db_rows->[0]->{_label_number};
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[0]->{hidden}, 0, '[Label Number] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[0]->{link_field}, $link_field, '[Label Number] link_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[0]->{select_field}, 0, '[Label Number] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[0]->{field_name}, $field_name, '[Label Number] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[0]->{field_value}, $field_value, '[Label Number] field_value field is good' );
$link_field = $display_columns->[1]->{_summary}->{link_field};
$field_value = $db_rows->[0]->{_summary};
$field_name = "$table->[0]->{header_fields}->[1]->{field_name}_tbl";
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[1]->{hidden}, 0, '[Summary] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[1]->{link_field}, $link_field, '[Summary] link_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[1]->{select_field}, 0, '[Summary] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[1]->{field_name}, $field_name, '[Summary] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[1]->{field_value}, $field_value, '[Summary] field_value field is good' );
$link_field = $display_columns->[2]->{_item_type}->{link_field};
$field_name = "$table->[0]->{header_fields}->[2]->{field_name}_tbl";
$field_value = $db_rows->[0]->{_item_type};
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[2]->{hidden}, 0, '[Item Type] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[2]->{link_field}, $link_field, '[Item Type] link_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[2]->{select_field}, 0, '[Item Type] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[2]->{field_name}, $field_name, '[Item Type] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[2]->{field_value}, $field_value, '[Item Type] field_value field is good' );
$link_field = $display_columns->[3]->{_barcode}->{link_field};
$field_name = "$table->[0]->{header_fields}->[3]->{field_name}_tbl";
$field_value = $db_rows->[0]->{_barcode};
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[3]->{hidden}, 0, '[Barcode] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[3]->{link_field}, $link_field, '[Barcode] link_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[3]->{select_field}, 0, '[Barcode] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[3]->{field_name}, $field_name, '[Barcode] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[3]->{field_value}, $field_value, '[Barcode] field_value field is good' );
#test : elsif ($table_column =~ m/^_((.*)_(.*$))/)
$link_field = $display_columns->[4]->{_template_code}->{link_field};
$field_name = "$table->[0]->{header_fields}->[4]->{field_name}_tbl";
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[4]->{hidden}, 0, '[Template Code] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[4]->{link_field}, $link_field, '[Template Code] link_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[4]->{select_field}, 0, '[Template Code] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[4]->{field_name}, $field_name, '[Template Code] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[4]->{field_value}, $template_code1, '[Template Code] field_value field is good' );
#test : elsif ($table_column eq 'select')
$field_value = $db_rows->[0]->{_label_id};
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[5]->{hidden}, 0, '[Select] hidden field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[5]->{select_field}, 1, '[Select] select_field field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[5]->{field_name}, 'select', '[Select] field_name field is good' );
is( $table->[1]->{text_fields}->[5]->{field_value}, $field_value, '[Select] field_value field is good' );
# ---------- Testing _SELECT ---------------------------
# Mocking $sth->err and $sth->errstr
my $dbi_st = Test::MockModule->new( 'DBI::st', no_auto => 1 );
$dbi_st->mock( 'err', sub { return 1; } );
$dbi_st->mock( 'errstr', sub { return 'something went wrong'; } );
my $records;
warning_is { $records = C4::Creators::Lib::_SELECT( '*', 'borrowers', "borrowernumber = $borrowernumber1" ) } 'Database returned the following error: something went wrong',
'_SELECT raises warning if something went wrong with the sql request execution';
is( $records, 1, '$record return 1' );
#without $params[2] -------------------
my $records = C4::Creators::Lib::_SELECT( 'surname, firstname, cardnumber, branchcode, categorycode', 'borrowers' );
is( @$records, 3, 'There are 3 borrowers' );
isa_ok( $records, 'ARRAY', '$records is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $records->[0], 'HASH', '$records->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $records->[0]->{surname}, $surname1, 'surname is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{firstname}, $firstname1, 'firstname is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{cardnumber}, $cardnumber1, 'cardnumber is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{branchcode}, $branchcode, 'branchcode is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{categorycode}, $categorycode, 'categorycode is good' );
isa_ok( $records->[1], 'HASH', '$records->[1] is a HASH' );
is( $records->[1]->{surname}, $surname2, 'surname is good' );
is( $records->[1]->{firstname}, $firstname2, 'firstname is good' );
is( $records->[1]->{cardnumber}, $cardnumber2, 'cardnumber is good' );
is( $records->[1]->{branchcode}, $branchcode, 'branchcode is good' );
is( $records->[1]->{categorycode}, $categorycode, 'categorycode is good' );
isa_ok( $records->[2], 'HASH', '$records->[2] is a HASH' );
is( $records->[2]->{surname}, $surname3, 'surname is good' );
is( $records->[2]->{firstname}, $firstname3, 'firstname is good' );
is( $records->[2]->{cardnumber}, $cardnumber3, 'cardnumber is good' );
is( $records->[2]->{branchcode}, $branchcode, 'branchcode is good' );
is( $records->[2]->{categorycode}, $categorycode, 'categorycode is good' );
#with $params[2] ----------------------
$records = C4::Creators::Lib::_SELECT( 'surname, firstname, cardnumber, branchcode, categorycode', 'borrowers', "borrowernumber = $borrowernumber1" );
is( @$records, 1, 'There is 1 borrower where borrowernumber = $borrowernumber1' );
isa_ok( $records, 'ARRAY', '$records is an ARRAY' );
isa_ok( $records->[0], 'HASH', '$records->[0] is a HASH' );
is( $records->[0]->{surname}, $surname1, 'surname is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{firstname}, $firstname1, 'firstname is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{cardnumber}, $cardnumber1, 'cardnumber is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{branchcode}, $branchcode, 'branchcode is good' );
is( $records->[0]->{categorycode}, $categorycode, 'categorycode is good' );
# ---------- Sub ------------------------------------------
my %preferences;
sub mock_preference {
my $context = new Test::MockModule('C4::Context');
my ( $pref, $value ) = @_;
$preferences{$pref} = $value;
sub {
my ( $self, $pref ) = @_;
if ( exists $preferences{$pref} ) {
return $preferences{$pref};
} else {
my $method = $context->original('preference');
return $method->( $self, $pref );