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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 327;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use_ok( 'C4::Dates', qw(format_date format_date_in_iso) );
sub describe ($$) {
my $front = sprintf( "%-25s", shift );
my $tail = shift || 'FAILED';
return "$front : $tail";
# Keep the number of test elements per [array] equal or the predicted number of tests
# needs to be different for different (fake) sysprefs.
my %thash = (
iso => [ '2001-1-1', '1989-9-21', '1952-1-0', '1989-9-21 13:46:02', '2001-01-01', '1989-09-21', '1952-01-00', '1989-09-21 13:46:02' ],
metric => [ "1-1-2001", '21-9-1989', '00-1-1952', '21-9-1989 13:46:02', "01-01-2001", '21-09-1989', '00-01-1952', '21-09-1989 13:46:02' ],
us => [ "01-01-2001", '09-21-1989', '01-00-1952', '09-21-1989 13:46:02' ],
sql => [ '20010101 010101', '19890921 143907', '19520100 000000', '19890921 134602' ],
rfc822 => [ 'Wed, 02 Oct 2002 15:00:00 +0200', 'Fri, 10 Sep 2010 08:00:00 +0500' ],
my ( $date, $format, $today, $today0, $val, $re, $syspref );
my @formats = sort keys %thash;
my $fake_syspref_default = 'us';
my $fake_syspref = (@ARGV) ? shift : $ENV{KOHA_TEST_DATE_FORMAT};
if ($fake_syspref) {
diag "You asked for date format '$fake_syspref'.";
unless ( scalar grep { /^$fake_syspref$/ } @formats ) {
diag "Warning: Unkown date format '$fake_syspref', reverting to default '$fake_syspref_default'.";
$fake_syspref = $fake_syspref_default;
$fake_syspref or $fake_syspref = $fake_syspref_default;
$C4::Dates::prefformat = $fake_syspref; # So Dates doesn't have to ask the DB anything.
diag <<EndOfDiag;
In order to run without DB access, this test will substitute '$fake_syspref'
as your default date format. Export environmental variable KOHA_TEST_DATE_FORMAT
to override this default, or pass the value as an argument to this test script.
NOTE: we test for the system handling dd=00 and 00 for TIME values, therefore
you SHOULD see some warnings like:
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t ...
Testing Legacy Functions: format_date and format_date_in_iso
ok( $syspref = C4::Dates->new->format(), "Your system preference is: $syspref" );
print "\n";
foreach ( @{ $thash{'iso'} } ) {
ok( $val = format_date($_), "format_date('$_'): $val" );
foreach ( @{ $thash{$syspref} } ) {
ok( $val = format_date_in_iso($_), "format_date_in_iso('$_'): $val" );
ok( $today0 = C4::Dates->today(), "(default) CLASS ->today : $today0" );
diag "\nTesting " . scalar(@formats) . " formats.\nTesting no input (defaults):\n";
print "\n";
foreach (@formats) {
my $pre = sprintf '(%-6s)', $_;
ok( $date = C4::Dates->new(), "$pre Date Creation : new()" );
ok( $_ eq ( $format = $date->format($_) ), "$pre format($_) : " . ( $format || 'FAILED' ) );
ok( $format = $date->visual(), "$pre visual() : " . ( $format || 'FAILED' ) );
ok( $today = $date->output(), "$pre output() : " . ( $today || 'FAILED' ) );
ok( $today = $date->today(), "$pre object->today : " . ( $today || 'FAILED' ) );
print "\n";
diag "\nTesting with valid inputs:\n";
foreach $format (@formats) {
my $pre = sprintf '(%-6s)', $format;
foreach my $testval ( @{ $thash{$format} } ) {
ok( $date = C4::Dates->new( $testval, $format ), "$pre Date Creation : new('$testval','$format')" );
ok( $re = $date->regexp, "$pre has regexp()" );
ok( $testval =~ /^$re$/, "$pre has regexp() match $testval" );
ok( $val = $date->output(), describe( "$pre output()", $val ) );
skip( "special case with explicit regexp('syspref') because $format isn't $syspref", 1 ) unless ( $format eq $syspref );
my $re_syspref = C4::Dates->regexp('syspref');
ok( $testval =~ /^$re_syspref$/, "$pre has regexp('syspref') match $testval" );
foreach ( grep { !/$format/ } @formats ) {
ok( $today = $date->output($_), describe( sprintf( "$pre output(%8s)", "'$_'" ), $today ) );
ok( $today = $date->today(), describe( "$pre object->today", $today ) );
# ok($today == ($today = C4::Dates->today()), "$pre CLASS ->today : $today" );
ok( $val = $date->output(), describe( "$pre output()", $val ) );
# ok($format eq ($format = $date->format()), "$pre format() : $format" );
print "\n";
diag "\nTesting object independence from class\n";
my $in1 = '12/25/1952'; # us
my $in2 = '13/01/2001'; # metric
my $d1 = C4::Dates->new( $in1, 'us' );
my $d2 = C4::Dates->new( $in2, 'metric' );
my $out1 = $d1->output('iso');
my $out2 = $d2->output('iso');
ok( $out1 ne $out2, "subsequent constructors get different dataspace ($out1 != $out2)" );
diag "done.\n";