Owen Leonard 70e80bb4c8
Bug 32998: Consolidate opac-tmpl/lib and opac-tmpl/bootstrap/lib
This patch moves OPAC third-party assets from opac-tmpl/bootstrap/lib
to opac-tmpl/lib, eliminating some redundancy and making it simpler
to understand where such assets should be found.

To test, apply the patch and confirm that there is no longer a lib
directory under opac-tmpl/bootstrap.

Test various parts of the OPAC to confirm that assets are still loading
correctly. Everything should look right and work correctly. The
browser's developer console should be free of errors.

Signed-off-by: Philip Orr <philip.orr@lmscloud.de>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
2023-04-13 11:47:57 -03:00

325 lines
12 KiB

/* MediaMatch v.2.0.2 - Testing css media queries in Javascript. Authors & copyright (c) 2013: WebLinc, David Knight. */
window.matchMedia || (window.matchMedia = function (win) {
'use strict';
// Internal globals
var _doc = win.document,
_viewport = _doc.documentElement,
_queries = [],
_queryID = 0,
_type = '',
_features = {},
// only screen
// only screen and
// not screen
// not screen and
// screen
// screen and
_typeExpr = /\s*(only|not)?\s*(screen|print|[a-z\-]+)\s*(and)?\s*/i,
// (-vendor-min-width: 300px)
// (min-width: 300px)
// (width: 300px)
// (width)
// (orientation: portrait|landscape)
_mediaExpr = /^\s*\(\s*(-[a-z]+-)?(min-|max-)?([a-z\-]+)\s*(:?\s*([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|portrait|landscape)(px|em|dppx|dpcm|rem|%|in|cm|mm|ex|pt|pc|\/([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?))?)?\s*\)\s*$/,
_timer = 0,
// Helper methods
_matches = function (media) {
// screen and (min-width: 400px), screen and (max-width: 500px)
var mql = (media.indexOf(',') !== -1 && media.split(',')) || [media],
mqIndex = mql.length - 1,
mqLength = mqIndex,
mq = null,
// not screen, screen
negateType = null,
negateTypeFound = '',
negateTypeIndex = 0,
negate = false,
type = '',
// (min-width: 400px), (min-width)
exprListStr = '',
exprList = null,
exprIndex = 0,
exprLength = 0,
expr = null,
prefix = '',
length = '',
unit = '',
value = '',
feature = '',
match = false;
if (media === '') {
return true;
do {
mq = mql[mqLength - mqIndex];
negate = false;
negateType = mq.match(_typeExpr);
if (negateType) {
negateTypeFound = negateType[0];
negateTypeIndex = negateType.index;
if (!negateType || ((mq.substring(0, negateTypeIndex).indexOf('(') === -1) && (negateTypeIndex || (!negateType[3] && negateTypeFound !== negateType.input)))) {
match = false;
exprListStr = mq;
negate = negateType[1] === 'not';
if (!negateTypeIndex) {
type = negateType[2];
exprListStr = mq.substring(negateTypeFound.length);
// Test media type
// Test type against this device or if 'all' or empty ''
match = type === _type || type === 'all' || type === '';
exprList = (exprListStr.indexOf(' and ') !== -1 && exprListStr.split(' and ')) || [exprListStr];
exprIndex = exprList.length - 1;
exprLength = exprIndex;
if (match && exprIndex >= 0 && exprListStr !== '') {
do {
expr = exprList[exprIndex].match(_mediaExpr);
if (!expr || !_features[expr[3]]) {
match = false;
prefix = expr[2];
length = expr[5];
value = length;
unit = expr[7];
feature = _features[expr[3]];
// Convert unit types
if (unit) {
if (unit === 'px') {
// If unit is px
value = Number(length);
} else if (unit === 'em' || unit === 'rem') {
// Convert relative length unit to pixels
// Assumed base font size is 16px
value = 16 * length;
} else if (expr[8]) {
// Convert aspect ratio to decimal
value = (length / expr[8]).toFixed(2);
} else if (unit === 'dppx') {
// Convert resolution dppx unit to pixels
value = length * 96;
} else if (unit === 'dpcm') {
// Convert resolution dpcm unit to pixels
value = length * 0.3937;
} else {
// default
value = Number(length);
// Test for prefix min or max
// Test value against feature
if (prefix === 'min-' && value) {
match = feature >= value;
} else if (prefix === 'max-' && value) {
match = feature <= value;
} else if (value) {
match = feature === value;
} else {
match = !!feature;
// If 'match' is false, break loop
// Continue main loop through query list
if (!match) {
} while (exprIndex--);
// If match is true, break loop
// Once matched, no need to check other queries
if (match) {
} while (mqIndex--);
return negate ? !match : match;
_setFeature = function () {
// Sets properties of '_features' that change on resize and/or orientation.
var w = win.innerWidth || _viewport.clientWidth,
h = win.innerHeight || _viewport.clientHeight,
dw = win.screen.width,
dh = win.screen.height,
c = win.screen.colorDepth,
x = win.devicePixelRatio;
_features.width = w;
_features.height = h;
_features['aspect-ratio'] = (w / h).toFixed(2);
_features['device-width'] = dw;
_features['device-height'] = dh;
_features['device-aspect-ratio'] = (dw / dh).toFixed(2);
_features.color = c;
_features['color-index'] = Math.pow(2, c);
_features.orientation = (h >= w ? 'portrait' : 'landscape');
_features.resolution = (x && x * 96) || win.screen.deviceXDPI || 96;
_features['device-pixel-ratio'] = x || 1;
_watch = function () {
_timer = setTimeout(function () {
var query = null,
qIndex = _queryID - 1,
qLength = qIndex,
match = false;
if (qIndex >= 0) {
do {
query = _queries[qLength - qIndex];
if (query) {
match = _matches(query.mql.media);
if ((match && !query.mql.matches) || (!match && query.mql.matches)) {
query.mql.matches = match;
if (query.listeners) {
for (var i = 0, il = query.listeners.length; i < il; i++) {
if (query.listeners[i]) {
query.listeners[i].call(win, query.mql);
} while(qIndex--);
}, 10);
_init = function () {
var head = _doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0],
style = _doc.createElement('style'),
info = null,
typeList = ['screen', 'print', 'speech', 'projection', 'handheld', 'tv', 'braille', 'embossed', 'tty'],
typeIndex = 0,
typeLength = typeList.length,
cssText = '#mediamatchjs { position: relative; z-index: 0; }',
eventPrefix = '',
addEvent = win.addEventListener || (eventPrefix = 'on') && win.attachEvent;
style.type = 'text/css';
style.id = 'mediamatchjs';
// Must be placed after style is inserted into the DOM for IE
info = (win.getComputedStyle && win.getComputedStyle(style)) || style.currentStyle;
// Create media blocks to test for media type
for ( ; typeIndex < typeLength; typeIndex++) {
cssText += '@media ' + typeList[typeIndex] + ' { #mediamatchjs { position: relative; z-index: ' + typeIndex + ' } }';
// Add rules to style element
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
} else {
style.textContent = cssText;
// Get media type
_type = typeList[(info.zIndex * 1) || 0];
// Set up listeners
addEvent(eventPrefix + 'resize', _watch);
addEvent(eventPrefix + 'orientationchange', _watch);
A list of parsed media queries, ex. screen and (max-width: 400px), screen and (max-width: 800px)
return function (media) {
var id = _queryID,
mql = {
matches : false,
media : media,
addListener : function addListener(listener) {
_queries[id].listeners || (_queries[id].listeners = []);
listener && _queries[id].listeners.push(listener);
removeListener : function removeListener(listener) {
var query = _queries[id],
i = 0,
il = 0;
if (!query) {
il = query.listeners.length;
for ( ; i < il; i++) {
if (query.listeners[i] === listener) {
query.listeners.splice(i, 1);
if (media === '') {
mql.matches = true;
return mql;
mql.matches = _matches(media);
_queryID = _queries.push({
mql : mql,
listeners : null
return mql;