Martin Renvoize 6744b9979a
Bug 35398: Add unit test for extraction of library_rotation_plan
This unit test addition adds an LRP segment to the test EDI message file
and adds the corresponding test to confirm is it extracted into the
field as expected.

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
2024-03-07 15:02:46 +01:00

138 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use Test::More tests => 41;
use Koha::EDI;
BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Edifact') }
my $filename = "$Bin/edi_testfiles/prquotes_73050_20140430.CEQ";
my $quote = Koha::Edifact->new( { filename => $filename, } );
isa_ok( $quote, 'Koha::Edifact' );
my $x = $quote->interchange_header('sender');
is( $x, '5013546027856', "sender returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_header('recipient');
is( $x, '5030670137480', "recipient returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_header('datetime');
is( $x->[0], '140430', "datetime returned" );
my $control_reference = 'EDIQ2857763';
$x = $quote->interchange_header('interchange_control_reference');
is( $x, $control_reference, "interchange_control_reference returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_header('application_reference');
is( $x, 'QUOTES', "application_reference returned" );
$x = $quote->interchange_trailer('interchange_control_count');
is( $x, 1, "interchange_control_count returned" );
my $msgs = $quote->message_array();
my $msg_count = @{$msgs};
is( $msg_count, 1, "correct message count returned" );
my $m = $msgs->[0];
is( $m->message_type, 'QUOTES', "Message shows correct type" );
is( $m->message_reference_number,
'MQ09791', "Message reference number returned" );
is( $m->docmsg_number, 'Q741588', "Message docmsg number returned" );
is( $m->message_date, '20140430', "Message date returned" );
is( $m->buyer_ean, '5030670137480', 'buyer ean returned');
my $lin = $m->lineitems();
my $num_lines = @{$lin};
is( $num_lines, 18, 'Correct number of lines in message' );
my $test_line = $lin->[-1];
is( $test_line->line_item_number, 18, 'correct line number returned' );
is( $test_line->item_number_id, '9780273761006', 'correct ean returned' );
is( $test_line->quantity, 1, 'quantity returned' );
is( $test_line->price_info, 114.97, 'price returned' );
is( $test_line->price_info_inclusive, undef, 'discounted price undefined as expected' );
my $test_title = 'International business [electronic resource]';
my $marcrec = $test_line->marc_record;
isa_ok( $marcrec, 'MARC::Record' );
my $title = $test_line->title();
# also tests components are concatenated
is( $title, $test_title, "Title returned" );
# problems currently with the record (needs leader ??)
#is( $marcrec->title(), $test_title, "Title returned from marc");
my $test_author = q{Rugman, Alan M.};
is( $test_line->author, $test_author, "Author returned" );
is( $test_line->publisher, 'Pearson Education', "Publisher returned" );
is( $test_line->publication_date, q{2012.}, "Pub. date returned" );
# Test data encoded in GIR
my $stock_category = $test_line->girfield('stock_category');
is( $stock_category, 'EBOOK', "stock_category returned" );
my $branch = $test_line->girfield('branch');
is( $branch, 'ELIB', "branch returned" );
my $fund_allocation = $test_line->girfield('fund_allocation');
is( $fund_allocation, '660BOO_2013', "fund_allocation returned" );
my $sequence_code = $test_line->girfield('sequence_code');
is( $sequence_code, 'EBOO', "sequence_code returned" );
#my $shelfmark = $test_line->girfield('shelfmark');
#my $classification = $test_line->girfield('classification');
## text the free_text returned from the line
my $test_line_2 = $lin->[12];
my $ftx_string = 'E*610.72* - additional items';
is( $test_line_2->orderline_free_text, $ftx_string, "ftx note retrieved" );
my $filename2 = "$Bin/edi_testfiles/QUOTES_413514.CEQ";
my $q2 = Koha::Edifact->new( { filename => $filename2, } );
my $messages = $q2->message_array();
my $orderlines = $messages->[0]->lineitems();
my $ol = $orderlines->[0];
my $y = $ol->girfield( 'copy_value', 5 );
is( $y, undef, 'No extra item generated' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'copy_value', 1 );
is( $y, '16.99', 'Copy Price returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'classification', 4 );
is( $y, '914.1061', 'Copy classification returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'fund_allocation', 4 );
is( $y, 'REF', 'Copy fund returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'branch', 4 );
is( $y, 'SOU', 'Copy Branch returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'sequence_code', 4 );
is( $y, 'ANF', 'Sequence code returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'stock_category', 4 );
is( $y, 'RS', 'Copy stock category returned' );
$y = $ol->girfield( 'library_rotation_plan', 0);
is( $y, 'WRPC2', 'Library rotation plan returned' );
# test internal routines for prices
my $dp = Koha::EDI::_discounted_price(33.0, 9);
is( $dp, 6.03, 'Discount calculated' );
$dp = Koha::EDI::_discounted_price(0.0, 9);
is( $dp, 9.0, 'Discount calculated with discount = 0' );
$dp = Koha::EDI::_discounted_price(0.0, 9, 8.0);
is( $dp, 8.0, 'Discount overridden by incoming calculated value');