Main Koha release repository
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
5.1 KiB

if (typeof KOHA == "undefined" || !KOHA) {
var KOHA = {};
* A namespace for Tags related functions.
url: "/cgi-bin/koha/",
type: "POST",
dataType: "script"
KOHA.Tags = {
add_tag_button: function(bibnum, tag){
var mynewtag = "newtag" + bibnum;
var mytagid = "#" + mynewtag;
var mydata = {};
mydata[mynewtag] = tag;
var response; // AJAX from server will assign value to response.
// alert("AJAX Response: " + data);
// alert("counts: " + response["added"] + response["deleted"] + response["errors"]);
mytagid + "_status",
KOHA.Tags.common_status(response["added"], response["deleted"], response["errors"])
if (response.alerts) {
return false;
common_status : function(addcount, delcount, errcount) {
var cstat = "";
if (addcount && addcount > 0) {cstat += MSG_TAGS_ADDED + addcount + ". " ;}
if (delcount && delcount > 0) {cstat += MSG_TAGS_DELETED + delcount + ". " ;}
if (errcount && errcount > 0) {cstat += MSG_TAGS_ERRORS + errcount + ". " ;}
return cstat;
set_tag_status : function(tagid, newstatus) {
append_tag_status : function(tagid, newstatus) {
clear_all_tag_status : function() {
tag_message: {
tagsdisabled : function(arg) {return (MSG_TAGS_DISABLED);},
scrubbed_all_bad : function(arg) {return (MSG_TAG_ALL_BAD);},
badparam : function(arg) {return (MSG_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER+" "+arg);},
scrubbed : function(arg) {return (MSG_TAG_SCRUBBED+" "+arg);},
failed_add_tag : function(arg) {return (MSG_ADD_TAG_FAILED+ " '"+arg+"'. \n"+MSG_ADD_TAG_FAILED_NOTE);},
failed_delete : function(arg) {return (MSG_DELETE_TAG_FAILED+ " '"+arg+"'. \n"+MSG_DELETE_TAG_FAILED_NOTE);},
login : function(arg) {return (MSG_LOGIN_REQUIRED);}
// Used to tag multiple items at once. The main difference
// is that status is displayed on a per item basis.
add_multitags_button : function(bibarray, tag){
var mydata = {};
for (var i = 0; i < bibarray.length; i++) {
var mynewtag = "newtag" + bibarray[i];
mydata[mynewtag] = tag;
var response; // AJAX from server will assign value to response.
var bibErrors = false;
// Display the status for each tagged bib
for (var i = 0; i < bibarray.length; i++) {
var bib = bibarray[i];
var mytagid = "#newtag" + bib;
var status = "";
// Number of tags added.
if (response[bib]) {
var added = response[bib]["added"];
if (added > 0) {
status = MSG_TAGS_ADDED + added + ". ";
KOHA.Tags.set_tag_status(mytagid + "_status", status);
// Show a link that opens an error dialog, if necessary.
var errors = response[bib]["errors"];
if (errors.length > 0) {
bibErrors = true;
var errid = "tagerr_" + bib;
var errstat = "<a id=\"" + errid + "\" class=\"tagerror\" href=\"#\">";
errstat += MSG_TAGS_ERRORS + errors.length + ". ";
errstat += "</a>";
KOHA.Tags.append_tag_status(mytagid + "_status", errstat);
var errmsg = "";
for (var e = 0; e < errors.length; e++){
if (e) {
errmsg += "\n\n";
errmsg += errors[e];
$("#" + errid).click(function(){
if (bibErrors || response["global_errors"]) {
var msg = "";
if (bibErrors) {
// Show global errors in a dialog.
if (response["global_errors"]) {
var global_errors = response["global_errors"];
var msg;
for (var e = 0; e < global_errors.length; e++) {
msg += "\n\n";
msg += response.alerts[global_errors[e]];
return false;