Cori Lynn Arnold b9e8b50b50
Bug 24173: Advanced Editor: Show subtitle & published date on the search page
To test:

Prior to patch:
1/Verify that EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor syspref is set to "enable"
2/Go to Cataloging
3/Click on "Advanced Editor" button
4/In left hand box put "specious" under Keywords and hit "enter"
5/verify that "Library of Congress" (or some other server) Z39.50 is checked
6/Verify that there are no headings for "Subtitle" and "Published"

Apply Patch
1/Go to Administration->Koha to MARC mapping
2/Add or verify that there are entries for "biblio.subtitle" and
3/Go to Cataloging
4/Click on "Advanced Editor" button
5/In left hand box put "specious" under Keywords and hit "enter"
6/verify that "Library of Congress" (or some other server) Z39.50 is checked
7/Verify that there are headings for "Subtitle" and "Published" and the
data matches with the fields from Koha to MARC mapping when you click on
"View MARC" link for that record.

Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
2020-01-03 16:21:29 +00:00

350 lines
10 KiB

package Koha::MetaSearcher;
# Copyright 2014 ByWater Solutions
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use base 'Class::Accessor';
use C4::Charset qw( MarcToUTF8Record );
use C4::Search qw(); # Purely for new_record_from_zebra
use DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator;
use IO::Select;
use Koha::Caches;
use Koha::Database;
use Koha::MetadataRecord;
use MARC::File::XML;
use Storable qw( store_fd fd_retrieve );
use Time::HiRes qw( clock_gettime CLOCK_MONOTONIC );
use UUID;
use ZOOM;
use sort 'stable';
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw( fetch offset on_error resultset ) );
sub new {
my ( $class, $options ) = @_;
my ( $uuid, $uuidstring );
UUID::unparse( $uuid, $uuidstring );
return bless {
offset => 0,
fetch => 100,
on_error => sub {},
results => [],
resultset => $uuidstring,
%{ $options || {} }
}, $class;
sub handle_hit {
my ( $self, $index, $server, $marcrecord ) = @_;
my $record = Koha::MetadataRecord->new( { schema => 'marc', record => $marcrecord } );
my %fetch = (
title => 'biblio.title',
subtitle => 'biblio.subtitle',
seriestitle => 'biblio.seriestitle',
author => 'biblio.author',
isbn =>'biblioitems.isbn',
issn =>'biblioitems.issn',
lccn =>'biblioitems.lccn', #LC control number (not call number)
edition =>'biblioitems.editionstatement',
date => 'biblio.copyrightdate', #MARC21
date2 => 'biblioitems.publicationyear', #UNIMARC
my $metadata = {};
while ( my ( $key, $kohafield ) = each %fetch ) {
$metadata->{$key} = $record->getKohaField($kohafield);
$metadata->{date} //= $metadata->{date2};
push @{ $self->{results} }, {
server => $server,
index => $index,
record => $marcrecord,
metadata => $metadata,
sub search {
my ( $self, $server_ids, $query ) = @_;
my $resultset_expiry = 300;
my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance();
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $stats = {
num_fetched => {
map { $_ => 0 } @$server_ids
num_hits => {
map { $_ => 0 } @$server_ids
total_fetched => 0,
total_hits => 0,
my $start = clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC );
my $select = IO::Select->new;
my @cached_sets;
my @servers;
foreach my $server_id ( @$server_ids ) {
if ( $server_id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
# Z39.50 server
my $server = $schema->resultset('Z3950server')->find(
{ id => $server_id },
{ result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator' },
$server->{type} = 'z3950';
push @servers, $server;
} elsif ( $server_id =~ /(\w+)(?::(\w+))?/ ) {
# Special server
push @servers, {
type => $1,
extra => $2,
id => $server_id,
host => $server_id,
name => $server_id,
# HashRefInflator is used so that the information will survive into the fork
foreach my $server ( @servers ) {
if ( $cache ) {
my $set = $cache->get_from_cache( 'z3950-resultset-' . $self->resultset . '-' . $server->{id} );
if ( ref($set) eq 'HASH' ) {
$set->{server} = $server;
push @cached_sets, $set;
$select->add( $self->_start_worker( $server, $query ) );
# Handle these while the servers are searching
foreach my $set ( @cached_sets ) {
$self->_handle_hits( $stats, $set );
while ( $select->count ) {
foreach my $readfh ( $select->can_read() ) {
my $result = fd_retrieve( $readfh );
$select->remove( $readfh );
close $readfh;
next if ( ref $result ne 'HASH' );
if ( $result->{error} ) {
$self->{on_error}->( $result->{server}, $result->{error} );
$self->_handle_hits( $stats, $result );
if ( $cache ) {
$cache->set_in_cache( 'z3950-resultset-' . $self->resultset . '-' . $result->{server}->{id}, {
hits => $result->{hits},
num_fetched => $result->{num_fetched},
num_hits => $result->{num_hits},
}, { expiry => $resultset_expiry } );
$stats->{time} = clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC ) - $start;
return $stats;
sub _start_worker {
my ( $self, $server, $query ) = @_;
pipe my $readfh, my $writefh;
# Accessing the cache or Koha database after the fork is risky, so get any resources we need
# here.
my $pid;
my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
if ( ( $pid = fork ) ) {
# Parent process
close $writefh;
return $readfh;
} elsif ( !defined $pid ) {
# Error
$self->{on_error}->( $server, 'Failed to fork' );
close $readfh;
my $connection;
my ( $num_hits, $num_fetched, $hits, $results );
eval {
if ( $server->{type} eq 'z3950' ) {
my $zoptions = ZOOM::Options->new();
$zoptions->option( 'elementSetName', 'F' );
$zoptions->option( 'databaseName', $server->{db} );
$zoptions->option( 'user', $server->{userid} ) if $server->{userid};
$zoptions->option( 'password', $server->{password} ) if $server->{password};
$zoptions->option( 'preferredRecordSyntax', $server->{syntax} );
$zoptions->option( 'timeout', $server->{timeout} ) if $server->{timeout};
$connection = ZOOM::Connection->create($zoptions);
$connection->connect( $server->{host}, $server->{port} );
$results = $connection->search_pqf( $query ); # Starts the search
} elsif ( $server->{type} eq 'koha' ) {
$connection = C4::Context->Zconn( $server->{extra} );
$results = $connection->search_pqf( $query ); # Starts the search
} elsif ( $server->{type} eq 'batch' ) {
$server->{encoding} = 'utf-8';
if ($@) {
store_fd {
error => $connection ? $connection->exception() : $@,
server => $server,
}, $writefh;
if ( $server->{type} eq 'batch' ) {
# TODO: actually handle PQF
$query =~ s/@\w+ (?:\d+=\d+ )?//g;
$query =~ s/"//g;
my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema;
my $match_condition = [ map +{ -like => '%' . $_ . '%' }, split( /\s+/, $query ) ];
$hits = [ $schema->resultset('ImportRecord')->search(
import_batch_id => $server->{extra},
-or => [
{ 'import_biblios.title' => $match_condition },
{ 'import_biblios.author' => $match_condition },
{ 'import_biblios.isbn' => $match_condition },
{ 'import_biblios.issn' => $match_condition },
join => [ qw( import_biblios ) ],
rows => $self->{fetch},
)->get_column( 'marc' )->all ];
$num_hits = $num_fetched = scalar @$hits;
} else {
$num_hits = $results->size;
$num_fetched = ( $self->{offset} + $self->{fetch} ) < $num_hits ? $self->{fetch} : $num_hits;
$hits = [ map { $_->raw() } @{ $results->records( $self->{offset}, $num_fetched, 1 ) } ];
if ( !@$hits && $connection && $connection->exception() ) {
store_fd {
error => $connection->exception(),
server => $server,
}, $writefh;
if ( $server->{type} eq 'koha' ) {
$hits = [ map { C4::Search::new_record_from_zebra( $server->{extra}, $_ ) } @$hits ];
} else {
$hits = [ map { $self->_import_record( $_, $marcflavour, $server->{encoding} ? $server->{encoding} : "iso-5426" ) } @$hits ];
store_fd {
hits => $hits,
num_fetched => $num_fetched,
num_hits => $num_hits,
server => $server,
}, $writefh;
sub _import_record {
my ( $self, $raw, $marcflavour, $encoding ) = @_;
my ( $marcrecord ) = MarcToUTF8Record( $raw, $marcflavour, $encoding ); #ignores charset return values
return $marcrecord;
sub _handle_hits {
my ( $self, $stats, $set ) = @_;
my $server = $set->{server};
my $num_hits = $stats->{num_hits}->{ $server->{id} } = $set->{num_hits};
my $num_fetched = $stats->{num_fetched}->{ $server->{id} } = $set->{num_fetched};
$stats->{total_hits} += $num_hits;
$stats->{total_fetched} += $num_fetched;
foreach my $j ( 0..$#{ $set->{hits} } ) {
$self->handle_hit( $self->{offset} + $j, $server, $set->{hits}->[$j] );
sub sort {
my ( $self, $key, $direction ) = @_;
my $empty_flip = -1; # Determines the flip of ordering for records with empty sort keys.
foreach my $hit ( @{ $self->{results} } ) {
( $hit->{sort_key} = $hit->{metadata}->{$key} || '' ) =~ s/\W//g;
$self->{results} = [ sort {
# Sort empty records at the end
return -$empty_flip unless $a->{sort_key};
return $empty_flip unless $b->{sort_key};
$direction * ( $a->{sort_key} cmp $b->{sort_key} );
} @{ $self->{results} } ];
sub results {
my ( $self, $offset, $length ) = @_;
my @subset;
foreach my $i ( $offset..( $offset + $length - 1 ) ) {
push @subset, $self->{results}->[$i] if $self->{results}->[$i];
return @subset;