Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

704 lines
13 KiB

use utf8;
package Koha::Schema::Result::Item;
# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
=head1 NAME
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Core';
=head1 TABLE: C<items>
=head2 itemnumber
data_type: 'integer'
is_auto_increment: 1
is_nullable: 0
=head2 biblionumber
data_type: 'integer'
default_value: 0
is_foreign_key: 1
is_nullable: 0
=head2 biblioitemnumber
data_type: 'integer'
default_value: 0
is_foreign_key: 1
is_nullable: 0
=head2 barcode
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 20
=head2 dateaccessioned
data_type: 'date'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 booksellerid
data_type: 'mediumtext'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 homebranch
data_type: 'varchar'
is_foreign_key: 1
is_nullable: 1
size: 10
=head2 price
data_type: 'decimal'
is_nullable: 1
size: [8,2]
=head2 replacementprice
data_type: 'decimal'
is_nullable: 1
size: [8,2]
=head2 replacementpricedate
data_type: 'date'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 datelastborrowed
data_type: 'date'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 datelastseen
data_type: 'date'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 stack
data_type: 'tinyint'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 notforloan
data_type: 'tinyint'
default_value: 0
is_nullable: 0
=head2 damaged
data_type: 'tinyint'
default_value: 0
is_nullable: 0
=head2 itemlost
data_type: 'tinyint'
default_value: 0
is_nullable: 0
=head2 itemlost_on
data_type: 'datetime'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 withdrawn
data_type: 'tinyint'
default_value: 0
is_nullable: 0
=head2 withdrawn_on
data_type: 'datetime'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 itemcallnumber
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 255
=head2 coded_location_qualifier
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 10
=head2 issues
data_type: 'smallint'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 renewals
data_type: 'smallint'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 reserves
data_type: 'smallint'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 restricted
data_type: 'tinyint'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 itemnotes
data_type: 'mediumtext'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 itemnotes_nonpublic
data_type: 'mediumtext'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 holdingbranch
data_type: 'varchar'
is_foreign_key: 1
is_nullable: 1
size: 10
=head2 paidfor
data_type: 'mediumtext'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 timestamp
data_type: 'timestamp'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
default_value: current_timestamp
is_nullable: 0
=head2 location
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 80
=head2 permanent_location
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 80
=head2 onloan
data_type: 'date'
datetime_undef_if_invalid: 1
is_nullable: 1
=head2 cn_source
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 10
=head2 cn_sort
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 255
=head2 ccode
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 10
=head2 materials
data_type: 'text'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 uri
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 255
=head2 itype
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 10
=head2 more_subfields_xml
data_type: 'longtext'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 enumchron
data_type: 'text'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 copynumber
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 32
=head2 stocknumber
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 32
=head2 new_status
data_type: 'varchar'
is_nullable: 1
size: 32
{ data_type => "integer", is_auto_increment => 1, is_nullable => 0 },
data_type => "integer",
default_value => 0,
is_foreign_key => 1,
is_nullable => 0,
data_type => "integer",
default_value => 0,
is_foreign_key => 1,
is_nullable => 0,
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 20 },
{ data_type => "date", datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1, is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "mediumtext", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_foreign_key => 1, is_nullable => 1, size => 10 },
{ data_type => "decimal", is_nullable => 1, size => [8, 2] },
{ data_type => "decimal", is_nullable => 1, size => [8, 2] },
{ data_type => "date", datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1, is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "date", datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1, is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "date", datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1, is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "tinyint", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "tinyint", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "tinyint", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "tinyint", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0 },
data_type => "datetime",
datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1,
is_nullable => 1,
{ data_type => "tinyint", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0 },
data_type => "datetime",
datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1,
is_nullable => 1,
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 255 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 10 },
{ data_type => "smallint", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "smallint", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "smallint", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "tinyint", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "mediumtext", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "mediumtext", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_foreign_key => 1, is_nullable => 1, size => 10 },
{ data_type => "mediumtext", is_nullable => 1 },
data_type => "timestamp",
datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1,
default_value => \"current_timestamp",
is_nullable => 0,
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 80 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 80 },
{ data_type => "date", datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1, is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 10 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 255 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 10 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 255 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 10 },
{ data_type => "longtext", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 32 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 32 },
{ data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 32 },
=over 4
=item * L</itemnumber>
=head2 C<itembarcodeidx>
=over 4
=item * L</barcode>
__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint("itembarcodeidx", ["barcode"]);
=head2 accountlines
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Accountline>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 article_requests
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::ArticleRequest>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 biblioitemnumber
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Biblioitem>
{ biblioitemnumber => "biblioitemnumber" },
{ is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },
=head2 biblionumber
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Biblio>
{ biblionumber => "biblionumber" },
{ is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },
=head2 branchtransfers
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Branchtransfer>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 course_item
Type: might_have
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::CourseItem>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 creator_batches
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::CreatorBatch>
{ "foreign.item_number" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 hold_fill_target
Type: might_have
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::HoldFillTarget>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 holdingbranch
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Branch>
{ branchcode => "holdingbranch" },
is_deferrable => 1,
join_type => "LEFT",
on_delete => "RESTRICT",
on_update => "CASCADE",
=head2 homebranch
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Branch>
{ branchcode => "homebranch" },
is_deferrable => 1,
join_type => "LEFT",
on_delete => "RESTRICT",
on_update => "CASCADE",
=head2 issue
Type: might_have
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Issue>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 items_last_borrower
Type: might_have
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::ItemsLastBorrower>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 old_issues
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::OldIssue>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 old_reserves
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::OldReserve>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 reserves
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Reserve>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
=head2 serialitem
Type: might_have
Related object: L<Koha::Schema::Result::Serialitem>
{ "foreign.itemnumber" => "self.itemnumber" },
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 },
# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07042 @ 2016-10-24 13:56:21
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( biblioitem => "Koha::Schema::Result::Biblioitem", "biblioitemnumber" );
{ biblionumber => "biblionumber" },
{ is_deferrable => 1, on_delete => "CASCADE", on_update => "CASCADE" },
use C4::Context;
sub effective_itemtype {
my ( $self ) = @_;
my $pref = C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes');
if ( $pref && $self->itype() ) {
return $self->itype();
} else {
warn "item-level_itypes set but no itemtype set for item (".$self->itemnumber.")"
if $pref;
return $self->biblioitemnumber()->itemtype();