Fix silly bugs mentioned in comment #29 Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <josef.moravec@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
543 lines
32 KiB
543 lines
32 KiB
[% USE raw %]
[% USE Asset %]
[% USE Branches %]
[% USE Koha %]
[% USE KohaDates %]
[% SET footerjs = 1 %]
[% USE AuthorisedValues %]
[% USE ColumnsSettings %]
[% USE Price %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
<title>Koha › ILL requests</title>
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %]
<body id="illrequests" class="ill">
[% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'cat-search.inc' %]
<div id="breadcrumbs">
<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl">Home</a> ›
<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl">ILL requests</a>
[% IF query_type == 'create' %]
› New request
[% ELSIF query_type == 'status' %]
› Status
[% END %]
<div id="doc3" class="yui-t2">
<div id="bd">
[% IF query_type == 'illlist' %]
<div id="illfilter_yui_column" class="yui-b">
<form method="get" id="illfilter_form">
<fieldset class="brief">
<label for="illfilter_status">Status:</label>
<select name="illfilter_status" id="illfilter_status">
<option value=""></option>
<label for="illfilter_dateplaced_start">Date placed between:</label>
<input type="text" name="illfilter_dateplaced_start" id="illfilter_dateplaced_start" class="datepicker" />
<label for="illfilter_dateplaced_end">and:</label>
<input type="text" name="illfilter_dateplaced_end" id="illfilter_dateplaced_end" class="datepicker" />
<label for="illfilter_datemodified_start">Updated between:</label>
<input type="text" name="illfilter_datemodified_start" id="illfilter_datemodified_start" class="datepicker" />
<label for="illfilter_datemodified_end">and:</label>
<input type="text" name="illfilter_datemodified_end" id="illfilter_datemodified_end" class="datepicker" />
<label for="illfilter_branchname">Library:</label>
<select name="illfilter_branchname" id="illfilter_branchname">
<option value=""></option>
<label for="illfilter_patron">Patron:</label>
<input type="text" name="illfilter_patron" id="illfilter_patron" />
<fieldset class="action">
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
<input type="button" value="Clear" id="clear_search" />
[% END %]
<div id="yui-main">
<div id="interlibraryloans" class="yui-b">
[% IF !backends_available || !has_branch %]
<div class="dialog message">ILL module configuration problem. Take a look at the <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/about.pl#sysinfo">about page</a></div>
[% ELSE %]
[% INCLUDE 'ill-toolbar.inc' %]
[% IF whole.error %]
<h1>Error performing operation</h1>
<!-- Dispatch on Status -->
<p>We encountered an error:</p>
<pre>[% whole.message | html %] ([% whole.status | html %])</pre>
[% END %]
[% IF query_type == 'create' %]
<h1>New ILL request</h1>
[% PROCESS $whole.template %]
[% ELSIF query_type == 'confirm' %]
<h1>Confirm ILL request</h1>
[% PROCESS $whole.template %]
[% ELSIF query_type == 'cancel' and !whole.error %]
<h1>Cancel a confirmed request</h1>
[% PROCESS $whole.template %]
[% ELSIF query_type == 'generic_confirm' %]
<h1>Place request with partner libraries</h1>
[% IF error %]
[% IF error == 'no_target_email' %]
<div class="alert">
No target email addresses found. Either select at least
one partner or check your ILL partner library records.
[% ELSIF error == 'no_library_email' %]
<div class="alert">
Your library has no usable email address. Please set it.
[% ELSIF error == 'unkown_error' %]
<div class="alert">
Unknown error processing your request. Contact your administrator.
[% END %]
[% END %]
<!-- Start of GENERIC_EMAIL case -->
[% IF whole.value.partners %]
[% ill_url = "/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=illview&illrequest_id=" _ request.illrequest_id %]
<form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Interlibrary loan request details</legend>
<label for="partner_filter">Filter partner libraries:</label>
<input type="text" id="partner_filter" />
<label for="partners" class="required">Select partner libraries:</label>
<select size="5" multiple="true" id="partners" name="partners" required="required">
[% FOREACH partner IN whole.value.partners %]
<option value=[% partner.email | html %]>
[% partner.branchcode _ " - " _ partner.surname %]
[% END %]
<label for="subject" class="required">Subject line:</label>
<input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" type="text" value="[% whole.value.draft.subject | html %]" required="required" />
<label for="body" class="required">Email text:</label>
<textarea name="body" id="body" rows="20" cols="80" required="required">[% whole.value.draft.body | html %]</textarea>
<input type="hidden" value="generic_confirm" name="method">
<input type="hidden" value="draft" name="stage">
<input type="hidden" value="[% request.illrequest_id | html %]" name="illrequest_id">
<fieldset class="action">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" value="Send email"/>
<span><a href="[% ill_url | url %]" title="Return to request details">Cancel</a></span>
[% ELSE %]
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Interlibrary loan request details</legend>
<p>No partners have been defined yet. Please create appropriate patron records (by default ILLLIBS category).</p>
<p>Be sure to provide email addresses for these patrons.</p>
<p><span><a href="[% ill_url | url %]" title="Return to request details">Cancel</a></span></p>
[% END %]
<!-- generic_confirm ends here -->
[% ELSIF query_type == 'edit_action' %]
<form method="POST" action="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl">
<fieldset class="rows">
<legend>Request details</legend>
[% type = request.get_type %]
<li class="borrowernumber">
<label for="borrowernumber">Patron ID:</label>
[% request.borrowernumber | html %]
<li class="biblio_id">
<label for="biblio_id" class="biblio_id">Bibliographic record ID:</label>
<input name="biblio_id" id="biblio_id" type="text" value="[% request.biblio_id | html %]">
<li class="branchcode">
<label for="library" class="branchcode">Library:</label>
<select name="branchcode" id="library">
[% PROCESS options_for_libraries libraries => Branches.all( selected => request.branchcode ) %]
<li class="status">
<label class="status">Status:</label>
[% stat = request.status %]
[% current_alias = request.status_alias %]
<select id="status_alias" name="status_alias">
[% IF !current_alias %]
<option value="" selected>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="">
[% END %]
[% request.capabilities.$stat.name | html %]
[% FOREACH alias IN AuthorisedValues.Get('ILLSTATUS') %]
[% IF alias.authorised_value == current_alias %]
<option value="[% alias.authorised_value | html %]" selected>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="[% alias.authorised_value | html %]">
[% END %]
[% alias.lib | html %]
[% END %]
<li class="updated">
<label class="updated">Last updated:</label>
[% request.updated | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]
<li class="medium">
<label class="medium">Request type:</label>
[% IF type %][% type | html %][% ELSE %]<span>N/A</span>[% END %]
<li class="cost">
<label class="cost">Cost:</label>
[% IF request.cost %][% request.cost | $Price %][% ELSE %]<span>N/A</span>[% END %]
<li class="price_paid">
<label class="price_paid">Price paid:</label>
<input name="price_paid" id="price_paid" type="text" value="[% request.price_paid | html %]">
<li class="req_id">
<label class="req_id">Request number:</label>
[% request.id_prefix _ request.illrequest_id | html %]
<li class="notesstaff">
<label for="notesstaff" class="notesstaff">Staff notes:</label>
<textarea name="notesstaff" id="notesstaff" rows="5">[% request.notesstaff | html %]</textarea>
<li class="notesopac">
<label for="notesopac" class="notesopac">Opac notes:</label>
<textarea name="notesopac" id="notesopac" rows="5">[% request.notesopac | html %]</textarea>
<fieldset class="action">
<input type="hidden" value="edit_action" name="method">
<input type="hidden" value="form" name="stage">
<input type="hidden" value="[% request.illrequest_id | html %]" name="illrequest_id">
<input type="hidden" value="[% request.borrowernumber | html %]" name="borrowernumber">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<a class="cancel" href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=illview&illrequest_id=[% request.id | html %]">Cancel</a>
[% ELSIF query_type == 'delete_confirm' %]
<div class="dialog alert">
<h3>Are you sure you wish to delete this request?</h3>
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="method" value="delete" />
<input type="hidden" name="confirmed" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="illrequest_id" value="[% request.id | html %]" />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default approve"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i> Yes, delete</button>
<a class="btn btn-default deny" href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=illview&illrequest_id=[% request.id | html %]"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-remove"></i>No, do not delete</a>
[% ELSIF query_type == 'illview' %]
[% req_status = request.status %]
[% IF error %]
[% IF error == 'migrate_target' %]
<div class="alert">
The backend you tried to migrate to does not yet support migrations, please try again with an alternative target.
[% END %]
[% END %]
<h1>Manage ILL request</h1>
<div id="request-toolbar" class="btn-toolbar">
<a title="Edit request" id="ill-toolbar-btn-edit-action" class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=edit_action&illrequest_id=[% request.illrequest_id | html %]">
<span class="fa fa-pencil"></span>
Edit request
[% FOREACH action IN request.available_actions %]
[% IF action.method == 'migrate' %]
[% IF backends.size > 2 %]
<div class="dropdown btn-group">
<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="ill-migrate-dropdown" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true">
<i class="fa [% action.ui_method_icon | html %]"></i> [% action.ui_method_name | html %] <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="ill-migrate-dropdown">
[% FOREACH backend IN backends %]
[% IF backend != request.backend %]
<li><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=[% action.method | uri %]&illrequest_id=[% request.illrequest_id | uri %]&backend=[% backend | uri %]">[% backend | html %]</a></li>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF backends.size == 2 %]
[% FOREACH backend IN backends %]
[% IF backend != request.backend %]
<a title="[% action.ui_method_name | html %]" id="ill-toolbar-btn-[% action.id | lower | html %]" class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=[% action.method | uri %]&illrequest_id=[% request.illrequest_id | uri %]&backend=[% backend | uri %]">
<span class="fa [% action.ui_method_icon | html %]"></span>
[% action.ui_method_name | html %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% ELSIF action.method != 0 %]
<a title="[% action.ui_method_name | html %]" id="ill-toolbar-btn-[% action.id | lower | html %]" class="btn btn-default" href="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?method=[% action.method | uri %]&illrequest_id=[% request.illrequest_id | uri %]">
<span class="fa [% action.ui_method_icon | html %]"></span>
[% action.ui_method_name | html %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<a title="Display supplier metadata" id="ill-request-display-metadata" class="btn btn-default pull-right" href="#">
<span class="fa fa-eye"></span>
Display supplier metadata
<a title="ILL request log" id="ill-request-display-log" class="btn btn-default pull-right" href="#">
<span class="fa fa-calendar"></span>
ILL request log
<div class="ill-view-panel panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3>Request details</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<h4>Details from library</h4>
<div class="rows">
<li class="orderid">
<span class="label orderid">Order ID:</span>
[% IF request.orderid %][% request.orderid | html %][% ELSE %]<span>N/A</span>[% END %]
<li class="borrowernumber">
<span class="label borrowernumber">Patron:</span>
[% borrowerlink = "/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl" _ "?borrowernumber=" _ request.patron.borrowernumber %]
<a href="[% borrowerlink | url %]" title="View borrower details">
[% request.patron.firstname _ " " _ request.patron.surname _ " [" _ request.patron.cardnumber _ "]" | html %]
<li class="biblio_id">
<span class="label biblio_id">Bibliographic record ID:</span>
[% IF request.biblio_id %]
<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=[% request.biblio_id | uri %]">[% request.biblio_id | html %]</a>
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
<li class="branchcode">
<span class="label branchcode">Library:</span>
[% Branches.GetName(request.branchcode) | html %]
<li class="status">
<span class="label status">Status:</span>
[% IF request.statusalias %]
[% request.statusalias.lib | html %]
[% ELSE %]
[% request.capabilities.$req_status.name | html%]
[% IF request.requested_partners.length > 0 %]
([% request.requested_partners | html %])
[% END %]
[% END %]
<li class="updated">
<span class="label updated">Last updated:</span>
[% request.updated | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]
<li class="medium">
<span class="label medium">Request type:</span>
[% type = request.get_type %]
[% IF type %][% type | html %][% ELSE %]<span>N/A</span>[% END %]
<li class="cost">
<span class="label cost">Cost:</span>
[% IF request.cost %][% request.cost | $Price %][% ELSE %]<span>N/A</span>[% END %]
<li class="price_paid">
<span class="label price_paid">Price paid:</span>
[% IF request.price_paid %][% request.price_paid | $Price %][% ELSE %]<span>N/A</span>[% END %]
<li class="req_id">
<span class="label req_id">Request number:</span>
[% request.id_prefix _ request.illrequest_id | html %]
<li class="notesstaff">
<span class="label notes_staff">Staff notes:</span>
<p>[% request.notesstaff | html %]</p>
<li class="notesopac">
<span class="label notes_opac">Notes:</span>
<p>[% request.notesopac | html %]</p>
<div class="rows">
<h4>Details from supplier ([% request.backend | html %])</h4>
[% FOREACH meta IN request.metadata %]
<li class="requestmeta-[% meta.key.replace('\s','_') | html %]">
<span class="label">[% meta.key | html %]:</span>
[% meta.value | html %]
[% END %]
<div id="dataPreview" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dataPreviewLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="closebtn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h3 id="dataPreviewLabel"> Supplier metadata</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
<div id="requestattributes">
[% FOREACH attr IN request.illrequestattributes %]
<div class="requestattr-[% attr.type | html %]">
<span class="label">[% attr.type | html %]:</span>
[% attr.value | html %]
[% END %]
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button>
<div id="requestLog" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dataPreviewLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="closebtn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h3 id="requestLogLabel"> Request log</h3>
<div class="modal-body">
[% IF request.logs.size > 0 %]
[% FOREACH log IN request.logs %]
[% tpl = log.template %]
[% INCLUDE $tpl log=log %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
There are no recorded logs for this request
[% END %]
<div class="modal-footer">
<button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Close</button>
<div class="ill-view-panel panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3>[% request.illcomments.count | html %] comments</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
[% IF request.illcomments.count && request.illcomments.count > 0 %]
[% FOREACH comment IN request.illcomments %]
<div class="rows comment_[% comment.patron.categorycode | html %]">
<h5>Comment by:
<a href="[% borrowerlink | url %]" title="View borrower details">
[% comment.patron.firstname _ " " _ comment.patron.surname _ " [" _ comment.patron.cardnumber _ "]" | html %]</a>
[% comment.timestamp | $KohaDates with_hours => 1 %]</h5>
<p>[% comment.comment | html %]</p>
[% END %]
[% END %]
<div class="rows">
<h3><a id="toggle_addcomment" href="#">Add comment</a></h3>
<div id="addcomment" class="content_hidden">
<form class="validated" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl">
<input type="hidden" value="save_comment" name="method">
<input type="hidden" value="[% csrf_token | html %]" name="csrf_token">
<input type="hidden" value="[% request.illrequest_id | html %]" name="illrequest_id">
<fieldset class="rows">
<label class="required" for="comment">Comment: </label>
<textarea class="required" required="required" cols="80" rows="10" id="comment" name="comment"></textarea>
<span class="required">Required</span>
<fieldset class="action">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
[% ELSIF query_type == 'illlist' %]
<!-- illlist -->
<h1>View ILL requests</h1>
<div id="results">
<h3>Details for all requests</h3>
[% INCLUDE 'ill-list-table.inc' %]
[% ELSE %]
<!-- Custom Backend Action -->
[% PROCESS $whole.template %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% MACRO jsinclude BLOCK %]
[% INCLUDE 'datatables.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'columns_settings.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'calendar.inc' %]
[% Asset.js("lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.checkboxes.min.js") | $raw %]
var prefilters = '[% prefilters | $raw %]';
// Set column settings
var columns_settings = [% ColumnsSettings.GetColumns( 'illrequests', 'ill-requests', 'ill-requests', 'json' ) %];
[% INCLUDE 'ill-list-table-strings.inc' %]
[% Asset.js("js/ill-list-table.js") | $raw %]
[% END %]
[% TRY %]
[% PROCESS backend_jsinclude %]
[% CATCH %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'intranet-bottom.inc' %]