Jonathan Druart 9d6d641d1f Bug 17600: Standardize our EXPORT_OK
On bug 17591 we discovered that there was something weird going on with
the way we export and use subroutines/modules.
This patch tries to standardize our EXPORT to use EXPORT_OK only.

That way we will need to explicitely define the subroutine we want to
use from a module.

This patch is a squashed version of:
Bug 17600: After export.pl
Bug 17600: After perlimport
Bug 17600: Manual changes
Bug 17600: Other manual changes after second perlimports run
Bug 17600: Fix tests

And a lot of other manual changes.

export.pl is a dirty script that can be found on bug 17600.

"perlimport" is:
git clone https://github.com/oalders/App-perlimports.git
cd App-perlimports/
cpanm --installdeps .
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:/kohadevbox/koha/App-perlimports/lib"
find . \( -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pm" \) -exec perl App-perlimports/script/perlimports --inplace-edit --no-preserve-unused --filename {} \;

The ideas of this patch are to:
* use EXPORT_OK instead of EXPORT
* perltidy the EXPORT_OK list
* remove '&' before the subroutine names
* remove some uneeded use statements
* explicitely import the subroutines we need within the controllers or

Note that the private subroutines (starting with _) should not be
exported (and not used from outside of the module except from tests).

Export allows to export the functions and variables of modules to user’s namespace using the standard import method. This way, we don’t need to create the objects for the modules to access it’s members.

@EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK are the two main variables used during export operation.

@EXPORT contains list of symbols (subroutines and variables) of the module to be exported into the caller namespace.

@EXPORT_OK does export of symbols on demand basis.

If this patch caused a conflict with a patch you wrote prior to its
* Make sure you are not reintroducing a "use" statement that has been
* "$subroutine" is not exported by the C4::$MODULE module
means that you need to add the subroutine to the @EXPORT_OK list
* Bareword "$subroutine" not allowed while "strict subs"
means that you didn't imported the subroutine from the module:
  - use $MODULE qw( $subroutine list );
You can also use the fully qualified namespace: C4::$MODULE::$subroutine

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
2021-07-16 08:58:47 +02:00

625 lines
19 KiB

package TmplTokenizer;
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::TmplTokenType;
use C4::TmplToken;
use C4::TTParser;
use VerboseWarnings qw( pedantic_p error_normal warn_normal warn_pedantic );
require Exporter;
=head1 NAME
TmplTokenizer.pm - Simple-minded wrapper class for TTParser
A wrapper for the functionality found in TTParser to allow an easier transition to Template Toolkit
use vars qw( $pedantic_attribute_error_in_nonpedantic_mode_p );
use vars qw( $pedantic_tmpl_var_use_in_nonpedantic_mode_p );
use vars qw( $pedantic_error_markup_in_pcdata_p );
# Hideous stuff
use vars qw( $re_xsl $re_end_entity $re_tmpl_var);
$re_tmpl_var = q{\[%\s*[get|set|default]?\s*[\w\.]+\s*[|.*?]?\s*%\]};
$re_xsl = q{<\/?(?:xsl:)(?:[\s\-a-zA-Z0-9"'\/\.\[\]\@\(\):=,$]+)\/?>};
$re_end_entity = '(?:;|$|(?=\s))'; # semicolon or before-whitespace
# End of the hideous stuff
use vars qw( $serial );
sub FATAL_P () {'fatal-p'}
sub SYNTAXERROR_P () {'syntaxerror-p'}
sub FILENAME () {'input'}
#sub HANDLE () {'handle'}
#sub READAHEAD () {'readahead'}
sub LINENUM_START () {'lc_0'}
sub LINENUM () {'lc'}
sub CDATA_MODE_P () {'cdata-mode-p'}
sub CDATA_CLOSE () {'cdata-close'}
#sub PCDATA_MODE_P () {'pcdata-mode-p'} # additional submode for CDATA
sub JS_MODE_P () {'js-mode-p'} # cdata-mode-p must also be true
sub ALLOW_CFORMAT_P () {'allow-cformat-p'}
sub new {
my ($filename) = @_;
#open my $handle,$filename or die "can't open $filename";
my $parser = C4::TTParser->new;
$parser->build_tokens( $filename );
bless {
filename => $filename,
_parser => $parser
# , handle => $handle
# , readahead => []
} , __PACKAGE__;
# Simple getters
sub filename {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{filename};
sub fatal_p {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+FATAL_P};
# work around, currently not implemented
sub syntaxerror_p {
# my $this = shift;
# return $this->{+SYNTAXERROR_P};
return 0;
sub js_mode_p {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+JS_MODE_P};
sub allow_cformat_p {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{+ALLOW_CFORMAT_P};
# Simple setters
sub _set_fatal {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+FATAL_P} = $_[0];
return $this;
sub _set_js_mode {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+JS_MODE_P} = $_[0];
return $this;
#used in xgettext, tmpl_process3
sub set_allow_cformat {
my $this = shift;
$this->{+ALLOW_CFORMAT_P} = $_[0];
return $this;
use vars qw( $js_EscapeSequence );
# Perl quoting is really screwed up, but this common subexp is way too long
$js_EscapeSequence = q{\\\\(?:['"\\\\bfnrt]|[^0-7xu]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}|x[\da-fA-F]{2}|u[\da-fA-F]{4})};
sub parenleft () { '(' }
sub parenright () { ')' }
sub _split_js {
my ($s0) = @_;
my @it = ();
while (length $s0) {
if ($s0 =~ /^\s+/s) { # whitespace
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^\/\/[^\r\n]*(?:[\r\n]|$)/s) { # C++-style comment
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^\/\*(?:(?!\*\/).)*\*\//s) { # C-style comment
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
# Keyword or identifier, ECMA-262 p.13 (section 7.5)
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^[A-Z_\$][A-Z\d_\$]*/is) { # IdentifierName
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
# Punctuator, ECMA-262 p.13 (section 7.6)
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^(?:[\(\){}\[\];]|>>>=|<<=|>>=|[-\+\*\/\&\|\^\%]=|>>>|<<|>>|--|\+\+|\|\||\&\&|==|<=|>=|!=|[=><,!~\?:\.\-\+\*\/\&\|\^\%])/s) {
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
# DecimalLiteral, ECMA-262 p.14 (section 7.7.3); note: bug in the spec
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^(?:0|[1-9]\d+(?:\.\d*(?:[eE][-\+]?\d+)?)?)/s) {
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
# HexIntegerLiteral, ECMA-262 p.15 (section 7.7.3)
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^0[xX][\da-fA-F]+/s) {
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
# OctalIntegerLiteral, ECMA-262 p.15 (section 7.7.3)
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^0[\da-fA-F]+/s) {
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
# StringLiteral, ECMA-262 p.17 (section 7.7.4)
# XXX SourceCharacter doesn't seem to be defined (?)
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^(?:"(?:(?!["\\\r\n]).|$js_EscapeSequence)*"|'(?:(?!['\\\r\n]).|$js_EscapeSequence)*')/os) {
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
} elsif ($s0 =~ /^./) { # UNKNOWN TOKEN !!!
push @it, $&;
$s0 = $';
return @it;
sub STATE_PARENLEFT () { 2 }
# XXX This is a crazy hack. I don't want to write an ECMAScript parser.
# XXX A scanner is one thing; a parser another thing.
sub _identify_js_translatables {
my @input = @_;
my @output = ();
# We mark a JavaScript translatable string as in C, i.e., _("literal")
# For simplicity, we ONLY look for "_" "(" StringLiteral ")"
for (my $i = 0, my $state = 0, my($j, $q, $s); $i <= $#input; $i += 1) {
# warn $input[$i];
my $reset_state_p = 0;
push @output, [0, $input[$i]];
if ($input[$i] !~ /\S/s) {
} elsif ($state == 0) {
$state = STATE_UNDERSCORE if $input[$i] eq '_';
} elsif ($state == STATE_UNDERSCORE) {
$state = $input[$i] eq parenleft ? STATE_PARENLEFT : 0;
} elsif ($state == STATE_PARENLEFT) {
if ($input[$i] =~ /^(['"])(.*)\1$/s) {
($state, $j, $q, $s) = (STATE_STRING_LITERAL, $#output, $1, $2);
} else {
$state = 0;
} elsif ($state == STATE_STRING_LITERAL) {
if ($input[$i] eq parenright) {
$output[$j] = [1, $output[$j]->[1], $q, $s];
$state = 0;
} else {
die "identify_js_translatables internal error: Unknown state $state"
# use Data::Dumper;
# warn Dumper \@output;
return \@output;
sub string_canon {
my $s = shift;
# Fold all whitespace into single blanks
$s =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$s =~ s/^\s+//g;
return $s;
# safer version used internally, preserves new lines
sub string_canon_safe {
my $s = shift;
# fold tabs and spaces into single spaces
$s =~ s/[\ \t]+/ /gs;
return $s;
sub _quote_cformat{
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/%/%%/g;
return $s;
sub _formalize_string_cformat{
my $s = shift;
return _quote_cformat( string_canon_safe($s) );
sub _formalize{
my $t = shift;
if( $t->type == C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE ){
return '%s';
} elsif( $t->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT ){
return _formalize_string_cformat( $t->string );
} elsif( $t->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TAG ){
if( $t->string =~ m/^a\b/is ){
return '<a>';
} elsif( $t->string =~ m/^input\b/is ){
if( lc $t->attributes->{'type'}->[1] eq 'text' ){
return '%S';
} else{
return '%p';
} else{
return _quote_cformat $t->string;
} else{
return _quote_cformat $t->string;
# internal parametization, used within next_token
# method that takes in an array of TEXT and DIRECTIVE tokens (DIRECTIVEs must be GET) and return a C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT_PARAMETRIZED
sub _parametrize_internal{
my $this = shift;
my @parts = @_;
# my $s = "";
# for my $item (@parts){
# if( $item->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT ){
# $s .= $item->string;
# } else {
# #must be a variable directive
# $s .= "%s";
# }
# }
my $s = join( "", map { _formalize $_ } @parts );
# should both the string and form be $s? maybe only the later? posibly the former....
# used line number from first token, should suffice
my $t = C4::TmplToken->new( $s, C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT_PARAMETRIZED, $parts[0]->line_number, $this->filename );
return $t;
sub next_token {
my $self = shift;
my $next;
# warn "in next_token";
# parts that make up a text_parametrized (future children of the token)
my @parts = ();
$next = $self->{_parser}->next_token;
if (! $next){
if (@parts){
return $self->_parametrize_internal(@parts);
else {
# if cformat mode is off, dont bother parametrizing, just return them as they come
return $next unless $self->allow_cformat_p;
if( $next->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT ){
push @parts, $next;
# elsif( $next->type == C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE && $next->string =~ m/\[%\s*\w+\s*%\]/ ){
elsif( $next->type == C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE ){
push @parts, $next;
elsif ( $next->type == C4::TmplTokenType::CDATA){
my $s0 = $next->string;
my @head = ();
my @tail = ();
if ($s0 =~ /^(\s*\[%\s*)(.*)(\s%=]\s*)$/s) {
push @head, $1;
push @tail, $3;
$s0 = $2;
push @head, _split_js($s0);
$next->set_js_data(_identify_js_translatables(@head, @tail) );
return $next unless @parts;
return $self->_parametrize_internal(@parts);
else {
# if there is nothing in parts, return this token
return $next unless @parts;
# OTHERWISE, put this token back and return the parametrized string of @parts
return $self->_parametrize_internal(@parts);
# function taken from old version
# used by tmpl_process3
sub parametrize {
my($fmt_0, $cformat_p, $t, $f) = @_;
my $it = '';
if ($cformat_p) {
my @params = $t->parameters_and_fields;
for (my $n = 0, my $fmt = $fmt_0; length $fmt;) {
if ($fmt =~ /^[^%]+/) {
$fmt = $';
$it .= $&;
} elsif ($fmt =~ /^%%/) {
$fmt = $';
$it .= '%';
} elsif ($fmt =~ /^%(?:(\d+)\$)?(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?s/s) {
$n += 1;
my($i, $width, $prec) = ((defined $1? $1: $n), $2, $3);
$fmt = $';
if (defined $width && defined $prec && !$width && !$prec) {
} elsif (defined $params[$i - 1]) {
my $param = $params[$i - 1];
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Expected a TMPL_VAR, but found a "
. $param->type->to_string . "\n", undef)
if $param->type != C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE;
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Unsupported "
. "field width or precision\n", undef)
if defined $width || defined $prec;
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Parameter $i not known", undef)
unless defined $param;
$it .= defined $f? &$f( $param ): $param->string;
} elsif ($fmt =~ /^%(?:(\d+)\$)?(?:(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?)?([pS])/s) {
$n += 1;
my($i, $width, $prec, $conv) = ((defined $1? $1: $n), $2, $3, $4);
$fmt = $';
my $param = $params[$i - 1];
if (!defined $param) {
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Parameter $i not known", undef);
} else {
if ($param->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TAG
&& $param->string =~ /^<input\b/is) {
my $type = defined $param->attributes?
lc($param->attributes->{'type'}->[1]): undef;
if ($conv eq 'S') {
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Expected type=text, "
. "but found type=$type", undef)
unless $type eq 'text';
} elsif ($conv eq 'p') {
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Expected type=radio, "
. "but found type=$type", undef)
unless $type eq 'radio';
} else {
warn_normal("$&: Expected an INPUT, but found a "
. $param->type->to_string . "\n", undef)
warn_normal("$fmt_0: $&: Unsupported "
. "field width or precision\n", undef)
if defined $width || defined $prec;
$it .= defined $f? &$f( $param ): $param->string;
} elsif ($fmt =~ /^%[^%a-zA-Z]*[a-zA-Z]/) {
$fmt = $';
$it .= $&;
die "$&: Unknown or unsupported format specification\n"; #XXX
} else {
die "$&: Completely confused parametrizing -- msgid: $fmt_0\n";#XXX
my @anchors = $t->anchors;
for (my $n = 0, my $fmt = $it, $it = ''; length $fmt;) {
if ($fmt =~ /^(?:(?!<a\d+>).)+/is) {
$fmt = $';
$it .= $&;
} elsif ($fmt =~ /^<a(\d+)>/is) {
$n += 1;
my $i = $1;
$fmt = $';
my $anchor = $anchors[$i - 1];
warn_normal("$&: Anchor $1 not found for msgid \"$fmt_0\"", undef) #FIXME
unless defined $anchor;
$it .= $anchor->string;
} else {
die "Completely confused decoding anchors: $fmt\n";#XXX
return $it;
# Other simple functions (These are not methods)
sub blank_p {
my($s) = @_;
return $s =~ /^(?:\s|\&nbsp$re_end_entity|$re_tmpl_var|$re_xsl)*$/osi;
sub trim {
my($s0) = @_;
my $l0 = length $s0;
my $s = $s0;
$s =~ s/^(\s|\&nbsp$re_end_entity)+//os; my $l1 = $l0 - length $s;
$s =~ s/(\s|\&nbsp$re_end_entity)+$//os; my $l2 = $l0 - $l1 - length $s;
return wantarray? (substr($s0, 0, $l1), $s, substr($s0, $l0 - $l2)): $s;
sub quote_po {
my($s) = @_;
# Locale::PO->quote is buggy, it doesn't quote newlines :-/
$s =~ s/([\\"])/\\$1/gs;
$s =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
#$s =~ s/[\177-\377]/ sprintf("\\%03o", ord($&)) /egs;
return "\"$s\"";
sub charset_canon {
my($charset) = @_;
$charset = uc($charset);
$charset = "$1-$2" if $charset =~ /^(ISO|UTF)(\d.*)/i;
$charset = 'Big5' if $charset eq 'BIG5'; # "Big5" must be in mixed case
return $charset;
use vars qw( @latin1_utf8 );
@latin1_utf8 = (
"\302\200", "\302\201", "\302\202", "\302\203", "\302\204", "\302\205",
"\302\206", "\302\207", "\302\210", "\302\211", "\302\212", "\302\213",
"\302\214", "\302\215", undef, undef, "\302\220", "\302\221",
"\302\222", "\302\223", "\302\224", "\302\225", "\302\226", "\302\227",
"\302\230", "\302\231", "\302\232", "\302\233", "\302\234", "\302\235",
"\302\236", "\302\237", "\302\240", "\302\241", "\302\242", "\302\243",
"\302\244", "\302\245", "\302\246", "\302\247", "\302\250", "\302\251",
"\302\252", "\302\253", "\302\254", "\302\255", "\302\256", "\302\257",
"\302\260", "\302\261", "\302\262", "\302\263", "\302\264", "\302\265",
"\302\266", "\302\267", "\302\270", "\302\271", "\302\272", "\302\273",
"\302\274", "\302\275", "\302\276", "\302\277", "\303\200", "\303\201",
"\303\202", "\303\203", "\303\204", "\303\205", "\303\206", "\303\207",
"\303\210", "\303\211", "\303\212", "\303\213", "\303\214", "\303\215",
"\303\216", "\303\217", "\303\220", "\303\221", "\303\222", "\303\223",
"\303\224", "\303\225", "\303\226", "\303\227", "\303\230", "\303\231",
"\303\232", "\303\233", "\303\234", "\303\235", "\303\236", "\303\237",
"\303\240", "\303\241", "\303\242", "\303\243", "\303\244", "\303\245",
"\303\246", "\303\247", "\303\250", "\303\251", "\303\252", "\303\253",
"\303\254", "\303\255", "\303\256", "\303\257", "\303\260", "\303\261",
"\303\262", "\303\263", "\303\264", "\303\265", "\303\266", "\303\267",
"\303\270", "\303\271", "\303\272", "\303\273", "\303\274", "\303\275",
"\303\276", "\303\277" );
sub charset_convert {
my($s, $charset_in, $charset_out) = @_;
if ($s !~ /[\200-\377]/s) { # FIXME: don't worry about iso2022 for now
} elsif ($charset_in eq 'ISO-8859-1' && $charset_out eq 'UTF-8') {
$s =~ s/[\200-\377]/ $latin1_utf8[ord($&) - 128] /egs;
} elsif ($charset_in ne $charset_out) {
VerboseWarnings::warn_normal "conversion from $charset_in to $charset_out is not supported\n", undef;
return $s;
In addition to the basic scanning, this class will also perform
the following:
=item -
Emulation of c-format strings (see below)
=item -
Display of warnings for certain things that affects either the
ability of this class to yield correct output, or things that
are known to cause the original template to cause trouble.
=item -
Automatic correction of some of the things warned about
(e.g., SGML "closed start tag" notation).
=head2 c-format strings emulation
Because English word order is not universal, a simple extraction
of translatable strings may yield some strings like "Accounts for"
or ambiguous strings like "in". This makes the resulting strings
difficult to translate, but does not affect all languages alike.
For example, Chinese (with a somewhat different word order) would
be hit harder, but French would be relatively unaffected.
To overcome this problem, the scanner can be configured to detect
patterns with <TMPL_VAR> directives (as well as certain HTML tags),
and try to construct a larger pattern that will appear in the PO
file as c-format strings with %s placeholders. This additional
step allows the translator to deal with cases where word order
is different (replacing %s with %1$s, %2$s, etc.), or when certain
words will require certain inflectional suffixes in sentences.
Because this is an incompatible change, this mode must be explicitly
turned on using the set_allow_cformat(1) method call.
=head2 The flag characters
The character % is followed by zero or more of the following flags:
=item #
The value comes from HTML <INPUT> elements.
This abuse of the flag character is somewhat reasonable,
since TMPL_VAR and INPUT are both variables, but of different kinds.
=head2 The field width and precision
An optional 0.0 can be specified for %s to specify
that the <TMPL_VAR> should be suppressed.
=head2 The conversion specifier
=item p
Specifies any input field that is neither text nor hidden
(which currently mean radio buttons).
The p conversion specifier is chosen because this does not
evoke any certain sensible data type.
=item S
Specifies a text input field (<INPUT TYPE=TEXT>).
This use of the S conversion specifier is somewhat reasonable,
since text input fields contain values of undeterminable type,
which can be treated as strings.
=item s
Specifies a <TMPL_VAR>.
This use of the o conversion specifier is somewhat reasonable,
since <TMPL_VAR> denotes values of undeterminable type, which
can be treated as strings.
=head1 BUGS
There is no code to save the tag name anywhere in the scanned token.
The use of <AI<i>> to stand for the I<i>th anchor
is not very well thought out.
Some abuse of c-format specifies might have been more appropriate.
=head1 HISTORY
This tokenizer is mostly based
on Ambrose's hideous Perl script known as subst.pl.