Matthias Meusburger 7f957077dd Bug 5337: EAN management : Adds ean for various searches
- in various acquisition pages and serials home
  - in database : biblioitems.ean
  - adds ean and its mapping in default english bibliographic framework
  - adds ean mapping in default french bibliographic framework
  - ean search is not enabled for MARC21

The required mapping between the ean marc field and the biblioitems.ean
database field will be automatically added on an existing unimarc installation.

However, if you already have records with ean, you will have to
run misc/batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl to populate biblioitems.ean

Signed-off-by: jmbroust <jean-manuel.broust@univ-lyon2.fr>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Passed QA at second run. Removed a merge marker only.
2012-06-09 18:26:34 +02:00

99 lines
4.2 KiB

# This Koha test module is a stub!
# Add more tests here!!!
use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML;
use C4::Serials;
use C4::Debug;
use Test::More tests => 33;
my $subscriptionid = 1;
my $subscriptioninformation = GetSubscription( $subscriptionid );
$debug && warn Dump($subscriptioninformation);
my @subscriptions = GetSubscriptions( $$subscriptioninformation{bibliotitle} );
isa_ok( \@subscriptions, 'ARRAY' );
$debug && warn scalar(@subscriptions);
@subscriptions = GetSubscriptions( undef, $$subscriptioninformation{issn} );
isa_ok( \@subscriptions, 'ARRAY' );
$debug && warn scalar(@subscriptions);
@subscriptions = GetSubscriptions( undef, undef, $$subscriptioninformation{ean} );
isa_ok( \@subscriptions, 'ARRAY' );
$debug && warn scalar(@subscriptions);
@subscriptions = GetSubscriptions( undef, undef, undef, $$subscriptioninformation{bibnum} );
isa_ok( \@subscriptions, 'ARRAY' );
$debug && warn scalar(@subscriptions);
if ($subscriptioninformation->{periodicity} % 16==0){
ModSubscription(@$subscriptioninformation{qw(librarian, branchcode, aqbooksellerid, cost, aqbudgetid, startdate, periodicity, firstacquidate,
dow, irregularity, numberpattern, numberlength, weeklength, monthlength, add1, every1,
whenmorethan1, setto1, lastvalue1, innerloop1, add2, every2, whenmorethan2, setto2,
lastvalue2, innerloop2, add3, every3, whenmorethan3, setto3, lastvalue3, innerloop3,
numberingmethod, status, biblionumber, callnumber, notes, letter, hemisphere, manualhistory,
internalnotes, serialsadditems, staffdisplaycount, opacdisplaycount, graceperiod, location, enddate, subscriptionid
my $expirationdate = GetExpirationDate(1) ;
ok( $expirationdate, "not NULL" );
$debug && warn "$expirationdate";
is(C4::Serials::GetLateIssues(),"0", 'test getting late issues');
ok(C4::Serials::GetSubscriptionHistoryFromSubscriptionId(), 'test getting history from sub-scription');
ok(C4::Serials::GetSerialStatusFromSerialId(), 'test getting Serial Status From Serial Id');
ok(C4::Serials::GetSerialInformation(), 'test getting Serial Information');
ok(C4::Serials::AddItem2Serial(), 'test adding item to serial');
ok(C4::Serials::UpdateClaimdateIssues(), 'test updating claim date');
ok(C4::Serials::GetFullSubscription(), 'test getting full subscription');
ok(C4::Serials::PrepareSerialsData(), 'test preparing serial data');
ok(C4::Serials::GetSubscriptionsFromBiblionumber(), 'test getting subscriptions form biblio number');
is(C4::Serials::GetSerials(),"0", 'test getting serials when you enter nothing');
is(C4::Serials::GetSerials2(),"0", 'test getting serials when you enter nothing');
ok(C4::Serials::GetLatestSerials(), 'test getting lastest serials');
is(C4::Serials::GetDistributedTo(),"0", 'test getting distributed when nothing is entered');
is(C4::Serials::GetNextSeq(),"0", 'test getting next seq when you enter nothing');
is(C4::Serials::GetSeq(),undef, 'test getting seq when you enter nothing');
is(C4::Serials::CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber(),"0", 'test counting subscription when nothing is entered');
is(C4::Serials::ModSubscriptionHistory(),"0", 'test modding subscription history');
is(C4::Serials::ModSerialStatus(),undef, 'test modding serials');
is(C4::Serials::NewIssue(),"0", 'test getting 0 when nothing is entered');
is(C4::Serials::ItemizeSerials(),undef, 'test getting nothing when nothing is entered');
ok(C4::Serials::HasSubscriptionStrictlyExpired(), 'test if the subscriptions has expired');
is(C4::Serials::HasSubscriptionExpired(),"0", 'test if the subscriptions has expired');
is(C4::Serials::GetLateOrMissingIssues(),"0", 'test getting last or missing issues');
is(C4::Serials::removeMissingIssue(),undef, 'test removing a missing issue');
is(C4::Serials::updateClaim(),undef, 'test updating claim');
is(C4::Serials::getsupplierbyserialid(),undef, 'test getting supplier idea');
is(C4::Serials::check_routing(),"0", 'test checking route');
is(C4::Serials::addroutingmember(),undef, 'test adding route member');