Thibaud Guillot 45c4b936f5
Bug 35514: Fix total cost update when adding multiple items to order
Test plan:

1) Create a basket and add an order line to go on neworderempty.pl
   (the new order form)
2) Choose to add one item and repeat the operation
3) See on form that the total cost is updated without update vendor
4) Now add multiple items, for example, "2" you will see that the total
   cost is not updated
5) Apply this patch, refresh form and repeat steps 3 to 5

Signed-off-by: Michał Dudzik <dudzikmichal@wp.pl>
Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <victor@tuxayo.net>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2024-01-29 12:25:03 +01:00

326 lines
13 KiB

/* global __ */
/* exported addItem checkCount showItem deleteItemBlock clearItemBlock check_additem */
function addItem( node, unique_item_fields ) {
var item_form = $(node).closest("div");
var index = item_form.attr("id");
//We need to verify the item form before saving
var empty_item_mandatory = CheckMandatorySubfields(item_form);
if (empty_item_mandatory > 0) {
var _alertString= _("Form not submitted because of the following problem(s)")+"\n";
_alertString +="-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
_alertString +=
"\n- " + _("%s item mandatory fields empty").format(empty_item_mandatory);
return false;
var current_qty = parseInt($("#quantity").val());
var max_qty;
if($("#quantity_to_receive").length != 0){
max_qty = parseInt($("#quantity_to_receive").val());
} else {
max_qty = 99999;
if ( $("#items_list table").find('tr[idblock="' + index + '"]').length == 0 ) {
if ( current_qty < max_qty ) {
if ( current_qty < max_qty - 1 )
cloneItemBlock(index, unique_item_fields);
addItemInList(index, unique_item_fields);
$("#" + index).find("input[name='buttonPlus']").val( __("Update item") );
$("#"+ index).find("input[name='buttonPlusMulti']").remove();
$("#" + index).find("input[name='multiValue']").remove();
$("#quantity").val(current_qty + 1).change();
} else if ( current_qty >= max_qty ) {
alert( __("You can't receive any more items") );
} else {
if ( current_qty < max_qty )
cloneItemBlock(index, unique_item_fields);
var tr = constructTrNode(index);
$("#items_list table").find('tr[idblock="' + index + '"]:first').replaceWith(tr);
$("#" + index).hide();
function addMulti( count, node, unique_item_fields){
var index = $(node).closest("div").attr('id');
var countItemsBefore = $("#items_list tbody tr").length;
var current_qty = parseInt( $('#quantity').val(), 10 );
$("#" + index).hide();
for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
cloneItemBlock(index, unique_item_fields, function(cloneIndex){
addItemInList(cloneIndex,unique_item_fields, function(){
if( ($("#items_list tbody tr").length-countItemsBefore)==(count)){
$('#'+index + ' #add_multiple_copies' ).css("visibility","hidden");
$("#" + cloneIndex).find("input[name='buttonPlus']").val( ( __("Update item") ) );
$("#" + cloneIndex).find("input[name='buttonPlusMulti']").remove();
$("#" + cloneIndex).find("input[name='multiValue']").remove();
$("#" + cloneIndex).hide();
$('#quantity').val( current_qty ).change();
function checkCount(node, unique_item_fields){
var count = parseInt( $("#multiValue").val(), 10 );
if ( isNaN( count ) || count <=0) {
addMulti( count, node, unique_item_fields);
function showItem(index) {
if ( $(this).attr('id') == index ) {
} else {
if ( $("#items_list table").find('tr[idblock="' + $(this).attr('id') + '"]').length == 0 ) {
} else {
function constructTrNode(index, unique_item_fields) {
var fields = ['barcode', 'homebranch', 'holdingbranch', 'notforloan',
'restricted', 'location', 'itemcallnumber', 'copynumber',
'stocknumber', 'ccode', 'itype', 'materials', 'itemnotes'];
var result = "<tr idblock='" + index + "'>";
var edit_link = "<a href='#itemfieldset' style='text-decoration:none' onclick='showItem(\"" + index + "\");' class='btn btn-default btn-xs'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> "
+ ( __("Edit") ) + "</a>";
var del_link = "<a style='cursor:pointer' "
+ "onclick='deleteItemBlock(this, \"" + index + "\", \"" + unique_item_fields + "\");' class='btn btn-default btn-xs'><i class='fa fa-trash-can'></i> "
+ ( __("Delete") ) + "</a>";
result += "<td class='actions'>" + edit_link + " " + del_link + "</td>";
for(var i in fields) {
var field = fields[i];
var field_elt = $("#" + index)
var field_value;
if($(field_elt).is('select')) {
field_value = $(field_elt).find("option:selected").text();
} else {
field_value = $(field_elt).val();
if (field_value == undefined) {
field_value = '';
result += "<td>" + field_value + "</td>";
result += "</tr>";
return result;
function addItemInList(index, unique_item_fields, callback) {
var tr = constructTrNode(index, unique_item_fields);
$("#items_list table tbody").append(tr);
if (typeof callback === "function"){
function deleteItemBlock(node_a, index, unique_item_fields) {
$("#" + index).remove();
var current_qty = parseInt($("#quantity").val());
var max_qty;
if($("#quantity_to_receive").length != 0) {
max_qty = parseInt($("#quantity_to_receive").val());
} else {
max_qty = 99999;
$("#quantity").val(current_qty - 1).change();
if(current_qty - 1 == 0)
if ( $("#quantity").val() <= max_qty - 1) {
if ( $("#outeritemblock").children("div :visible").length == 0 ) {
if ( $("#quantity").val() == 0 && $("#outeritemblock > div").length == 0) {
cloneItemBlock(0, unique_item_fields);
function cloneItemBlock(index, unique_item_fields, callback) {
var original;
if(index) {
original = $("#" + index); //original <div>
var dont_copy_fields = new Array();
if(unique_item_fields) {
dont_copy_fields = unique_item_fields.split('|');
for(var i in dont_copy_fields) {
dont_copy_fields[i] = "items." + dont_copy_fields[i];
url: "/cgi-bin/koha/services/itemrecorddisplay.pl",
dataType: 'html',
data: {
frameworkcode: 'ACQ'
success: function(data) {
/* Create the item block */
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000); // get a random itemid.
var clone = $("<div/>", { id: 'itemblock'+random });
/* Change all itemid fields value */
/* Add buttons + and Clear */
var buttonPlus = "<fieldset class=\"action\">";
buttonPlus += '<input type="button" class="addItemControl" name="buttonPlus" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0 1em;" onclick="addItem(this,\'' + unique_item_fields + '\')" value="' + ( __("Add item") )+ '" />';
buttonPlus += '<input type="button" class="addItemControl cancel" name="buttonClear" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="clearItemBlock(this)" value="' + __("Clear") + '" />';
buttonPlus += '<input type="button" class="addItemControl" name="buttonPlusMulti" onclick="javascript:this.nextSibling.style.display=\'inline\'; this.nextSibling.style.visibility=\'visible\'; return false;" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0 1em;" value="' + __("Add multiple items") + '" />';
buttonPlus += '<span id="add_multiple_copies" style="display:none">'
+ '<input type="text" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*" class="addItemControl" id="multiValue" name="multiValue" placeholder="' + __("Number of items to add") + '" />'
+ '<input type="button" class="addItemControl" name="buttonAddMulti" style="cursor:pointer; margin:0 1em;" onclick="checkCount( this ,\'' + unique_item_fields + '\')" value="' + __("Add") + '" />'
+ '<div class="dialog message">' + __("NOTE: Fields listed in the 'UniqueItemFields' system preference will not be copied") + '</div>'
+ '</span>';
buttonPlus += "</fieldset>";
/* Copy values from the original block (input) */
var kohafield = $(this).siblings("input[name='kohafield']").val();
if($(this).val() && $.inArray(kohafield,dont_copy_fields) == -1) {
$(this).closest("li div").attr("id").match(/^(subfield.)/);
var id = RegExp.$1;
var value = $(this).val();
$(clone).find("div[id^='"+id+"'] input[name='field_value']").val(value);
/* Copy values from the original block (select) */
var kohafield = $(this).siblings("input[name='kohafield']").val();
if($(this).val() && $.inArray(kohafield,dont_copy_fields) == -1) {
var id = RegExp.$1;
var value = $(this).val();
$(clone).find("div[id^='"+id+"'] select[name='field_value']").val(value);
if (typeof callback === "function"){
var cloneIndex = "itemblock"+random;
function BindPluginEvents(data) {
// the script tag in data for plugins contains a document ready that binds
// the events for the plugin
// when we append, this code does not get executed anymore; so we do it here
var events= data.match(/BindEventstag_\d+_subfield_._\d+/g);
if ( events == null ) return;
for(var i=0; i<events.length; i++) {
if( i<events.length-1 && events[i]==events[i+1] ) { i++; }
// normally we find the function name twice
function clearItemBlock(node) {
var index = $(node).closest("div").attr('id');
var block = $("#"+index);
$(this).find("option:first").attr("selected", true);
function check_additem(unique_item_fields) {
var success = true;
var data = new Object();
data['field'] = new Array();
data['value'] = new Array();
var array_fields = unique_item_fields.split('|');
$(".order_error").empty(); // Clear error div
// Check if a value is duplicated in form
for ( var field in array_fields ) {
var fieldname = array_fields[field];
if (fieldname == '') {
var values = new Array();
$("[name='kohafield'][value='items."+ fieldname +"']").each(function(){
var input = $(this).prevAll("input[name='field_value']")[0];
if($(input).val()) {
var sorted_arr = values.sort();
for (var i = 0; i < sorted_arr.length - 1; i += 1) {
if (sorted_arr[i + 1] == sorted_arr[i]) {
fieldname + " '" + sorted_arr[i] + "' "
+ __("is duplicated")
+ "<br/>");
success = false;
// If there is a duplication, we raise an error
if ( success == false ) {
return false;
url: '/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/check_uniqueness.pl',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: function(data) {
for (var field in data) {
success = false;
for (var i=0; i < data[field].length; i++) {
var value = data[field][i];
field + " '" + value + "' "
+ __("already exists in database")
+ "<br />"
if ( success == false ) {
return success;