Now, the tests used 'is' instead of 'ok', the tests are wrapped in a transaction, adding tests for the routines NewSuggestion, GetSuggestion, ModSuggestion, GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber and GetInfoFromBiblionumber. The tests for the routines DelSuggestionsOlderThan, CountSuggestion, ConnectSuggestionAndBiblio, SearchSuggestion, GetSuggestionInfo, DelSuggestion and GetSuggestionByStatus will be arrived in another patch. Test plan: 1/ Execute the command : prove t/db_dependent/Suggestions.t 2/ The result has to be a success without warning or error : t/db_dependent/Suggestions.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=32, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 1.49 cusr 0.08 csys = 1.61 CPU) Result: PASS Signed-off-by: Paola Rossi <paola.rossi@cineca.it> Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <bgkriegel@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@gmail.com>
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150 lines
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# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::Suggestions;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Letters;
use Test::More tests => 34;
use Test::Warn;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Start transaction
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM suggestions|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM borrowers|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM letter|);
$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM message_queue|);
$dbh->do(q|INSERT INTO letter(module, code, content) VALUES ('suggestions', 'CHECKED', 'my content')|);
my $borrowernumber = AddMember(
firstname => 'my firstname',
surname => 'my surname',
categorycode => 'S',
branchcode => 'CPL',
my $my_suggestion = {
title => 'my title',
author => 'my author',
publishercode => 'my publishercode',
suggestedby => $borrowernumber,
biblionumber => 1,
my $my_suggestionid = NewSuggestion($my_suggestion);
isnt( $my_suggestionid, 0, 'NewSuggestion returns an not null id' );
my $suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{title}, $my_suggestion->{title}, 'NewSuggestion stores the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $my_suggestion->{author}, 'NewSuggestion stores the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $my_suggestion->{publishercode}, 'NewSuggestion stores the publishercode correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'NewSuggestion stores the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'NewSuggestion stores the biblio number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, 'ASKED', 'NewSuggestion stores a suggestion with the status ASKED by default' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestion();
is( $suggestion, undef, 'GetSuggestion without the suggestion id returns undef' );
my $status = ModSuggestion();
is( $status, undef, 'ModSuggestion without arguments returns undef' );
my $mod_suggestion1 = {
title => 'my modified title',
author => 'my modified author',
publishercode => 'my modified publishercode',
$status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1);
is( $status, '0E0', 'ModSuggestion without the suggestion id returns 0E0' );
$mod_suggestion1->{suggestionid} = $my_suggestionid;
$status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion1);
is( $status, 1, 'ModSuggestion modifies one entry' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the publishercode correctly' );
my $messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
is( @$messages, 0, 'ModSuggestions does not send an email if the status is not updated' );
my $mod_suggestion2 = {
suggestionid => $my_suggestionid,
warning_is { $status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion2) }
"No suggestions STALLED letter transported by email",
"ModSuggestion status warning is correct";
is( $status, 1, "ModSuggestion Status OK");
my $mod_suggestion3 = {
suggestionid => $my_suggestionid,
$status = ModSuggestion($mod_suggestion3);
is( $status, 1, 'ModSuggestion modifies one entry' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestion($my_suggestionid);
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'ModSuggestion modifies the status correctly' );
$messages = C4::Letters::GetQueuedMessages({
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
is( @$messages, 1, 'ModSuggestion sends an email if the status is updated' );
my $biblionumber = 1;
my $suggestionid = GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber($biblionumber);
is( $suggestionid, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber functions correctly' );
$suggestion = GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber($biblionumber);
is( $suggestion->{suggestionid}, $my_suggestionid, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the suggestion id correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{title}, $mod_suggestion1->{title}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the title correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{author}, $mod_suggestion1->{author}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the author correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{publishercode}, $mod_suggestion1->{publishercode}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the publisher code correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{suggestedby}, $my_suggestion->{suggestedby}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the borrower number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{biblionumber}, $my_suggestion->{biblionumber}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the biblio number correctly' );
is( $suggestion->{STATUS}, $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS}, 'GetSuggestionInfoFromBiblionumber gets the status correctly' );
my $search_suggestion = SearchSuggestion({
STATUS => $mod_suggestion3->{STATUS},
is( @$search_suggestion, 1, '' );
## Bug 11466, making sure GetSupportList() returns itemtypes, even if AdvancedSearchTypes has multiple values
C4::Context->set_preference("AdvancedSearchTypes", 'itemtypes|loc|ccode');
my $itemtypes1 = C4::Koha::GetSupportList();
is(@$itemtypes1, 8, "Purchase suggestion itemtypes collected, multiple AdvancedSearchTypes");
C4::Context->set_preference("AdvancedSearchTypes", 'itemtypes');
my $itemtypes2 = C4::Koha::GetSupportList();
is(@$itemtypes2, 8, "Purchase suggestion itemtypes collected, default AdvancedSearchTypes");
is_deeply($itemtypes1, $itemtypes2, 'same set of purchase suggestion formats retrieved');