Tomas Cohen Arazi 99e2686a49 Bug 11533: (regression test) QP breaks authority search
This patch duplicates the SearchAuthority tests, with QP enabled.
Searching shouldn't be affected by QP. Instructions for manually
reproducing this can be read in the first comment for the bug entry.

Sponsored-by: Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
2014-01-24 14:02:41 +00:00

839 lines
46 KiB

# This Koha test module is a stub!
# Add more tests here!!!
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use YAML;
use C4::Debug;
require C4::Context;
use Test::More tests => 216;
use Test::MockModule;
use MARC::Record;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use Test::Warn;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use File::Path;
use DBI;
# work around spurious wide character warnings
binmode Test::More->builder->output, ":utf8";
binmode Test::More->builder->failure_output, ":utf8";
our $child;
our $datadir;
sub index_sample_records_and_launch_zebra {
my ($datadir, $indexing_mode, $marc_type) = @_;
my $sourcedir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/data";
if (-f "$sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/biblio/exported_records") {
my $zebra_bib_cfg = ($indexing_mode eq 'dom') ? 'zebra-biblios-dom.cfg' : 'zebra-biblios.cfg';
system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_bib_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d biblios init");
system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_bib_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d biblios update $sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/biblio");
system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_bib_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d biblios commit");
if (-f "$sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/authority/exported_records") {
my $zebra_auth_cfg = ($indexing_mode eq 'dom') ? 'zebra-authorities-dom.cfg' : 'zebra-authorities.cfg';
system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_auth_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d authorities init");
system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_auth_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d authorities update $sourcedir/${marc_type}/zebraexport/authority");
system("zebraidx -c $datadir/etc/koha/zebradb/$zebra_auth_cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g iso2709 -d authorities commit");
$child = fork();
if ($child == 0) {
exec("zebrasrv -f $datadir/etc/koha-conf.xml -v none,request -l $datadir/zebra.log");
sub cleanup {
if ($child) {
kill 9, $child;
# Clean up the Zebra files since the child process was just shot
rmtree $datadir;
# Fall back to make sure that the Zebra process
# and files get cleaned up
our $QueryStemming = 0;
our $QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
our $QueryWeightFields = 0;
our $QueryFuzzy = 0;
our $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0;
our $UseQueryParser = 0;
our $marcflavour = 'MARC21';
our $contextmodule = new Test::MockModule('C4::Context');
$contextmodule->mock('_new_dbh', sub {
my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'DBI:Mock:', '', '' )
|| die "Cannot create handle: $DBI::errstr\n";
return $dbh });
$contextmodule->mock('preference', sub {
my ($self, $pref) = @_;
if ($pref eq 'marcflavour') {
return $marcflavour;
} elsif ($pref eq 'QueryStemming') {
return $QueryStemming;
} elsif ($pref eq 'QueryAutoTruncate') {
return $QueryAutoTruncate;
} elsif ($pref eq 'QueryWeightFields') {
return $QueryWeightFields;
} elsif ($pref eq 'QueryFuzzy') {
return $QueryFuzzy;
} elsif ($pref eq 'QueryRemoveStopwords') {
return $QueryRemoveStopwords;
} elsif ($pref eq 'UseQueryParser') {
return $UseQueryParser;
} elsif ($pref eq 'maxRecordsForFacets') {
return 20;
} elsif ($pref eq 'FacetLabelTruncationLength') {
return 20;
} elsif ($pref eq 'OpacHiddenItems') {
return '';
} elsif ($pref eq 'AlternateHoldingsField') {
return '490av';
} elsif ($pref eq 'authoritysep') {
return '--';
} else {
warn "The syspref $pref was requested but I don't know what to say; this indicates that the test requires updating"
unless $pref =~ m/(XSLT|item|branch|holding|image)/i;
return 0;
$contextmodule->mock('queryparser', sub {
my $QParser = Koha::QueryParser::Driver::PQF->new();
return $QParser;
sub mock_marcfromkohafield {
my $marc_type = shift;
if ($marc_type eq 'marc21') {
$contextmodule->mock('marcfromkohafield', sub {
return {
'' => {
'biblio.biblionumber' => [ '999', 'c' ],
'items.barcode' => ['952', 'p' ],
'items.booksellerid' => ['952', 'e' ],
'items.ccode' => ['952', '8' ],
'items.cn_sort' => ['952', '6' ],
'items.cn_source' => ['952', '2' ],
'items.coded_location_qualifier' => ['952', 'f' ],
'items.copynumber' => ['952', 't' ],
'items.damaged' => ['952', '4' ],
'items.dateaccessioned' => ['952', 'd' ],
'items.datelastborrowed' => ['952', 's' ],
'items.datelastseen' => ['952', 'r' ],
'items.enumchron' => ['952', 'h' ],
'items.holdingbranch' => ['952', 'b' ],
'items.homebranch' => ['952', 'a' ],
'items.issues' => ['952', 'l' ],
'items.itemcallnumber' => ['952', 'o' ],
'items.itemlost' => ['952', '1' ],
'items.itemnotes' => ['952', 'z' ],
'items.itemnumber' => ['952', '9' ],
'items.itype' => ['952', 'y' ],
'items.location' => ['952', 'c' ],
'items.materials' => ['952', '3' ],
'items.nonpublicnote' => ['952', 'x' ],
'items.notforloan' => ['952', '7' ],
'items.onloan' => ['952', 'q' ],
'items.price' => ['952', 'g' ],
'items.renewals' => ['952', 'm' ],
'items.replacementprice' => ['952', 'v' ],
'items.replacementpricedate' => ['952', 'w' ],
'items.reserves' => ['952', 'n' ],
'items.restricted' => ['952', '5' ],
'items.stack' => ['952', 'j' ],
'items.uri' => ['952', 'u' ],
'items.withdrawn' => ['952', '0' ]
sub run_marc21_search_tests {
my $indexing_mode = shift;
$datadir = tempdir();
system(dirname(__FILE__) . "/zebra_config.pl $datadir marc21 $indexing_mode");
my $context = new C4::Context("$datadir/etc/koha-conf.xml");
"zebra_bib_index_mode is properly set to '$indexing_mode' in the created koha-conf.xml file (BZ11499)");
"zebra_auth_index_mode is properly set to '$indexing_mode' in the created koha-conf.xml file (BZ11499)");
# set search syspreferences to a known starting point
$QueryStemming = 0;
$QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
$QueryWeightFields = 0;
$QueryFuzzy = 0;
$QueryRemoveStopwords = 0;
$UseQueryParser = 0;
$marcflavour = 'MARC21';
foreach my $string ("Leçon","modèles") {
my @results=C4::Search::_remove_stopwords($string,"kw");
$debug && warn "$string ",Dump(@results);
ok($results[0] eq $string,"$string is not modified");
foreach my $string ("A book about the stars") {
my @results=C4::Search::_remove_stopwords($string,"kw");
$debug && warn "$string ",Dump(@results);
ok($results[0] ne $string,"$results[0] from $string");
my $indexes = C4::Search::getIndexes();
is(scalar(grep(/^ti$/, @$indexes)), 1, "Title index supported");
my $bibliomodule = new Test::MockModule('C4::Biblio');
$bibliomodule->mock('_get_inverted_marc_field_map', sub {
my %hash = (
'' => {
'245' => { 'sfs' => { 'a' => [ [ 'biblio', 'title' ] ], 'b' => [ [ 'bibliosubtitle', 'subtitle' ] ] },
'list' => [ [ 'a', 'biblio', 'title' ], [ 'b', 'bibliosubtitle', 'subtitle' ] ]
'100' => {
'sfs' => { 'a' => [ [ 'biblio', 'author' ] ] },
'list' => [ [ 'a', 'biblio', 'author' ] ]
'999' => {
'sfs' => { 'c' => [ [ 'biblio', 'biblionumber' ] ], 'd' => [ [ 'biblioitems', 'biblioitemnumber' ] ] },
'list' => [ [ 'd', 'biblioitems', 'biblioitemnumber' ], [ 'c', 'biblio', 'biblionumber' ] ]
'020' => {
'sfs' => { 'a' => [ [ 'biblioitems', 'isbn' ] ] },
'list' => [ [ 'a', 'biblioitems', 'isbn' ] ]
return \%hash;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->{mock_add_resultset} = {
sql => 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM items',
results => [
[ 'rows' ], # seems like $sth->rows is getting called
# implicitly, so we need this to make
# DBD::Mock return all of the results
[ 'itemnumber' ], [ 'biblionumber' ], [ 'biblioitemnumber' ],
[ 'barcode' ], [ 'dateaccessioned' ], [ 'booksellerid' ],
[ 'homebranch' ], [ 'price' ], [ 'replacementprice' ],
[ 'replacementpricedate' ], [ 'datelastborrowed' ], [ 'datelastseen' ],
[ 'stack' ], [ 'notforloan' ], [ 'damaged' ],
[ 'itemlost' ], [ 'withdrawn' ], [ 'itemcallnumber' ],
[ 'issues' ], [ 'renewals' ], [ 'reserves' ],
[ 'restricted' ], [ 'itemnotes' ], [ 'nonpublicnote' ],
[ 'holdingbranch' ], [ 'paidfor' ], [ 'timestamp' ],
[ 'location' ], [ 'permanent_location' ], [ 'onloan' ],
[ 'cn_source' ], [ 'cn_sort' ], [ 'ccode' ],
[ 'materials' ], [ 'uri' ], [ 'itype' ],
[ 'more_subfields_xml' ], [ 'enumchron' ], [ 'copynumber' ],
[ 'stocknumber' ],
my %branches = (
'CPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Jefferson Summit', 'branchcode' => 'CPL', 'branchname' => 'Centerville', },
'FFL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'River Station', 'branchcode' => 'FFL', 'branchname' => 'Fairfield', },
'FPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Hickory Squere', 'branchcode' => 'FPL', 'branchname' => 'Fairview', },
'FRL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Smith Heights', 'branchcode' => 'FRL', 'branchname' => 'Franklin', },
'IPT' => { 'branchaddress1' => '', 'branchcode' => 'IPT', 'branchname' => "Institut Protestant de Théologie", },
'LPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'East Hills', 'branchcode' => 'LPL', 'branchname' => 'Liberty', },
'MPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => '372 Forest Street', 'branchcode' => 'MPL', 'branchname' => 'Midway', },
'PVL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Meadow Grove', 'branchcode' => 'PVL', 'branchname' => 'Pleasant Valley', },
'RPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Johnson Terrace', 'branchcode' => 'RPL', 'branchname' => 'Riverside', },
'SPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Highland Boulevard', 'branchcode' => 'SPL', 'branchname' => 'Springfield', },
'S' => { 'branchaddress1' => '', 'branchcode' => 'S', 'branchname' => 'Test', },
'TPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Valley Way', 'branchcode' => 'TPL', 'branchname' => 'Troy', },
'UPL' => { 'branchaddress1' => 'Chestnut Hollow', 'branchcode' => 'UPL', 'branchname' => 'Union', },
my %itemtypes = (
'BK' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/book.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'BK', 'description' => 'Books' },
'CF' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/computer_file.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'CF', 'description' => 'Computer Files' },
'CR' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/periodical.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'CR', 'description' => 'Continuing Resources' },
'MP' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/map.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'MP', 'description' => 'Maps' },
'MU' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/sound.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'MU', 'description' => 'Music' },
'MX' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/kit.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'MX', 'description' => 'Mixed Materials' },
'REF' => { 'imageurl' => '', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'REF', 'description' => 'Reference' },
'VM' => { 'imageurl' => 'bridge/dvd.gif', 'summary' => '', 'itemtype' => 'VM', 'description' => 'Visual Materials' },
index_sample_records_and_launch_zebra($datadir, $indexing_mode, 'marc21');
my ($biblionumber, $title);
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
[ '020', ' ', ' ', a => '9788522421718' ],
[ '245', '0', '0', a => 'Administração da produção /' ]
($biblionumber,undef,$title) = FindDuplicate($record);
is($biblionumber, 51, 'Found duplicate with ISBN');
$record = MARC::Record->new;
[ '100', '1', ' ', a => 'Carter, Philip J.' ],
[ '245', '1', '4', a => 'Test your emotional intelligence :' ]
($biblionumber,undef,$title) = FindDuplicate($record);
is($biblionumber, 203, 'Found duplicate with author/title');
# Testing SimpleSearch
my ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("book", 0, 9);
is(scalar @$marcresults, 9, "SimpleSearch retrieved requested number of records");
is($total_hits, 101, "SimpleSearch for 'book' matched right number of records");
is($error, undef, "SimpleSearch does not return an error when successful");
my $marcresults2;
( $error, $marcresults2, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("book", 5, 5);
is($marcresults->[5], $marcresults2->[0], "SimpleSearch cursor functions");
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("kw=book", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 101, "SimpleSearch handles simple CCL");
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("Music-number=49631-2", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 1, "SimpleSearch on music publisher number works (bug 8252)");
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("Identifier-publisher-for-music=49631-2", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 1, "SimpleSearch on music publisher number works using Identifier-publisher-for-music (bug 8252)");
# Testing getRecords
my $results_hashref;
my $facets_loop;
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('kw:book', 'book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 101, "getRecords keyword search for 'book' matched right number of records");
is(scalar @{$results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}}, 19, "getRecords returned requested number of records");
my $record5 = $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[5];
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('kw:book', 'book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 5, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
ok(!defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0] &&
!defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[1] &&
!defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[2] &&
!defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[3] &&
!defined $results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[4] &&
$results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[5] eq $record5, "getRecords cursor works");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('ti:book', 'ti:book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 11, "getRecords title search for 'book' matched right number of records");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('au:Lessig', 'au:Lessig', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords title search for 'Australia' matched right number of records");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('salud', 'salud', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() =~ m/^Efectos del ambiente/ &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[7])->title_proper() eq 'Salud y seguridad de los trabajadores del sector salud: manual para gerentes y administradores^ies' &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/
, "Simple relevance sorting in getRecords matches old behavior");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'author_az' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() =~ m/la enfermedad laboral\^ies$/ &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[6])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/ &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() eq 'World health statistics 2009^ien'
, "Simple ascending author sorting in getRecords matches old behavior");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'author_za' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() eq 'World health statistics 2009^ien' &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[12])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/ &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() =~ m/la enfermedad laboral\^ies$/
, "Simple descending author sorting in getRecords matches old behavior");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'pubdate_asc' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() eq 'Manual de higiene industrial^ies' &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[7])->title_proper() =~ m/seguridad e higiene del trabajo\^ies$/ &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() =~ m/^Indicadores de resultados identificados/
, "Simple ascending publication date sorting in getRecords matches old behavior");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('salud', 'salud', [ 'pubdate_dsc' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '38', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
ok(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper() =~ m/^Estado de salud/ &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[7])->title_proper() eq 'World health statistics 2009^ien' &&
MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[18])->title_proper() eq 'Manual de higiene industrial^ies'
, "Simple descending publication date sorting in getRecords matches old behavior");
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('books', 'books', [ 'relevance' ], [ 'biblioserver' ], '20', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, undef, 1);
$record = MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0]);
is($record->title_proper(), 'books', "Scan returned requested item");
is($record->subfield('100', 'a'), 2, "Scan returned correct number of records matching term");
# Time to test buildQuery and searchResults too.
my ( $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type );
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud/, "Built CCL keyword query");
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 19, "getRecords generated keyword search for 'salud' matched right number of records");
my @newresults = searchResults('opac', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 18, 0, 0,
is(scalar @newresults,18, "searchResults returns requested number of hits");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([ 'and' ], [ 'salud', 'higiene' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W.*and.*kw\W.*higiene/, "Built composed explicit-and CCL keyword query");
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 3, "getRecords generated composed keyword search for 'salud' explicit-and 'higiene' matched right number of records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([ 'or' ], [ 'salud', 'higiene' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W.*or.*kw\W.*higiene/, "Built composed explicit-or CCL keyword query");
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 20, "getRecords generated composed keyword search for 'salud' explicit-or 'higiene' matched right number of records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud', 'higiene' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W.*and.*kw\W.*higiene/, "Built composed implicit-and CCL keyword query");
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 3, "getRecords generated composed keyword search for 'salud' implicit-and 'higiene' matched right number of records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'su-to:Laboratorios' ], [], 0, 'en');
like($query, qr/kw\W.*salud\W*and\W*su-to\W.*Laboratorios/, "Faceted query generated correctly");
unlike($query_desc, qr/Laboratorios/, "Facets not included in query description");
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 2, "getRecords generated faceted search matched right number of records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ '' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'mc-itype:MP', 'mc-itype:MU' ], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 2, "getRecords generated mc-faceted search matched right number of records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ '' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'mc-loc:GEN', 'branch:FFL' ], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 2, "getRecords generated multi-faceted search matched right number of records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'NEKLS' ], [ 'Code-institution' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 12,
'search using index whose name contains "ns" returns expected results (bug 10271)');
$UseQueryParser = 1;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'book' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 101, "Search for 'book' with index set to 'kw' returns 101 hits");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([ 'and' ], [ 'book', 'another' ], [ 'kw', 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "Search for 'kw:book && kw:another' returns 1 hit");
$UseQueryParser = 0;
# FIXME: the availability limit does not actually work, so for the moment we
# are just checking that it behaves consistently
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ '' ], [ 'kw' ], [ 'available' ], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 26, "getRecords generated availability-limited search matched right number of records");
@newresults = searchResults('opac', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 17, 0, 0,
my $allavailable = 'true';
foreach my $result (@newresults) {
$allavailable = 'false' unless $result->{availablecount} > 0;
is ($allavailable, 'true', 'All records have at least one item available');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pqf=@attr 1=_ALLRECORDS @attr 2=103 ""' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 179, "getRecords on _ALLRECORDS PQF returned all records");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pqf=@attr 1=1016 "Lessig"' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords PQF author search for Lessig returned proper number of matches");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'ccl=au:Lessig' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords CCL author search for Lessig returned proper number of matches");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'cql=dc.author any lessig' ], [], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 4, "getRecords CQL author search for Lessig returned proper number of matches");
$QueryStemming = $QueryAutoTruncate = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0;
$QueryWeightFields = 1;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'salud' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 19, "Weighted query returned correct number of results");
if ($indexing_mode eq 'grs1') {
is(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper(), 'Salud y seguridad de los trabajadores del sector salud: manual para gerentes y administradores^ies', "Weighted query returns best match first");
} else {
local $TODO = "Query weighting does not behave exactly the same in DOM vs. GRS";
is(MARC::Record::new_from_usmarc($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{RECORDS}->[0])->title_proper(), 'Salud y seguridad de los trabajadores del sector salud: manual para gerentes y administradores^ies', "Weighted query returns best match first");
$QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = 0;
$QueryAutoTruncate = 1;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 5, "Search for 'medic' returns matches with automatic truncation on");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic*' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 5, "Search for 'medic*' returns matches with automatic truncation on");
$QueryStemming = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
$QueryWeightFields = 1;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'web application' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "Search for 'web application' returns one hit with QueryWeightFields on");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'web "application' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "Search for 'web \"application' returns one hit with QueryWeightFields on (bug 7518)");
$QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, undef, "Search for 'medic' returns no matches with automatic truncation off");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'medic*' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 5, "Search for 'medic*' returns matches with automatic truncation off");
$QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = 1;
$QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pressed' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 7, "Search for 'pressed' returns matches when stemming (and query weighting) is on");
$QueryStemming = $QueryWeightFields = $QueryFuzzy = $QueryRemoveStopwords = $QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'pressed' ], [ 'kw' ], [], [], 0, 'en');
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords($query,$simple_query,[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, undef, "Search for 'pressed' returns no matches when stemming is off");
# Let's see what happens when we pass bad data into these routines.
# We have to catch warnings since we're not very good about returning errors.
warning_like { ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("@==ccl blah", 0, 9) } qr/CCL parsing error/,
"SimpleSearch warns about CCL parsing error with nonsense query";
isnt($error, undef, "SimpleSearch returns an error when passed gibberish");
warning_like {( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('kw:book', 'book', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'nonsense', undef) }
qr/Unknown query_type/, "getRecords warns about unknown query type";
warning_like {( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('pqf=@attr 1=4 "title"', 'pqf=@attr 1=4 "title"', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, '', undef) }
qr/WARNING: query problem/, "getRecords warns when query type is not specified for non-CCL query";
# Let's just test a few other bits and bobs, just for fun
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords("Godzina pąsowej róży","Godzina pąsowej róży",[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
@newresults = searchResults('intranet', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 17, 0, 0,
is($newresults[0]->{'alternateholdings_count'}, 1, 'Alternate holdings filled in correctly');
## Regression test for Bug 10741
# make one of the test items appear to be in transit
my $circ_module = new Test::MockModule('C4::Circulation');
$circ_module->mock('GetTransfers', sub {
my $itemnumber = shift;
if ($itemnumber == 11) {
return ('2013-07-19', 'MPL', 'CPL');
} else {
($error, $results_hashref, $facets_loop) = getRecords("TEST12121212","TEST12121212",[ ], [ 'biblioserver' ],20,0,undef,\%branches,\%itemtypes,$query_type,0);
@newresults = searchResults('intranet', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 17, 0, 0,
ok(!exists($newresults[0]->{norequests}), 'presence of a transit does not block hold request action (bug 10741)');
## Regression test for bug 10684
( undef, $results_hashref, $facets_loop ) =
getRecords('ti:punctuation', 'punctuation', [], [ 'biblioserver' ], '19', 0, undef, \%branches, \%itemtypes, 'ccl', undef);
is($results_hashref->{biblioserver}->{hits}, 1, "search for ti:punctuation returned expected number of records");
@newresults = searchResults('intranet', $query_desc, $results_hashref->{'biblioserver'}->{'hits'}, 20, 0, 0,
is(scalar(@newresults), 0, 'a record that cannot be parsed by MARC::Record is simply skipped (bug 10684)');
# Testing exploding indexes
my $term;
my $searchmodule = new Test::MockModule('C4::Search');
$searchmodule->mock('SimpleSearch', sub {
my $query = shift;
is($query, "he:$term", "Searching for expected term '$term' for exploding") or return '', [], 0;
my $record = MARC::Record->new;
if ($query =~ m/Arizona/) {
[ '001', '1234' ],
[ '151', ' ', ' ', a => 'Arizona' ],
[ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'United States', w => 'g' ],
[ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'Maricopa County', w => 'h' ],
[ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'Navajo County', w => 'h' ],
[ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'Pima County', w => 'h' ],
[ '551', ' ', ' ', a => 'New Mexico' ],
return '', [ $record->as_usmarc() ], 1;
$UseQueryParser = 1;
$term = 'Arizona';
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ $term ], [ 'su-br' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for broader subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ $term ], [ 'su-na' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for narrower subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ $term ], [ 'su-rl' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "$term", 'history' ], [ 'su-rl', 'kw' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Advanced search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
like($query, qr/history/, "Advanced search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches for 'history'");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ 'history', "$term" ], [ 'kw', 'su-rl' ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Order of terms doesn't matter for advanced search", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
like($query, qr/history/, "Order of terms doesn't matter for advanced search");
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "su-br($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for broader subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "su-na($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for narrower subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "su-rl($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi,
$query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc,
$stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = buildQuery([], [ "history && su-rl($term)" ], [ ], [ ], [], 0, 'en');
matchesExplodedTerms("Simple search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches related subjects", $query, 'Arizona', 'United States', 'Maricopa County', 'Navajo County', 'Pima County');
like($query, qr/history/, "Simple search for related subjects and keyword 'history' searches for 'history'");
sub matchesExplodedTerms {
my ($message, $query, @terms) = @_;
my $match = '(' . join ('|', map { " \@attr 1=Subject \@attr 4=1 \"$_\"" } @terms) . "){" . scalar(@terms) . "}";
like($query, qr/$match/, $message);
# authority records
$UseQueryParser = 0;
my ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['starts'],
['shakespeare'], 0, 10, '', '', 1
is($count, 1, 'MARC21 authorities: one hit on mainentry starts with "shakespeare"');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['match'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'],
['沙士北亞威廉姆'], 0, 10, '', '', 1
is($count, 1, 'MARC21 authorities: one hit on match contains "沙士北亞威廉姆"');
$UseQueryParser = 1;
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['starts'],
['shakespeare'], 0, 10, '', '', 1
is($count, 1, 'MARC21 authorities: one hit on mainentry starts with "shakespeare" (QP)');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['match'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'],
['沙士北亞威廉姆'], 0, 10, '', '', 1
is($count, 1, 'MARC21 authorities: one hit on match contains "沙士北亞威廉姆" (QP)');
sub run_unimarc_search_tests {
my $indexing_mode = shift;
$datadir = tempdir();
system(dirname(__FILE__) . "/zebra_config.pl $datadir unimarc $indexing_mode");
my $context = new C4::Context("$datadir/etc/koha-conf.xml");
# set search syspreferences to a known starting point
$QueryStemming = 0;
$QueryAutoTruncate = 0;
$QueryWeightFields = 0;
$QueryFuzzy = 0;
$QueryRemoveStopwords = 0;
$UseQueryParser = 0;
$marcflavour = 'UNIMARC';
index_sample_records_and_launch_zebra($datadir, $indexing_mode, 'unimarc');
my ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ti=Järnvägarnas efterfrågan och den svenska industrin", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 1, 'UNIMARC title search');
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ta=u", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 1, 'UNIMARC target audience = u');
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ta=k", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 4, 'UNIMARC target audience = k');
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("ta=m", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 3, 'UNIMARC target audience = m');
( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch("item=EXCLU DU PRET", 0, 10);
is($total_hits, 1, 'UNIMARC generic item index (bug 10037)');
# authority records
$UseQueryParser = 0;
my ($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'],
['wil'], 0, 10, '', '', 1
is($count, 11, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on mainentry contains "wil"');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['match'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'],
['wil'], 0, 10, '', '', 1
is($count, 11, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on match contains "wil"');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['mainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['contains'],
['michel'], 0, 20, '', '', 1
is($count, 14, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on mainentry contains "michel"');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['mainmainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['exact'],
['valley'], 0, 20, '', '', 1
is($count, 1, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on mainmainentry = "valley"');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['mainmainentry'], ['and'], [''], ['exact'],
['vall'], 0, 20, '', '', 1
is($count, 0, 'UNIMARC authorities: no hits on mainmainentry = "vall"');
($auths, $count) = SearchAuthorities(
['Any'], ['and'], [''], ['starts'],
['jean'], 0, 30, '', '', 1
is($count, 24, 'UNIMARC authorities: hits on any starts with "jean"');