
105 lines
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### Commands
# INSTALL BSD-compatible install tool
### MySQL database administration
# DBA_NAME Name of MySQL administrator
# DBA_PASSWD MySQL administrator password
### Koha database
# DB_NAME Koha database name
# DB_USER Koha database user
# DB_PASSWD Koha database user's password
### OPAC site
# OPAC_DOC_URL Root of tree containing HTML documents
# OPAC_CGI_URL Root of CGI tree
# OPAC_DOC_DIR Where to install HTML files
# OPAC_CGI_DIR Where to install CGI scripts
### OPAC site
# INTRA_DOC_URL Root of tree containing HTML documents
# INTRA_CGI_URL Root of CGI tree
# INTRA_DOC_DIR Where to install HTML files
# INTRA_CGI_DIR Where to install CGI scripts
# Prefer 'install-sh -d' over 'mkdir', because 'install-sh' will
# create directories recursively if they don't exist. But not all
# Unices support 'mkdir -p'.
MKDIR = ./install-sh -d
# XXX - Add 'clean:' target.
include Make.conf
@echo "Please use one of the following:"
@echo " config Configuration script"
@echo " install-db Install the database"
@echo " install-opac Install the OPAC web site"
@echo " install-intra Install the intranet web site"
config configure Make.conf koha.conf.new:
# XXX - Need to create the Koha user(s) and grant permissions before
# creating the database itself.
# Create the database.
# Given the semantics of the MySQL arguments, if $(DBA_PASSWD) isn't
# set, the user will be prompted for them (repeatedly).
# First, this runs 'mysqladmin status' to make sure that the current
# user can really connect to the database and do stuff. This really
# isn't a good test, since it really only checks that $(DBA_PASSWD)
# corresponds to $(DBA_USER), and that $(DBA_USER) is authorized to
# read a little bit, but it's better than nothing.
# Next, this runs 'mysqldump' on the database we want to create. If
# this exits with a zero status, then everything went well, which
# means that the database already exists. If 'mysqladmin' succeeded
# but 'mysqldump' failed, we figure it must be because the database
# doesn't exist yet, so we need to create it.
create-db: koha.mysql
@echo "Checking authorization to connect to MySQL"
@echo "You may be prompted for the database administrator's password"
$(MYSQLADMIN) "-u$(DBA_USER)" "-p$(DBA_PASSWD)" status >/dev/null 2>&1
@echo "Checking whether $(DB_NAME) already exists"
@echo "$(MYSQLDUMP) -d -u$(DBA_USER) -p$(DBA_PASSWD) $(DB_NAME) >/dev/null"
@if $(MYSQLDUMP) -d "-u$(DBA_USER)" "-p$(DBA_PASSWD)" $(DB_NAME) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "Database $(DB_NAME) already exists"; \
else \
echo "Creating database $(DB_NAME)"; \
echo "$(MYSQLADMIN) -u$(DBA_USER) -p<password> create $(DB_NAME)"; \
$(MYSQLADMIN) "-u$(DBA_USER)" "-p$(DBA_PASSWD)" create $(DB_NAME); \
echo "Adding tables to $(DB_NAME)"; \
$(MYSQL) "-u$(DBA_USER)" "-p$(DBA_PASSWD)" $(DB_NAME) < koha.mysql; \
# After ensuring that the database exists, bring it up to date.
# XXX - Currently, the sample data set assumes the v1.2 database,
# which is different from what 'updater/updatedatabase' will create.
# Hence, if the user wants to install the sample data, it'll be
# necessary to install it before running 'updater/updatedatabase'.
install-db: create-db
@echo "Updating database as necessary"
KOHA_CONF=koha.conf.new ./updater/updatedatabase
install-opac: install-opac-html install-opac-cgi
install-intra: install-intra-html install-intra-cgi