Kevin Carnes b37b855638 Bug 31640: Fuzzy translations of preferences can cause missing sections and inaccurate translations
This patch ignores fuzzy translations for preferences and warns if there are multiple sections with the same translated name.

Test Plan:
1)  Install English United Kingdom translations (./misc/translator/translate install en-GB)
2)  Go to Koha administration in the staff interface
3)  Click Global system preferences
4)  Select I18N/L10N preferences
5)  Enable English United Kingdom in the language preference for staff interface
6)  Save all I18N/L10N preferences
7)  Return to Koha administration
8)  Select English United Kingdom as the language at the bottom of the screen
9)  Click on Global system preferences
10) Select Circulation
11) Observe that there is only SelfCheckInMainUserBlock or StockRotation, but not both
12) Apply the patch
13) Install English United Kingdom translations (./misc/translator/translate install en-GB)
14) Go to Koha administration
15) Select English United Kingdom as the language at the bottom of the screen
16) Click on Global system preferences
17) Select Circulation
18) Observe that SelfCheckInMainUserBlock and StockRotation are both present

Signed-off-by: Caroline Cyr La Rose <caroline.cyr-la-rose@inlibro.com>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
(cherry picked from commit 5fdc436119)
Signed-off-by: Jacob O'Mara <jacobomara901@gmail.com>
2023-04-16 18:26:42 +01:00

610 lines
20 KiB

package LangInstaller;
# Copyright (C) 2010 Tamil s.a.r.l.
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use C4::Context;
# WARNING: Any other tested YAML library fails to work properly in this
# script content
# FIXME Really?
use YAML::XS;
use Locale::PO;
use FindBin qw( $Bin );
use File::Path qw( make_path );
use File::Copy;
sub set_lang {
my ($self, $lang) = @_;
$self->{lang} = $lang;
$self->{po_path_lang} = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') .
sub new {
my ($class, $lang, $pref_only, $verbose) = @_;
my $self = { };
$self->{path_pref_en} = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') .
set_lang( $self, $lang ) if $lang;
$self->{pref_only} = $pref_only;
$self->{verbose} = $verbose;
$self->{process} = "$Bin/tmpl_process3.pl " . ($verbose ? '' : '-q');
$self->{path_po} = "$Bin/po";
$self->{po} = {};
$self->{domain} = 'Koha';
$self->{msgfmt} = `which msgfmt`;
$self->{po2json} = "$Bin/po2json";
$self->{gzip} = `which gzip`;
$self->{gunzip} = `which gunzip`;
chomp $self->{msgfmt};
chomp $self->{gzip};
chomp $self->{gunzip};
# Get all .pref file names
opendir my $fh, $self->{path_pref_en};
my @pref_files = grep { /\.pref$/ } readdir($fh);
close $fh;
$self->{pref_files} = \@pref_files;
# Get all available language codes
opendir $fh, $self->{path_po};
my @langs = map { ($_) =~ /(.*)-pref/ }
grep { $_ =~ /.*-pref/ } readdir($fh);
closedir $fh;
$self->{langs} = \@langs;
# Map for both interfaces opac/intranet
my $opachtdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
$self->{interface} = [
name => 'Intranet prog UI',
dir => C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog',
suffix => '-staff-prog.po',
# OPAC themes
opendir my $dh, C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
for my $theme ( grep { not /^\.|lib|xslt/ } readdir($dh) ) {
push @{$self->{interface}}, {
name => "OPAC $theme",
dir => "$opachtdocs/$theme",
suffix => "-opac-$theme.po",
# MARC flavours (hardcoded list)
for ( "MARC21", "UNIMARC" ) {
# search for strings on staff & opac marc files
my $dirs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog';
opendir $fh, C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
for ( grep { not /^\.|\.\.|lib$|xslt/ } readdir($fh) ) {
$dirs .= ' ' . "$opachtdocs/$_";
push @{$self->{interface}}, {
name => "$_",
dir => $dirs,
suffix => "-marc-$_.po",
# EN YAML installer files
push @{$self->{installer}}, {
name => "YAML installer files",
dirs => [ 'installer/data/mysql/en/mandatory',
suffix => "-installer.po",
# EN MARC21 YAML installer files
push @{$self->{installer}}, {
name => "MARC21 YAML installer files",
dirs => [ 'installer/data/mysql/en/marcflavour/marc21/mandatory',
suffix => "-installer-MARC21.po",
# EN UNIMARC YAML installer files
push @{$self->{installer}}, {
name => "UNIMARC YAML installer files",
dirs => [ 'installer/data/mysql/en/marcflavour/unimarc/mandatory',
suffix => "-installer-UNIMARC.po",
bless $self, $class;
sub po_filename {
my $self = shift;
my $suffix = shift;
my $trans_path = $Bin . '/po';
my $trans_file = "$trans_path/" . $self->{lang} . $suffix;
return $trans_file;
sub get_trans_text {
my ($self, $msgid, $default) = @_;
my $po = $self->{po}->{Locale::PO->quote($msgid)};
if ( $po and not defined( $po->fuzzy() ) ) {
my $msgstr = Locale::PO->dequote($po->msgstr);
if ($msgstr and length($msgstr) > 0) {
return $msgstr;
return $default;
sub get_translated_tab_content {
my ($self, $file, $tab_content) = @_;
if ( ref($tab_content) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return $self->get_translated_prefs($file, $tab_content);
my $translated_tab_content = {
map {
my $section = $_;
my $sysprefs = $tab_content->{$section};
my $msgid = sprintf('%s %s', $file, $section);
$self->get_trans_text($msgid, $section) => $self->get_translated_prefs($file, $sysprefs);
} keys %$tab_content
if ( keys %$translated_tab_content != keys %$tab_content ) {
my %duplicates;
for my $section (keys %$tab_content) {
push @{$duplicates{$self->get_trans_text("$file $section", $section)}}, $section;
for my $translation (keys %duplicates) {
if (@{$duplicates{$translation}} > 1) {
warn qq(In file "$file", "$translation" is a translation for sections ") . join('", "', @{$duplicates{$translation}}) . '"';
return $translated_tab_content;
sub get_translated_prefs {
my ($self, $file, $sysprefs) = @_;
my $translated_prefs = [
map {
my ($pref_elt) = grep { ref($_) eq 'HASH' && exists $_->{pref} } @$_;
my $pref_name = $pref_elt ? $pref_elt->{pref} : '';
my $translated_syspref = [
map {
$self->get_translated_pref($file, $pref_name, $_);
} @$_
} @$sysprefs
return $translated_prefs;
sub get_translated_pref {
my ($self, $file, $pref_name, $syspref) = @_;
unless (ref($syspref)) {
$syspref //= '';
my $msgid = sprintf('%s#%s# %s', $file, $pref_name, $syspref);
return $self->get_trans_text($msgid, $syspref);
my $translated_pref = {
map {
my $key = $_;
my $value = $syspref->{$key};
my $translated_value = $value;
if (($key eq 'choices' || $key eq 'multiple') && ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
$translated_value = {
map {
my $msgid = sprintf('%s#%s# %s', $file, $pref_name, $value->{$_});
$_ => $self->get_trans_text($msgid, $value->{$_})
} keys %$value
$key => $translated_value
} keys %$syspref
return $translated_pref;
sub install_prefs {
my $self = shift;
unless ( -r $self->{po_path_lang} ) {
print "Koha directories hierarchy for ", $self->{lang}, " must be created first\n";
$self->{po} = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash($self->po_filename("-pref.po"), 'utf8');
for my $file ( @{$self->{pref_files}} ) {
my $pref = YAML::XS::LoadFile( $self->{path_pref_en} . "/$file" );
my $translated_pref = {
map {
my $tab = $_;
my $tab_content = $pref->{$tab};
$self->get_trans_text($file, $tab) => $self->get_translated_tab_content($file, $tab_content);
} keys %$pref
if ( keys %$translated_pref != keys %$pref ) {
my %duplicates;
for my $tab (keys %$pref) {
push @{$duplicates{$self->get_trans_text($file, $tab)}}, $tab;
for my $translation (keys %duplicates) {
if (@{$duplicates{$translation}} > 1) {
warn qq(In file "$file", "$translation" is a translation for tabs ") . join('", "', @{$duplicates{$translation}}) . '"';
my $file_trans = $self->{po_path_lang} . "/$file";
print "Write $file\n" if $self->{verbose};
YAML::XS::DumpFile($file_trans, $translated_pref);
sub install_tmpl {
my ($self, $files) = @_;
say "Install templates" if $self->{verbose};
for my $trans ( @{$self->{interface}} ) {
my @t_dirs = split(" ", $trans->{dir});
for my $t_dir ( @t_dirs ) {
my @files = @$files;
my @nomarc = ();
" Install templates '$trans->{name}'\n",
" From: $t_dir/en/\n",
" To : $t_dir/$self->{lang}\n",
" With: $self->{path_po}/$self->{lang}$trans->{suffix}\n"
if $self->{verbose};
my $trans_dir = "$t_dir/en/";
my $lang_dir = "$t_dir/$self->{lang}";
$lang_dir =~ s|/en/|/$self->{lang}/|;
mkdir $lang_dir unless -d $lang_dir;
# if installing MARC po file, only touch corresponding files
my $marc = ( $trans->{name} =~ /MARC/ )?"-m \"$trans->{name}\"":""; # for MARC translations
# if not installing MARC po file, ignore all MARC files
@nomarc = ( 'marc21', 'unimarc' ) if ( $trans->{name} !~ /MARC/ ); # hardcoded MARC variants
"$self->{process} install " .
"-i $trans_dir " .
"-o $lang_dir ".
"-s $self->{path_po}/$self->{lang}$trans->{suffix} -r " .
"$marc " .
( @files ? ' -f ' . join ' -f ', @files : '') .
( @nomarc ? ' -n ' . join ' -n ', @nomarc : '');
sub translate_yaml {
my $self = shift;
my $target = shift;
my $srcyml = shift;
my $po_file = $self->po_filename( $target->{suffix} );
return $srcyml unless ( -e $po_file );
my $po_ref = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash( $po_file, 'utf8' );
my $dstyml = YAML::XS::LoadFile( $srcyml );
# translate fields in table rows
my @tables = @{ $dstyml->{'tables'} };
for my $table ( @tables ) { # each table
my $table_name = ( keys %$table )[0];
my @translatable = @{ $table->{$table_name}->{translatable} };
my @rows = @{ $table->{$table_name}->{rows} };
my @multiline = @{ $table->{$table_name}->{'multiline'} }; # to check multiline values
for my $row ( @rows ) { # each row
for my $field ( @translatable ) { # each translatable field
if ( @multiline and grep { $_ eq $field } @multiline ) { # multiline fields, only notices ATM
foreach my $line ( @{$row->{$field}} ) {
my @ttvar;
while ( $line =~ s/(<<.*?>>|\[\%.*?\%\]|<.*?>)/\%s/ ) { # put placeholders, save matches
my $var = $1;
push @ttvar, $var;
if ( $line =~ /^(\s|%s|-|[[:punct:]]|\(|\))*$/ ) { # ignore non strings
while ( @ttvar ) { # restore placeholders
my $var = shift @ttvar;
$line =~ s/\%s/$var/;
} else {
my $po = $po_ref->{"\"$line\""}; # quoted key
if ( $po and not defined( $po->fuzzy() ) # not fuzzy
and length( $po->msgid() ) > 2 # not empty msgid
and length( $po->msgstr() ) > 2 ) { # not empty msgstr
$line = $po->dequote( $po->msgstr() );
while ( @ttvar ) { # restore placeholders
my $var = shift @ttvar;
$line =~ s/\%s/$var/;
} else {
next unless defined $row->{$field}; # next if null value
my $po = $po_ref->{"\"$row->{$field}\""}; # quoted key
if ( $po and not defined( $po->fuzzy() ) # not fuzzy
and length( $po->msgid() ) > 2 # not empty msgid
and length( $po->msgstr() ) > 2 ) { # not empty msgstr
$row->{$field} = $po->dequote( $po->msgstr() );
# translate descriptions
for my $description ( @{ $dstyml->{'description'} } ) {
my $po = $po_ref->{"\"$description\""};
if ( $po and not defined( $po->fuzzy() )
and length( $po->msgid() ) > 2
and length( $po->msgstr() ) > 2 ) {
$description = $po->dequote( $po->msgstr() );
return $dstyml;
sub install_installer {
my $self = shift;
return unless ( $self->{installer} );
my $intradir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir');
my $db_scheme = C4::Context->config('db_scheme');
my $langdir = "$intradir/installer/data/$db_scheme/$self->{lang}";
say "Install installer files\n" if $self->{verbose};
for my $target ( @{ $self->{installer} } ) {
return unless ( -e $self->po_filename( $target->{suffix} ) );
for my $dir ( @{ $target->{dirs} } ) {
( my $tdir = "$dir" ) =~ s|/en/|/$self->{lang}/|;
opendir( my $dh, "$intradir/$dir" ) or die ("Can't open $intradir/$dir");
my @files = grep { ! /^\.+$/ } readdir($dh);
for my $file ( @files ) {
if ( $file =~ /yml$/ ) {
my $translated_yaml = translate_yaml( $self, $target, "$intradir/$dir/$file" );
YAML::XS::DumpFile( "$intradir/$tdir/$file", $translated_yaml );
} else {
File::Copy::copy( "$intradir/$dir/$file", "$intradir/$tdir/$file" );
sub locale_name {
my $self = shift;
my ($language, $region, $country) = split /-/, $self->{lang};
$country //= $region;
my $locale = $language;
if ($country && length($country) == 2) {
$locale .= '_' . $country;
return $locale;
sub install_messages {
my ($self) = @_;
my $locale = $self->locale_name();
my $modir = "$self->{path_po}/$locale/LC_MESSAGES";
my $pofile = "$self->{path_po}/$self->{lang}-messages.po";
my $mofile = "$modir/$self->{domain}.mo";
my $js_pofile = "$self->{path_po}/$self->{lang}-messages-js.po";
unless ( -f $pofile && -f $js_pofile ) {
die "PO files for language '$self->{lang}' do not exist";
say "Install messages ($locale)" if $self->{verbose};
system "$self->{msgfmt} -o $mofile $pofile";
my $js_locale_data = 'var json_locale_data = {"Koha":' . `$self->{po2json} $js_pofile` . '};';
my $progdir = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog';
mkdir "$progdir/$self->{lang}/js";
open my $fh, '>', "$progdir/$self->{lang}/js/locale_data.js";
print $fh $js_locale_data;
close $fh;
my $opachtdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs');
opendir(my $dh, $opachtdocs);
for my $theme ( grep { not /^\.|lib|xslt/ } readdir($dh) ) {
mkdir "$opachtdocs/$theme/$self->{lang}/js";
open my $fh, '>', "$opachtdocs/$theme/$self->{lang}/js/locale_data.js";
print $fh $js_locale_data;
close $fh;
sub compress {
my ($self, $files) = @_;
my @langs = $self->{lang} ? ($self->{lang}) : $self->get_all_langs();
for my $lang ( @langs ) {
$self->set_lang( $lang );
opendir( my $dh, $self->{path_po} );
my @files = grep { $_ =~ /^$self->{lang}.*po$/ } readdir $dh;
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
say "Compress file $file" if $self->{verbose};
system "$self->{gzip} -9 $self->{path_po}/$file";
sub uncompress {
my ($self, $files) = @_;
my @langs = $self->{lang} ? ($self->{lang}) : $self->get_all_langs();
for my $lang ( @langs ) {
opendir( my $dh, $self->{path_po} );
$self->set_lang( $lang );
my @files = grep { $_ =~ /^$self->{lang}.*po.gz$/ } readdir $dh;
foreach my $file ( @files ) {
say "Uncompress file $file" if $self->{verbose};
system "$self->{gunzip} $self->{path_po}/$file";
sub install {
my ($self, $files) = @_;
return unless $self->{lang};
if ($self->{pref_only}) {
} else {
sub get_all_langs {
my $self = shift;
opendir( my $dh, $self->{path_po} );
my @files = grep { $_ =~ /-pref.(po|po.gz)$/ }
readdir $dh;
@files = map { $_ =~ s/-pref.(po|po.gz)$//r } @files;
=head1 NAME
LangInstaller.pm - Handle templates and preferences translation
my $installer = LangInstaller->new( 'fr-FR' );
for my $lang ( @{$installer->{langs} ) {
$installer->set_lang( $lan );
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Create a new instance of the installer object.
=head2 create
For the current language, create .po files for templates and preferences based
of the english ('en') version.
=head2 update
For the current language, update .po files.
=head2 install
For the current langage C<$self->{lang}, use .po files to translate the english
version of templates and preferences files and copy those files in the
appropriate directory.
=item translate create F<lang>
Create 4 kinds of .po files in F<po> subdirectory:
(1) one from each theme on opac pages templates,
(2) intranet templates,
(3) preferences, and
(4) one for each MARC dialect.
=item F<lang>-opac-{theme}.po
Contains extracted text from english (en) OPAC templates found in
<KOHA_ROOT>/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/{theme}/en/ directory.
=item F<lang>-staff-prog.po
Contains extracted text from english (en) intranet templates found in
<KOHA_ROOT>/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/ directory.
=item F<lang>-pref.po
Contains extracted text from english (en) preferences. They are found in files
located in <KOHA_ROOT>/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/admin/preferences
=item F<lang>-marc-{MARC}.po
Contains extracted text from english (en) files from opac and intranet,
related with MARC dialects.
=item pref-trans update F<lang>
Update .po files in F<po> directory, named F<lang>-*.po.
=item pref-trans install F<lang>