Catalogue.pm : marc stuff : * the 3 xxxSubfield functions works * the addMarcBiblio function has been added : if you pass it a perlmarcstructure (sample in test.pl and explanation in marc/perlmarcstructure file), it adds a biblio to the marc_schema. The newbiblioitem (old koha-DB) still has to be updated to build the perlmarcstructure internally and call addMarcBiblio function.
2543 lines
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2543 lines
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package C4::Catalogue; #asummes C4/Acquisitions.pm
# Continue working on updateItem!!!!!!
# updateItem is looking not bad. Need to add addSubfield and deleteSubfield
# functions
# Trying to track down $dbh's that aren't disconnected....
use strict;
require Exporter;
use C4::Database;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&newBiblio &newBiblioItem &newItem &updateBiblio &updateBiblioItem
&updateItem &changeSubfield &addSubfield &findSubfield
&getorders &bookseller &breakdown &basket &newbasket &bookfunds
&ordersearch &newbiblio &newbiblioitem &newsubject &newsubtitle &neworder
&newordernum &modbiblio &modorder &getsingleorder &invoice &receiveorder
&bookfundbreakdown &curconvert &updatesup &insertsup &newitems &modbibitem
&getcurrencies &modsubtitle &modsubject &modaddauthor &moditem &countitems
&findall &needsmod &delitem &deletebiblioitem &delbiblio &delorder &branches
&getallorders &getrecorders &updatecurrencies &getorder &getcurrency &updaterecorder
&updatecost &checkitems &modnote &getitemtypes &getbiblio
&getbiblioitem &getitemsbybiblioitem &isbnsearch
&websitesearch &addwebsite &updatewebsite &deletewebsite);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = qw($Var1 %Hashit);
# non-exported package globals go here
use vars qw(@more $stuff);
# initalize package globals, first exported ones
my $Var1 = '';
my %Hashit = ();
# then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
my $stuff = '';
my @more = ();
# all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
# the functions below that use them.
# file-private lexicals go here
my $priv_var = '';
my %secret_hash = ();
# here's a file-private function as a closure,
# callable as &$priv_func; it cannot be prototyped.
my $priv_func = sub {
# stuff goes here.
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
sub newBiblio {
# This subroutine makes no modifications to the MARC tables. MARC records are
# only created when new biblioitems are added.
my ($env, $biblio) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $subject=$biblio->{'subject'};
my $additionalauthors=$biblio->{'additionalauthors'};
# Why am I doing this? This is a potential race condition. At the very least,
# this needs code to ensure that two inserts didn't use the same
# biblionumber...
# Get next biblio number
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblionumber) from biblio");
my ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into biblio
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$sth->execute($biblionumber, $biblio->{'title'}, $biblio->{'author'},
$biblio->{'unititle'}, $biblio->{'copyrightdate'},
$biblio->{'serial'}, $biblio->{'seriestitle'}, $biblio->{'notes'} );
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubtitle
values (?,?)");
$sth->execute($biblionumber, $biblio->{'subtitle'} );
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubject
values (?,?) ");
foreach $_ (@$subject) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into additionalauthors
values (?, ?)");
foreach $_ (@$additionalauthors) {
$sth->execute($biblionumber, $_ );
sub changeSubfield {
# Subroutine changes a subfield value given a subfieldid.
my ( $subfieldid, $subfieldvalue )=@_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
$dbh->do("lock tables marc_blob_subfield WRITE,marc_subfield_table WRITE");
my $sth1=$dbh->prepare("select valuebloblink from marc_subfield_table where subfieldid=?");
my ($oldvaluebloblink)=$sth1->fetchrow;
my $sth;
# if too long, use a bloblink
if (length($subfieldvalue)>255 ) {
# if already a bloblink, update it, otherwise, insert a new one.
if ($oldvaluebloblink) {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update marc_blob_subfield set subfieldvalue=? where blobidlink=?");
} else {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_blob_subfield (subfieldvalue) values (?)");
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(blobidlink) from marc_blob_subfield");
my ($res)=$sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update marc_subfield_table set subfieldvalue=null, valuebloblink=$res where subfieldid=?");
} else {
# note this can leave orphan bloblink. Not a big problem, but we should build somewhere a orphan deleting script...
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update marc_subfield_table set subfieldvalue=?,valuebloblink=null where subfieldid=?");
$sth->execute($subfieldvalue, $subfieldid);
$dbh->do("unlock tables");
return($subfieldid, $subfieldvalue);
sub findSubfield {
my ($bibid,$tag,$subfieldcode,$subfieldvalue,$subfieldorder) = @_;
my $resultcounter=0;
my $subfieldid;
my $lastsubfieldid;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $query="select subfieldid from marc_subfield_table where bibid=? and tag=? and subfieldcode=?";
if ($subfieldvalue) {
$query .= " and subfieldvalue=".$dbh->quote($subfieldvalue);
} else {
if ($subfieldorder<1) {
$query .= " and subfieldorder=$subfieldorder";
my $sti=$dbh->prepare($query);
$sti->execute($bibid,$tag, $subfieldcode);
while (($subfieldid) = $sti->fetchrow) {
if ($resultcounter>1) {
# Error condition. Values given did not resolve into a unique record. Don't know what to edit
# should rarely occur (only if we use subfieldvalue with a value that exists twice, which is strange)
return -1;
} else {
return $lastsubfieldid;
sub addSubfield {
# Add a new subfield to a tag.
my $bibid=shift;
my $tagid=shift;
my $tagorder=shift;
my $subfieldcode=shift;
my $subfieldorder=shift;
my $subfieldvalue=shift;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
unless ($subfieldorder) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(subfieldorder) from marc_subfield_table where tagid=$tagid");
if ($sth->rows) {
($subfieldorder) = $sth->fetchrow;
} else {
if (length($subfieldvalue)>255) {
$dbh->do("lock tables marc_blob_subfield WRITE, marc_subfield_table WRITE");
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_blob_subfield (subfieldvalue) values (?)");
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(blobidlink)from marc_blob_subfield");
my ($res)=$sth->fetchrow;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_subfield_table (bibid,tagid,tagorder,subfieldcode,subfieldorder,valuebloblink) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
$dbh->do("unlock tables");
} else {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_subfield_table (bibid,tag,tagorder,subfieldcode,subfieldorder,subfieldvalue) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
sub addMarcBiblio {
# pass the marcperlstructure to this function, and it will create the records in the marc tables
my ($marcstructure) = @_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $tags;
my $i;
my $j;
# adding main table, and retrieving bibid
$dbh->do("lock tables marc_biblio WRITE");
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into marc_biblio (datecreated,origincode) values (now(),?)");
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(bibid) from marc_biblio");
print "BIBID :::".$marcstructure->{bibid}."\n";
$dbh->do("unlock tables");
# now, add subfields...
foreach $tags ($marcstructure->{tags}) {
foreach $i (keys %{$tags}) {
foreach $j (keys %{$tags->{$i}->{subfields}}) {
print $tags->{$i}->{tag}."//".$tags->{$i}->{subfields}->{$j}->{value}."\n";
sub updateBiblio {
# Update the biblio with biblionumber $biblio->{'biblionumber'}
# I guess this routine should search through all marc records for a record that
# has the same biblionumber stored in it, and modify the MARC record as well as
# the biblio table.
# Also, this subroutine should search through the $biblio object and compare it
# to the existing record and _LOG ALL CHANGES MADE_ in some way. I'd like for
# this logging feature to be usable to undo changes easily.
my ($env, $biblio) = @_;
my $Record_ID;
my $biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'};
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblio where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my $origbiblio=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select subtitle from bibliosubtitle where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my ($subtitle)=$sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select author from additionalauthors where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my $origadditionalauthors;
while (my ($author) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push (@{$origbiblio->{'additionalauthors'}}, $author);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select subject from bibliosubject where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my $origsubjects;
while (my ($subject) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push (@{$origbiblio->{'subjects'}}, $subject);
# Obtain a list of MARC Record_ID's that are tied to this biblio
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select bibid from marc_subfield_table where tag='090' and subfieldvalue=$biblionumber and subfieldcode='c'");
my @marcrecords;
while (my ($bibid) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push(@marcrecords, $bibid);
my $bibid='';
if ($biblio->{'author'} ne $origbiblio->{'author'}) {
my $q_author=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'author'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'author', $origbiblio->{'author'}, $biblio->{'author'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set author=$q_author where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
foreach $bibid (@marcrecords) {
logchange('marc', 'change', $bibid, '100', 'a', $origbiblio->{'author'}, $biblio->{'author'});
changeSubfield($bibid, '100', 'a', $origbiblio->{'author'}, $biblio->{'author'});
if ($biblio->{'title'} ne $origbiblio->{'title'}) {
my $q_title=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'title'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'title', $origbiblio->{'title'}, $biblio->{'title'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set title=$q_title where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '245', 'a', $origbiblio->{'title'}, $biblio->{'title'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '245', 'a', $origbiblio->{'title'}, $biblio->{'title'});
if ($biblio->{'subtitle'} ne $origbiblio->{'subtitle'}) {
my $q_subtitle=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'subtitle'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'subtitle', $origbiblio->{'subtitle'}, $biblio->{'subtitle'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update bibliosubtitle set subtitle=$q_subtitle where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '245', 'b', $origbiblio->{'subtitle'}, $biblio->{'subtitle'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '245', 'b', $origbiblio->{'subtitle'}, $biblio->{'subtitle'});
if ($biblio->{'unititle'} ne $origbiblio->{'unititle'}) {
my $q_unititle=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'unititle'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'unititle', $origbiblio->{'unititle'}, $biblio->{'unititle'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set unititle=$q_unititle where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
if ($biblio->{'notes'} ne $origbiblio->{'notes'}) {
my $q_notes=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'notes'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'notes', $origbiblio->{'notes'}, $biblio->{'notes'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set notes=$q_notes where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '500', 'a', $origbiblio->{'notes'}, $biblio->{'notes'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '500', 'a', $origbiblio->{'notes'}, $biblio->{'notes'});
if ($biblio->{'serial'} ne $origbiblio->{'serial'}) {
my $q_serial=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'serial'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'serial', $origbiblio->{'serial'}, $biblio->{'serial'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set serial=$q_serial where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
if ($biblio->{'seriestitle'} ne $origbiblio->{'seriestitle'}) {
my $q_seriestitle=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'seriestitle'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'seriestitle', $origbiblio->{'seriestitle'}, $biblio->{'seriestitle'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set seriestitle=$q_seriestitle where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '440', 'a', $origbiblio->{'seriestitle'}, $biblio->{'seriestitle'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '440', 'a', $origbiblio->{'seriestitle'}, $biblio->{'seriestitle'});
if ($biblio->{'copyrightdate'} ne $origbiblio->{'copyrightdate'}) {
my $q_copyrightdate=$dbh->quote($biblio->{'copyrightdate'});
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblio', 'copyrightdate', $origbiblio->{'copyrightdate'}, $biblio->{'copyrightdate'});
my $sti=$dbh->prepare("update biblio set copyrightdate=$q_copyrightdate where biblionumber=$biblio->{'biblionumber'}");
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '260', 'c', "c$origbiblio->{'notes'}", "c$biblio->{'notes'}");
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '260', 'c', "c$origbiblio->{'notes'}", "c$biblio->{'notes'}");
# Check for subject heading changes
my $newsubject='';
my $subjects;
foreach $newsubject (@{$biblio->{'subject'}}) {
if ($origsubjects->{$newsubject}) {
} else {
my $q_newsubject=$dbh->quote($newsubject);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubject (subject,biblionumber) values ($q_newsubject, $biblionumber)");
logchange('kohadb', 'add', 'biblio', 'subject', $newsubject);
my $subfields;
my $tag='650';
my $Record_ID;
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
logchange('marc', 'add', $Record_ID, '650', 'a', $newsubject);
my $origsubject;
foreach $origsubject (keys %$origsubjects) {
if ($subjects->{$origsubject} == 1) {
my $q_origsubject=$dbh->quote($origsubject);
logchange('kohadb', 'delete', 'biblio', '$biblionumber', 'subject', $origsubject);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("delete from bibliosubject where biblionumber=$biblionumber and subject=$q_origsubject");
sub skip {
# At the moment this is just a straight copy of the subject code. Needs heavy
# modification to work for additional authors, obviously.
# Check for additional author changes
my $newadditionalauthor='';
my $additionalauthors;
foreach $newadditionalauthor (@{$biblio->{'additionalauthor'}}) {
if ($origadditionalauthors->{$newadditionalauthor}) {
} else {
my $q_newadditionalauthor=$dbh->quote($newadditionalauthor);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into biblioadditionalauthors (additionalauthor,biblionumber) values ($q_newadditionalauthor, $biblionumber)");
logchange('kohadb', 'add', 'biblio', 'additionalauthor', $newadditionalauthor);
my $subfields;
my $tag='650';
my $Record_ID;
foreach $Record_ID (@marcrecords) {
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
logchange('marc', 'add', $Record_ID, '650', 'a', $newadditionalauthor);
my $origadditionalauthor;
foreach $origadditionalauthor (keys %$origadditionalauthors) {
if ($additionalauthors->{$origadditionalauthor} == 1) {
my $q_origadditionalauthor=$dbh->quote($origadditionalauthor);
logchange('kohadb', 'delete', 'biblio', '$biblionumber', 'additionalauthor', $origadditionalauthor);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("delete from biblioadditionalauthors where biblionumber=$biblionumber and additionalauthor=$q_origadditionalauthor");
sub logchange {
# Subroutine to log changes to databases
# Eventually, this subroutine will be used to create a log of all changes made,
# with the possibility of "undo"ing some changes
my $database=shift;
if ($database eq 'kohadb') {
my $type=shift;
my $section=shift;
my $item=shift;
my $original=shift;
my $new=shift;
print STDERR "KOHA: $type $section $item $original $new\n";
} elsif ($database eq 'marc') {
my $type=shift;
my $Record_ID=shift;
my $tag=shift;
my $mark=shift;
my $subfield_ID=shift;
my $original=shift;
my $new=shift;
print STDERR "MARC: $type $Record_ID $tag $mark $subfield_ID $original $new\n";
sub addTag {
# Subroutine to add a tag to an existing MARC Record. If a new linkage id is
# desired, set $env->{'linkage'} to 1. If an existing linkage id should be
# set, set $env->{'linkid'} to the link number.
my ($env, $Record_ID, $tag, $Indicator1, $Indicator2, $subfields) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
($Indicator1) || ($Indicator1=' ');
($Indicator2) || ($Indicator2=' ');
my $firstdigit=substr($tag,0,1);
my $Subfield_ID;
foreach (sort keys %$subfields) {
my $Subfield_Mark=$subfields->{$_}->{'Subfield_Mark'};
my $Subfield_Value=$subfields->{$_}->{'Subfield_Value'};
my $q_Subfield_Value=$dbh->quote($Subfield_Value);
if ($Subfield_ID) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into $firstdigit\XX_Subfield_Table (Subfield_ID, Subfield_Mark, Subfield_Value) values ($Subfield_ID, '$Subfield_Mark', $q_Subfield_Value)");
} else {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into $firstdigit\XX_Subfield_Table (Subfield_Mark, Subfield_Value) values ('$Subfield_Mark', $q_Subfield_Value)");
my $Subfield_Key=$dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update $firstdigit\XX_Subfield_Table set Subfield_ID=$Subfield_ID where Subfield_Key=$Subfield_Key");
if (my $linkid=$env->{'linkid'}) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into $firstdigit\XX_Subfield_Table (Subfield_ID, Subfield_Mark, Subfield_Value) values ($Subfield_ID, '8', '$linkid')");
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into $firstdigit\XX_Tag_Table (Indicator1, Indicator2, Tag, Subfield_ID) values ('$Indicator1', '$Indicator2', '$tag', $Subfield_ID)");
my $Tag_Key=$dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
my $Tag_ID=$Tag_Key;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update $firstdigit\XX_Tag_Table set Tag_ID=$Tag_ID where Tag_Key=$Tag_Key");
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into Bib_Table (Record_ID, Tag_$firstdigit\XX_ID) values ($Record_ID, $Tag_ID)");
if ($env->{'linkage'}) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into $firstdigit\XX_Subfield_Table (Subfield_ID, Subfield_Mark, Subfield_Value) values ($Subfield_ID, '8', '$Tag_ID')");
return ($env, $Tag_ID);
sub newBiblioItem {
my ($env, $biblioitem) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $biblionumber=$biblioitem->{'biblionumber'};
my $biblioitemnumber=$biblioitem->{'biblioitemnumber'};
my $volume=$biblioitem->{'volume'};
my $q_volume=$dbh->quote($volume);
my $number=$biblioitem->{'number'};
my $q_number=$dbh->quote($number);
my $classification=$biblioitem->{'classification'};
my $q_classification=$dbh->quote($classification);
my $itemtype=$biblioitem->{'itemtype'};
my $q_itemtype=$dbh->quote($itemtype);
my $isbn=$biblioitem->{'isbn'};
my $q_isbn=$dbh->quote($isbn);
my $issn=$biblioitem->{'issn'};
my $q_issn=$dbh->quote($issn);
my $dewey=$biblioitem->{'dewey'};
($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
my $subclass=$biblioitem->{'subclass'};
my $q_subclass=$dbh->quote($subclass);
my $publicationyear=$biblioitem->{'publicationyear'};
my $publishercode=$biblioitem->{'publishercode'};
my $q_publishercode=$dbh->quote($publishercode);
my $volumedate=$biblioitem->{'volumedate'};
my $q_volumedate=$dbh->quote($volumedate);
my $illus=$biblioitem->{'illus'};
my $q_illus=$dbh->quote($illus);
my $pages=$biblioitem->{'pages'};
my $q_pages=$dbh->quote($pages);
my $notes=$biblioitem->{'notes'};
my $q_notes=$dbh->quote($notes);
my $size=$biblioitem->{'size'};
my $q_size=$dbh->quote($size);
my $place=$biblioitem->{'place'};
my $q_place=$dbh->quote($place);
my $lccn=$biblioitem->{'lccn'};
my $q_lccn=$dbh->quote($lccn);
# Unless the $env->{'marconly'} flag is set, update the biblioitems table with
# the new data
unless ($env->{'marconly'}) {
#my $sth=$dbh->prepare("lock tables biblioitems write");
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblioitemnumber) from biblioitems");
my ($biblioitemnumber) =$sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into biblioitems (biblionumber,biblioitemnumber,volume,number,classification,itemtype,isbn,issn,dewey,subclass,publicationyear,publishercode,volumedate,illus,pages,notes,size,place,lccn) values ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $q_volume, $q_number, $q_classification, $q_itemtype, $q_isbn, $q_issn, $dewey, $q_subclass, $publicationyear, $q_publishercode, $q_volumedate, $q_illus, $q_pages,$q_notes, $q_size, $q_place, $q_lccn)");
#my $sth=$dbh->prepare("unlock tables");
# Should we check if there is already a biblioitem/marc with the
# same isbn/lccn/issn?
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select title,unititle,seriestitle,copyrightdate,notes,author from biblio where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my ($title, $unititle,$seriestitle,$copyrightdate,$biblionotes,$author) = $sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select subtitle from bibliosubtitle where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my ($subtitle) = $sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select author from additionalauthors where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my @additionalauthors;
while (my ($additionalauthor) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push (@additionalauthors, $additionalauthor);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select subject from bibliosubject where biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my @subjects;
while (my ($subject) = $sth->fetchrow) {
push (@subjects, $subject);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into Resource_Table (Record_ID) values (0)");
my $Resource_ID=$dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};
my $Record_ID=$Resource_ID;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update Resource_Table set Record_ID=$Record_ID where Resource_ID=$Resource_ID");
# Title
my $subfields;
if ($subtitle) {
my $tag='245';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# author
my $subfields;
my $tag='100';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Series Title
if ($seriestitle) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='440';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Biblio Note
if ($biblionotes) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='500';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Additional Authors
foreach (@additionalauthors) {
my $author=$_;
(next) unless ($author);
my $subfields;
my $tag='700';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Illustrator
if ($illus) {
(next) unless ($illus);
my $subfields;
my $tag='700';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Subjects
foreach (@subjects) {
my $subject=$_;
(next) unless ($subject);
my $subfields;
my $tag='650';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
if ($isbn) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='020';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
if ($lccn) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='010';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
if ($issn) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='022';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
if ($dewey) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='082';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# DEWEY subclass and itemtype
my $subfields;
my $tag='090';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
my $subfields;
if ($copyrightdate) {
my $tag='260';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
if ($pages || $size) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='300';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Volume/Number
if ($volume || $number) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='440';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
# Biblioitem Note
if ($notes) {
my $subfields;
my $tag='500';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
return ($env, $Record_ID);
sub updateBiblioItem {
# Update the biblioitem with biblioitemnumber $biblioitem->{'biblioitemnumber'}
# This routine should also check to see which fields are actually being
# modified, and log all changes.
my ($env, $biblioitem) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $biblioitemnumber=$biblioitem->{'biblioitemnumber'};
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblioitems where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
# obi = original biblioitem
my $obi=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select B.Record_ID from Bib_Table B, 0XX_Tag_Table T, 0XX_Subfield_Table S where B.Tag_0XX_ID=T.Tag_ID and T.Subfield_ID=S.Subfield_ID and T.Tag='090' and S.Subfield_Mark='c' and S.Subfield_Value=$biblioitemnumber");
my ($Record_ID) = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($biblioitem->{'biblionumber'} ne $obi->{'biblionumber'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'biblionumber', $obi->{'biblionumber'}, $biblioitem->{'biblionumber'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set biblionumber=$biblioitem->{'biblionumber'} where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '090', 'c', $obi->{'biblionumber'}, $biblioitem->{'biblionumber'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '090', 'c', $obi->{'biblionumber'}, $biblioitem->{'biblionumber'});
if ($biblioitem->{'volume'} ne $obi->{'volume'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'volume', $obi->{'volume'}, $biblioitem->{'volume'});
my $q_volume=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'volume'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set volume=$q_volume where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '440', 'v', $obi->{'volume'}, $biblioitem->{'volume'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '440', 'v', $obi->{'volume'}, $biblioitem->{'volume'});
if ($biblioitem->{'number'} ne $obi->{'number'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'number', $obi->{'number'}, $biblioitem->{'number'});
my $q_number=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'number'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set number=$q_number where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '440', 'v', $obi->{'number'}, $biblioitem->{'number'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '440', 'v', $obi->{'number'}, $biblioitem->{'number'});
if ($biblioitem->{'itemtype'} ne $obi->{'itemtype'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'itemtype', $obi->{'itemtype'}, $biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
my $q_itemtype=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set itemtype=$q_itemtype where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '090', 'a', $obi->{'itemtype'}, $biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '090', 'a', $obi->{'itemtype'}, $biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
if ($biblioitem->{'isbn'} ne $obi->{'isbn'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'isbn', $obi->{'isbn'}, $biblioitem->{'isbn'});
my $q_isbn=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'isbn'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set isbn=$q_isbn where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '020', 'a', $obi->{'isbn'}, $biblioitem->{'isbn'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '020', 'a', $obi->{'isbn'}, $biblioitem->{'isbn'});
if ($biblioitem->{'issn'} ne $obi->{'issn'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'issn', $obi->{'issn'}, $biblioitem->{'issn'});
my $q_issn=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'issn'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set issn=$q_issn where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '022', 'a', $obi->{'issn'}, $biblioitem->{'issn'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '022', 'a', $obi->{'issn'}, $biblioitem->{'issn'});
if ($biblioitem->{'dewey'} ne $obi->{'dewey'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'dewey', $obi->{'dewey'}, $biblioitem->{'dewey'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set dewey=$biblioitem->{'dewey'} where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '082', 'a', $obi->{'dewey'}, $biblioitem->{'dewey'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '082', 'a', $obi->{'dewey'}, $biblioitem->{'dewey'});
if ($biblioitem->{'subclass'} ne $obi->{'subclass'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'subclass', $obi->{'subclass'}, $biblioitem->{'subclass'});
my $q_subclass=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'subclass'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set subclass=$q_subclass where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '090', 'b', $obi->{'subclass'}, $biblioitem->{'subclass'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '090', 'b', $obi->{'subclass'}, $biblioitem->{'subclass'});
if ($biblioitem->{'place'} ne $obi->{'place'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'place', $obi->{'place'}, $biblioitem->{'place'});
my $q_place=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'place'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set place=$q_place where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '260', 'a', $obi->{'place'}, $biblioitem->{'place'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '260', 'a', $obi->{'place'}, $biblioitem->{'place'});
if ($biblioitem->{'publishercode'} ne $obi->{'publishercode'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'publishercode', $obi->{'publishercode'}, $biblioitem->{'publishercode'});
my $q_publishercode=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'publishercode'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set publishercode=$q_publishercode where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '260', 'b', $obi->{'publishercode'}, $biblioitem->{'publishercode'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '260', 'b', $obi->{'publishercode'}, $biblioitem->{'publishercode'});
if ($biblioitem->{'publicationyear'} ne $obi->{'publicationyear'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'publicationyear', $obi->{'publicationyear'}, $biblioitem->{'publicationyear'});
my $q_publicationyear=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'publicationyear'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set publicationyear=$q_publicationyear where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '260', 'c', $obi->{'publicationyear'}, $biblioitem->{'publicationyear'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '260', 'c', $obi->{'publicationyear'}, $biblioitem->{'publicationyear'});
if ($biblioitem->{'illus'} ne $obi->{'illus'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'illus', $obi->{'illus'}, $biblioitem->{'illus'});
my $q_illus=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'illus'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set illus=$q_illus where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '700', 'a', $obi->{'illus'}, $biblioitem->{'illus'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '700', 'a', $obi->{'illus'}, $biblioitem->{'illus'});
if ($biblioitem->{'pages'} ne $obi->{'pages'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'pages', $obi->{'pages'}, $biblioitem->{'pages'});
my $q_pages=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'pages'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set pages=$q_pages where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '300', 'a', $obi->{'pages'}, $biblioitem->{'pages'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '300', 'a', $obi->{'pages'}, $biblioitem->{'pages'});
if ($biblioitem->{'size'} ne $obi->{'size'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'size', $obi->{'size'}, $biblioitem->{'size'});
my $q_size=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'size'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set size=$q_size where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '300', 'c', $obi->{'size'}, $biblioitem->{'size'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '300', 'c', $obi->{'size'}, $biblioitem->{'size'});
if ($biblioitem->{'notes'} ne $obi->{'notes'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'notes', $obi->{'notes'}, $biblioitem->{'notes'});
my $q_notes=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'notes'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set notes=$q_notes where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '500', 'a', $obi->{'notes'}, $biblioitem->{'notes'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '500', 'a', $obi->{'notes'}, $biblioitem->{'notes'});
if ($biblioitem->{'lccn'} ne $obi->{'lccn'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'biblioitems', 'lccn', $obi->{'lccn'}, $biblioitem->{'lccn'});
my $q_lccn=$dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'lccn'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update biblioitems set lccn=$q_lccn where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '010', 'a', $obi->{'lccn'}, $biblioitem->{'lccn'});
changeSubfield($Record_ID, '010', 'a', $obi->{'lccn'}, $biblioitem->{'lccn'});
sub newItem {
my ($env, $Record_ID, $item) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $barcode=$item->{'barcode'};
my $q_barcode=$dbh->quote($barcode);
my $biblionumber=$item->{'biblionumber'};
my $biblioitemnumber=$item->{'biblioitemnumber'};
my $dateaccessioned=$item->{'dateaccessioned'};
my $booksellerid=$item->{'booksellerid'};
my $q_booksellerid=$dbh->quote($booksellerid);
my $homebranch=$item->{'homebranch'};
my $q_homebranch=$dbh->quote($homebranch);
my $holdingbranch=$item->{'holdingbranch'};
my $price=$item->{'price'};
my $replacementprice=$item->{'replacementprice'};
my $replacementpricedate=$item->{'replacementpricedate'};
my $q_replacementpricedate=$dbh->quote($replacementpricedate);
my $notforloan=$item->{'notforloan'};
my $itemlost=$item->{'itemlost'};
my $wthdrawn=$item->{'wthdrawn'};
my $restricted=$item->{'restricted'};
my $itemnotes=$item->{'itemnotes'};
my $q_itemnotes=$dbh->quote($itemnotes);
my $itemtype=$item->{'itemtype'};
my $subclass=$item->{'subclass'};
# KOHADB Section
unless ($env->{'marconly'}) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(itemnumber) from items");
my ($itemnumber) =$sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into items (itemnumber,biblionumber,biblioitemnumber,barcode,dateaccessioned,booksellerid,homebranch,price,replacementprice,replacementpricedate,notforloan,itemlost,wthdrawn,restricted,itemnotes) values ($itemnumber,$biblionumber,$biblioitemnumber,$q_barcode,$dateaccessioned,$q_booksellerid,$q_homebranch,$price,$q_replacementpricedate,$notforloan,$itemlost,$wthdrawn,$restricted,$q_itemnotes)");
my $subfields;
if ($notforloan) {
$subfields->{9}->{'Subfield_Value'}='Not for loan';
if ($notforloan) {
$subfields->{10}->{'Subfield_Value'}='Item lost';
if ($notforloan) {
$subfields->{11}->{'Subfield_Value'}='Item withdrawn';
if ($notforloan) {
my $tag='876';
my $Tag_ID;
($env, $Tag_ID) = addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields);
my $subfields2;
$subfields2->{1}->{'Subfield_Value'}='Coast Mountains School District';
addTag($env, $Record_ID, $tag, ' ', ' ', $subfields2);
sub updateItem {
# Update the item with itemnumber $item->{'itemnumber'}
# This routine should also modify the corresponding MARC record data. (852 and
# 876 tags with 876p tag the same as $item->{'barcode'}
# This routine should also check to see which fields are actually being
# modified, and log all changes.
my ($env, $item) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $itemnumber=$item->{'itemnumber'};
my $biblionumber=$item->{'biblionumber'};
my $biblioitemnumber=$item->{'biblioitemnumber'};
my $barcode=$item->{'barcode'};
my $dateaccessioned=$item->{'dateaccessioned'};
my $booksellerid=$item->{'booksellerid'};
my $homebranch=$item->{'homebranch'};
my $price=$item->{'price'};
my $replacementprice=$item->{'replacementprice'};
my $replacementpricedate=$item->{'replacementpricedate'};
my $multivolume=$item->{'multivolume'};
my $stack=$item->{'stack'};
my $notforloan=$item->{'notforloan'};
my $itemlost=$item->{'itemlost'};
my $wthdrawn=$item->{'wthdrawn'};
my $bulk=$item->{'bulk'};
my $restricted=$item->{'restricted'};
my $binding=$item->{'binding'};
my $itemnotes=$item->{'itemnotes'};
my $holdingbranch=$item->{'holdingbranch'};
my $interim=$item->{'interim'};
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from items where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my $olditem=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $q_barcode=$dbh->quote($olditem->{'barcode'});
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select S.Subfield_ID, B.Record_ID from 8XX_Subfield_Table S, 8XX_Tag_Table T, Bib_Table B where B.Tag_8XX_ID=T.Tag_ID and T.Subfield_ID=S.Subfield_ID and Subfield_Mark='p' and Subfield_Value=$q_barcode");
my ($Subfield876_ID, $Record_ID) = $sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select Subfield_Value from 8XX_Subfield_Table where Subfield_Mark=8 and Subfield_ID=$Subfield876_ID");
my ($link) = $sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select Subfield_ID from 8XX_Subfield_Table where Subfield_Mark=8 and Subfield_Value=$link and !(Subfield_ID=$Subfield876_ID)");
my ($Subfield852_ID) = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($item->{'barcode'} ne $olditem->{'barcode'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'barcode', $olditem->{'barcode'}, $item->{'barcode'});
my $q_barcode=$dbh->quote($item->{'barcode'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set barcode=$q_barcode where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'p', $olditem->{'barcode'}, $item->{'barcode'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'p', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'barcode'}, $item->{'barcode'});
if ($item->{'booksellerid'} ne $olditem->{'booksellerid'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'booksellerid', $olditem->{'booksellerid'}, $item->{'booksellerid'});
my $q_booksellerid=$dbh->quote($item->{'booksellerid'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set booksellerid=$q_booksellerid where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'e', $olditem->{'booksellerid'}, $item->{'booksellerid'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'e', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'booksellerid'}, $item->{'booksellerid'});
if ($item->{'dateaccessioned'} ne $olditem->{'dateaccessioned'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'dateaccessioned', $olditem->{'dateaccessioned'}, $item->{'dateaccessioned'});
my $q_dateaccessioned=$dbh->quote($item->{'dateaccessioned'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set dateaccessioned=$q_dateaccessioned where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'd', $olditem->{'dateaccessioned'}, $item->{'dateaccessioned'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'd', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'dateaccessioned'}, $item->{'dateaccessioned'});
if ($item->{'homebranch'} ne $olditem->{'homebranch'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'homebranch', $olditem->{'homebranch'}, $item->{'homebranch'});
my $q_homebranch=$dbh->quote($item->{'homebranch'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set homebranch=$q_homebranch where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'b', $olditem->{'homebranch'}, $item->{'homebranch'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'b', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'homebranch'}, $item->{'homebranch'});
if ($item->{'holdingbranch'} ne $olditem->{'holdingbranch'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'holdingbranch', $olditem->{'holdingbranch'}, $item->{'holdingbranch'});
my $q_holdingbranch=$dbh->quote($item->{'holdingbranch'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set holdingbranch=$q_holdingbranch where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'l', $olditem->{'holdingbranch'}, $item->{'holdingbranch'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'l', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'holdingbranch'}, $item->{'holdingbranch'});
if ($item->{'price'} ne $olditem->{'price'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'price', $olditem->{'price'}, $item->{'price'});
my $q_price=$dbh->quote($item->{'price'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set price=$q_price where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'c', $olditem->{'price'}, $item->{'price'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'c', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'price'}, $item->{'price'});
if ($item->{'itemnotes'} ne $olditem->{'itemnotes'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'itemnotes', $olditem->{'itemnotes'}, $item->{'itemnotes'});
my $q_itemnotes=$dbh->quote($item->{'itemnotes'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set itemnotes=$q_itemnotes where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = changeSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'c', $olditem->{'itemnotes'}, $item->{'itemnotes'}, $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'change', $Record_ID, '876', 'c', $Subfield_Key, $olditem->{'itemnotes'}, $item->{'itemnotes'});
if ($item->{'notforloan'} ne $olditem->{'notforloan'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'notforloan', $olditem->{'notforloan'}, $item->{'notforloan'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set notforloan=$notforloan where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
if ($item->{'notforloan'}) {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = addSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Not for loan', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'add', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Not for loan');
} else {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = deleteSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Not for loan', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'delete', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Not for loan');
if ($item->{'itemlost'} ne $olditem->{'itemlost'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'itemlost', $olditem->{'itemlost'}, $item->{'itemlost'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set itemlost=$itemlost where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
if ($item->{'itemlost'}) {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = addSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Item lost', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'add', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Item lost');
} else {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = deleteSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Item lost', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'delete', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Item lost');
if ($item->{'wthdrawn'} ne $olditem->{'wthdrawn'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'wthdrawn', $olditem->{'wthdrawn'}, $item->{'wthdrawn'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set wthdrawn=$wthdrawn where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
if ($item->{'wthdrawn'}) {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = addSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Withdrawn', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'add', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Withdrawn');
} else {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = deleteSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Withdrawn', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'delete', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Withdrawn');
if ($item->{'restricted'} ne $olditem->{'restricted'}) {
logchange('kohadb', 'change', 'items', 'restricted', $olditem->{'restricted'}, $item->{'restricted'});
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set restricted=$restricted where itemnumber=$itemnumber");
if ($item->{'restricted'}) {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = addSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Restricted', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'add', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Restricted');
} else {
my ($Subfield_ID, $Subfield_Key) = deleteSubfield($Record_ID, '876', 'h', 'Restricted', $Subfield876_ID);
logchange('marc', 'delete', $Record_ID, '876', 'h', $Subfield_Key, 'Restricted');
sub getorders {
my ($supplierid)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query = "Select count(*),authorisedby,entrydate,basketno from aqorders where
booksellerid='$supplierid' and (quantity > quantityreceived or
quantityreceived is NULL)
and (datecancellationprinted is NULL or datecancellationprinted = '0000-00-00')";
$query.=" group by basketno order by entrydate desc";
#print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
my $i=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
return ($i,\@results);
sub itemcount{
my ($biblio)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select count(*) from items where biblionumber=$biblio";
# print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub getorder{
my ($bi,$bib)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select ordernumber from aqorders where biblionumber=$bib and
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $ordnum=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $order=getsingleorder($ordnum->{'ordernumber'});
# print $query;
return ($order,$ordnum->{'ordernumber'});
sub getsingleorder {
my ($ordnum)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from biblio,biblioitems,aqorders,aqorderbreakdown
where aqorders.ordernumber='$ordnum'
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber and
biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=aqorders.biblioitemnumber and
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub invoice {
my ($invoice)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from aqorders,biblio,biblioitems where
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=
aqorders.biblioitemnumber group by aqorders.ordernumber,aqorders.biblioitemnumber";
my $i=0;
my @results;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub getallorders {
#gets all orders from a certain supplier, orders them alphabetically
my ($supid)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from aqorders,biblio,biblioitems where booksellerid='$supid'
and (cancelledby is NULL or cancelledby = '')
and (quantityreceived < quantity or quantityreceived is NULL)
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=
group by aqorders.biblioitemnumber
order by
my $i=0;
my @results;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub getrecorders {
#gets all orders from a certain supplier, orders them alphabetically
my ($supid)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from aqorders,biblio,biblioitems where booksellerid='$supid'
and (cancelledby is NULL or cancelledby = '')
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=
aqorders.biblioitemnumber and
and aqorders.datereceived >=now()
group by aqorders.biblioitemnumber
order by
my $i=0;
my @results;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub ordersearch {
my ($search,$biblio,$catview) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select *,biblio.title from aqorders,biblioitems,biblio
where aqorders.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
and ((datecancellationprinted is NULL)
or (datecancellationprinted = '0000-00-00'))
and ((";
my @data = split(' ',$search);
my $count = @data;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$query .= "(biblio.title like '$data[$i]%' or biblio.title like '% $data[$i]%') and ";
$query=~ s/ and $//;
$query.=" ) or biblioitems.isbn='$search'
or (aqorders.ordernumber='$search' and aqorders.biblionumber='$biblio')) ";
if ($catview ne 'yes'){
$query.=" and (quantityreceived < quantity or quantityreceived is NULL)";
$query.=" group by aqorders.ordernumber";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $i=0;
my @results;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
my $sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from biblio where
my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
$sth2=$dbh->prepare("Select * from aqorderbreakdown where
sub bookseller {
my ($searchstring)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from aqbooksellers where name like '%$searchstring%' or
id = '$searchstring'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
my $i=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub breakdown {
my ($id)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from aqorderbreakdown where ordernumber='$id'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
my $i=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub basket {
my ($basketno,$supplier)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select *,biblio.title from aqorders,biblio,biblioitems
where basketno='$basketno'
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber
and (datecancellationprinted is NULL or datecancellationprinted =
if ($supplier ne ''){
$query.=" and aqorders.booksellerid='$supplier'";
$query.=" group by aqorders.ordernumber";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
# print $query;
my $i=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub newbasket {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select max(basketno) from aqorders";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $basket=$$data[0];
sub bookfunds {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from aqbookfund,aqbudget where aqbookfund.bookfundid
group by aqbookfund.bookfundid order by bookfundname";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
my $i=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub branches {
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from branches";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $i = 0;
my @results;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$i] = $data;
} # while
return($i, @results);
} # sub branches
sub bookfundbreakdown {
my ($id)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select quantity,datereceived,freight,unitprice,listprice,ecost,quantityreceived,subscription
from aqorders,aqorderbreakdown where bookfundid='$id' and
and (datecancellationprinted is NULL or
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $comtd=0;
my $spent=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
if ($data->{'subscription'} == 1){
} else {
my $leftover=$data->{'quantity'}-$data->{'quantityreceived'};
sub newbiblio {
my ($biblio) = @_;
my $dbh = &C4Connect;
my $query = "Select max(biblionumber) from biblio";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $data = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $bibnum = $$data[0] + 1;
my $series = 0;
$biblio->{'title'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'title'});
$biblio->{'author'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'author'});
$biblio->{'copyright'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'copyright'});
$biblio->{'seriestitle'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'seriestitle'});
$biblio->{'notes'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'notes'});
$biblio->{'abstract'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'abstract'});
if ($biblio->{'seriestitle'}) { $series = 1 };
$query = "insert into biblio set
biblionumber = $bibnum,
title = $biblio->{'title'},
author = $biblio->{'author'},
copyrightdate = $biblio->{'copyright'},
serial = $series,
seriestitle = $biblio->{'seriestitle'},
notes = $biblio->{'notes'},
abstract = $biblio->{'abstract'}";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub modbiblio {
my ($biblio) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query;
my $sth;
$biblio->{'title'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'title'});
$biblio->{'author'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'author'});
$biblio->{'abstract'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'abstract'});
$biblio->{'copyrightdate'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'copyrightdate'});
$biblio->{'seriestitle'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'serirestitle'});
$biblio->{'serial'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'serial'});
$biblio->{'unititle'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'unititle'});
$biblio->{'notes'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'notes'});
$query = "Update biblio set
title = $biblio->{'title'},
author = $biblio->{'author'},
abstract = $biblio->{'abstract'},
copyrightdate = $biblio->{'copyrightdate'},
seriestitle = $biblio->{'seriestitle'},
serial = $biblio->{'serial'},
unititle = $biblio->{'unititle'},
notes = $biblio->{'notes'}
where biblionumber = $biblio->{'biblionumber'}";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
} # sub modbiblio
sub modsubtitle {
my ($bibnum, $subtitle) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "update bibliosubtitle set
subtitle = '$subtitle'
where biblionumber = $bibnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
} # sub modsubtitle
sub modaddauthor {
my ($bibnum, $author) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Delete from additionalauthors where biblionumber = $bibnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if ($author ne '') {
$query = "Insert into additionalauthors set
author = '$author',
biblionumber = '$bibnum'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
} # if
} # sub modaddauthor
sub modsubject {
my ($bibnum, $force, @subject) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $count = @subject;
my $error;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$subject[$i] =~ s/^ //g;
$subject[$i] =~ s/ $//g;
my $query = "select * from catalogueentry
where entrytype = 's'
and catalogueentry = '$subject[$i]'";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
} else {
if ($force eq $subject[$i]) {
# subject not in aut, chosen to force anway
# so insert into cataloguentry so its in auth file
$query = "Insert into catalogueentry
values ('s','$subject[$i]')";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query);
} else {
$error = "$subject[$i]\n does not exist in the subject authority file";
$query = "Select * from catalogueentry
where entrytype = 's'
and (catalogueentry like '$subject[$i] %'
or catalogueentry like '% $subject[$i] %'
or catalogueentry like '% $subject[$i]')";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
$error = $error."<br>$data->{'catalogueentry'}";
} # while
} # else
} # else
} # else
if ($error eq '') {
my $query = "Delete from bibliosubject where biblionumber = $bibnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("Insert into bibliosubject
values ('$subject[$i]', $bibnum)");
} # for
} # if
} # sub modsubject
sub modbibitem {
my ($biblioitem) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query;
$biblioitem->{'itemtype'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
$biblioitem->{'url'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'url'});
$biblioitem->{'isbn'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'isbn'});
$biblioitem->{'publishercode'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'publishercode'});
$biblioitem->{'publicationyear'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'publicationyear'});
$biblioitem->{'classification'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'classification'});
$biblioitem->{'dewey'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'dewey'});
$biblioitem->{'subclass'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'subclass'});
$biblioitem->{'illus'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'illus'});
$biblioitem->{'pages'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'pages'});
$biblioitem->{'volumeddesc'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'volumeddesc'});
$biblioitem->{'notes'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'notes'});
$biblioitem->{'size'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'size'});
$biblioitem->{'place'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'place'});
$query = "Update biblioitems set
itemtype = $biblioitem->{'itemtype'},
url = $biblioitem->{'url'},
isbn = $biblioitem->{'isbn'},
publishercode = $biblioitem->{'publishercode'},
publicationyear = $biblioitem->{'publicationyear'},
classification = $biblioitem->{'classification'},
dewey = $biblioitem->{'dewey'},
subclass = $biblioitem->{'subclass'},
illus = $biblioitem->{'illus'},
pages = $biblioitem->{'pages'},
volumeddesc = $biblioitem->{'volumeddesc'},
notes = $biblioitem->{'notes'},
size = $biblioitem->{'size'},
place = $biblioitem->{'place'}
where biblioitemnumber = $biblioitem->{'biblioitemnumber'}";
} # sub modbibitem
sub modnote {
my ($bibitemnum,$note)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update biblioitems set notes='$note' where
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
sub newbiblioitem {
my ($biblioitem) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select max(biblioitemnumber) from biblioitems";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $data;
my $bibitemnum;
$biblioitem->{'volume'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'volume'});
$biblioitem->{'number'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'number'});
$biblioitem->{'classification'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'classification'});
$biblioitem->{'itemtype'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
$biblioitem->{'url'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'url'});
$biblioitem->{'isbn'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'isbn'});
$biblioitem->{'issn'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'issn'});
$biblioitem->{'dewey'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'dewey'});
$biblioitem->{'subclass'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'subclass'});
$biblioitem->{'publicationyear'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'publicationyear'});
$biblioitem->{'publishercode'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'publishercode'});
$biblioitem->{'volumedate'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'volumedate'});
$biblioitem->{'volumeddesc'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'volumeddesc'}); $biblioitem->{'illus'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'illus'});
$biblioitem->{'illus'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'illus'});
$biblioitem->{'pages'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'pages'});
$biblioitem->{'notes'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'notes'});
$biblioitem->{'size'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'size'});
$biblioitem->{'place'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'place'});
$biblioitem->{'lccn'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'lccn'});
$biblioitem->{'marc'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'marc'});
$data = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
$bibitemnum = $$data[0] + 1;
$query = "insert into biblioitems set
biblioitemnumber = $bibitemnum,
biblionumber = $biblioitem->{'biblionumber'},
volume = $biblioitem->{'volume'},
number = $biblioitem->{'number'},
classification = $biblioitem->{'classification'},
itemtype = $biblioitem->{'itemtype'},
url = $biblioitem->{'url'},
isbn = $biblioitem->{'isbn'},
issn = $biblioitem->{'issn'},
dewey = $biblioitem->{'dewey'},
subclass = $biblioitem->{'subclass'},
publicationyear = $biblioitem->{'publicationyear'},
publishercode = $biblioitem->{'publishercode'},
volumedate = $biblioitem->{'volumedate'},
volumeddesc = $biblioitem->{'volumeddesc'},
illus = $biblioitem->{'illus'},
pages = $biblioitem->{'pages'},
notes = $biblioitem->{'notes'},
size = $biblioitem->{'size'},
lccn = $biblioitem->{'lccn'},
marc = $biblioitem->{'marc'},
place = $biblioitem->{'place'}";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub newsubject {
my ($bibnum)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="insert into bibliosubject (biblionumber) values
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
# print $query;
sub newsubtitle {
my ($bibnum, $subtitle) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
$subtitle = $dbh->quote($subtitle);
my $query = "insert into bibliosubtitle set
biblionumber = $bibnum,
subtitle = $subtitle";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub neworder {
my ($bibnum,$title,$ordnum,$basket,$quantity,$listprice,$supplier,$who,$notes,$bookfund,$bibitemnum,$rrp,$ecost,$gst,$budget,$cost,$sub,$invoice)=@_;
if ($budget eq 'now'){
} else {
if ($sub eq 'yes'){
} else {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="insert into aqorders (biblionumber,title,basketno,
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
# print $query;
$query="select * from aqorders where
biblionumber=$bibnum and basketno=$basket and ordernumber >=$ordnum";
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$query="insert into aqorderbreakdown (ordernumber,bookfundid) values
# print $query;
sub delorder {
my ($bibnum,$ordnum)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update aqorders set datecancellationprinted=now()
where biblionumber='$bibnum' and
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
#print $query;
my $count=itemcount($bibnum);
if ($count == 0){
sub modorder {
my ($title,$ordnum,$quantity,$listprice,$bibnum,$basketno,$supplier,$who,$notes,$bookfund,$bibitemnum,$rrp,$ecost,$gst,$budget,$cost,$invoice)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update aqorders set title='$title',
ordernumber=$ordnum and biblionumber=$bibnum";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
# print $query;
$query="update aqorderbreakdown set bookfundid=$bookfund where
# print $query;
sub newordernum {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select max(ordernumber) from aqorders";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $ordnum=$$data[0];
sub receiveorder {
my ($biblio,$ordnum,$quantrec,$user,$cost,$invoiceno,$bibitemno,$freight,$bookfund,$rrp)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update aqorders set quantityreceived='$quantrec',
where biblionumber=$biblio and ordernumber=$ordnum
# print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
$query="update aqorderbreakdown set bookfundid=$bookfund where
# print $query;
sub updaterecorder{
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update aqorders set
unitprice='$cost', rrp='$rrp'
where biblionumber=$biblio and ordernumber=$ordnum
# print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
$query="update aqorderbreakdown set bookfundid=$bookfund where
# print $query;
sub curconvert {
my ($currency,$price)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select rate from currency where currency='$currency'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $cur=$data->{'rate'};
if ($cur==0){
my $price=$price / $cur;
sub getcurrencies {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from currency";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
my $i=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub getcurrency {
my ($cur)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from currency where currency='$cur'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub updatecurrencies {
my ($currency,$rate)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update currency set rate=$rate where currency='$currency'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
sub updatesup {
my ($data)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Update aqbooksellers set
contphone='$data->{'contphone'}', contfax='$data->{'contfax'}', contaltphone=
'$data->{'contaltphone'}', contemail='$data->{'contemail'}', contnotes=
'$data->{'contnotes'}', active=$data->{'active'},
listprice='$data->{'listprice'}', invoiceprice='$data->{'invoiceprice'}',
gstreg=$data->{'gstreg'}, listincgst=$data->{'listincgst'},
invoiceincgst=$data->{'invoiceincgst'}, specialty='$data->{'specialty'}',
where id='$data->{'id'}'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
# print $query;
sub insertsup {
my ($data)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select max(id) from aqbooksellers");
my $data2=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("Insert into aqbooksellers (id) values ($data2->{'max(id)'})");
sub newitems {
my ($item, @barcodes) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select max(itemnumber) from items";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $data;
my $itemnumber;
my $error;
$data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$itemnumber = $data->{'max(itemnumber)'} + 1;
$item->{'booksellerid'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'booksellerid'});
$item->{'homebranch'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'homebranch'});
$item->{'price'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'price'});
$item->{'replacementprice'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'replacementprice'});
$item->{'itemnotes'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'itemnotes'});
foreach my $barcode (@barcodes) {
$barcode = uc($barcode);
$barcode = $dbh->quote($barcode);
$query = "Insert into items set
itemnumber = $itemnumber,
biblionumber = $item->{'biblionumber'},
biblioitemnumber = $item->{'biblioitemnumber'},
barcode = $barcode,
booksellerid = $item->{'booksellerid'},
dateaccessioned = NOW(),
homebranch = $item->{'homebranch'},
holdingbranch = $item->{'homebranch'},
price = $item->{'price'},
replacementprice = $item->{'replacementprice'},
replacementpricedate = NOW(),
itemnotes = $item->{'itemnotes'}";
if ($item->{'loan'}) {
$query .= ",
notforloan = $item->{'loan'}";
} # if
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$error .= $sth->errstr;
} # for
sub checkitems{
my ($count,@barcodes)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $error;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
$barcodes[$i]=uc $barcodes[$i];
my $query="Select * from items where barcode='$barcodes[$i]'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
$error.=" Duplicate Barcode: $barcodes[$i]";
sub moditem {
my ($loan,$itemnum,$bibitemnum,$barcode,$notes,$homebranch,$lost,$wthdrawn,$replacement)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update items set biblioitemnumber=$bibitemnum,
where itemnumber=$itemnum";
if ($barcode eq ''){
$query="update items set biblioitemnumber=$bibitemnum,notforloan=$loan where itemnumber=$itemnum";
if ($lost ne ''){
$query="update items set biblioitemnumber=$bibitemnum,
itemlost='$lost',wthdrawn='$wthdrawn' where itemnumber=$itemnum";
if ($replacement ne ''){
$query=~ s/ where/,replacementprice='$replacement' where/;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
sub updatecost{
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update items set price='$price',replacementprice='$rrp'
where itemnumber=$itemnum";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
sub countitems{
my ($bibitemnum)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select count(*) from items where biblioitemnumber='$bibitemnum'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub findall {
my ($biblionumber)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from biblioitems,items,itemtypes where
and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber=items.biblioitemnumber and
order by items.biblioitemnumber";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
my $i;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub needsmod{
my ($bibitemnum,$itemtype)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select * from biblioitems where biblioitemnumber=$bibitemnum
and itemtype='$itemtype'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $result=0;
if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
sub delitem{
my ($itemnum)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="select * from items where itemnumber=$itemnum";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my @data=$sth->fetchrow_array;
$query="Insert into deleteditems values (";
foreach my $temp (@data){
$query=~ s/\,$/\)/;
# print $query;
$query = "Delete from items where itemnumber=$itemnum";
sub deletebiblioitem {
my ($biblioitemnumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblioitems
where biblioitemnumber = $biblioitemnumber";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my @results;
if (@results = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$query = "Insert into deletedbiblioitems values (";
foreach my $value (@results) {
$value = $dbh->quote($value);
$query .= "$value,";
} # foreach
$query =~ s/\,$/\)/;
$query = "Delete from biblioitems
where biblioitemnumber = $biblioitemnumber";
} # if
# Now delete all the items attached to the biblioitem
$query = "Select * from items where biblioitemnumber = $biblioitemnumber";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (@results = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$query = "Insert into deleteditems values (";
foreach my $value (@results) {
$value = $dbh->quote($value);
$query .= "$value,";
} # foreach
$query =~ s/\,$/\)/;
} # while
$query = "Delete from items where biblioitemnumber = $biblioitemnumber";
} # sub deletebiblioitem
sub delbiblio{
my ($biblio)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="select * from biblio where biblionumber=$biblio";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if (my @data=$sth->fetchrow_array){
$query="Insert into deletedbiblio values (";
foreach my $temp (@data){
$temp=~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
$query=~ s/\,$/\)/;
# print $query;
$query = "Delete from biblio where biblionumber=$biblio";
sub getitemtypes {
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "select * from itemtypes";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# || die "Cannot prepare $query" . $dbh->errstr;
my $count = 0;
my @results;
# || die "Cannot execute $query\n" . $sth->errstr;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
@results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub getitemtypes
sub getbiblio {
my ($biblionumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblio where biblionumber = $biblionumber";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# || die "Cannot prepare $query\n" . $dbh->errstr;
my $count = 0;
my @results;
# || die "Cannot execute $query\n" . $sth->errstr;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub getbiblio
sub getbiblioitem {
my ($biblioitemnum) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblioitems where
biblioitemnumber = $biblioitemnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $count = 0;
my @results;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub getbiblioitem
sub getbiblioitembybiblionumber {
my ($biblionumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblioitems where biblionumber =
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $count = 0;
my @results;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub
sub getitemsbybiblioitem {
my ($biblioitemnum) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from items, biblio where
biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber and biblioitemnumber
= $biblioitemnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# || die "Cannot prepare $query\n" . $dbh->errstr;
my $count = 0;
my @results;
# || die "Cannot execute $query\n" . $sth->errstr;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub getitemsbybiblioitem
sub isbnsearch {
my ($isbn) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $count = 0;
my $query;
my $sth;
my @results;
$isbn = $dbh->quote($isbn);
$query = "Select biblio.* from biblio, biblioitems where
biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber
and isbn = $isbn";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub isbnsearch
sub websitesearch {
my ($keywordlist) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select distinct biblio.* from biblio, biblioitems where
biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber and (";
my $count = 0;
my $sth;
my @results;
my @keywords = split(/ +/, $keywordlist);
my $keyword = shift(@keywords);
$keyword =~ s/%/\\%/g;
$keyword =~ s/_/\\_/;
$keyword = "%" . $keyword . "%";
$keyword = $dbh->quote($keyword);
$query .= " (url like $keyword)";
foreach $keyword (@keywords) {
$keyword =~ s/%/\\%/;
$keyword =~ s/_/\\_/;
$keyword = "%" . $keyword . "%";
$keyword = $dbh->quote($keyword);
$query .= " or (url like $keyword)";
} # foreach
$query .= ")";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub websitesearch
sub addwebsite {
my ($website) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query;
$website->{'biblionumber'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'biblionumber'});
$website->{'title'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'title'});
$website->{'description'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'description'});
$website->{'url'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'url'});
$query = "Insert into websites set
biblionumber = $website->{'biblionumber'},
title = $website->{'title'},
description = $website->{'description'},
url = $website->{'url'}";
} # sub website
sub updatewebsite {
my ($website) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query;
$website->{'title'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'title'});
$website->{'description'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'description'});
$website->{'url'} = $dbh->quote($website->{'url'});
$query = "Update websites set
title = $website->{'title'},
description = $website->{'description'},
url = $website->{'url'}
where websitenumber = $website->{'websitenumber'}";
} # sub updatewebsite
sub deletewebsite {
my ($websitenumber) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Delete from websites where websitenumber = $websitenumber";
} # sub deletewebsite
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)