Marcel de Rooy fab9936ddb Bug 18677: (QA follow-up) Trivial fixes to Chargelostitem.t
Kind of funny that we did not touch this test here. But it passed!
Trivial fixes:
[1] Typo precessfee
[2] Typo the linked
[3] Add rollback

Test plan:
Run t/db_dependent/Circulation/Chargelostitem.t

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
2018-11-16 12:43:11 +00:00

85 lines
2.8 KiB

use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 6;
use Test::MockModule;
use t::lib::Mocks;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
use C4::Circulation;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use Koha::Patrons;
use MARC::Record;
my $schema = Koha::Database->schema;
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM accountlines|);
t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ProcessingFeeNote', 'Test Note');
my $library = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
my $branchcode = $library->{branchcode};
my $itemtype = $builder->build({
source => 'Itemtype',
value => {
processfee => 42,
my %item_branch_infos = (
homebranch => $branchcode,
holdingbranch => $branchcode,
itype => $itemtype->{itemtype},
my ($biblionumber1) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
my $itemnumber1 = AddItem({ barcode => '0101', %item_branch_infos }, $biblionumber1);
my $itemnumber2 = AddItem({ barcode => '0102', %item_branch_infos }, $biblionumber1);
my ($biblionumber2) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
my $itemnumber3 = AddItem({ barcode => '0203', %item_branch_infos }, $biblionumber2);
my $categorycode = $builder->build({
source => 'Category'
my $borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new({categorycode => $categorycode, branchcode => $branchcode})->store->borrowernumber;
# TODO following code must be simplified to use the Koha::Patron object
my $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber )->unblessed();
# Need to mock userenv for AddIssue
my $module = new Test::MockModule('C4::Context');
$module->mock('userenv', sub { { branch => $branchcode } });
AddIssue($borrower, '0101');
AddIssue($borrower, '0203');
# Begin tests...
my $issue = Koha::Checkouts->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber } )->next()->unblessed();
C4::Accounts::chargelostitem( $borrowernumber, $issue->{itemnumber}, '1.00');
my $accountline = Koha::Account::Lines->search( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, accounttype => 'PF' } )->next();
is( int($accountline->amount), int($itemtype->{processfee}), "The accountline amount should be processfee value " );
is( $accountline->itemnumber, $itemnumber1, "The accountline itemnumber should be linked with barcode '0101'" );
is( $accountline->note, C4::Context->preference("ProcessingFeeNote"), "The accountline description should be 'test'" );
my $lost_ao = Koha::Account::Offsets->search( { type => 'Lost Item' } );
is( $lost_ao->count, 1, 'Account offset of type "Lost Item" created' );
my $processing_fee_ao = Koha::Account::Offsets->search( { type => 'Processing Fee' } );
is( $processing_fee_ao->count, 1, 'Account offset of type "Processing Fee" created' );