Nick Clemens d8b89eead0 Bug 19296: Allow all tax processing to happen in C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices
To test:
 1 - Create an order file that includes prices and items
 2 - Stage the file
 3 - Set vendor to 'prices exclude tax'
 4 - Open a basket and add from the file
 5 - View the items in the basket
 6 - Prices are reduced by the tax rate and tax is calculated to return
prices to the value in the file
 7 - Apply patch
 8 - Repeat steps 1-6
 9 - Prices should now calculate correctly
10 - Repeat with 'MarcItemFieldsToOrder'

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de>

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2017-10-18 11:21:25 -03:00

760 lines
32 KiB
Executable file

#A script that lets the user populate a basket from an iso2709 file
#the script first displays a list of import batches, then when a batch is selected displays all the biblios in it.
#The user can then pick which biblios they want to order
# Copyright 2008 - 2011 BibLibre SARL
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use CGI qw ( -utf8 );
use Carp;
use YAML qw/Load/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Output;
use C4::ImportBatch;
use C4::Matcher;
use C4::Search qw/FindDuplicate/;
use C4::Acquisition;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Budgets;
use C4::Acquisition;
use C4::Suggestions; # GetSuggestion
use C4::Members;
use Koha::Number::Price;
use Koha::Libraries;
use Koha::Acquisition::Baskets;
use Koha::Acquisition::Currencies;
use Koha::Acquisition::Orders;
use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers;
use Koha::Patrons;
my $input = new CGI;
my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie, $userflags) = get_template_and_user({
template_name => "acqui/addorderiso2709.tt",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
authnotrequired => 0,
flagsrequired => { acquisition => 'order_manage' },
debug => 1,
my $cgiparams = $input->Vars;
my $op = $cgiparams->{'op'} || '';
my $booksellerid = $input->param('booksellerid');
my $allmatch = $input->param('allmatch');
my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find( $booksellerid );
$template->param(scriptname => "/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/addorderiso2709.pl",
booksellerid => $booksellerid,
booksellername => $bookseller->name,
if ($cgiparams->{'import_batch_id'} && $op eq ""){
$op = "batch_details";
#Needed parameters:
if (! $cgiparams->{'basketno'}){
die "Basketnumber required to order from iso2709 file import";
my $basket = Koha::Acquisition::Baskets->find( $cgiparams->{basketno} );
# 1st step = choose the file to import into acquisition
if ($op eq ""){
$template->param("basketno" => $cgiparams->{'basketno'});
#display batches
# 2nd step = display the content of the chosen file
} elsif ($op eq "batch_details"){
#display lines inside the selected batch
# get currencies (for change rates calcs if needed)
my @currencies = Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->search;
$template->param("batch_details" => 1,
"basketno" => $cgiparams->{'basketno'},
currencies => \@currencies,
bookseller => $bookseller,
"allmatch" => $allmatch,
import_biblios_list($template, $cgiparams->{'import_batch_id'});
if ( $basket->effective_create_items eq 'ordering' && !$basket->is_standing ) {
# prepare empty item form
my $cell = PrepareItemrecordDisplay( '', '', '', 'ACQ' );
# warn "==> ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($cell);
unless ($cell) {
$cell = PrepareItemrecordDisplay( '', '', '', '' );
$template->param( 'NoACQframework' => 1 );
my @itemloop;
push @itemloop, $cell;
$template->param( items => \@itemloop );
# 3rd step = import the records
} elsif ( $op eq 'import_records' ) {
#import selected lines
$template->param('basketno' => $cgiparams->{'basketno'});
# Budget_id is mandatory for adding an order, we just add a default, the user needs to modify this aftewards
my $budgets = GetBudgets();
if (scalar @$budgets == 0){
die "No budgets defined, can't continue";
my $budget_id = @$budgets[0]->{'budget_id'};
#get all records from a batch, and check their import status to see if they are checked.
#(default values: quantity 1, uncertainprice yes, first budget)
# retrieve the file you want to import
my $import_batch_id = $cgiparams->{'import_batch_id'};
my $biblios = GetImportRecordsRange($import_batch_id);
my $duplinbatch;
my $imported = 0;
my @import_record_id_selected = $input->multi_param("import_record_id");
my @quantities = $input->multi_param('quantity');
my @prices = $input->multi_param('price');
my @budgets_id = $input->multi_param('budget_id');
my @discount = $input->multi_param('discount');
my @sort1 = $input->multi_param('sort1');
my @sort2 = $input->multi_param('sort2');
my $matcher_id = $input->param('matcher_id');
my $active_currency = Koha::Acquisition::Currencies->get_active;
my $biblio_count = 0;
for my $biblio (@$biblios){
my $duplifound = 0;
# Check if this import_record_id was selected
next if not grep { $_ eq $$biblio{import_record_id} } @import_record_id_selected;
my ( $marcblob, $encoding ) = GetImportRecordMarc( $biblio->{'import_record_id'} );
my $marcrecord = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marcblob) || die "couldn't translate marc information";
my $match = GetImportRecordMatches( $biblio->{'import_record_id'}, 1 );
my $biblionumber=$#$match > -1?$match->[0]->{'biblionumber'}:0;
my $c_quantity = shift( @quantities ) || GetMarcQuantity($marcrecord, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') ) || 1;
my $c_budget_id = shift( @budgets_id ) || $input->param('all_budget_id') || $budget_id;
my $c_discount = shift ( @discount);
$c_discount = $c_discount / 100 if $c_discount > 1;
my $c_sort1 = shift( @sort1 ) || $input->param('all_sort1') || '';
my $c_sort2 = shift( @sort2 ) || $input->param('all_sort2') || '';
# 1st insert the biblio, or find it through matcher
unless ( $biblionumber ) {
if ($matcher_id) {
if ( $matcher_id eq '_TITLE_AUTHOR_' ) {
$duplifound = 1 if FindDuplicate($marcrecord);
else {
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->fetch($matcher_id);
my @matches = $matcher->get_matches( $marcrecord, my $max_matches = 1 );
$duplifound = 1 if @matches;
$duplinbatch = $import_batch_id and next if $duplifound;
# add the biblio
my $bibitemnum;
# remove ISBN -
my ( $isbnfield, $isbnsubfield ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( 'biblioitems.isbn', '' );
if ( $marcrecord->field($isbnfield) ) {
foreach my $field ( $marcrecord->field($isbnfield) ) {
foreach my $subfield ( $field->subfield($isbnsubfield) ) {
my $newisbn = $field->subfield($isbnsubfield);
$newisbn =~ s/-//g;
$field->update( $isbnsubfield => $newisbn );
( $biblionumber, $bibitemnum ) = AddBiblio( $marcrecord, $cgiparams->{'frameworkcode'} || '' );
SetImportRecordStatus( $biblio->{'import_record_id'}, 'imported' );
# 2nd add authorities if applicable
if (C4::Context->preference("BiblioAddsAuthorities")){
my $headings_linked =BiblioAutoLink($marcrecord, $cgiparams->{'frameworkcode'});
} else {
SetImportRecordStatus( $biblio->{'import_record_id'}, 'imported' );
# Add items from MarcItemFieldsToOrder
my @homebranches = $input->multi_param('homebranch_' . $biblio_count);
my $count = scalar @homebranches;
my @holdingbranches = $input->multi_param('holdingbranch_' . $biblio_count);
my @itypes = $input->multi_param('itype_' . $biblio_count);
my @nonpublic_notes = $input->multi_param('nonpublic_note_' . $biblio_count);
my @public_notes = $input->multi_param('public_note_' . $biblio_count);
my @locs = $input->multi_param('loc_' . $biblio_count);
my @ccodes = $input->multi_param('ccode_' . $biblio_count);
my @notforloans = $input->multi_param('notforloan_' . $biblio_count);
my @uris = $input->multi_param('uri_' . $biblio_count);
my @copynos = $input->multi_param('copyno_' . $biblio_count);
my @budget_codes = $input->multi_param('budget_code_' . $biblio_count);
my @itemprices = $input->multi_param('itemprice_' . $biblio_count);
my @replacementprices = $input->multi_param('replacementprice_' . $biblio_count);
my @itemcallnumbers = $input->multi_param('itemcallnumber_' . $biblio_count);
my $itemcreation = 0;
my @itemnumbers;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$itemcreation = 1;
my ($item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber) = AddItem({
homebranch => $homebranches[$i],
holdingbranch => $holdingbranches[$i],
itemnotes_nonpublic => $nonpublic_notes[$i],
itemnotes => $public_notes[$i],
location => $locs[$i],
ccode => $ccodes[$i],
itype => $itypes[$i],
notforloan => $notforloans[$i],
uri => $uris[$i],
copynumber => $copynos[$i],
price => $itemprices[$i],
replacementprice => $replacementprices[$i],
itemcallnumber => $itemcallnumbers[$i],
}, $biblionumber);
push( @itemnumbers, $itemnumber );
if ($itemcreation == 1) {
# Group orderlines from MarcItemFieldsToOrder
my $budget_hash;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$budget_hash->{$budget_codes[$i]}->{quantity} += 1;
$budget_hash->{$budget_codes[$i]}->{price} = $itemprices[$i];
$budget_hash->{$budget_codes[$i]}->{itemnumbers} //= [];
push @{ $budget_hash->{$budget_codes[$i]}->{itemnumbers} }, $itemnumbers[$i];
# Create orderlines from MarcItemFieldsToOrder
while(my ($budget_id, $infos) = each %$budget_hash) {
if ($budget_id) {
my %orderinfo = (
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
basketno => $cgiparams->{'basketno'},
quantity => $infos->{quantity},
budget_id => $budget_id,
currency => $cgiparams->{'all_currency'},
my $price = $infos->{price};
if ($price){
# in France, the cents separator is the , but sometimes, ppl use a .
# in this case, the price will be x100 when unformatted ! Replace the . by a , to get a proper price calculation
$price =~ s/\./,/ if C4::Context->preference("CurrencyFormat") eq "FR";
$price = Koha::Number::Price->new($price)->unformat;
$orderinfo{tax_rate} = $bookseller->tax_rate;
my $c = $c_discount ? $c_discount : $bookseller->discount / 100;
$orderinfo{discount} = $c;
if ( $c_discount ) {
$orderinfo{ecost} = $price;
$orderinfo{rrp} = $orderinfo{ecost} / ( 1 - $c );
} else {
$orderinfo{ecost} = $price * ( 1 - $c );
$orderinfo{rrp} = $price;
$orderinfo{listprice} = $orderinfo{rrp} / $active_currency->rate;
$orderinfo{unitprice} = $orderinfo{ecost};
$orderinfo{total} = $orderinfo{ecost} * $infos->{quantity};
} else {
$orderinfo{listprice} = 0;
# remove uncertainprice flag if we have found a price in the MARC record
$orderinfo{uncertainprice} = 0 if $orderinfo{listprice};
%orderinfo = %{
order => \%orderinfo,
booksellerid => $booksellerid,
ordering => 1,
receiving => 1,
my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( \%orderinfo )->store;
$order->add_item( $_ ) for @{ $budget_hash->{$budget_id}->{itemnumbers} };
} else {
# 3rd add order
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $loggedinuser );
# get quantity in the MARC record (1 if none)
my $quantity = GetMarcQuantity($marcrecord, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour')) || 1;
my %orderinfo = (
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
basketno => $cgiparams->{'basketno'},
quantity => $c_quantity,
branchcode => $patron->branchcode,
budget_id => $c_budget_id,
uncertainprice => 1,
sort1 => $c_sort1,
sort2 => $c_sort2,
order_internalnote => $cgiparams->{'all_order_internalnote'},
order_vendornote => $cgiparams->{'all_order_vendornote'},
currency => $cgiparams->{'all_currency'},
# get the price if there is one.
my $price= shift( @prices ) || GetMarcPrice($marcrecord, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'));
if ($price){
# in France, the cents separator is the , but sometimes, ppl use a .
# in this case, the price will be x100 when unformatted ! Replace the . by a , to get a proper price calculation
$price =~ s/\./,/ if C4::Context->preference("CurrencyFormat") eq "FR";
$price = Koha::Number::Price->new($price)->unformat;
$orderinfo{tax_rate} = $bookseller->tax_rate;
my $c = $c_discount ? $c_discount : $bookseller->discount / 100;
$orderinfo{discount} = $c;
if ( $c_discount ) {
$orderinfo{ecost} = $price;
$orderinfo{rrp} = $orderinfo{ecost} / ( 1 - $c );
} else {
$orderinfo{ecost} = $price * ( 1 - $c );
$orderinfo{rrp} = $price;
$orderinfo{listprice} = $orderinfo{rrp} / $active_currency->rate;
$orderinfo{unitprice} = $orderinfo{ecost};
$orderinfo{total} = $orderinfo{ecost} * $c_quantity;
} else {
$orderinfo{listprice} = 0;
# remove uncertainprice flag if we have found a price in the MARC record
$orderinfo{uncertainprice} = 0 if $orderinfo{listprice};
%orderinfo = %{
order => \%orderinfo,
booksellerid => $booksellerid,
ordering => 1,
receiving => 1,
my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( \%orderinfo )->store;
# 4th, add items if applicable
# parse the item sent by the form, and create an item just for the import_record_id we are dealing with
# this is not optimised, but it's working !
if ( $basket->effective_create_items eq 'ordering' && !$basket->is_standing ) {
my @tags = $input->multi_param('tag');
my @subfields = $input->multi_param('subfield');
my @field_values = $input->multi_param('field_value');
my @serials = $input->multi_param('serial');
my @ind_tag = $input->multi_param('ind_tag');
my @indicator = $input->multi_param('indicator');
my $item;
push @{ $item->{tags} }, $tags[0];
push @{ $item->{subfields} }, $subfields[0];
push @{ $item->{field_values} }, $field_values[0];
push @{ $item->{ind_tag} }, $ind_tag[0];
push @{ $item->{indicator} }, $indicator[0];
my $xml = TransformHtmlToXml( \@tags, \@subfields, \@field_values, \@indicator, \@ind_tag );
my $record = MARC::Record::new_from_xml( $xml, 'UTF-8' );
for (my $qtyloop=1;$qtyloop <= $c_quantity;$qtyloop++) {
my ( $biblionumber, $bibitemnum, $itemnumber ) = AddItemFromMarc( $record, $biblionumber );
$order->add_item( $itemnumber );
} else {
SetImportRecordStatus( $biblio->{'import_record_id'}, 'imported' );
# go to basket page
if ( $imported ) {
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basketno=".$cgiparams->{'basketno'}."&amp;duplinbatch=$duplinbatch");
} else {
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/addorderiso2709.pl?import_batch_id=$import_batch_id&amp;basketno=".$cgiparams->{'basketno'}."&amp;booksellerid=$booksellerid&amp;allmatch=1");
my $budgets = GetBudgets();
my $budget_id = @$budgets[0]->{'budget_id'};
# build bookfund list
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $loggedinuser )->unblessed;
my $budget = GetBudget($budget_id);
# build budget list
my $budget_loop = [];
my $budgets_hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy;
foreach my $r ( @{$budgets_hierarchy} ) {
next unless (CanUserUseBudget($patron, $r, $userflags));
if ( !defined $r->{budget_amount} || $r->{budget_amount} == 0 ) {
push @{$budget_loop},
{ b_id => $r->{budget_id},
b_txt => $r->{budget_name},
b_code => $r->{budget_code},
b_sort1_authcat => $r->{'sort1_authcat'},
b_sort2_authcat => $r->{'sort2_authcat'},
b_active => $r->{budget_period_active},
b_sel => ( $r->{budget_id} == $budget_id ) ? 1 : 0,
@{$budget_loop} =
sort { uc( $a->{b_txt}) cmp uc( $b->{b_txt}) } @{$budget_loop};
$template->param( budget_loop => $budget_loop,);
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub import_batches_list {
my ($template) = @_;
my $batches = GetImportBatchRangeDesc();
my @list = ();
foreach my $batch (@$batches) {
if ( $batch->{'import_status'} =~ /^staged$|^reverted$/ && $batch->{'record_type'} eq 'biblio') {
# check if there is at least 1 line still staged
my $stagedList=GetImportRecordsRange($batch->{'import_batch_id'}, undef, 1, $batch->{import_status}, { order_by_direction => 'ASC' });
if (scalar @$stagedList) {
push @list, {
import_batch_id => $batch->{'import_batch_id'},
num_records => $batch->{'num_records'},
num_items => $batch->{'num_items'},
staged_date => $batch->{'upload_timestamp'},
import_status => $batch->{'import_status'},
file_name => $batch->{'file_name'},
comments => $batch->{'comments'},
} else {
# if there are no more line to includes, set the status to imported
SetImportBatchStatus( $batch->{'import_batch_id'}, 'imported' );
$template->param(batch_list => \@list);
my $num_batches = GetNumberOfNonZ3950ImportBatches();
$template->param(num_results => $num_batches);
sub import_biblios_list {
my ($template, $import_batch_id) = @_;
my $batch = GetImportBatch($import_batch_id,'staged');
return () unless $batch and $batch->{import_status} =~ /^staged$|^reverted$/;
my $biblios = GetImportRecordsRange($import_batch_id,'','',$batch->{import_status});
my @list = ();
my $item_error = 0;
my $ccodes = { map { $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{opac_description} } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.ccode' } ) };
my $locations = { map { $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{opac_description} } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.location' } ) };
my $notforloans = { map { $_->{authorised_value} => $_->{lib} } Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { frameworkcode => '', kohafield => 'items.notforloan' } ) };
# location list
my @locations;
foreach (sort keys %$locations) {
push @locations, { code => $_, description => "$_ - " . $locations->{$_} };
my @ccodes;
foreach (sort {$ccodes->{$a} cmp $ccodes->{$b}} keys %$ccodes) {
push @ccodes, { code => $_, description => $ccodes->{$_} };
my @notforloans;
foreach (sort {$notforloans->{$a} cmp $notforloans->{$b}} keys %$notforloans) {
push @notforloans, { code => $_, description => $notforloans->{$_} };
my $biblio_count = 0;
foreach my $biblio (@$biblios) {
my $item_id = 1;
my $citation = $biblio->{'title'};
$citation .= " $biblio->{'author'}" if $biblio->{'author'};
$citation .= " (" if $biblio->{'issn'} or $biblio->{'isbn'};
$citation .= $biblio->{'isbn'} if $biblio->{'isbn'};
$citation .= ", " if $biblio->{'issn'} and $biblio->{'isbn'};
$citation .= $biblio->{'issn'} if $biblio->{'issn'};
$citation .= ")" if $biblio->{'issn'} or $biblio->{'isbn'};
my $match = GetImportRecordMatches($biblio->{'import_record_id'}, 1);
my %cellrecord = (
import_record_id => $biblio->{'import_record_id'},
citation => $citation,
import => 1,
status => $biblio->{'status'},
record_sequence => $biblio->{'record_sequence'},
overlay_status => $biblio->{'overlay_status'},
match_biblionumber => $#$match > -1 ? $match->[0]->{'biblionumber'} : 0,
match_citation => $#$match > -1 ? $match->[0]->{'title'} || '' . ' ' . $match->[0]->{'author'} || '': '',
match_score => $#$match > -1 ? $match->[0]->{'score'} : 0,
my ( $marcblob, $encoding ) = GetImportRecordMarc( $biblio->{'import_record_id'} );
my $marcrecord = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marcblob) || die "couldn't translate marc information";
my $infos = get_infos_syspref('MarcFieldsToOrder', $marcrecord, ['price', 'quantity', 'budget_code', 'discount', 'sort1', 'sort2']);
my $price = $infos->{price};
my $quantity = $infos->{quantity};
my $budget_code = $infos->{budget_code};
my $discount = $infos->{discount};
my $sort1 = $infos->{sort1};
my $sort2 = $infos->{sort2};
my $budget_id;
if($budget_code) {
my $biblio_budget = GetBudgetByCode($budget_code);
if($biblio_budget) {
$budget_id = $biblio_budget->{budget_id};
# Items
my @itemlist = ();
my $all_items_quantity = 0;
my $alliteminfos = get_infos_syspref_on_item('MarcItemFieldsToOrder', $marcrecord, ['homebranch', 'holdingbranch', 'itype', 'nonpublic_note', 'public_note', 'loc', 'ccode', 'notforloan', 'uri', 'copyno', 'price', 'replacementprice', 'itemcallnumber', 'quantity', 'budget_code']);
if ($alliteminfos != -1) {
foreach my $iteminfos (@$alliteminfos) {
my $item_homebranch = $iteminfos->{homebranch};
my $item_holdingbranch = $iteminfos->{holdingbranch};
my $item_itype = $iteminfos->{itype};
my $item_nonpublic_note = $iteminfos->{nonpublic_note};
my $item_public_note = $iteminfos->{public_note};
my $item_loc = $iteminfos->{loc};
my $item_ccode = $iteminfos->{ccode};
my $item_notforloan = $iteminfos->{notforloan};
my $item_uri = $iteminfos->{uri};
my $item_copyno = $iteminfos->{copyno};
my $item_quantity = $iteminfos->{quantity} || 1;
my $item_budget_code = $iteminfos->{budget_code};
my $item_price = $iteminfos->{price};
my $item_replacement_price = $iteminfos->{replacementprice};
my $item_callnumber = $iteminfos->{itemcallnumber};
for (my $i = 0; $i < $item_quantity; $i++) {
my %itemrecord = (
'item_id' => $item_id++,
'biblio_count' => $biblio_count,
'homebranch' => $item_homebranch,
'holdingbranch' => $item_holdingbranch,
'itype' => $item_itype,
'nonpublic_note' => $item_nonpublic_note,
'public_note' => $item_public_note,
'loc' => $item_loc,
'ccode' => $item_ccode,
'notforloan' => $item_notforloan,
'uri' => $item_uri,
'copyno' => $item_copyno,
'quantity' => $item_quantity,
'budget_code' => $item_budget_code || $budget_code,
'itemprice' => $item_price || $price,
'replacementprice' => $item_replacement_price,
'itemcallnumber' => $item_callnumber,
push @itemlist, \%itemrecord;
$cellrecord{'iteminfos'} = \@itemlist;
} else {
$cellrecord{'item_error'} = 1;
push @list, \%cellrecord;
if ($alliteminfos == -1 || scalar(@$alliteminfos) == 0) {
$cellrecord{price} = $price || '';
$cellrecord{quantity} = $quantity || '';
$cellrecord{budget_id} = $budget_id || '';
$cellrecord{discount} = $discount || '';
$cellrecord{sort1} = $sort1 || '';
$cellrecord{sort2} = $sort2 || '';
} else {
$cellrecord{quantity} = $all_items_quantity;
my $num_records = $batch->{'num_records'};
my $overlay_action = GetImportBatchOverlayAction($import_batch_id);
my $nomatch_action = GetImportBatchNoMatchAction($import_batch_id);
my $item_action = GetImportBatchItemAction($import_batch_id);
my @itypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search;
$template->param(biblio_list => \@list,
num_results => $num_records,
import_batch_id => $import_batch_id,
"overlay_action_${overlay_action}" => 1,
overlay_action => $overlay_action,
"nomatch_action_${nomatch_action}" => 1,
nomatch_action => $nomatch_action,
"item_action_${item_action}" => 1,
item_action => $item_action,
item_error => $item_error,
libraries => scalar Koha::Libraries->search(),
locationloop => \@locations,
itypeloop => \@itypes,
ccodeloop => \@ccodes,
notforloanloop => \@notforloans,
batch_info($template, $batch);
sub batch_info {
my ($template, $batch) = @_;
$template->param(batch_info => 1,
file_name => $batch->{'file_name'},
comments => $batch->{'comments'},
import_status => $batch->{'import_status'},
upload_timestamp => $batch->{'upload_timestamp'},
num_records => $batch->{'num_records'},
num_items => $batch->{'num_items'});
if ($batch->{'num_records'} > 0) {
if ($batch->{'import_status'} eq 'staged' or $batch->{'import_status'} eq 'reverted') {
$template->param(can_commit => 1);
if ($batch->{'import_status'} eq 'imported') {
$template->param(can_revert => 1);
if (defined $batch->{'matcher_id'}) {
my $matcher = C4::Matcher->fetch($batch->{'matcher_id'});
if (defined $matcher) {
$template->param('current_matcher_id' => $batch->{'matcher_id'},
'current_matcher_code' => $matcher->code(),
'current_matcher_description' => $matcher->description());
add_matcher_list($batch->{'matcher_id'}, $template);
sub add_matcher_list {
my ($current_matcher_id, $template) = @_;
my @matchers = C4::Matcher::GetMatcherList();
if (defined $current_matcher_id) {
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#matchers; $i++) {
if ($matchers[$i]->{'matcher_id'} == $current_matcher_id) {
$matchers[$i]->{'selected'} = 1;
$template->param(available_matchers => \@matchers);
sub get_infos_syspref {
my ($syspref_name, $record, $field_list) = @_;
my $syspref = C4::Context->preference($syspref_name);
$syspref = "$syspref\n\n"; # YAML is anal on ending \n. Surplus does not hurt
my $yaml = eval {
if ( $@ ) {
warn "Unable to parse $syspref syspref : $@";
return ();
my $r;
for my $field_name ( @$field_list ) {
next unless exists $yaml->{$field_name};
my @fields = split /\|/, $yaml->{$field_name};
for my $field ( @fields ) {
my ( $f, $sf ) = split /\$/, $field;
next unless $f and $sf;
if ( my $v = $record->subfield( $f, $sf ) ) {
$r->{$field_name} = $v;
last if $yaml->{$field};
return $r;
sub equal_number_of_fields {
my ($tags_list, $record) = @_;
my $refcount = 0;
my $count = 0;
for my $tag (@$tags_list) {
return -1 if $count != $refcount;
$count = 0;
for my $field ($record->field($tag)) {
$refcount = $count if ($refcount == 0);
return -1 if $count != $refcount;
return $count;
sub get_infos_syspref_on_item {
my ($syspref_name, $record, $field_list) = @_;
my $syspref = C4::Context->preference($syspref_name);
$syspref = "$syspref\n\n"; # YAML is anal on ending \n. Surplus does not hurt
my $yaml = eval {
if ( $@ ) {
warn "Unable to parse $syspref syspref : $@";
return ();
my @result;
my @tags_list;
# Check tags in syspref definition
for my $field_name ( @$field_list ) {
next unless exists $yaml->{$field_name};
my @fields = split /\|/, $yaml->{$field_name};
for my $field ( @fields ) {
my ( $f, $sf ) = split /\$/, $field;
next unless $f and $sf;
push @tags_list, $f;
@tags_list = List::MoreUtils::uniq(@tags_list);
my $tags_count = equal_number_of_fields(\@tags_list, $record);
# Return if the number of theses fields in the record is not the same.
return -1 if $tags_count == -1;
# Gather the fields
my $fields_hash;
foreach my $tag (@tags_list) {
my @tmp_fields;
foreach my $field ($record->field($tag)) {
push @tmp_fields, $field;
$fields_hash->{$tag} = \@tmp_fields;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $tags_count; $i++) {
my $r;
for my $field_name ( @$field_list ) {
next unless exists $yaml->{$field_name};
my @fields = split /\|/, $yaml->{$field_name};
for my $field ( @fields ) {
my ( $f, $sf ) = split /\$/, $field;
next unless $f and $sf;
my $v = $fields_hash->{$f}[$i]->subfield( $sf );
$r->{$field_name} = $v if (defined $v);
last if $yaml->{$field};
push @result, $r;
return \@result;