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/* global PREF_OPACPlayMusicalInscripts interface verovio */
$(document).ready(function() {
if( $(".musical_inscripts").length > 0 ){
// Check support for WebAssembly
var webassenbly_supported = (() => {
try {
if (typeof WebAssembly === "object"
&& typeof WebAssembly.instantiate === "function") {
const module = new WebAssembly.Module(Uint8Array.of(0x0, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
if (module instanceof WebAssembly.Module)
return new WebAssembly.Instance(module) instanceof WebAssembly.Instance;
} catch (e) {
return false;
if( webassenbly_supported ){
cache: true
$.getScript( interface + "/lib/verovio/verovio-toolkit.js", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
$('.musical_inscripts .inscript').each(function() {
var vrvToolkit = new verovio.toolkit();
var $t = $(this);
var data = "@clef:"+$'clef')+"\n@keysig:"+$'keysig')+"\n@timesig:"+$'timesig')+"\n@data:"+$'notation')+"\n";
var svg = vrvToolkit.renderData(data, {
inputFormat: $'system'),
spacingStaff: 0,
adjustPageHeight: 1,
scale: 40,
pageHeight: 300
var base64midi = vrvToolkit.renderToMIDI();
var song = 'data:audio/midi;base64,' + base64midi;
var play_btn = $('.play_btn', $t.parent());
if(play_btn.length) {'song', song);'toolkit', vrvToolkit);
if( PREF_OPACPlayMusicalInscripts ){
var playmusic_1 = $.getScript( interface + "/lib/verovio/000_acoustic_grand_piano.js" );
var playmusic_2 = $.getScript( interface + "/lib/verovio/midiplayer.js" );
$.when( playmusic_1, playmusic_2 ).done(function () {
var ids = [];
var currentToolkit;
var player = $('.inscript_audio');
var midiUpdate = function(time) {
// time needs to - 400 for adjustment
var vrvTime = Math.max(0, time - 400);
var elementsattime = currentToolkit.getElementsAtTime(vrvTime);
if ( > 0) {
if ((elementsattime.notes.length > 0) && (ids != elementsattime.notes)) {
ids.forEach(function(noteid) {
if ($.inArray(noteid, elementsattime.notes) == -1) {
$("#" + noteid).attr("fill", "#000").attr("stroke", "#000");
ids = elementsattime.notes;
ids.forEach(function(noteid) {
if ($.inArray(noteid, elementsattime.notes) != -1) {
$("#" + noteid).attr("fill", "#c00").attr("stroke", "#c00");
var midiStop = function() {
ids.forEach(function(noteid) {
$("#" + noteid).attr("fill", "#000").attr("stroke", "#000");
if(player.length) {
locateFile: function(file) {
return interface + '/lib/verovio/'+file;
color: "#c00",
onUpdate: midiUpdate,
onStop: midiStop
$('.musical_inscripts .play_btn').click(function() {
var $t = $(this);;
currentToolkit = $'toolkit')$'song'));