2008-07-16 18:49:37 -05:00

5 lines
937 B

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<h1 id="sfz16"><font size="5" id="sfz17">Log View<br /></font></h1><ul><li>The log viewer will show you what actions are being taking in your ILS during a set time period</li><li>Choose the start and end date you'd like to see and click 'Go' to see the results on your screen</li><li>You also have the option of exporting this data to use in a different format just by choosing to export to an application.<ul><li>This will result in a comma separated value (csv) file.</li></ul></li><li>You can also choose to filter what you see by any of the fields visible.</li></ul><br /><br /><strong>Why aren't my cataloging actions being logged?</strong><br /><br />You may not have the 'Logs' system preference turned on<br /> <ul><li><em>Get there:</em> More &gt; Administration &gt; Global System Preferences &gt; Logs</li></ul>
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