Jared Camins-Esakov 90424fb4ca Bug 8204 follow-up: don't display OpacNav on auth details
Based on the way we handle the bib details page, it seems we should
not be displaying OpacNav on the authority details pages on the OPAC.
This patch removes them.

Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
2012-09-07 18:33:10 +02:00

167 lines
6.5 KiB

[% BLOCK authtypelabel %]
[% UNLESS ( type=='seefrom' || type=='seealso' || type=='' ) %]
<span class="type">[% FILTER trim %][% SWITCH type %]
[% CASE 'earlier' %]Earlier heading
[% CASE 'later' %]Later heading
[% CASE 'acronym' %]Acronym
[% CASE 'musical' %]Musical composition
[% CASE 'broader' %]Broader heading
[% CASE 'narrower' %]Narrower heading
[% CASE %][% type %]
[% END %][% END %]</span>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK otherscript %]
[% FOREACH heading IN headings %]
[% IF heading.category == wantcategory %]
[% IF heading.direction == 'ltr' %]
<div class="heading otherscript [% heading.category %]">
<span class="[% heading.category %]">[% heading.term %]</span>
[% ELSIF heading.direction == 'rtl' %]
<div class="heading otherscript [% heading.category %] rtl">
<span class="[% heading.category %]">[% heading.term %]</span>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% BLOCK authheadingdisplay %]
[% IF authid %]<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-authoritiesdetail.pl?authid=[% authid %]">[% heading %]</a>
[% ELSIF search %]<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-authorities-home.pl?op=do_search&type=opac&operator=contains&marclist=mainentry&and_ora=and&orderby=HeadingAsc&value=[% search %]">[% heading %]</a>
[% ELSE %][% heading %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %][% IF ( LibraryNameTitle ) %][% LibraryNameTitle %][% ELSE %]Koha online[% END %] catalog &rsaquo; Entry
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %]
[% IF ( displayhierarchy ) %]
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[% themelang %]/css/hierarchy.css">
[% END %]
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
[% IF ( displayhierarchy ) %]
function showParents(mynumber) {
var parents=document.getElementsByName(mynumber+'p')
if (parents[i].style.display == "none") {
parents[i].style.display ="block";
} else {
parents[i].style.display ="none";
function showChildren(mynumber) {
var children=document.getElementsByName(mynumber+'c')
if (children[i].style.display == "none") {
children[i].style.display = "block";
} else {
children[i].style.display = "none";
[% END %]
<body id="opac-authoritiesdetail">
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t7">
<div id="bd">
[% INCLUDE 'masthead.inc' %]
<div id="yui-main">
<div class="yui-b"><div class="yui-g">
<div id="views"><span class="view"><span id="Normalview">Normal view</span></span> <span class="view"><a id="MARCview" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-authoritiesdetail.pl?authid=[% authid %]&marc=1">MARC view</a></span></div>
<div id="userauthdetails" class="container">
[% IF ( displayhierarchy ) %]
<div class="hierarchies">
[% FOREACH loophierarchie IN loophierarchies %]
<div class="hierarchy">
[% FOREACH loopelemen IN loophierarchie.loopelement %]
<div id="[% loopelemen.loopauthid %]" class="[% loopelemen.class %]">
[% IF ( loopelemen.current_value ) %]
[% loopelemen.value %]
[% ELSE %]
<a href="opac-authoritiesdetail.pl?authid=[% loopelemen.loopauthid %]" title="Term">[% loopelemen.value %]</a>
[% END %]
[% IF ( loopelemen.ifchildren ) %]
<sub><a class="parents" title="Narrower terms" href="JavaScript:showChildren('[% loopelemen.loopauthid %]');">+</a></sub><br/>
[% FOREACH loopchildre IN loopelemen.loopchildren %]
<div name="[% loopchildre.loopauthid %]c" class="child"> <a href="opac-authoritiesdetail.pl?authid=[% loopchildre.childauthid %]">[% loopchildre.childvalue %]</a></div>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<h1>[% summary.mainentry %][% IF authtypetext %]([% authtypetext %])[% END %]</h1>
<div class="usedin">Used in <a href="opac-search.pl?type=opac&amp;q=[% authid %]&amp;idx=an,phr">[% count %] records</a></div>
<div class="authstanza">
[% FOREACH authorize IN summary.authorized %]
<div class="heading authorized auth[% seefro.field %]"><span class="label">Preferred form: </span><span class="authorized">[% authorize.heading %]</span></div>
[% END %]
[% PROCESS otherscript headings=summary.otherscript wantcategory='preferred' %]
[% IF summary.seefrom.size %]
<div class="authstanza seefrom">
<div class="authstanzaheading">Used for/see from:</div>
<ul class="seefrom">
[% FOREACH seefro IN summary.seefrom %]
<li class="heading seefrom auth[% seefro.field %]">
[% IF seefro.type && seefro.type != 'seefrom' %]<span class="label">[% PROCESS authtypelabel type=seefro.type | trim %]:</span>[% END %]
<span class="seefrom">[% PROCESS authheadingdisplay heading=seefro.heading search=seefrosearch authid=seefro.authid %]</span>
[% END %]
[% PROCESS otherscript headings=summary.otherscript wantcategory='seefrom' %]
[% END %]
[% IF summary.seealso.size %]
<div class="authstanza seealso">
<div class="authstanzaheading">See also:</div>
<ul class="seelso">
[% FOREACH seeals IN summary.seealso %]
<li class="heading seealso auth[% seeals.field %]">[% IF seeals.type && seeals.type != 'seealso' %]<span class="label">[% PROCESS authtypelabel type=seeals.type | trim %]:</span>[% END %]
<span class="seealso">[% PROCESS authheadingdisplay heading=seeals.heading search=seeals.search authid=seeals.authid %]</span>
[% END %]
[% PROCESS otherscript headings=summary.otherscript wantcategory='seealso' %]
[% END %]
[% IF marcflavour == 'UNIMARC' && summary.otherscript %]
<div class="authstanza">
[% FOREACH otherscrip IN summary.otherscript %]
<div class="heading otherscript auth[% otherscrip.field %]"><span class="label">See also[% PROCESS language lang=otherscript.lang | trim %] term:</span>
<span class="otherscript">[% otherscrip.term %]</span>
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div id="authdescriptions" class="toptabs">
<li id="tab_descriptions" class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#descriptions">Notes</a></li>
<div id="descriptions">
<div class="content_set">
[% FOREACH note IN summary.notes %]
<p class="note auth[% note.field %]">[% note.note %]</p>
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'opac-bottom.inc' %]