Owen Leonard 701fde53ed Bug 26261: Split calendar.inc into include file and JavaScript file
This patch moves most of the JavaScript out of calendar.inc and into a
new file, calendar.js. English strings in calendar.js are now wrapped in
the double-underscore function to allow for translation.

The patch shouldn't affect datepicker functionality in any way.

To test, apply the patch and test the datepicker in various contexts:

- Reports -> Statistics wizards -> Patrons
- Date of birth "from" and "to" should be linked so that the former
  must come before the latter.
- Patrons -> Add or edit patron
- The date of birth field datepicker shouldn't allow you to pick a
  future year from the dropdown.
- Tools -> Calendar.
- Test that the calendar tool works correctly.
- Test with various settings of the dateformat system preference.


- Update a translation, e.g. fr-FR:

  > cd misc/translator
  > perl translate update fr-FR

- Open the corresponding .po file for JavaScript strings, e.g.
- Locate strings pulled from
  koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/calendar.js for translation,

  msgid "August"
  msgstr ""

- Edit the "msgstr" string however you want (it's just for testing).
- Install the updated translation:

  > perl translate install fr-FR

- Switch to your newly translated language in the staff client
  and test the datepicker again. Translated strings like days of
  the week and months should be correct.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2020-09-29 14:28:19 +02:00

218 lines
7.3 KiB

/* global debug sentmsg __ dateformat_pref dateformat_string bidi calendarFirstDayOfWeek */
/* exported DateTime_from_syspref */
var MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_A_VALID_DATE = ( __("Please enter a valid date (should match %s).") );
if (debug > 1) {
alert("dateformat: " + dateformat_pref + "\ndebug is on (level " + debug + ")");
function is_valid_date(date) {
// An empty string is considered as a valid date for convenient reasons.
if (date === '') return 1;
var dateformat = dateformat_string;
if (dateformat == 'us') {
if (date.search(/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}($|\s)/) == -1) return 0;
dateformat = 'mm/dd/yy';
} else if (dateformat == 'metric') {
if (date.search(/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}($|\s)/) == -1) return 0;
dateformat = 'dd/mm/yy';
} else if (dateformat == 'iso') {
if (date.search(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}($|\s)/) == -1) return 0;
dateformat = 'yy-mm-dd';
} else if (dateformat == 'dmydot') {
if (date.search(/^\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{4}($|\s)/) == -1) return 0;
dateformat = 'dd.mm.yy';
try {
$.datepicker.parseDate(dateformat, date);
} catch (e) {
return 0;
return 1;
function get_dateformat_str(dateformat) {
var dateformat_str;
if (dateformat == 'us') {
dateformat_str = 'mm/dd/yyyy';
} else if (dateformat == 'metric') {
dateformat_str = 'dd/mm/yyyy';
} else if (dateformat == 'iso') {
dateformat_str = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
} else if (dateformat == 'dmydot') {
dateformat_str = 'dd.mm.yyyy';
return dateformat_str;
function validate_date(dateText, inst) {
if (!is_valid_date(dateText)) {
var dateformat_str = get_dateformat_str( dateformat_pref );
$('#' + inst.id).val('');
function Date_from_syspref(dstring) {
var dateX = dstring.split(/[-/.]/);
if (debug > 1 && sentmsg < 1) {
alert("Date_from_syspref(" + dstring + ") splits to:\n" + dateX.join("\n"));
if (dateformat_pref === "iso") {
return new Date(dateX[0], (dateX[1] - 1), dateX[2]); // YYYY-MM-DD to (YYYY,m(0-11),d)
} else if (dateformat_pref === "us") {
return new Date(dateX[2], (dateX[0] - 1), dateX[1]); // MM/DD/YYYY to (YYYY,m(0-11),d)
} else if (dateformat_pref === "metric") {
return new Date(dateX[2], (dateX[1] - 1), dateX[0]); // DD/MM/YYYY to (YYYY,m(0-11),d)
} else if (dateformat_pref === "dmydot") {
return new Date(dateX[2], (dateX[1] - 1), dateX[0]); // DD.MM.YYYY to (YYYY,m(0-11),d)
} else {
if (debug > 0) {
alert("KOHA ERROR - Unrecognized date format: " + dateformat_pref);
return 0;
function DateTime_from_syspref(date_time) {
var parts = date_time.split(" ");
var date = parts[0];
var time = parts[1];
parts = time.split(":");
var hour = parts[0];
var minute = parts[1];
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
return 0;
if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) {
return 0;
var datetime = Date_from_syspref(date);
if (isNaN(datetime.getTime())) {
return 0;
return datetime;
/* Instead of including multiple localization files as you would normally see with
jQueryUI we expose the localization strings in the default configuration */
jQuery(function ($) {
$.datepicker.regional[''] = {
closeText: __("Done"),
prevText: __("Prev"),
nextText: __("Next"),
currentText: __("Today"),
monthNames: [__("January"), __("February"), __("March"), __("April"), __("May"), __("June"),
__("July"), __("August"), __("September"), __("October"), __("November"), __("December")
monthNamesShort: [__("Jan"), __("Feb"), __("Mar"), __("Apr"), __("May"), __("Jun"),
__("Jul"), __("Aug"), __("Sep"), __("Oct"), __("Nov"), __("Dec")
dayNames: [__("Sunday"), __("Monday"), __("Tuesday"), __("Wednesday"), __("Thursday"), __("Friday"), __("Saturday")],
dayNamesShort: [__("Sun"), __("Mon"), __("Tue"), __("Wed"), __("Thu"), __("Fri"), __("Sat")],
dayNamesMin: [__("Su"), __("Mo"), __("Tu"), __("We"), __("Th"), __("Fr"), __("Sa")],
weekHeader: __("Wk"),
dateFormat: dateformat_string,
firstDay: calendarFirstDayOfWeek,
isRTL: bidi,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ''
/* jQuery Validator plugin custom method
This allows you to check that a given date falls after another.
It is required that a message be defined.
rules: {
input_name_of_later_date_field: {
is_date_after: "#input_id_of_earlier_date_field"
messages: {
input_name_of_later_date_field: {
is_date_after: _("Validation error to be shown, i.e. End date must come after start date")
function (value, element, params) {
var from = Date_from_syspref($(params).val());
var to = Date_from_syspref(value);
return to > from;
function (value, element, params) {
var from = Date_from_syspref($(params).val());
var to = Date_from_syspref(value);
return to >= from;
$(document).ready(function () {
showOn: "both",
buttonImage: "",
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: __("Select date"),
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
showButtonPanel: true,
showOtherMonths: true,
selectOtherMonths: true,
yearRange: "c-100:c+10"
yearRange: "c-100:c"
minDate: 1, // require that hold suspended until date is after today
onClose: function (dateText, inst) {
validate_date(dateText, inst);
}).on("change", function () {
if (!is_valid_date($(this).val())) {
// http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#date-range
var dates = $(".datepickerfrom, .datepickerto").datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
numberOfMonths: 1,
onSelect: function (selectedDate) {
var option = this.id == "from" ? "minDate" : "maxDate",
instance = $(this).data("datepicker");
var date = $.datepicker.parseDate(
instance.settings.dateFormat ||
selectedDate, instance.settings);
dates.not(this).datepicker("option", option, date);
onClose: function (dateText, inst) {
validate_date(dateText, inst);
}).on("change", function () {
if (!is_valid_date($(this).val())) {