
1446 lines
48 KiB
Executable file

# $Id$
# Database Updater
# This script checks for required updates to the database.
# Part of the Koha Library Software www.koha.org
# Licensed under the GPL.
# Bugs/ToDo:
# - Would also be a good idea to offer to do a backup at this time...
# NOTE: If you do something more than once in here, make it table driven.
use strict;
# CPAN modules
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
# Koha modules
use C4::Context;
# FIXME - The user might be installing a new database, so can't rely
# on /etc/koha.conf anyway.
my $debug = 0;
my (
$sth, $sti,
%existingtables, # tables already in database
$type, $null, $key, $default, $extra,
$prefitem, # preference item in systempreferences table
my $silent;
's' =>\$silent
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
print "connected to your DB. Checking & modifying it\n" unless $silent;
# Defines
# Tables to add if they don't exist
my %requiretables = (
shelfcontents => "( shelfnumber int not null,
itemnumber int not null,
flags int)",
bookshelf => "( shelfnumber int auto_increment primary key,
shelfname char(255))",
z3950queue => "( id int auto_increment primary key,
term text,
type char(10),
startdate int,
enddate int,
done smallint,
results longblob,
numrecords int,
servers text,
identifier char(30))",
z3950results => "( id int auto_increment primary key,
queryid int,
server char(255),
startdate int,
enddate int,
results longblob,
numrecords int,
numdownloaded int,
highestseen int,
active smallint)",
branchrelations => "( branchcode varchar(4),
categorycode varchar(4))",
websites => "( websitenumber int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
title text,
description text,
url varchar(255),
PRIMARY KEY (websitenumber) )",
marcrecorddone => "( isbn char(40),
issn char(40),
lccn char(40),
controlnumber char(40))",
uploadedmarc => "( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,
marc longblob,
hidden smallint(6) default NULL,
name varchar(255) default NULL)",
ethnicity => "( code varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
name varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (code) )",
sessions => "( sessionID varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
userid varchar(255) default NULL,
ip varchar(16) default NULL,
lasttime int,
PRIMARY KEY (sessionID) )",
sessionqueries => "( sessionID varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
userid char(100) NOT NULL default '',
ip char(18) NOT NULL default '',
url text NOT NULL default '' )",
bibliothesaurus => "( id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
freelib char(255) NOT NULL default '',
stdlib char(255) NOT NULL default '',
category char(10) NOT NULL default '',
level tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
hierarchy char(80) NOT NULL default '',
father char(80) NOT NULL default '',
KEY freelib (freelib),
KEY stdlib (stdlib),
KEY category (category),
KEY hierarchy (hierarchy)
marc_biblio => "(
bibid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
datecreated date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
datemodified date default NULL,
origincode char(20) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (bibid),
KEY origincode (origincode),
KEY biblionumber (biblionumber)
) ",
marc_blob_subfield => "(
blobidlink bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
subfieldvalue longtext NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (blobidlink)
) ",
marc_subfield_structure => "(
tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
tagsubfield char(1) NOT NULL default '',
liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default '',
libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
kohafield char(40) default NULL,
tab tinyint(1) default NULL,
authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
thesaurus_category char(10) default NULL,
value_builder char(80) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (tagfield,tagsubfield),
KEY kohafield (kohafield),
KEY tab (tab)
marc_subfield_table => "(
subfieldid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
bibid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
tag char(3) NOT NULL default '',
tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
tag_indicator char(2) NOT NULL default '',
subfieldcode char(1) NOT NULL default '',
subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
subfieldvalue varchar(255) default NULL,
valuebloblink bigint(20) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (subfieldid),
KEY bibid (bibid),
KEY tag (tag),
KEY tag_indicator (tag_indicator),
KEY subfieldorder (subfieldorder),
KEY subfieldcode (subfieldcode),
KEY subfieldvalue (subfieldvalue),
KEY tagorder (tagorder)
marc_tag_structure => "(
tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default '',
libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (tagfield)
marc_word => "(
bibid bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
tag char(3) NOT NULL default '',
tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
subfieldid char(1) NOT NULL default '',
subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
sndx_word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
KEY bibid (bibid),
KEY tag (tag),
KEY tagorder (tagorder),
KEY subfieldid (subfieldid),
KEY subfieldorder (subfieldorder),
KEY word (word),
KEY sndx_word (sndx_word)
marc_breeding => "( id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
file varchar(80) NOT NULL default '',
isbn varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
title varchar(128) default NULL,
author varchar(80) default NULL,
marc text NOT NULL,
encoding varchar(40) default NULL,
KEY title (title),
KEY isbn (isbn)
authorised_values => "(id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
category char(10) NOT NULL default '',
authorised_value char(80) NOT NULL default '',
lib char(80) NULL,
KEY name (category)
userflags => "( bit int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
flag char(30), flagdesc char(255),
defaulton int(11)
auth_types => "(
authtypecode char(10) not NULL,
authtypetext char(255) not NULL,
auth_tag_to_report char(3) not NULL,
summary text not NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authtypecode)
biblio_framework => "(
frameworkcode char(4) not NULL,
frameworktext char(255) not NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (frameworkcode)
auth_subfield_structure => "(
authtypecode char(10) NOT NULL default '',
tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
tagsubfield char(1) NOT NULL default '',
liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default '',
libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
tab tinyint(1) default NULL,
authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
value_builder char(80) default NULL,
seealso char(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authtypecode,tagfield,tagsubfield),
KEY tab (authtypecode,tab)
auth_tag_structure => "(
authtypecode char(10) NOT NULL default '',
tagfield char(3) NOT NULL default '',
liblibrarian char(255) NOT NULL default '',
libopac char(255) NOT NULL default '',
repeatable tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
mandatory tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
authorised_value char(10) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authtypecode,tagfield)
auth_header => "(
authid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
authtypecode char(10) NOT NULL default '',
datecreated date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
datemodified date default NULL,
origincode char(20) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (authid),
KEY origincode (origincode),
) ",
auth_subfield_table => "(
subfieldid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
authid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
tag char(3) NOT NULL default '',
tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
tag_indicator char(2) NOT NULL default '',
subfieldcode char(1) NOT NULL default '',
subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
subfieldvalue varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (subfieldid),
KEY authid (authid),
KEY tag (tag),
KEY subfieldcode (subfieldcode),
KEY subfieldvalue (subfieldvalue)
auth_word => "(
authid bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
tagsubfield char(4) NOT NULL default '',
tagorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
subfieldorder tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '1',
word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
sndx_word varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
KEY authid (authid),
KEY marc_search (tagsubfield,word),
KEY word (word),
KEY sndx_word (sndx_word)
suggestions => "(
suggestionid int(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,
suggestedby int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
managedby int(11) default NULL ,
STATUS varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
note text,
author varchar(80) default NULL ,
title varchar(80) default NULL ,
copyrightdate smallint(6) default NULL ,
publishercode varchar(255) default NULL ,
date timestamp(8) NOT NULL ,
volumedesc varchar(255) default NULL ,
publicationyear smallint(6) default '0',
place varchar(255) default NULL ,
isbn varchar(10) default NULL ,
mailoverseeing smallint(1) default '0',
biblionumber int(11) default NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (suggestionid) ,
KEY suggestedby(suggestedby) ,
KEY managedby(managedby)
aqbasket => "(basketno int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
creationdate date,
closedate date,
booksellerid varchar(10),
authorisedby varchar(10),
booksellerinvoicenumber text,
PRIMARY KEY (basketno)
serial => "(serialid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
biblionumber varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
subscriptionid varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
serialseq varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
status tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
planneddate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
PRIMARY KEY (serialid)
subscription => "(biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
subscriptionid int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
librarian varchar(100) default '',
startdate date default '0000-00-00',
aqbooksellerid int(11) default '0',
cost int(11) default '0',
aqbudgetid int(11) default '0',
weeklength tinyint(4) default '0',
monthlength tinyint(4) default '0',
numberlength tinyint(4) default '0',
periodicity tinyint(4) default '0',
dow varchar(100) default '',
numberingmethod varchar(100) default '',
notes text,
status varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
add1 int(11) default 0,
every1 int(11) default 0,
whenmorethan1 int(11) default 0,
setto1 int(11),
lastvalue1 int(11),
add2 int(11) default 0,
every2 int(11) default 0,
whenmorethan2 int(11) default 0,
setto2 int(11),
lastvalue2 int(11),
add3 int(11) default 0,
every3 int(11) default 0,
innerloop1 int(11) default 0,
innerloop2 int(11) default 0,
innerloop3 int(11) default 0,
whenmorethan3 int(11) default 0,
setto3 int(11),
lastvalue3 int(11),
PRIMARY KEY (subscriptionid)
subscriptionhistory => "(biblionumber int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
subscriptionid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
histstartdate date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
enddate date default '0000-00-00',
missinglist longtext NOT NULL,
recievedlist longtext NOT NULL,
opacnote varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
librariannote varchar(150) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (subscriptionid),
KEY biblionumber (biblionumber)
my %requirefields = (
biblio => { 'abstract' => 'text' },
deletedbiblio => { 'abstract' => 'text', 'marc' => 'blob' },
deleteditems => { 'marc' => 'blob', 'paidfor' => 'text', 'location' => 'varchar(80)'},
biblioitems => {
'lccn' => 'char(25)',
'url' => 'varchar(255)',
'marc' => 'text'
deletedbiblioitems => {
'lccn' => 'char(25)',
'url' => 'varchar(255)',
'marc' => 'text'
branchtransfers => { 'datearrived' => 'datetime' },
statistics => { 'borrowernumber' => 'int(11)' },
aqbooksellers => {
'invoicedisc' => 'float(6,4)',
'nocalc' => 'int(11)'
borrowers => {
'userid' => 'char(30)',
'password' => 'char(30)',
'flags' => 'int(11)',
'textmessaging' => 'varchar(30)',
'zipcode' => 'varchar(25)',
'homezipcode' => 'varchar(25)',
'sort1' => 'char(80)',
'sort2' => 'char(80)',
aqorders => { 'budgetdate' => 'date',
'sort1' => 'char(80)',
'sort2' => 'char(80)', },
aqbudget => {'aqbudgetid' => 'tinyint(4) auto_increment primary key'},
items => {'paidfor' => 'text', 'location' => 'char(80)'},
#added so that reference items are not available for reserves...
itemtypes => { 'notforloan' => 'smallint(6)' },
systempreferences => { 'explanation' => 'char(80)',
'type' => 'char(20)',
'options' => 'text' },
z3950servers => { 'syntax' => 'char(80)' },
marc_tag_structure =>{
'frameworkcode' => 'char(4) not NULL default \'\''},
marc_subfield_structure =>{'seealso' => 'char(255)',
'frameworkcode' => 'char(4) not NULL default \'\'',
'hidden' => 'tinyint(1)',
'isurl' => 'tinyint(1)',
'link' => 'char(80)',
bookshelf => {'owner' => 'char(80)',
'category' => 'char(1)',
marc_biblio => { 'frameworkcode' => 'char(4) not NULL default \'\'' },
my %dropable_table = (
classification => 'classification',
multipart => 'multipart',
multivolume => 'multivolume',
newitems => 'newitems',
procedures => 'procedures',
publisher => 'publisher',
searchstats => 'searchstats',
serialissues => 'serialissues',
my %uselessfields = (
aqorders => "requisitionedby,authorisedby,booksellerid,
# the other hash contains other actions that can't be done elsewhere. they are done
# either BEFORE of AFTER everything else, depending on "when" entry (default => AFTER)
# The tabledata hash contains data that should be in the tables.
# The uniquefieldrequired hash entry is used to determine which (if any) fields
# must not exist in the table for this row to be inserted. If the
# uniquefieldrequired entry is already in the table, the existing data is not
# modified, unless the forceupdate hash entry is also set. Fields in the
# anonymous "forceupdate" hash will be forced to be updated to the default
# values given in the %tabledata hash.
my %tabledata = (
userflags => [
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 0,
flag => 'superlibrarian',
flagdesc => 'Access to all librarian functions',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 1,
flag => 'circulate',
flagdesc => 'Circulate books',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 2,
flag => 'catalogue',
flagdesc => 'View Catalogue (Librarian Interface)',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 3,
flag => 'parameters',
flagdesc => 'Set Koha system paramters',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 4,
flag => 'borrowers',
flagdesc => 'Add or modify borrowers',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 5,
flag => 'permissions',
flagdesc => 'Set user permissions',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 6,
flag => 'reserveforothers',
flagdesc => 'Reserve books for patrons',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 7,
flag => 'borrow',
flagdesc => 'Borrow books',
defaulton => 1
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 8,
flag => 'reserveforself',
flagdesc => 'Reserve books for self',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 9,
flag => 'editcatalogue',
flagdesc => 'Edit Catalogue (Modify bibliographic/holdings data)',
defaulton => 0
uniquefieldrequired => 'bit',
bit => 10,
flag => 'updatecharges',
flagdesc => 'Update borrower charges',
defaulton => 0
systempreferences => [
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
variable => 'LibraryName',
value => '<i><b>Koha<br/>Free Software ILS<br/><br/></b>Koha : a gift, a contribution<br/> in Maori</i>',
explanation => 'Library name as shown on main opac page',
type => ''
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
variable => 'autoMemberNum',
value => '1',
explanation => 'Member number is auto-calculated',
type => 'YesNo'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'options' => 1 },
variable => 'acquisitions',
value => 'normal',
explanation =>
'Normal, budget-based acquisitions, or Simple bibliographic-data acquisitions',
type => 'Choice',
options => 'simple|normal'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'options' => 1 },
variable => 'dateformat',
value => 'metric',
explanation =>
'date format (us mm/dd/yyyy, metric dd/mm/yyy, ISO yyyy/mm/dd)',
type => 'Choice',
options => 'metric|us|iso'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'template',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'default',
explanation => 'Preference order for intranet interface templates',
type => 'Themes'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'autoBarcode',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'yes',
explanation => 'Barcode is auto-calculated',
type => 'YesNo'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'insecure',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'no',
explanation =>
'If YES, no auth at all is needed. Be careful if you set this to yes!',
type => 'YesNo'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'authoritysep',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'options' => 1 },
value => '--',
explanation =>
'the separator used in authority/thesaurus. Usually --',
type => 'free',
options => '10'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'opaclanguages',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'en',
explanation => 'Set the preferred order for translations. The top language will be tried first.',
type => 'Languages'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'opacthemes',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'css',
explanation => 'Set the preferred order for themes. The top theme will be tried first.',
type => 'Themes'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'timeout',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '1200',
explanation => 'Inactivity timeout for cookies authentication (in seconds)',
type => 'Integer'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'marc',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'yes',
explanation => 'Turn on MARC support',
type => 'YesNo'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'marcflavour',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'options' => 1},
value => 'MARC21',
explanation =>
'your MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding',
type => 'Choice',
options => 'MARC21|UNIMARC'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'checkdigit',
value => 'none',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'options' => 1},
explanation => 'Validity checks on membership number: none or "Katipo" style checks',
type => 'Choice',
options => 'none|katipo'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'maxoutstanding',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '5',
explanation =>
'maximum amount withstanding to be able make reserves ',
type => 'Integer'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'maxreserves',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '5',
explanation =>
'maximum number of reserves a member can make',
type => 'Integer'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'noissuescharge',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '5',
explanation =>
'maximum amount withstanding to be able to check out an item',
type => 'Integer'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'KohaAdminEmailAddress',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'your.mail@here',
explanation => 'the email address where borrowers modifs are sent',
type => 'free'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'gist',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '0.125',
explanation => 'the gist rate. NOT in %, but in numeric form (0.12 for 12%)',
type => 'free'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'printcirculationslips',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '0',
explanation => 'if set to 1, print circulation slips. If set to 0, don\'t',
type => 'free'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'suggestion',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '0',
explanation => 'if set to 1, suggestions are activated in OPAC',
type => 'free'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'ISBD',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => 'Fill with appropriate value...',
explanation => 'ISBD',
type => 'free'
uniquefieldrequired => 'variable',
variable => 'virtualshelves',
forceupdate => { 'explanation' => 1,
'type' => 1 },
value => '0',
explanation => 'Set virtual shelves management ON or OFF',
type => 'YesNo'
my %fielddefinitions = (
printers => [
field => 'printername',
type => 'char(40)',
null => '',
key => 'PRI',
default => ''
aqbookfund => [
field => 'bookfundid',
type => 'char(5)',
null => '',
key => 'PRI',
default => ''
aqbudget => [
field => 'aqbudgetid',
type => 'tinyint(4)',
null => '',
key => 'PRI',
default =>'',
extra => 'auto_increment'
z3950servers => [
field => 'id',
type => 'int',
null => '',
key => 'PRI',
default => '',
extra => 'auto_increment'
marc_breeding => [
field => 'z3950random',
type => 'varchar(40)',
null => 'NULL',
key => '',
default => '',
extra => ''
field => 'encoding',
type => 'varchar(40)',
null => '',
key => '',
default => '',
extra => ''
# Initialize
# Start checking
# Get version of MySQL database engine.
my $mysqlversion = `mysqld --version`;
$mysqlversion =~ /Ver (\S*) /;
$mysqlversion = $1;
if ( $mysqlversion ge '3.23' ) {
print "Could convert to MyISAM database tables...\n" unless $silent;
# Tables
# Collect all tables into a list
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show tables");
while ( my ($table) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
$existingtables{$table} = 1;
# Now add any missing tables
foreach $table ( keys %requiretables ) {
unless ( $existingtables{$table} ) {
print "Adding $table table...\n" unless $silent;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("create table $table $requiretables{$table}");
if ( $sth->err ) {
print "Error : $sth->errstr \n";
} # if error
} # unless exists
} # foreach
# now drop useless tables
foreach $table ( keys %dropable_table ) {
if ( $existingtables{$table} ) {
print "Dropping unused table $table\n" if $debug and not $silent;
$dbh->do("drop table $table");
if ( $dbh->err ) {
print "Error : $dbh->errstr \n";
unless ( $existingtables{'z3950servers'} ) {
#MJR: added syntax entries to close bug 624
print "Adding z3950servers table...\n" unless $silent;
my $sti = $dbh->prepare( "create table z3950servers (
host char(255),
port int,
db char(255),
userid char(255),
password char(255),
name text,
id int,
checked smallint,
rank int,
syntax char(80))"
$sti = $dbh->prepare( "insert into z3950servers
values ('z3950.loc.gov',
'', '',
'Library of Congress',
1, 1, 1, 'USMARC')"
unless ( $existingtables{'issuingrules'} ) {
$dbh->do("alter table categoryitem rename issuingrules");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD maxissueqty int(4) default NULL");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD issuelength int(4) default NULL");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD branchcode varchar(4) NOT NULL default ''");
print "renaming categoryitem\n" unless $silent;
# Columns
foreach $table ( keys %requirefields ) {
print "Check table $table\n" if $debug and not $silent;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
undef %types;
while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$types{$column} = $type;
} # while
foreach $column ( keys %{ $requirefields{$table} } ) {
print " Check column $column [$types{$column}]\n" if $debug and not $silent;
if ( !$types{$column} ) {
# column doesn't exist
print "Adding $column field to $table table...\n" unless $silent;
$query = "alter table $table
add column $column " . $requirefields{$table}->{$column};
print "Execute: $query\n" if $debug;
my $sti = $dbh->prepare($query);
if ( $sti->err ) {
print "**Error : $sti->errstr \n";
} # if error
} # if column
} # foreach column
} # foreach table
foreach $table ( keys %fielddefinitions ) {
print "Check table $table\n" if $debug;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
my $definitions;
while ( ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$definitions->{$column}->{type} = $type;
$definitions->{$column}->{null} = $null;
$definitions->{$column}->{key} = $key;
$definitions->{$column}->{default} = $default;
$definitions->{$column}->{extra} = $extra;
} # while
my $fieldrow = $fielddefinitions{$table};
foreach my $row (@$fieldrow) {
my $field = $row->{field};
my $type = $row->{type};
my $null = $row->{null};
my $key = $row->{key};
my $default = $row->{default};
$default="''" unless $default;
my $extra = $row->{extra};
my $def = $definitions->{$field};
unless ( $type eq $def->{type}
&& $null eq $def->{null}
&& $key eq $def->{key}
&& $default eq $def->{default}
&& $extra eq $def->{extra} )
if ( $null eq '' ) {
$null = 'NOT NULL';
if ( $key eq 'PRI' ) {
$key = 'PRIMARY KEY';
unless ( $extra eq 'auto_increment' ) {
$extra = '';
# if it's a new column use "add", if it's an old one, use "change".
my $action;
if ($definitions->{$field}->{type}) {
$action="change $field"
} else {
# if it's a primary key, drop the previous pk, before altering the table
my $sth;
if ($key ne 'PRIMARY KEY') {
$sth =$dbh->prepare("alter table $table $action $field $type $null $key $extra default ?");
} else {
$sth =$dbh->prepare("alter table $table drop primary key, $action $field $type $null $key $extra default ?");
print " Alter $field in $table\n" unless $silent;
# Get list of columns from borrowers table
my %itemtypes;
my %nullenabled;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from borrowers");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$itemtypes{$column} = $type;
$nullenabled{$column} = $null;
unless ( $itemtypes{'cardnumber'} eq 'varchar(20)' ) {
$itemtypes{'cardnumber'} =~ /varchar\((\d+)\)/;
my $oldlength = $1;
if ( $oldlength < 16 ) {
print "Setting maximum cardnumber length to 16 (was $oldlength) and marking unique.\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
"alter table borrowers change cardnumber cardnumber varchar(16)");
$sti =
"alter table borrowers drop index cardnumber");
$sti =
"alter table borrowers add unique(cardnumber)");
# Get list of columns from items table
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from items");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$itemtypes{$column} = $type;
$nullenabled{$column} = $null;
unless ( $itemtypes{'barcode'} eq 'varchar(20)' ) {
$itemtypes{'barcode'} =~ /varchar\((\d+)\)/;
my $oldlength = $1;
if ( $oldlength < 20 ) {
print "Setting maximum barcode length to 20 (was $oldlength).\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
"alter table items change barcode barcode varchar(20)");
# dropping unique barcode index & setting barcode to null allowed.
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from items");
while ( my ( $table, $non_unique, $key_name, $Seq_in_index, $Column_name, $Collation, $cardinality, $sub_part, $Packed, $comment ) = $sth->fetchrow )
if ($key_name eq 'barcode' && $non_unique eq 0) {
print "dropping BARCODE index to enable empty barcodes\n" unless $silent;
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `items` DROP INDEX `barcode`");
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `barcode` `barcode` VARCHAR( 20 )") unless ($nullenabled{barcode} eq 'YES');
# creating fulltext index in bibliothesaurus if needed
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from bibliothesaurus");
my $exists=0;
while ( my ( $table, $non_unique, $key_name, $Seq_in_index, $Column_name, $Collation, $cardinality, $sub_part, $Packed, $comment ) = $sth->fetchrow )
if ($key_name eq 'category_2') {
print "Creating fulltext index on bibliothesaurus\n" unless $exists or $silent;
$dbh->do('create fulltext index category_2 on bibliothesaurus (category,freelib)') unless $exists;
# creating index in z3950results if needed
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from z3950results");
my $exists=0;
while ( my ( $table, $non_unique, $key_name, $Seq_in_index, $Column_name, $Collation, $cardinality, $sub_part, $Packed, $comment ) = $sth->fetchrow )
if ($key_name eq 'query_server') {
print "Creating index on z3950results\n" unless $exists or $silent;
$dbh->do('create unique index query_server on z3950results (queryid,server)') unless $exists;
# changing z3950daemon field to NULL in marc_breeding
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `marc_breeding` CHANGE `z3950random` `z3950random` VARCHAR( 40 )");
# making borrowernumber an auto_increment field
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `borrowers` CHANGE `borrowernumber` `borrowernumber` INTEGER auto_increment");
# changing indexes in marc_*_structure to use frameworkcode
$dbh->do('alter table marc_subfield_structure drop index tab');
$dbh->do('create index tab on marc_subfield_structure (frameworkcode,tab)');
$dbh->do('alter table marc_subfield_structure drop index kohafield');
$dbh->do('create index kohafield on marc_subfield_structure (frameworkcode,kohafield)');
# extending the timestamp in branchtransfers...
my %branchtransfers;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from branchtransfers");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$branchtransfers{$column} = $type;
unless ( $branchtransfers{'datesent'} eq 'datetime' ) {
print "Setting type of datesent in branchtransfers to datetime.\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
"alter table branchtransfers change datesent datesent datetime");
unless ( $branchtransfers{'datearrived'} eq 'datetime' ) {
print "Setting type of datearrived in branchtransfers to datetime.\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
"alter table branchtransfers change datearrived datearrived datetime");
# changing the branchcategories table around...
my %branchcategories;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from branchcategories");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$branchcategories{$column} = $type;
unless ( $branchcategories{'categorycode'} eq 'varchar(4)' ) {
"Setting type of categorycode in branchcategories to varchar(4),\n and making the primary key.\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
"alter table branchcategories change categorycode categorycode varchar(4) not null"
$sti =
"alter table branchcategories add primary key (categorycode)");
unless ( $branchcategories{'categoryname'} eq 'text' ) {
print "Changing branchcode in branchcategories to categoryname text.\n" unless $silent;
my $sth =
"alter table branchcategories change branchcode categoryname text");
unless ( $branchcategories{'codedescription'} eq 'text' ) {
"Replacing branchholding in branchcategories with codedescription text.\n" unless $silent;
my $sth =
"alter table branchcategories change branchholding codedescription text"
# changing the items table around...
my %items;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from items");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$items{$column} = $type;
if ($items{'bulk'} eq "varchar(30)") {
print " Setting callnumber in items table\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
$dbh->prepare("ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `bulk` `itemcallnumber` VARCHAR( 30 ) DEFAULT NULL");
$sti = $dbh->prepare("update marc_subfield_structure set kohafield=\"items.itemcallnumber\" where kohafield=\"items.bulk\"");
# changing the marc_subfield_structure table around...
my %marc_subfield_structure;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from marc_subfield_structure");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$marc_subfield_structure{$column} = $type;
if ($marc_subfield_structure{thesaurus_category}) {
print " changing thesaurus_category in marc_subfield_structure table\n" unless $silent;
my $sti =
$dbh->prepare("ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure CHANGE `thesaurus_category` `authtypecode` VARCHAR(10 ) DEFAULT NULL");
# creating index in issuingrules if needed
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show index from issuingrules");
my $exists=0;
while ( my ( $table, $non_unique, $key_name, $Seq_in_index, $Column_name, $Collation, $cardinality, $sub_part, $Packed, $comment ) = $sth->fetchrow )
if ($key_name eq 'PRIMARY') {
print "Creating index on issuing rules\n" unless $exists or $silent;
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE issuingrules ADD PRIMARY KEY ( branchcode, categorycode, itemtype )') unless $exists;
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE marc_tag_structure drop primary key');
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE marc_tag_structure ADD PRIMARY KEY ( frameworkcode, tagfield )');
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure drop primary key');
$dbh->do('ALTER TABLE marc_subfield_structure ADD PRIMARY KEY ( frameworkcode, tagfield, tagsubfield )');
# Get list of columns from marc_word table
my %marc_word;
my %nullenabled;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from marc_word");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$marc_word{$column} = $type;
$nullenabled{$column} = $null;
if ($marc_word{subfieldid}) {
#create field tagsubfield, copy tag+subfieldid, then drop tag and subfieldid
print "Modifying marc_word (concat on tag and subfield for better perfs)\n" unless $silent;
$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `marc_word` ADD `tagsubfield` CHAR( 4 ) NOT NULL AFTER `bibid`");
$dbh->do("update marc_word set tagsubfield=concat(tag,subfieldid)");
$dbh->do("alter table marc_word drop tag");
$dbh->do("alter table marc_word drop subfieldid");
$dbh->do("create index Search_Marc on marc_word (tagsubfield,word)");
# Populate tables with required data
# fill aqbasket if it's empty and aqorder is not
# => it means it has just been created & must be filled
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from aqbasket");
if ($sth->fetchrow == 0) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare("select count(*) from aqorders");
if ($sth->fetchrow >0) {
print "Populating new table aqbasket\n";
print "IMPORTANT NOTE: error message \"Duplicate entry 'X' for key 1\" may appear. it should not be a real trouble\n";
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select distinct basketno,booksellerid,authorisedby,entrydate,booksellerinvoicenumber from aqorders");
my ($basketno,$booksellerid,$authorisedby,$entrydate,$booksellerinvoicenumber);
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare("insert into aqbasket (basketno,creationdate,booksellerid,authorisedby,booksellerinvoicenumber) values (?,?,?,?,?)");
while (($basketno,$booksellerid,$authorisedby,$entrydate,$booksellerinvoicenumber) = $sth->fetchrow) {
print "$basketno,$entrydate,$booksellerid,$authorisedby,$booksellerinvoicenumber\n";
foreach my $table ( keys %tabledata ) {
print "Checking for data required in table $table...\n" unless $silent;
my $tablerows = $tabledata{$table};
foreach my $row (@$tablerows) {
my $uniquefieldrequired = $row->{uniquefieldrequired};
my $uniquevalue = $row->{$uniquefieldrequired};
my $forceupdate = $row->{forceupdate};
my $sth =
"select $uniquefieldrequired from $table where $uniquefieldrequired=?"
if ($sth->rows) {
foreach my $field (keys %$forceupdate) {
if ($forceupdate->{$field}) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("update systempreferences set $field=? where $uniquefieldrequired=?");
$sth->execute($row->{$field}, $uniquevalue);
} else {
print "Adding row to $table: " unless $silent;
my @values;
my $fieldlist;
my $placeholders;
foreach my $field ( keys %$row ) {
next if $field eq 'uniquefieldrequired';
next if $field eq 'forceupdate';
my $value = $row->{$field};
push @values, $value;
print " $field => $value" unless $silent;
$fieldlist .= "$field,";
$placeholders .= "?,";
print "\n" unless $silent;
$fieldlist =~ s/,$//;
$placeholders =~ s/,$//;
my $sth =
"insert into $table ($fieldlist) values ($placeholders)");
# at last, remove useless fields
foreach $table ( keys %uselessfields ) {
my @fields = split /,/,$uselessfields{$table};
my $fields;
my $exists;
foreach my $fieldtodrop (@fields) {
$fieldtodrop =~ s/\t//g;
$fieldtodrop =~ s/\n//g;
$exists =0;
$sth = $dbh->prepare("show columns from $table");
while ( my ( $column, $type, $null, $key, $default, $extra ) = $sth->fetchrow )
$exists =1 if ($column eq $fieldtodrop);
if ($exists) {
print "deleting $fieldtodrop field in $table...\n" unless $silent;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("alter table $table drop $fieldtodrop");
} # foreach
# $Log$
# Revision 1.96 2004/11/16 13:03:45 tipaul
# removing ldap systempref, it's now in C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm separate package
# Revision 1.95 2004/11/08 19:57:32 tipaul
# bugfix
# Revision 1.94 2004/09/06 10:00:29 tipaul
# adding a "location" field to the library.
# This field is useful when the callnumber contains no information on the room where the item is stored.
# With this field, we now have 3 levels of informations to find a book :
# * the branch.
# * the location.
# * the callnumber.
# This should be versatile enough to solve any storing method.
# This hack is quite simple, due to the nice Biblio.pm API. The MARC => koha db link is automatically managed. Just add the link in the parameters section.
# Revision 1.93 2004/08/12 14:50:50 tipaul
# bugfixes
# Revision 1.92 2004/08/06 16:38:42 tipaul
# changing DB structure to calculate next issue number.
# Seems to work fine.
# Still misses the date calculation & the test of end of subscription (maybe for monday ?)
# Revision 1.91 2004/07/15 09:52:28 tipaul
# Acquisition & Suggestion :
# * acquisition rewritte : create a aqbasket table to deal with "bookseller order header".
# * add "close basket" feature : a closed basket can't be modified
# * suggestion feature : manage suggestions in acquisition (after suggestion filled in OPAC)
# Revision 1.90 2004/07/06 08:24:18 tipaul
# adding 2 free fields that can be used for sorting purposes
# Revision 1.89 2004/07/02 15:55:08 tipaul
# Adding 2 new fields, called "sort1" and "sort2"
# They can be used for sorting & statistics reasons by the library.
# Revision 1.88 2004/06/26 23:34:26 rangi
# Fixing typo
# Revision 1.87 2004/06/23 13:03:09 tipaul
# fixes in DB structure
# Revision 1.86 2004/06/22 11:30:57 tipaul
# adding -s (silent) flag, to have a silent install.
# only updater will be verbose
# Revision 1.85 2004/06/17 15:19:44 tipaul
# missing Marc_Search index on marc_word
# Revision 1.84 2004/06/17 08:25:21 tipaul
# DB modifs : merging tag & subfield in marc_word table
# Revision 1.83 2004/06/10 08:32:02 tipaul
# MARC authority management (continued)
# Revision 1.82 2004/06/03 12:46:58 tipaul
# * frameworks and itemtypes are independant
# WARNING : will work only if applied to a 2.0 base. some modifs have been done since last commit that will NOT be applied if you run updatedatabase again.
# Revision 1.81 2004/05/28 09:56:21 tipaul
# bugfix
# Revision 1.80 2004/05/28 08:32:00 tipaul
# adding :
# * MARC authority file
# * seealso & hidden in MARC biblio structure.
# Revision 1.79 2004/05/18 09:50:07 tipaul
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.78 2004/05/10 09:29:33 tipaul
# css is now the default theme for OPAC.
# It will be the theme used for improvements and new things in OPAC.
# Revision 1.77 2004/05/06 14:56:51 tipaul
# adding table issuingrules (previously called categoryitem
# Revision 1.76 2004/05/03 09:32:25 tipaul
# adding printcirculationsplit parameter (already existed, but was not in systempref by defaul)
# Revision 1.75 2004/04/14 19:49:00 tipaul
# seealso field set to 255 chars
# Revision 1.74 2004/03/11 16:10:16 tipaul
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.73 2004/03/06 20:26:13 tipaul
# adding seealso feature in MARC searches