Colin Campbell fc2120c6df Bug 4163 Preserve budget value unless changed by user
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
2010-02-11 19:39:48 -05:00

368 lines
20 KiB

<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-open.inc" -->
<title>Koha &rsaquo; Acquisitions &rsaquo; Shopping Basket <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" --> &rsaquo; <!-- TMPL_IF name="ordernumber" -->Modify order details (line #<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->)<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->New order<!-- /TMPL_IF --></title>
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="doc-head-close.inc" -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='themelang' -->/js/acq.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='themelang' -->/js/additem.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
actTotal = "";
function Check(ff) {
var ok=0;
var _alertString= _("Form not submitted because of the following problem(s)")+"\n";
_alertString +="-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
if ( isNull(ff.title,1) && isNull(ff.entertitle,1) ){
_alertString += "\n- " + _("Title cannot be empty");
if (!(isNum(ff.quantity,0))){
_alertString += "\n- " + _("Quanity must be greater than '0'");
if (!(isNum(ff.listprice,0))){
_alertString += "\n- " + _("Vendor price must be a number");
if (!(isNum(ff.total,0))){
_alertString += "\n- " + _("Total must be a number");
if (totalExceedsBudget(ff.budget_id.value, ff.total.value ) ) {
_alertString += "\n- " + "Order total (" + ff.total.value + ") exceeds budget available ("+actTotal+")";
if (ok) {
return false;
<body onload="calcNeworderTotal()">
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="header.inc" -->
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="acquisitions-search.inc" -->
<div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> &rsaquo; <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/acqui-home.pl">Acquisitions</a> &rsaquo; <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basketno=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->">Shopping Basket <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" --></a> &rsaquo; <!-- TMPL_IF name="ordernumber" -->Modify order details (line #<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->)<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->New order<!-- /TMPL_IF --></div>
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
<div id="bd">
<div id="yui-main">
<div class="yui-b">
<!-- TMPL_IF name="ordernumber" -->
Modify order details (line #<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->)
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
New order
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="suggestionid" -->(defined from suggestion #<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="suggestionid" -->)<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="basketno" -->
<div id="acqui_basket_summary" class="yui-g">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Basket details</legend>
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="basketnote" --><li><span class="label">Internal note:</span> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketnote" --></li><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="basketbooksellernote" --><li><span class="label">Vendor note</span>: <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketbooksellernote" --></li><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="basketcontractno" -->
<li><span class="label">Contract number: </span><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketcontractno" --></li>
<li><span class="label">Contract name:</span> <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/aqcontract.pl?op=add_form&amp;contractnumber=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketcontractno" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketcontractname" --></a></li>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="authorisedbyname" --><li><span class="label">Managed by:</span> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="authorisedbyname" --></li><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="creationdate" --><li><span class="label">Open on:</span> <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="creationdate" --></li><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="closedate" -->
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basketgroup.pl" method="post">
<li><span class="label">Closed on:</span> <!-- TMPL_VAR name="closedate" --></li>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="basketgroups" -->
<li>Basketgroup: <select id="basketgroupid" name="basketgroupid">
<!-- TMPL_LOOP name="basketgroups" -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="default" -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->" selected="selected"><!-- TMPL_VAR name="name" --></option>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="id" -->"><!-- TMPL_VAR name="name" --></option>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<input type="hidden" id="basketno" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="basketno" -->" name="basketno" />
<input type="hidden" value="mod_basket" name="op" />
<input type="hidden" name="booksellerid" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="booksellerid" -->" />
<fieldset class="action"><input type="submit" value="Change basketgroup" /></fieldset>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/addorder.pl" method="post" id="Aform">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Catalog details</legend>
<!-- TMPL_UNLESS name="existing" -->
<input type="hidden" name="existing" value="no" />
<!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
<input type="hidden" name="ordernumber" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ordernumber" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="basketno" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="booksellerid" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="booksellerid" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblionumber" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="biblioitemnumber" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="biblioitemnumber" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="discount" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="discount" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="listinc" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="listincgst" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="currency" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="applygst" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="gstreg" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="invoiceincgst" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="invoiceincgst" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="gstrate" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="gstrate" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="suggestionid" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="suggestionid" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="import_batch_id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="import_batch_id" -->" />
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="loop_currencies" -->
<input type="hidden" name="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" -->" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rate" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="biblionumber" -->
<span class="label">Title</span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="title" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" ESCAPE="HTML" -->" /> <span class="title"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" ESCAPE="html" --></span>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="entertitle" class="required">Title: </label>
<input type="text" id="entertitle" size="20" name="title" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="title" ESCAPE="html" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="biblionumber" -->
<span class="label">Author: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="author" id="author" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="author">Author: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="author" id="author" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="author" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="biblionumber" -->
<span class="label">Publisher: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="publishercode" id="publishercode" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="publishercode"> Publisher: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="publishercode" id="publishercode" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publishercode" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="biblionumber" -->
<span class="label">Publication year: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="publicationyear" id="publicationyear" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publicationyear" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publicationyear" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="publicationyear">Publication year: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="publicationyear" id="publicationyear" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="publicationyear" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="biblionumber" -->
<span class="label">ISBN: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="ISBN" id="ISBN" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="ISBN">ISBN: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="ISBN" id="ISBN" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="isbn" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="biblionumber" -->
<span class="label">Series: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="series" id="series" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" -->" /><span class="title"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" --></span>
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="series">Series: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="series" id="series" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="seriestitle" -->" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="items" -->
<fieldset class="rows">
<!-- TMPL_IF name="NoACQframework" -->
<div class="dialog message">No ACQ framework, using default. You should create a framework with code ACQ, the items framework would be used</div>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="items" -->
<div id="outeritemblock">
<div id="itemblock">
<ol><!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="iteminformation" --><li>
<div class="subfield_line" style="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='hidden' -->;" id="subfield<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='serialid' --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='countitems' --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='subfield' --><!-- TMPL_VAR name="random" -->">
<label><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subfield" --> - <!-- TMPL_IF name="mandatory" --><b><!-- /TMPL_IF --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="marc_lib" --><!-- TMPL_IF name="mandatory" --> *</b><!-- /TMPL_IF --></label>
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="marc_value" -->
<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="kohafield" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="kohafield" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="tag" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="tag" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="subfield" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="subfield" -->" />
<input type="hidden" name="mandatory" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="mandatory" -->" />
<span class="buttonPlus" onclick="CloneSubfield('subfield<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='serialid' --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='countitems' --><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='subfield' --><!-- TMPL_VAR name="random" -->')">+</span>
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP-->
<a style="cursor: pointer; color: grey; font-size: 180%;" onclick="cloneItemBlock('itemblock<!-- TMPL_VAR name="itemBlockIndex" -->')">+</a>
<a style="display:none; cursor: pointer; color: grey; font-size: 180%;" onclick="deleteItemBlock('itemblock<!-- TMPL_VAR name="itemBlockIndex" -->')">-</a>
</div><!-- /iteminformation -->
<!--/TMPL_LOOP--> <!-- /items -->
<!-- /TMPL_IF --> <!-- items -->
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Accounting Details</legend>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<span class="label required">Quantity: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="quantity" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantity" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="quantity" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label class="required" for="quantity">Quantity: </label>
<!-- TMPL_IF name="items" -->
<input type="text" readonly="readonly" size="20" id="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" onchange="calcNeworderTotal();" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<input type="text" size="20" id="quantityrec" name="quantity" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="quantityrec" -->" onchange="calcNeworderTotal();" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- origquantityrec only here for javascript compatibility (additem.js needs it, useless here, usefull when receiveing an order -->
<input id="origquantityrec" readonly="readonly" type="hidden" name="origquantityrec" value="1" />
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<span class="label">Budget: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="budget_id" id="budget_id" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="budget_id" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="Budget_name" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="budget_id">Budget: </label>
<select id="budget_id" onchange="fetchSortDropbox(this.form)" size="1" name="budget_id">
<!-- TMPL_LOOP NAME="budget_loop" -->
<option value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME='b_id' -->"<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="b_sel" -->selected="1"<!-- /TMPL_IF --> >
<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="b_txt" -->
<!-- /TMPL_LOOP -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<span class="label">Vendor price: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="listprice" id="listprice" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="listprice" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="listprice" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="listprice">Vendor price: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="listprice" id="listprice" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="listprice" -->" onchange="calcNeworderTotal()" /> (entered as <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="currency" -->)
<!-- TMPL_UNLESS NAME="close" -->
<label for="uncertainprice">Uncertain price: </label>
<!--TMPL_IF NAME="uncertainprice" -->
<input type="checkbox" name="uncertainprice" id="uncertainprice" value="1" checked="checked" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<input type="checkbox" name="uncertainprice" id="uncertainprice" value="1" />
<!-- /TMPL_UNLESS -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<span class="label">Replacement cost: </span>
<input type="hidden" size="20" name="rrp" id="rrp" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rrp" -->" /><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rrp" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="rrp">Replacement cost: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="rrp" id="rrp" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="rrp" -->" /> (adjusted for <!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="cur_active" -->)
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<label for="ecost">Budgeted cost: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="ecost" id="ecost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ecost" -->" readonly="readonly" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="ecost">Budgeted cost: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="ecost" id="ecost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="ecost" -->" />
<!-- TMPL_IF name="discount_2dp" --> (adjusted for <!-- TMPL_VAR name="discount_2dp" -->% discount) <!--/TMPL_IF-->
<!-- TMPL_IF NAME="GST"-->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<label for="GST">Budgeted GST: </label>
<input type="text" id="" size="20" name="gst" value="" id="GST" readonly="readonly" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="GST">Budgeted GST: </label>
<input type="text" size="20" name="gst" id="GST" value="" />
<!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<label for="total">Total: </label>
<input type="text" id="total" size="20" name="total" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="total" -->" readonly="readonly" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="total">Total: </label>
<input type="text" id="total" size="20" name="total" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="total" -->" /> (budgeted cost * quantity)
<!-- TMPL_IF name="close" -->
<label for="cost">Actual cost: </label>
<input type="text" id="cost" size="20" name="cost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="ecost"-->" readonly="readonly" />
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<label for="cost">Actual cost: </label>
<input type="text" id="cost" size="20" name="cost" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR name="ecost"-->" />
<label for="notes">Notes: </label>
<textarea id="notes" cols="30" rows="3" name="notes"><!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="notes" --></textarea>
<li><div class="hint">The 2 following fields are available for your own usage. They can be useful for statistical purposes</div>
<label for="sort1">Planning value1: </label>
<!-- TMPL_IF Name="CGIsort1" -->
<!-- TMPL_VAR Name="CGIsort1" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<input type="text" id="sort1" size="20" name="sort1" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="sort1" -->" />
<!--/TMPL_IF -->
<label for="sort2">Planning value2: </label>
<!-- TMPL_IF Name="CGIsort2" -->
<!-- TMPL_VAR Name="CGIsort2" -->
<!-- TMPL_ELSE -->
<input type="text" id="sort2" size="20" name="sort2" value="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="sort2" -->" />
<!--/TMPL_IF -->
<fieldset class="action">
<input type="button" value="Save" onclick="Check(this.form)" /> <!-- TMPL_IF name="suggestionid" --><a class="cancel" href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/newordersuggestion.pl?booksellerid=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="booksellerid" -->&amp;basketno=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->">Cancel</a><!-- TMPL_ELSE --><a class="cancel" href="/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/basket.pl?basketno=<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="basketno" -->">Cancel</a><!-- /TMPL_IF -->
<div class="yui-b">
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="acquisitions-menu.inc" -->
<!-- TMPL_INCLUDE NAME="intranet-bottom.inc" -->