Marcel de Rooy 9f9d5ddff8
Bug 39153: Move log4perl checks in about.pl
They were mostly under tab about, but they should be under sysinfo.

Test plan:
If you would move your log4perl file, plack.psgi crashes. So sorry
but we cannot test that.
Note that you cannot simulate logfile_not_writable either, since it
also crashes plack.psgi before reaching about.pl. See 39155.

So a trivial hack remains:
Bonus: Edit about.pl and changed the moved if( !-w $file ) test and
replace it by if ( 1 ) in the new sub log4perl_check.
Restart and verify that you now have an error message on sysinfo.

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-03-07 15:41:14 +01:00

938 lines
34 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright Pat Eyler 2003
# Copyright Biblibre 2006
# Parts Copyright Liblime 2008
# Parts Copyright Chris Nighswonger 2010
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use DateTime::TimeZone;
use File::Slurp qw( read_file );
use IPC::Cmd qw(can_run);
use List::MoreUtils qw( any );
use Module::Load::Conditional qw( can_load );
use Config qw( %Config );
use Search::Elasticsearch;
use Try::Tiny qw( catch try );
use YAML::XS;
use Encode;
use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers );
use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user get_user_subpermissions );
use C4::Context;
use C4::Installer;
use C4::Installer::PerlModules;
use Koha;
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref );
use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies;
use Koha::Authorities;
use Koha::BackgroundJob;
use Koha::BiblioFrameworks;
use Koha::Biblios;
use Koha::Email;
use Koha::I18N;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Caches;
use Koha::Config::SysPrefs;
use Koha::ILL::Request::Config;
use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch;
use Koha::Logger;
use Koha::Filter::MARC::ViewPolicy;
use C4::Members::Statistics;
my $query = CGI->new;
my $params = $query->Vars();
my ( $template, $loggedinuser, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user(
template_name => "about.tt",
query => $query,
type => "intranet",
flagsrequired => { catalogue => 1 },
my $tab = $params->{tab} || 'about';
tab => $tab,
my $docdir;
if ( defined C4::Context->config('docdir') ) {
$docdir = C4::Context->config('docdir');
} else {
# if no <docdir> is defined in koha-conf.xml, use the default location
# this is a work-around to stop breakage on upgraded Kohas, bug 8911
$docdir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . '/docs';
my %versions = C4::Context::get_versions();
if ( $tab eq 'about' ) {
my $config_timezone = C4::Context->config('timezone') // '';
my $config_invalid = !DateTime::TimeZone->is_valid_name($config_timezone);
my $env_timezone = $ENV{TZ} // '';
my $env_invalid = !DateTime::TimeZone->is_valid_name($env_timezone);
my $actual_bad_tz_fallback = 0;
if ( $config_timezone ne ''
&& $config_invalid )
# Bad config
$actual_bad_tz_fallback = 1;
} elsif ( $config_timezone eq ''
&& $env_timezone ne ''
&& $env_invalid )
# No config, but bad ENV{TZ}
$actual_bad_tz_fallback = 1;
my $time_zone = {
actual => C4::Context->tz->name,
actual_bad_tz_fallback => $actual_bad_tz_fallback,
config => $config_timezone,
config_invalid => $config_invalid,
environment => $env_timezone,
environment_invalid => $env_invalid
time_zone => $time_zone,
current_date_and_time => output_pref( { dt => dt_from_string(), dateformat => 'iso' } )
my $perl_path = $^X;
if ( $^O ne 'VMS' ) {
$perl_path .= $Config{_exe} unless $perl_path =~ m/$Config{_exe}$/i;
my $zebraVersion = `zebraidx -V`;
# Check running PSGI env
if ( C4::Context->psgi_env ) {
is_psgi => 1,
psgi_server => ( $ENV{PLACK_ENV} ) ? "Plack ($ENV{PLACK_ENV})"
: ( $ENV{MOD_PERL} ) ? "mod_perl ($ENV{MOD_PERL})"
: 'Unknown'
# Memcached configuration
my $memcached_servers = $ENV{MEMCACHED_SERVERS} || C4::Context->config('memcached_servers');
my $memcached_namespace = $ENV{MEMCACHED_NAMESPACE} || C4::Context->config('memcached_namespace') // 'koha';
my $cache = Koha::Caches->get_instance;
my $effective_caching_method = ref( $cache->cache );
# Memcached may have been running when plack has been initialized but could have been stopped since
# FIXME What are the consequences of that??
my $is_memcached_still_active = $cache->set_in_cache( 'test_for_about_page', "just a simple value" );
my $where_is_memcached_config = 'nowhere';
if ( $ENV{MEMCACHED_SERVERS} and C4::Context->config('memcached_servers') ) {
$where_is_memcached_config = 'both';
} elsif ( $ENV{MEMCACHED_SERVERS} and not C4::Context->config('memcached_servers') ) {
$where_is_memcached_config = 'ENV_only';
} elsif ( C4::Context->config('memcached_servers') ) {
$where_is_memcached_config = 'config_only';
effective_caching_method => $effective_caching_method,
memcached_servers => $memcached_servers,
memcached_namespace => $memcached_namespace,
is_memcached_still_active => $is_memcached_still_active,
where_is_memcached_config => $where_is_memcached_config,
perlPath => $perl_path,
zebraVersion => $zebraVersion,
kohaVersion => $versions{'kohaVersion'},
osVersion => $versions{'osVersion'},
perlVersion => $versions{'perlVersion'},
perlIncPath => [ map { perlinc => $_ }, @INC ],
mysqlVersion => $versions{'mysqlVersion'},
apacheVersion => $versions{'apacheVersion'},
memcached_running => Koha::Caches->get_instance->memcached_cache,
if ( $tab eq 'sysinfo' ) {
# Additional system information for warnings
my $warnStatisticsFieldsError;
my $prefStatisticsFields = C4::Context->preference('StatisticsFields');
if ($prefStatisticsFields) {
$warnStatisticsFieldsError = $prefStatisticsFields
unless ( $prefStatisticsFields eq C4::Members::Statistics->get_fields() );
my $prefAutoCreateAuthorities = C4::Context->preference('AutoCreateAuthorities');
my $prefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority = C4::Context->preference('RequireChoosingExistingAuthority');
my $warnPrefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority =
( !$prefAutoCreateAuthorities && ( !$prefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority ) );
my $prefEasyAnalyticalRecords = C4::Context->preference('EasyAnalyticalRecords');
my $prefUseControlNumber = C4::Context->preference('UseControlNumber');
my $warnPrefEasyAnalyticalRecords = ( $prefEasyAnalyticalRecords && $prefUseControlNumber );
my $AnonymousPatron = C4::Context->preference('AnonymousPatron');
my $warnPrefAnonymousPatronOPACPrivacy = ( C4::Context->preference('OPACPrivacy') and not $AnonymousPatron );
my $warnPrefAnonymousPatronAnonSuggestions =
( C4::Context->preference('AnonSuggestions') and not $AnonymousPatron );
my $anonymous_patron = Koha::Patrons->find($AnonymousPatron);
my $warnPrefAnonymousPatronAnonSuggestions_PatronDoesNotExist =
( $AnonymousPatron && C4::Context->preference('AnonSuggestions') && not $anonymous_patron );
my $warnPrefAnonymousPatronOPACPrivacy_PatronDoesNotExist =
( not $anonymous_patron and Koha::Patrons->search( { privacy => 2 } )->count );
my $warnPrefKohaAdminEmailAddress = !Koha::Email->is_valid( C4::Context->preference('KohaAdminEmailAddress') );
my $c = Koha::Items->filter_by_visible_in_opac->count;
my @warnings = C4::Context->dbh->selectrow_array('SHOW WARNINGS');
my $warnPrefOpacHiddenItems = $warnings[2];
my $invalid_yesno = Koha::Config::SysPrefs->search(
type => 'YesNo',
value => { -or => { 'is' => undef, -not_in => [ "1", "0" ] } }
$template->param( invalid_yesno => $invalid_yesno );
my $errZebraConnection = C4::Context->Zconn( "biblioserver", 0 )->errcode();
my $warnIsRootUser = ( !$loggedinuser );
my $warnNoActiveCurrency = ( !defined Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->get_active );
my @xml_config_warnings;
if ( C4::Context->config('zebra_bib_index_mode')
and C4::Context->config('zebra_bib_index_mode') eq 'grs1' )
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'zebra_bib_index_mode_is_grs1' };
if ( C4::Context->config('zebra_auth_index_mode')
and C4::Context->config('zebra_auth_index_mode') eq 'grs1' )
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'zebra_auth_index_mode_is_grs1' };
my $authorityserver = C4::Context->zebraconfig('authorityserver');
if ( ( C4::Context->config('zebra_auth_index_mode') and C4::Context->config('zebra_auth_index_mode') eq 'dom' )
&& ( $authorityserver->{config} !~ /zebra-authorities-dom.cfg/ ) )
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'zebra_auth_index_mode_mismatch_warn' };
log4perl_check( $template, \@xml_config_warnings );
if ( !defined C4::Context->config('lockdir') ) {
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'lockdir_entry_missing' };
} else {
unless ( -w C4::Context->config('lockdir') ) {
push @xml_config_warnings, {
error => 'lockdir_not_writable',
lockdir => C4::Context->config('lockdir')
if ( !defined C4::Context->config('upload_path') ) {
if ( Koha::Config::SysPrefs->find('OPACBaseURL')->value ) {
# OPACBaseURL seems to be set
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'uploadpath_entry_missing' };
} else {
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'uploadpath_and_opacbaseurl_entry_missing' };
if ( !C4::Context->config('tmp_path') ) {
my $temporary_directory = C4::Context::temporary_directory;
push @xml_config_warnings, {
error => 'tmp_path_missing',
effective_tmp_dir => $temporary_directory,
my $encryption_key = C4::Context->config('encryption_key');
if ( !$encryption_key || $encryption_key eq '__ENCRYPTION_KEY__' ) {
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'encryption_key_missing' };
# Test Zebra facets configuration
if ( !defined C4::Context->config('use_zebra_facets') ) {
push @xml_config_warnings, { error => 'use_zebra_facets_entry_missing' };
unless ( Koha::I18N->_base_directory ) {
$template->param( warnI18nMissing => 1 );
# ILL module checks
if ( C4::Context->preference('ILLModule') ) {
my $warnILLConfiguration = 0;
my $ill_config_from_file = C4::Context->config("interlibrary_loans");
my $ill_config = Koha::ILL::Request::Config->new;
my $available_ill_backends = ( scalar @{ $ill_config->available_backends } > 0 );
# Check backends
if ( !$available_ill_backends ) {
$template->param( no_ill_backends => 1 );
$warnILLConfiguration = 1;
# Check ILLPartnerCode sys pref
if ( !Koha::Patron::Categories->find( C4::Context->preference('ILLPartnerCode') ) ) {
$template->param( ill_partner_code_doesnt_exist => C4::Context->preference('ILLPartnerCode') );
$warnILLConfiguration = 1;
} elsif ( !Koha::Patrons->search( { categorycode => C4::Context->preference('ILLPartnerCode') } )->count ) {
$template->param( ill_partner_code_no_patrons => C4::Context->preference('ILLPartnerCode') );
$warnILLConfiguration = 1;
# Check if deprecated 'FreeForm' backend is installed
my $available_backends = Koha::ILL::Request::Config->new->available_backends;
if ( grep( /FreeForm/, @{$available_backends} ) ) {
$template->param( ill_deprecated_backend_freeform_is_installed => 1 );
$warnILLConfiguration = 1;
if ( !C4::Context->preference('ILLPartnerCode') ) {
# partner code not defined
$template->param( ill_partner_code_not_defined => 1 );
$warnILLConfiguration = 1;
if ( !$ill_config_from_file->{branch} ) {
# branch not defined
$template->param( ill_branch_not_defined => 1 );
$warnILLConfiguration = 1;
$template->param( warnILLConfiguration => $warnILLConfiguration );
unless ( can_run('weasyprint') ) {
$template->param( weasyprint_missing => 1 );
# XSLT sysprefs
my @xslt_prefs = qw(
my @warnXSLT;
for my $p (@xslt_prefs) {
my $xsl_filename = C4::XSLT::get_xsl_filename($p);
next if -e $xsl_filename;
push @warnXSLT,
syspref => $p,
value => C4::Context->preference("$p"),
filename => $xsl_filename
$template->param( warnXSLT => \@warnXSLT ) if @warnXSLT;
if ( C4::Context->preference('RESTOAuth2ClientCredentials') ) {
# Do we have the required deps?
unless ( can_load( modules => { 'Net::OAuth2::AuthorizationServer' => undef } ) ) {
$template->param( oauth2_missing_deps => 1 );
# Sco Patron should not contain any other perms than circulate => self_checkout
if ( C4::Context->preference('WebBasedSelfCheck')
and C4::Context->preference('AutoSelfCheckAllowed') )
my $userid = C4::Context->preference('AutoSelfCheckID');
my $all_permissions = C4::Auth::get_user_subpermissions($userid);
my ( $has_self_checkout_perm, $has_other_permissions );
while ( my ( $module, $permissions ) = each %$all_permissions ) {
if ( $module eq 'self_check' ) {
while ( my ( $permission, $flag ) = each %$permissions ) {
if ( $permission eq 'self_checkout_module' ) {
$has_self_checkout_perm = 1;
} else {
$has_other_permissions = 1;
} else {
$has_other_permissions = 1;
AutoSelfCheckPatronDoesNotHaveSelfCheckPerm => not($has_self_checkout_perm),
AutoSelfCheckPatronHasTooManyPerm => $has_other_permissions,
if ( C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistration') ) {
$template->param( warnPrefPatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory => 1 )
unless Koha::Patron::Categories->find( C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory') );
# Test YAML system preferences
# FIXME: This is list of current YAML formatted prefs, should by type of preference
my @yaml_prefs = (
my @bad_yaml_prefs;
foreach my $syspref (@yaml_prefs) {
my $yaml = C4::Context->preference($syspref);
if ($yaml) {
eval { YAML::XS::Load( Encode::encode_utf8("$yaml\n\n") ); };
if ($@) {
push @bad_yaml_prefs, $syspref;
$template->param( 'bad_yaml_prefs' => \@bad_yaml_prefs ) if @bad_yaml_prefs;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $patrons = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q|select b.borrowernumber from borrowers b join deletedborrowers db on b.borrowernumber=db.borrowernumber|,
{ Slice => {} }
my $biblios = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q|select b.biblionumber from biblio b join deletedbiblio db on b.biblionumber=db.biblionumber|,
{ Slice => {} }
my $biblioitems = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q|select bi.biblioitemnumber from biblioitems bi join deletedbiblioitems dbi on bi.biblionumber=dbi.biblionumber|,
{ Slice => {} }
my $items = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q|select i.itemnumber from items i join deleteditems di on i.itemnumber=di.itemnumber|,
{ Slice => {} }
my $checkouts = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q|select i.issue_id from issues i join old_issues oi on i.issue_id=oi.issue_id|,
{ Slice => {} }
my $holds = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
q|select r.reserve_id from reserves r join old_reserves o on r.reserve_id=o.reserve_id|,
{ Slice => {} }
if ( @$patrons or @$biblios or @$biblioitems or @$items or @$checkouts or @$holds ) {
has_ai_issues => 1,
ai_patrons => $patrons,
ai_biblios => $biblios,
ai_biblioitems => $biblioitems,
ai_items => $items,
ai_checkouts => $checkouts,
ai_holds => $holds,
# Circ rule warnings
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $units = Koha::CirculationRules->search(
{ rule_name => 'lengthunit', rule_value => { -not_in => [ 'days', 'hours' ] } } );
if ( $units->count ) {
warnIssuingRules => 1,
ir_units => $units,
# Guarantor relationships warnings
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($bad_relationships_count) = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
SELECT relationship FROM borrower_relationships WHERE relationship='_bad_data'
SELECT relationship FROM borrowers WHERE relationship='_bad_data') a
$bad_relationships_count = $bad_relationships_count->[0]->[0];
my $existing_relationships = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
SELECT DISTINCT(relationship)
SELECT relationship FROM borrower_relationships WHERE relationship IS NOT NULL
SELECT relationship FROM borrowers WHERE relationship IS NOT NULL) a
my %valid_relationships = map { $_ => 1 } split( /,|\|/, C4::Context->preference('borrowerRelationship') );
$valid_relationships{_bad_data} = 1; # we handle this case in another way
my $wrong_relationships = [ grep { !$valid_relationships{ $_->[0] } } @{$existing_relationships} ];
if ( @$wrong_relationships or $bad_relationships_count ) {
warnRelationships => 1,
if ($wrong_relationships) {
$template->param( wrong_relationships => $wrong_relationships );
if ($bad_relationships_count) {
bad_relationships_count => $bad_relationships_count,
# Test 'bcrypt_settings' config for Pseudonymization
$template->param( config_bcrypt_settings_no_set => 1 )
if C4::Context->preference('Pseudonymization')
and not C4::Context->config('bcrypt_settings');
my @frameworkcodes = Koha::BiblioFrameworks->search->get_column('frameworkcode');
my @hidden_biblionumbers;
push @frameworkcodes, ""; # it's not in the biblio_frameworks table!
my $no_FA_framework = 1;
for my $frameworkcode (@frameworkcodes) {
$no_FA_framework = 0 if $frameworkcode eq 'FA';
my $shouldhidemarc_opac = Koha::Filter::MARC::ViewPolicy->should_hide_marc(
frameworkcode => $frameworkcode,
interface => "opac"
push @hidden_biblionumbers, { frameworkcode => $frameworkcode, interface => 'opac' }
if $shouldhidemarc_opac->{biblionumber};
my $shouldhidemarc_intranet = Koha::Filter::MARC::ViewPolicy->should_hide_marc(
frameworkcode => $frameworkcode,
interface => "intranet"
push @hidden_biblionumbers, { frameworkcode => $frameworkcode, interface => 'intranet' }
if $shouldhidemarc_intranet->{biblionumber};
$template->param( warnHiddenBiblionumbers => \@hidden_biblionumbers );
$template->param( warnFastCataloging => $no_FA_framework );
#BZ 28267: Warn administrators if there are database rows with a format other than 'DYNAMIC'
$template->param( warnDbRowFormat => C4::Installer->has_non_dynamic_row_format );
prefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority => $prefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority,
prefAutoCreateAuthorities => $prefAutoCreateAuthorities,
warnPrefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority => $warnPrefRequireChoosingExistingAuthority,
warnPrefEasyAnalyticalRecords => $warnPrefEasyAnalyticalRecords,
warnPrefAnonymousPatronOPACPrivacy => $warnPrefAnonymousPatronOPACPrivacy,
warnPrefAnonymousPatronAnonSuggestions => $warnPrefAnonymousPatronAnonSuggestions,
warnPrefAnonymousPatronOPACPrivacy_PatronDoesNotExist => $warnPrefAnonymousPatronOPACPrivacy_PatronDoesNotExist,
warnPrefAnonymousPatronAnonSuggestions_PatronDoesNotExist =>
warnPrefKohaAdminEmailAddress => $warnPrefKohaAdminEmailAddress,
warnPrefOpacHiddenItems => $warnPrefOpacHiddenItems,
errZebraConnection => $errZebraConnection,
warnIsRootUser => $warnIsRootUser,
warnNoActiveCurrency => $warnNoActiveCurrency,
warnNoTemplateCaching => ( C4::Context->config('template_cache_dir') ? 0 : 1 ),
xml_config_warnings => \@xml_config_warnings,
warnStatisticsFieldsError => $warnStatisticsFieldsError,
if ( $tab eq 'perl' ) {
my @components = ();
my $perl_modules = C4::Installer::PerlModules->new;
my @pm_types = qw(missing_pm upgrade_pm current_pm);
foreach my $pm_type (@pm_types) {
my $modules = $perl_modules->get_attr($pm_type);
foreach (@$modules) {
my ( $module, $stats ) = each %$_;
name => $module,
version => $stats->{'cur_ver'},
missing => ( $pm_type eq 'missing_pm' ? 1 : 0 ),
upgrade => ( $pm_type eq 'upgrade_pm' ? 1 : 0 ),
current => ( $pm_type eq 'current_pm' ? 1 : 0 ),
require => $stats->{'required'},
reqversion => $stats->{'min_ver'},
maxversion => $stats->{'max_ver'},
excversion => $stats->{'exc_ver'}
@components = sort { $a->{'name'} cmp $b->{'name'} } @components;
my $counter = 0;
my $row = [];
my $table = [];
foreach (@components) {
push( @$row, $_ );
unless ( ++$counter % 4 ) {
push( @$table, { row => $row } );
$row = [];
# Processing the last line (if there are any modules left)
if ( scalar(@$row) > 0 ) {
# Extending $row to the table size
$$row[3] = '';
# Pushing the last line
push( @$table, { row => $row } );
## ## $table
$template->param( table => $table );
if ( $tab eq 'team' ) {
## ------------------------------------------
## Koha contributions
## Release teams
my $teams =
-e "$docdir" . "/teams.yaml"
? YAML::XS::LoadFile( "$docdir" . "/teams.yaml" )
: {};
my $dev_team = ( sort { $b <=> $a } ( keys %{ $teams->{team} } ) )[0];
my $short_version = substr( $versions{'kohaVersion'}, 0, 5 );
my $minor = substr( $versions{'kohaVersion'}, 3, 2 );
my $development_version = ( $minor eq '05' || $minor eq '11' ) ? 0 : 1;
my $codename;
$template->param( short_version => $short_version );
$template->param( development_version => $development_version );
## Contributors
my $contributors =
-e "$docdir" . "/contributors.yaml"
? YAML::XS::LoadFile( "$docdir" . "/contributors.yaml" )
: {};
delete $contributors->{_others_};
for my $version ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $teams->{team} } ) {
for my $role ( keys %{ $teams->{team}->{$version} } ) {
my $detail = $teams->{team}->{$version}->{$role};
my $normalized_role = "$role";
$normalized_role =~ s/s$//;
if ( ref($detail) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
for my $contributor ( @{$detail} ) {
my $localized_role = $normalized_role;
if ( my $subversion = $contributor->{version} ) {
$localized_role .= ':' . $subversion;
if ( my $area = $contributor->{area} ) {
$localized_role .= ':' . $area;
my $name = $contributor->{name};
# Add role to contributors
push @{ $contributors->{$name}->{roles}->{$localized_role} },
# Add openhub to teams
if ( exists( $contributors->{$name}->{openhub} ) ) {
$contributor->{openhub} = $contributors->{$name}->{openhub};
} elsif ( $role eq 'release_date' ) {
$teams->{team}->{$version}->{$role} =
DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $teams->{team}->{$version}->{$role} );
} elsif ( $role eq 'codename' ) {
if ( $version == $short_version ) {
$codename = $detail;
} else {
if ( my $subversion = $detail->{version} ) {
$normalized_role .= ':' . $subversion;
if ( my $area = $detail->{area} ) {
$normalized_role .= ':' . $area;
my $name = $detail->{name};
# Add role to contributors
push @{ $contributors->{$name}->{roles}->{$normalized_role} },
# Add openhub to teams
if ( exists( $contributors->{$name}->{openhub} ) ) {
$detail->{openhub} =
## Create last name ordered array of people from contributors
my @people = map { { name => $_, ( $contributors->{$_} ? %{ $contributors->{$_} } : () ) } } sort {
my ($alast) = $a =~ /(\S+)$/;
my ($blast) = $b =~ /(\S+)$/;
my $cmp = lc( $alast || "" ) cmp lc( $blast || "" );
return $cmp if $cmp;
my ($a2last) = $a =~ /(\S+)\s\S+$/;
my ($b2last) = $b =~ /(\S+)\s\S+$/;
lc( $a2last || "" ) cmp lc( $b2last || "" );
} keys %$contributors;
$template->param( kohaCodename => $codename );
$template->param( contributors => \@people );
$template->param( maintenance_team => $teams->{team}->{$dev_team} );
$template->param( release_team => $teams->{team}->{$short_version} );
if ( $tab eq 'history' ) {
## Timeline
if ( open( my $file, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "$docdir" . "/history.txt" ) ) {
my $i = 0;
my @rows2 = ();
my $row2 = [];
my @lines = <$file>;
shift @lines; #remove header row
foreach (@lines) {
my ( $epoch, $date, $desc, $tag ) = split(/\t/);
if ( !$desc && $date =~ /(?<=\d{4})\s+/ ) {
( $date, $desc ) = ( $`, $' );
date => $date,
desc => $desc,
my $table2 = [];
#foreach my $row2 (@rows2) {
foreach (@rows2) {
push( @$row2, $_ );
push( @$table2, { row2 => $row2 } );
$row2 = [];
$template->param( table2 => $table2 );
} else {
$template->param( timeline_read_error => 1 );
sub log4perl_check {
my ( $template, $xml_config_warnings ) = @_;
if ( !defined C4::Context->config('log4perl_conf') ) {
push @$xml_config_warnings, { error => 'log4perl_entry_missing' };
my $log4perl_config = C4::Context->config("log4perl_conf");
my @log4perl_errors;
if ( !$log4perl_config ) {
push @log4perl_errors, 'missing_config_entry';
} else {
my @lines = read_file($log4perl_config) or push @log4perl_errors, 'cannot_read_config_file';
for my $line (@lines) {
next unless $line =~ m|log4perl\.appender\.\w+\.filename=(.*)|;
my $file = $1;
if ( !-w $file ) {
push @log4perl_errors, 'logfile_not_writable';
#NOTE: An unwritable logfile blocks plack.psgi. So you won't reach this script. (BZ 39155)
eval { Koha::Logger->get };
push @log4perl_errors, 'cannot_init_module' and warn $@ if $@;
$template->param( log4perl_errors => @log4perl_errors );
sub elasticsearch_check {
my $template = shift;
if ( C4::Context->preference('SearchEngine') eq 'Elasticsearch' ) {
my $es_status;
my $es_config_error;
my $es_running = 1;
my $es_has_missing = 0;
my $es_conf;
try {
$es_conf = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::_read_configuration();
} catch {
if ( ref($_) eq 'Koha::Exceptions::Config::MissingEntry' ) {
$template->param( elasticsearch_fatal_config_error => $_->message );
$es_config_error = 1;
if ( !$es_config_error ) {
my $biblios_index_name = $es_conf->{index_name} . "_" . $Koha::SearchEngine::BIBLIOS_INDEX;
my $authorities_index_name = $es_conf->{index_name} . "_" . $Koha::SearchEngine::AUTHORITIES_INDEX;
my @indexes = ( $biblios_index_name, $authorities_index_name );
# TODO: When new indexes get added, we could have other ways to
# fetch the list of available indexes (e.g. plugins, etc)
$es_status->{nodes} = $es_conf->{nodes};
my $es = Search::Elasticsearch->new($es_conf);
my $es_status->{version} = $es->info->{version}->{number};
foreach my $index (@indexes) {
my $index_count;
try {
$index_count = $es->indices->stats( index => $index )->{_all}{primaries}{docs}{count};
} catch {
if ( ref($_) eq 'Search::Elasticsearch::Error::Missing' ) {
push @{ $es_status->{errors} }, "Index not found ($index)";
$index_count = -1;
} elsif ( ref($_) eq 'Search::Elasticsearch::Error::NoNodes' ) {
$es_running = 0;
} else {
# TODO: when time comes, we will cover more use cases
die $_;
my $db_count = -1;
my $missing_count = 0;
if ( $index eq $biblios_index_name ) {
$db_count = Koha::Biblios->search->count;
} elsif ( $index eq $authorities_index_name ) {
$db_count = Koha::Authorities->search->count;
if ( $db_count != -1 && $index_count != -1 ) {
$missing_count = $db_count - $index_count;
$es_has_missing = 1 if $missing_count > 0;
push @{ $es_status->{indexes} },
index_name => $index,
index_count => $index_count,
db_count => $db_count,
missing_count => $missing_count,
$es_status->{running} = $es_running;
elasticsearch_status => $es_status,
elasticsearch_has_missing => $es_has_missing,
sub job_notification_method_check {
my ($template) = @_;
if ( C4::Context->preference('JobsNotificationMethod') eq 'STOMP' ) {
# BackgroundJob - test connection to message broker
my $conn = Koha::BackgroundJob->connect;
if ( !$conn ) {
$template->param( warnConnectBroker => 1 );
if ( $tab eq 'database' ) {
use Koha::Database::Auditor;
my $db_auditor = Koha::Database::Auditor->new();
my $db_audit = $db_auditor->run;
$template->param( db_audit => $db_audit );
output_html_with_http_headers $query, $cookie, $template->output;