Galen Charlton 9fd39af7a0 bug 2677: restore RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight and StaticHoldsQueueWeight
Restoring the functionality of these sysprefs as part of the
rework of build_holds_queue.pl:

* StaticHoldsQueueWeight is an ordered list of library codes.
  The order of the libraries in this list determines the order
  of libraries in which available items will be chosen to be
  targeted to holds.  Note that if this list does not include
  a library, items from that library will never be targeted to
  holds and staff will never be asked to retrieve items for
  title-level holds from those libraries.

* RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight is a Boolean parameter, indicating
  whether to randomize the libraries in the StaticHoldsQueueWeight

If neither RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight nor StaticHoldsQueueWeight is
set, then the libraries will be used to target items to holds in
alphabetical order by library code.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
2008-10-16 09:50:52 -05:00

397 lines
13 KiB
Executable file

# Script Name: build_holds_queue.pl
# Description: builds a holds queue in the tmp_holdsqueue table
use strict;
use warnings;
# find Koha's Perl modules
# test carefully before changing this
use FindBin;
eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/../kohalib.pl" };
use C4::Context;
use C4::Search;
use C4::Items;
use C4::Branch;
use C4::Circulation;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Biblio;
use List::Util qw(shuffle);
my $bibs_with_pending_requests = GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests();
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue"); # clear the old table for new info
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets");
my $total_bibs = 0;
my $total_requests = 0;
my $total_available_items = 0;
my $num_items_mapped = 0;
my @branches_to_use = _get_branches_to_pull_from();
foreach my $biblionumber (@$bibs_with_pending_requests) {
my $hold_requests = GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
$total_requests += scalar(@$hold_requests);
my $available_items = GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber, @branches_to_use);
$total_available_items += scalar(@$available_items);
my $item_map = MapItemsToHoldRequests($hold_requests, $available_items, @branches_to_use);
if (defined($item_map)) {
$num_items_mapped += scalar(keys %$item_map);
if ((scalar(keys %$item_map) < scalar(@$hold_requests)) and
(scalar(keys %$item_map) < scalar(@$available_items))) {
# DOUBLE CHECK, but this is probably OK - unfilled item-level requests
#warn "unfilled requests for $biblionumber";
#warn Dumper($hold_requests);
#warn Dumper($available_items);
#warn Dumper($item_map);
exit 0;
=head2 GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests
=over 4
my $biblionumber_aref = GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests();
Return an arrayref of the biblionumbers of all bibs
that have one or more unfilled hold requests.
sub GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $bib_query = "SELECT DISTINCT biblionumber
FROM reserves
AND priority > 0";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($bib_query);
my $biblionumbers = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
return [ map { $_->[0] } @$biblionumbers ];
=head2 GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib
=over 4
my $requests = GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
Returns an arrayref of hashrefs to pending, unfilled hold requests
on the bib identified by $biblionumber. The following keys
are present in each hashref:
The arrayref is sorted in order of increasing priority.
sub GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib {
my $biblionumber = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $request_query = "SELECT biblionumber, borrowernumber, itemnumber, priority, branchcode, reservedate, reservenotes
FROM reserves
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND priority > 0
ORDER BY priority";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($request_query);
my $requests = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
return $requests;
=head2 GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib
=over 4
my $available_items = GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
Returns an arrayref of items available to fill hold requests
for the bib identified by C<$biblionumber>. An item is available
to fill a hold request if and only if:
* it is not on loan
* it is not withdrawn
* it is not marked notforloan
* it is not currently in transit
* it is not lost
* it is not sitting on the hold shelf
sub GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib {
my $biblionumber = shift;
my @branches_to_use = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $items_query = "SELECT itemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch
FROM items ";
if (C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes')) {
$items_query .= "LEFT JOIN itemtypes ON (itemtypes.itemtype = items.itype) ";
} else {
$items_query .= "JOIN biblioitems USING (biblioitemnumber)
LEFT JOIN itemtypes USING (itemtype) ";
$items_query .= "WHERE items.notforloan = 0
AND holdingbranch IS NOT NULL
AND itemlost = 0
AND wthdrawn = 0
AND items.onloan IS NULL
AND (itemtypes.notforloan IS NULL OR itemtypes.notforloan = 0)
AND itemnumber NOT IN (
SELECT itemnumber
FROM reserves
WHERE biblionumber = ?
AND itemnumber IS NOT NULL
AND (found IS NOT NULL OR priority = 0)
AND biblionumber = ?";
my @params = ($biblionumber, $biblionumber);
if ($#branches_to_use > -1) {
$items_query .= " AND holdingbranch IN (" . join (",", map { "?" } @branches_to_use) . ")";
push @params, @branches_to_use;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($items_query);
my $items = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
return [ grep { my @transfers = GetTransfers($_->{itemnumber}); $#transfers == -1; } @$items ];
=head2 MapItemsToHoldRequests
=over 4
MapItemsToHoldRequests($hold_requests, $available_items);
sub MapItemsToHoldRequests {
my $hold_requests = shift;
my $available_items = shift;
my @branches_to_use = @_;
# handle trival cases
return unless scalar(@$hold_requests) > 0;
return unless scalar(@$available_items) > 0;
# identify item-level requests
my %specific_items_requested = map { $_->{itemnumber} => 1 }
grep { defined($_->{itemnumber}) }
# group available items by itemnumber
my %items_by_itemnumber = map { $_->{itemnumber} => $_ } @$available_items;
# items already allocated
my %allocated_items = ();
# map of items to hold requests
my %item_map = ();
# figure out which item-level requests can be filled
my $num_items_remaining = scalar(@$available_items);
foreach my $request (@$hold_requests) {
last if $num_items_remaining == 0;
# is this an item-level request?
if (defined($request->{itemnumber})) {
# fill it if possible; if not skip it
if (exists $items_by_itemnumber{$request->{itemnumber}} and
not exists $allocated_items{$request->{itemnumber}}) {
$item_map{$request->{itemnumber}} = {
borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
holdingbranch => $items_by_itemnumber{$request->{itemnumber}}->{holdingbranch},
pickup_branch => $request->{branchcode},
item_level => 1,
reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
} else {
# it's title-level request that will take up one item
# group available items by branch
my %items_by_branch = ();
foreach my $item (@$available_items) {
push @{ $items_by_branch{ $item->{holdingbranch} } }, $item unless exists $allocated_items{ $item->{itemnumber} };
# now handle the title-level requests
$num_items_remaining = scalar(@$available_items) - scalar(keys %allocated_items);
foreach my $request (@$hold_requests) {
last if $num_items_remaining <= 0;
next if defined($request->{itemnumber}); # already handled these
# look for local match first
my $pickup_branch = $request->{branchcode};
if (exists $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch}) {
my $item = pop @{ $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch} };
delete $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch} if scalar(@{ $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch} }) == 0;
$item_map{$item->{itemnumber}} = {
borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
holdingbranch => $pickup_branch,
pickup_branch => $pickup_branch,
item_level => 0,
reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
} else {
my @pull_branches = ();
if ($#branches_to_use > -1) {
@pull_branches = @branches_to_use;
} else {
@pull_branches = sort keys %items_by_branch;
foreach my $branch (@pull_branches) {
next unless exists $items_by_branch{$branch};
my $item = pop @{ $items_by_branch{$branch} };
delete $items_by_branch{$branch} if scalar(@{ $items_by_branch{$branch} }) == 0;
$item_map{$item->{itemnumber}} = {
borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
holdingbranch => $branch,
pickup_branch => $pickup_branch,
item_level => 0,
reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
return \%item_map;
=head2 CreatePickListFromItemMap
sub CreatePicklistFromItemMap {
my $item_map = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth_load=$dbh->prepare("
INSERT INTO tmp_holdsqueue (biblionumber,itemnumber,barcode,surname,firstname,phone,borrowernumber,
cardnumber,reservedate,title, itemcallnumber,
holdingbranch,pickbranch,notes, item_level_request)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
foreach my $itemnumber (sort keys %$item_map) {
my $mapped_item = $item_map->{$itemnumber};
my $biblionumber = $mapped_item->{biblionumber};
my $borrowernumber = $mapped_item->{borrowernumber};
my $pickbranch = $mapped_item->{pickup_branch};
my $holdingbranch = $mapped_item->{holdingbranch};
my $reservedate = $mapped_item->{reservedate};
my $reservenotes = $mapped_item->{reservenotes};
my $item_level = $mapped_item->{item_level};
my $item = GetItem($itemnumber);
my $barcode = $item->{barcode};
my $itemcallnumber = $item->{itemcallnumber};
my $borrower = GetMember($borrowernumber);
my $cardnumber = $borrower->{'cardnumber'};
my $surname = $borrower->{'surname'};
my $firstname = $borrower->{'firstname'};
my $phone = $borrower->{'phone'};
my $bib = GetBiblioData($biblionumber);
my $title = $bib->{title};
$sth_load->execute($biblionumber, $itemnumber, $barcode, $surname, $firstname, $phone, $borrowernumber,
$cardnumber, $reservedate, $title, $itemcallnumber,
$holdingbranch, $pickbranch, $reservenotes, $item_level);
=head2 AddToHoldTargetMap
sub AddToHoldTargetMap {
my $item_map = shift;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $insert_sql = q(
INSERT INTO hold_fill_targets (borrowernumber, biblionumber, itemnumber, source_branchcode, item_level_request)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare($insert_sql);
foreach my $itemnumber (keys %$item_map) {
my $mapped_item = $item_map->{$itemnumber};
$sth_insert->execute($mapped_item->{borrowernumber}, $mapped_item->{biblionumber}, $itemnumber,
$mapped_item->{holdingbranch}, $mapped_item->{item_level});
=head2 _get_branches_to_pull_from
Query system preferences to get ordered list of
branches to use to fill hold requests.
sub _get_branches_to_pull_from {
my @branches_to_use = ();
my $static_branch_list = C4::Context->preference("StaticHoldsQueueWeight");
if ($static_branch_list) {
@branches_to_use = map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } split /,/, $static_branch_list;
@branches_to_use = shuffle(@branches_to_use) if C4::Context->preference("RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight");
return @branches_to_use;