PerplexedTheta 3040f46d5e
Bug 32216: Add print notices to membership_expiry.pl
This patch adds print notice functionality to the membership_expiry.pl script,
by adding both conditional and and forced modes. When passing only --confirm,
the script will check the patron's record for an email address. If one is
found, an email notice is generated. If one is not, a print notice is used
instead. By adding a -p flag, print notices will be generated, even if an
email address is present.

To test:
a)  set the MembershipExpiryDaysNotice syspref to 7 days
b)  choose or set up half a dozen patrons with expiry dates
    1)  take heed: these expiry dates will need to be T+7 days
c)  add fake email addresses to two of the patrons
    1)  take heed: the other patrons should have no primary or secondary
d)  set up the MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY notice
    a)  set content & subject in the email notice to contain the word
    b)  set content & subject in the print notice to contain the word
e)  run ./misc/cronjobs/membership_expiry.pl -n -c
    1)  notice how the printed notices contain the word email
f)  run ./misc/cronjobs/membership_expiry.pl -c
g)  check the notices for the patrons from step b
    1)  notice how only email notices are generated
i)  repeat step e
    1)  notice how a mix of email and print notices are now generated
j)  run ./misc/cronjobs/membership_expiry.pl -n -p -c
    1)  notice how the output is the same as in step i - this is by
k)  repeat steps f-g
    1)  notice how some patrons will only get an email notice, whilst
        others will only get a print notice
    2)  this should occur based on which patrons do, or do not have a
        valid primary or secondary email
l)  run ./misc/cronjobs/membership_expiry.pl -p -c
m)  repeat step g
    1)  notice that all patrons now get a print notice, whilst some get
        both a print notice, and an email notice. Again, this should
        occur based on whether the patron has a valid primary or
        secondary email

Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste Henry <andrew@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2025-02-27 17:32:32 +01:00
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