This patch adds a new notice, TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP, under a new module,
Lists. When a list is transferred to a new owner, this notice is
triggered, containing a short paragraph detailing the list name.
a) log in as a koha superlibrarian
b) go to the lists module, create a public list, and make a note of the
title used
c) on the lists module, transfer the list to some other user, and make
a note of the user used
d) go to the patron notices page for the user in step c
e) ensure that a notice has been generated
1) check the contents of the notice, it should contain
- the new owner's name
- the list's title
- the old owner's name & (if set) email
f) under tools > notices, modify the notice for TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP
g) repeat steps c-e
1) ensure the modifications you've made are now visible in the notice
Signed-off-by: Roman Dolny <>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>