
246 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
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# script that rebuild thesaurus from biblio table.
# delete FROM `marc_subfield_table` WHERE tag = "606" AND subfieldcode = 9;
use strict;
#use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
# Koha modules used
use MARC::File::USMARC;
use MARC::Record;
use MARC::Batch;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use Getopt::Long;
my ( $input_marc_file, $number) = ('',0);
my ($version, $verbose, $test_parameter, $field,$delete,$category,$subfields);
'h' => \$version,
'd' => \$delete,
't' => \$test_parameter,
's:s' => \$subfields,
'v' => \$verbose,
'c:s' => \$category,
if ($version || ($category eq '')) {
print <<EOF
small script to recreate a authority table into Koha.
parameters :
\tc : thesaurus category. Can be filled with anything, the NC is hardcoded. But mandatory to confirm that you want to rebuild 6xx
\d : delete every entry of the selected category before doing work.
./build6xx.pl -c NC -d
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my @subf = $subfields =~ /(##\d\d\d##.)/g;
if ($delete) {
print "deleting thesaurus\n";
my $del1 = $dbh->prepare("delete from auth_subfield_table where authid=?");
my $del2 = $dbh->prepare("delete from auth_word where authid=?");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select authid from auth_header where authtypecode='NC'");
while (my ($authid) = $sth->fetchrow) {
$dbh->do("delete from auth_header where authtypecode='NC'");
$dbh->do("delete from marc_subfield_table where tag='606' and subfieldcode='9'");
$dbh->do("delete from marc_word where tagsubfield='6069'");
if ($test_parameter) {
print "TESTING MODE ONLY\n DOING NOTHING\n===============\n";
$|=1; # flushes output
my $starttime = gettimeofday;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select bibid from marc_biblio");
my $i=1;
my %alreadydone;
# search biblios to "connect" to an authority with any number of $x (limited to 4 $x in this script)
my $sthBIBLIOS = $dbh->prepare("select distinct m1.bibid,m1.tag,m1.tagorder,m1.subfieldorder from marc_subfield_table as m1 where tag in (606) and subfieldcode='a' and subfieldvalue=?");
my $sthBIBLIOSx = $dbh->prepare("select distinct m1.bibid,m1.tag,m1.tagorder,m1.subfieldorder from marc_subfield_table as m1 left join marc_subfield_table as m2 on m1.bibid=m2.bibid where m1.tag in (606) and m1.subfieldcode='a' and m2.subfieldcode='x' and m1.subfieldvalue=? and m2.subfieldvalue=?");
my $sthBIBLIOSxx = $dbh->prepare("select distinct m1.bibid,m1.tag,m1.tagorder,m1.subfieldorder from marc_subfield_table as m1 left join marc_subfield_table as m2 on m1.bibid=m2.bibid left join marc_subfield_table as m3 on m1.bibid=m3.bibid where m1.tag in (606) and m1.subfieldcode='a' and m2.subfieldcode='x' and m3.subfieldcode='x' and m1.subfieldvalue=? and m2.subfieldvalue=? and m3.subfieldvalue=?");
my $sthBIBLIOSxxx = $dbh->prepare("select distinct m1.bibid,m1.tag,m1.tagorder,m1.subfieldorder from marc_subfield_table as m1 left join marc_subfield_table as m2 on m1.bibid=m2.bibid left join marc_subfield_table as m3 on m1.bibid=m4.bibid left join marc_subfield_table as m4 on m1.bibid=m4.bibid where m1.tag in (606) and m1.subfieldcode='a' and m2.subfieldcode='x' and m3.subfieldcode='x' and m4.subfieldcode='x' and m1.subfieldvalue=? and m2.subfieldvalue=? and m3.subfieldvalue=? and m4.subfieldvalue=?");
my $sthBIBLIOSxxxx = $dbh->prepare("select distinct m1.bibid,m1.tag,m1.tagorder,m1.subfieldorder from marc_subfield_table as m1 left join marc_subfield_table as m2 on m1.bibid=m2.bibid left join marc_subfield_table as m3 on m1.bibid=m4.bibid left join marc_subfield_table as m4 on m1.bibid=m4.bibid left join marc_subfield_table as m5 on m1.bibid=m5.bibid where m1.tag in (606) and m1.subfieldcode='a' and m2.subfieldcode='x' and m3.subfieldcode='x' and m4.subfieldcode='x' and m5.subfieldcode='x' and m1.subfieldvalue=? and m2.subfieldvalue=? and m3.subfieldvalue=? and m4.subfieldvalue=? and m5.subfieldvalue=?");
# loop through each biblio
while (my ($bibid) = $sth->fetchrow) {
my $record = GetMarcBiblio($bibid);
my $timeneeded = gettimeofday - $starttime;
print "$i in $timeneeded s\n" unless ($i % 50);
foreach my $field ($record->field(995)) {
my $totdone=0;
my $authid;
# search the 606 field(s)
foreach my $field ($record->field("606")) {
foreach my $authentry ($field->subfield("a")) {
# the hashentry variable contains all $x fields and the $a in a single string. Used to differenciate
# $xsomething$aelse and $asomething else
my $hashentry = $authentry;
foreach my $x ($field->subfield('x')) {
$hashentry.=" -- $x";
# remove <20><>$e...
# all the same for mysql, but NOT for perl hashes !
# without those lines, t<> is not tot and pat<61> is not patee
$hashentry =~ s/<2F><><EFBFBD>e/g;
$hashentry =~ s/<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>a/g;
$hashentry =~ s/<2F>i/g;
$hashentry =~ s/<EFBFBD>o/g;
$hashentry =~ s/|/u/g;
# uppercase all, in case of typing error.
$hashentry = uc($hashentry);
if ($alreadydone{$hashentry}) {
$authid = $alreadydone{$hashentry};
print ".";
} else {
print "*";
#create authority.
my $authorityRecord = MARC::Record->new();
my $newfield = MARC::Field->new(250,'','','a' => "".$authentry);
foreach my $x ($field->subfield('x')) {
$newfield->add_subfields('x' => $x);
foreach my $z ($field->subfield('z')) {
$newfield->add_subfields('z' => $z);
$alreadydone{$hashentry} = $authid;
# we have the authority number, now we update all biblios that use this authority...
my @x = $field->subfield('x'); # depending on the number of $x in the subfield
if ($#x eq -1) { # no $x
while (my ($bibid,$tag,$tagorder,$subfieldorder) = $sthBIBLIOS->fetchrow) {
# check that the field does not already have a $x (if it has, it will or has been managed by another authority
my $inbiblio = GetMarcBiblio($bibid);
my $isOK = 0;
# loop in each 606 field
foreach my $in606 ($inbiblio->field('606')) {
my $inEntry = $in606->subfield('a');
# and rebuild the $x -- $x -- $a string (like for $hashentry, few lines before)
foreach my $x ($in606->subfield('x')) {
$inEntry.=" -- $x";
$inEntry =~ s/<2F><><EFBFBD>e/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>a/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<2F>i/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD>o/g;
$inEntry =~ s/|/u/g;
$inEntry = uc($inEntry);
# ok, it's confirmed that we must add the $9 subfield for this biblio, so...
$isOK=1 if $inEntry eq $hashentry;
# ... add it !
C4::Biblio::MARCaddsubfield($dbh,$bibid,$tag,'',$tagorder,9,$subfieldorder,$authid) if $isOK;
if ($#x eq 0) { # one $x
while (my ($bibid,$tag,$tagorder,$subfieldorder) = $sthBIBLIOSx->fetchrow) {
my $inbiblio = GetMarcBiblio($bibid);
my $isOK = 0;
foreach my $in606 ($inbiblio->field('606')) {
my $inEntry = $in606->subfield('a');
foreach my $x ($in606->subfield('x')) {
$inEntry.=" -- $x";
$inEntry =~ s/<2F><><EFBFBD>e/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>a/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<2F>i/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD>o/g;
$inEntry =~ s/|/u/g;
$inEntry = uc($inEntry);
$isOK=1 if $inEntry eq $hashentry;
C4::Biblio::MARCaddsubfield($dbh,$bibid,$tag,'',$tagorder,9,$subfieldorder,$authid) if $isOK;
if ($#x eq 1) { # two $x
while (my ($bibid,$tag,$tagorder,$subfieldorder) = $sthBIBLIOSxx->fetchrow) {
my $inbiblio = GetMarcBiblio($bibid);
my $isOK = 0;
foreach my $in606 ($inbiblio->field('606')) {
my $inEntry = $in606->subfield('a');
foreach my $x ($in606->subfield('x')) {
$inEntry.=" -- $x";
$inEntry =~ s/<2F><><EFBFBD>e/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>a/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<2F>i/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD>o/g;
$inEntry =~ s/|/u/g;
$inEntry = uc($inEntry);
$isOK=1 if $inEntry eq $hashentry;
C4::Biblio::MARCaddsubfield($dbh,$bibid,$tag,'',$tagorder,9,$subfieldorder,$authid) if $isOK;
if ($#x eq 2) { # 3 $x
while (my ($bibid,$tag,$tagorder,$subfieldorder) = $sthBIBLIOSxxx->fetchrow) {
my $inbiblio = GetMarcBiblio($bibid);
my $isOK = 0;
foreach my $in606 ($inbiblio->field('606')) {
my $inEntry = $in606->subfield('a');
foreach my $x ($in606->subfield('x')) {
$inEntry.=" -- $x";
$inEntry =~ s/<2F><><EFBFBD>e/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>a/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<2F>i/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD>o/g;
$inEntry =~ s/|/u/g;
$inEntry = uc($inEntry);
$isOK=1 if $inEntry eq $hashentry;
C4::Biblio::MARCaddsubfield($dbh,$bibid,$tag,'',$tagorder,9,$subfieldorder,$authid) if $isOK;
if ($#x eq 3) { # 3 $x
while (my ($bibid,$tag,$tagorder,$subfieldorder) = $sthBIBLIOSxxxx->fetchrow) {
my $inbiblio = GetMarcBiblio($bibid);
my $isOK = 0;
foreach my $in606 ($inbiblio->field('606')) {
my $inEntry = $in606->subfield('a');
foreach my $x ($in606->subfield('x')) {
$inEntry.=" -- $x";
$inEntry =~ s/<2F><><EFBFBD>e/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>a/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<2F>i/g;
$inEntry =~ s/<EFBFBD>o/g;
$inEntry =~ s/|/u/g;
$inEntry = uc($inEntry);
$isOK=1 if $inEntry eq $hashentry;
C4::Biblio::MARCaddsubfield($dbh,$bibid,$tag,'',$tagorder,9,$subfieldorder,$authid) if $isOK;
if ($#x >4) {
# too many $x, not handled, warn the developper that tries to migrate
print "warning there is ".$#x.'$x values';
my $timeneeded = gettimeofday - $starttime;
print "$i entries done in $timeneeded seconds (".($i/$timeneeded)." per second)\n";