tonnesen 3fd3b300c4 Added an overdue variable to the itemdata returned by the currentissues
subroutine.  This makes it easier to pick out overdue items in other
modules (ie circulation, reports, etc.)
2001-05-02 22:38:26 +00:00

893 lines
30 KiB
Executable file

package C4::Circulation::Circ2;
#package to deal with Returns
#written 3/11/99 by olwen@katipo.co.nz
use strict;
require Exporter;
use DBI;
use C4::Database;
#use C4::Accounts;
#use C4::InterfaceCDK;
#use C4::Circulation::Main;
#use C4::Format;
#use C4::Circulation::Renewals;
#use C4::Scan;
use C4::Stats;
#use C4::Search;
#use C4::Print;
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&getbranches &getprinters &getpatroninformation &currentissues &getiteminformation &findborrower &issuebook &returnbook);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = qw($Var1 %Hashit);
# non-exported package globals go here
#use vars qw(@more $stuff);
# initalize package globals, first exported ones
my $Var1 = '';
my %Hashit = ();
# then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
my $stuff = '';
my @more = ();
# all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
# the functions below that use them.
# file-private lexicals go here
my $priv_var = '';
my %secret_hash = ();
# here's a file-private function as a closure,
# callable as &$priv_func; it cannot be prototyped.
my $priv_func = sub {
# stuff goes here.
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
sub getbranches {
my ($env) = @_;
my %branches;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from branches");
while (my $branch=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# (next) if ($branch->{'branchcode'} eq 'TR');
return (\%branches);
sub getprinters {
my ($env) = @_;
my %printers;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from printers");
while (my $printer=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
return (\%printers);
sub getpatroninformation {
# returns
my ($env, $borrowernumber,$cardnumber) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $sth;
open O, ">>/root/tkcirc.out";
print O "Looking up patron $borrowernumber / $cardnumber\n";
if ($borrowernumber) {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from borrowers where borrowernumber=$borrowernumber");
} elsif ($cardnumber) {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from borrowers where cardnumber=$cardnumber");
} else {
# error condition. This subroutine must be called with either a
# borrowernumber or a card number.
$env->{'apierror'}="invalid borrower information passed to getpatroninformation subroutine";
my $borrower=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $flags=patronflags($env, $borrower, $dbh);
print O "$borrower->{'surname'} <---\n";
close O;
return($borrower, $flags);
sub getiteminformation {
# returns a hash of item information given either the itemnumber or the barcode
my ($env, $itemnumber, $barcode) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $sth;
if ($itemnumber) {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblio,items,biblioitems where items.itemnumber=$itemnumber and biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber");
} elsif ($barcode) {
my $q_barcode=$dbh->quote($barcode);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from biblio,items,biblioitems where items.barcode=$q_barcode and biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber and biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber");
} else {
$env->{'apierror'}="getiteminformation() subroutine must be called with either an itemnumber or a barcode";
# Error condition.
my $iteminformation=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if ($iteminformation) {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select date_due from issues where itemnumber=$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'} and isnull(returndate)");
my ($date_due) = $sth->fetchrow;
($iteminformation->{'dewey'} == 0) && ($iteminformation->{'dewey'}='');
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from itemtypes where itemtype='$iteminformation->{'itemtype'}'");
my $itemtype=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub findborrower {
# returns an array of borrower hash references, given a cardnumber or a partial
# surname
my ($env, $key) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my @borrowers;
my $q_key=$dbh->quote($key);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from borrowers where cardnumber=$q_key");
if ($sth->rows) {
my ($borrower)=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
push (@borrowers, $borrower);
} else {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from borrowers where surname like $q_key");
while (my $borrower = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push (@borrowers, $borrower);
sub issuebook {
my ($env, $patroninformation, $barcode, $responses, $date) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my $iteminformation=getiteminformation($env, 0, $barcode);
my ($datedue);
my ($rejected,$question,$defaultanswer,$questionnumber, $noissue);
if ($patroninformation->{'gonenoaddress'}) {
$rejected="Patron is gone, with no known address.";
last SWITCH;
if ($patroninformation->{'lost'}) {
$rejected="Patron's card has been reported lost.";
last SWITCH;
if ($patroninformation->{'debarred'}) {
$rejected="Patron is Debarred";
last SWITCH;
my $amount = checkaccount($env,$patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $dbh,$date);
if ($amount>5 && $patroninformation->{'categorycode'} ne 'L' &&
$patroninformation->{'categorycode'} ne 'W' &&
$patroninformation->{'categorycode'} ne 'I'
&& $patroninformation->{'categorycode'} ne 'B' &&
$patroninformation->{'categorycode'} ne 'P') {
$rejected=sprintf "Patron owes \$%.02f.", $amount;
last SWITCH;
unless ($iteminformation) {
$rejected="$barcode is not a valid barcode.";
last SWITCH;
if ($iteminformation->{'notforloan'} == 1) {
$rejected="Item not for loan.";
last SWITCH;
if ($iteminformation->{'wthdrawn'} == 1) {
$rejected="Item withdrawn.";
last SWITCH;
if ($iteminformation->{'restricted'} == 1) {
$rejected="Restricted item.";
last SWITCH;
if ($iteminformation->{'itemtype'} eq 'REF') {
$rejected="Reference item: Not for loan.";
last SWITCH;
my ($currentborrower) = currentborrower($env, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $dbh);
if ($currentborrower eq $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}) {
# Already issued to current borrower
my ($renewstatus) = renewstatus($env,$dbh,$patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'});
if ($renewstatus == 0) {
$rejected="No more renewals allowed for this item.";
last SWITCH;
} else {
if ($responses->{4} eq '') {
$question="Book is issued to this borrower.\nRenew?";
last SWITCH;
} elsif ($responses->{4} eq 'Y') {
my $charge=calc_charges($env, $dbh, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($charge > 0) {
createcharge($env, $dbh, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $charge);
renewbook($env,$dbh, $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'});
} else {
last SWITCH;
} elsif ($currentborrower ne '') {
my ($currborrower, $cbflags)=getpatroninformation($env,$currentborrower,0);
if ($responses->{1} eq '') {
$question="Issued to $currborrower->{'firstname'} $currborrower->{'surname'} ($currborrower->{'cardnumber'}).\nMark as returned?";
last SWITCH;
} elsif ($responses->{1} eq 'Y') {
} else {
last SWITCH;
my ($resbor, $resrec) = checkreserve($env, $dbh, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'});
if ($resbor eq $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}) {
my $rquery = "update reserves set found = 'F' where reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}' and borrowernumber = '$resrec->{'borrowernumber'}' and biblionumber = '$resrec->{'biblionumber'}'";
my $rsth = $dbh->prepare($rquery);
} elsif ($resbor ne "") {
my ($resborrower, $flags)=getpatroninformation($env, $resbor,0);
if ($responses->{2} eq '') {
$question="Reserved for $resborrower->{'firstname'} $resborrower->{'surname'} ($resborrower->{'cardnumber'}) since $resrec->{'reservedate'}\nAllow issue?";
last SWITCH;
} elsif ($responses->{2} eq 'N') {
#printreserve($env, $resrec, $resborrower, $iteminformation);
last SWITCH;
} else {
if ($responses->{3} eq '') {
$question="Cancel reserve for $resborrower->{'firstname'} $resborrower->{'surname'} ($resborrower->{'cardnumber'})?";
last SWITCH;
} elsif ($responses->{3} eq 'Y') {
my $rquery = "update reserves set found = 'F' where reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}' and borrowernumber = '$resrec->{'borrowernumber'}' and biblionumber = '$resrec->{'biblionumber'}'";
my $rsth = $dbh->prepare($rquery);
my $dateduef;
unless (($question) || ($rejected) || ($noissue)) {
my $loanlength=21;
if ($iteminformation->{'loanlength'}) {
my $ti=time;
my $datedue=time+($loanlength)*86400;
my @datearr = localtime($datedue);
$dateduef = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
if ($env->{'datedue'}) {
$dateduef=~ s/2001\-4\-25/2001\-4\-26/;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into issues (borrowernumber, itemnumber, date_due, branchcode) values ($patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, '$dateduef', '$env->{'branchcode'}')");
$sth=$dbh->prepare("update items set issues=$iteminformation->{'issues'} where itemnumber=$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}");
my $charge=calc_charges($env, $dbh, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($charge > 0) {
createcharge($env, $dbh, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $charge);
my $message='';
if ($iteminformation->{'charge'}) {
$message=sprintf "Rental charge of \$%.02f applies.", $iteminformation->{'charge'};
return ($iteminformation, $dateduef, $rejected, $question, $questionnumber, $defaultanswer, $message);
sub updateitemlost{
my ($dbh,$itemno)=@_;
my $query="update items set itemlost=0 where itemnumber=$itemno";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
sub returnbook {
my ($env, $barcode) = @_;
my ($messages, $overduecharge);
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my ($iteminformation) = getiteminformation($env, 0, $barcode);
my $borrower;
if ($iteminformation) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from issues where (itemnumber='$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}') and (returndate is null)");
my ($currentborrower) = currentborrower($env, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}, $dbh);
if ($currentborrower) {
my @datearr = localtime(time);
my $dateret = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".$datearr[4]."-".$datearr[3];
my $query = "update issues set returndate = now(), branchcode ='$env->{'branchcode'}' where (borrowernumber = $borrower->{'borrowernumber'}) and (itemnumber = $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}) and (returndate is null)";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# check for overdue fine
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from accountlines where (borrowernumber=$borrower->{'borrowernumber'}) and (itemnumber = $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}) and (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')");
# alter fine to show that the book has been returned
if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $usth=$dbh->prepare("update accountlines set accounttype='F' where (borrowernumber=$borrower->{'borrowernumber'}) and (itemnumber=$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}) and (acccountno='$data->{'accountno'}')");
if ($iteminformation->{'itemlost'} eq '1'){
# check for charge made for lost book
my $query="select * from accountlines where (itemnumber =
$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}) and (accounttype='L' or accounttype='Rep')
order by date desc";
# print $query;
if (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# writeoff this amount
my $offset;
my $amount = $data->{'amount'};
my $acctno = $data->{'accountno'};
my $amountleft;
# print $amount;
if ($data->{'amountoutstanding'} == $amount) {
$offset = $data->{'amount'};
$amountleft = 0;
} else {
$offset = $amount - $data->{'amountoutstanding'};
$amountleft = $data->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amount;
my $uquery = "update accountlines
set accounttype = 'LR',amountoutstanding='0'
where (borrowernumber = $data->{'borrowernumber'})
and (itemnumber = $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'})
and (accountno = '$acctno') ";
# print $uquery;
my $usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($env,$data->{'borrowernumber'},$dbh);
my $desc="Book Returned ".$iteminformation->{'barcode'};
$uquery = "insert into accountlines
values ($data->{'borrowernumber'},$nextaccntno,now(),0-$amount,'$desc',
$usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
# print $uquery;
$uquery = "insert into accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
values ($borrower->{'borrowernumber'},$data->{'accountno'},$nextaccntno,$offset)";
$usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
$uquery="update items set itemnotes='' where itemnumber=$iteminformation->{'itemnumber'}";
$usth = $dbh->prepare($uquery);
my ($resfound,$resrec) = find_reserves($env, $dbh, $iteminformation->{'itemnumber'});
if ($resfound eq 'y') {
my ($borrower) = getpatroninformation($env,$resrec->{'borrowernumber'},0);
my ($branches) = getbranches();
my $branchname=$branches->{$resrec->{'branchcode'}}->{'branchname'};
push (@$messages, "<b><font color=red>RESERVED</font></b> for collection by $borrower->{'firstname'} $borrower->{'surname'} ($borrower->{'cardnumber'}) at $branchname");
return ($iteminformation, $borrower, $messages, $overduecharge);
sub patronflags {
# Original subroutine for Circ2.pm
my %flags;
my ($env,$patroninformation,$dbh) = @_;
my $amount = checkaccount($env,$patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}, $dbh);
if ($amount>0) {
my %flaginfo;
$flaginfo{'message'}=sprintf "Patron owes \$%.02f", $amount;
if ($amount>5) {
if ($patroninformation->{'gonenoaddress'} == 1) {
my %flaginfo;
$flaginfo{'message'}='Borrower has no valid address.';
if ($patroninformation->{'lost'} == 1) {
my %flaginfo;
$flaginfo{'message'}='Borrower\'s card reported lost.';
if ($patroninformation->{'debarred'} == 1) {
my %flaginfo;
$flaginfo{'message'}='Borrower is Debarred.';
if ($patroninformation->{'borrowernotes'}) {
my %flaginfo;
my ($odues, $itemsoverdue) = checkoverdues($env,$patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'},$dbh);
if ($odues > 0) {
my %flaginfo;
foreach (sort {$a->{'date_due'} cmp $b->{'date_due'}} @$itemsoverdue) {
$flaginfo{'itemlisttext'}.="$_->{'date_due'} $_->{'barcode'} $_->{'title'} \n";
my ($nowaiting,$itemswaiting) = checkwaiting($env,$dbh,$patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'});
if ($nowaiting>0) {
my %flaginfo;
$flaginfo{'message'}="Reserved items available";
$flaginfo{'itemfields'}=['barcode', 'title', 'author', 'dewey', 'subclass', 'holdingbranch'];
my $flag;
my $key;
sub checkoverdues {
# From Main.pm, modified to return a list of overdueitems, in addition to a count
#checks whether a borrower has overdue items
my ($env,$bornum,$dbh)=@_;
my @datearr = localtime;
my $today = ($datearr[5] + 1900)."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
my @overdueitems;
my $count=0;
my $query = "Select * from issues,biblio,biblioitems,items where items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber and items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber and issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber and borrowernumber=$bornum and returndate is NULL and date_due < '$today'";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push (@overdueitems, $data);
return ($count, \@overdueitems);
sub updatelastseen {
# Stolen from Returns.pm
my ($env,$dbh,$itemnumber)= @_;
my $br = $env->{'branchcode'};
my $query = "update items
set datelastseen = now(), holdingbranch = '$br'
where (itemnumber = '$itemnumber')";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub currentborrower {
# Original subroutine for Circ2.pm
my ($env, $itemnumber, $dbh) = @_;
my $q_itemnumber=$dbh->quote($itemnumber);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select borrowers.borrowernumber from
issues,borrowers where issues.itemnumber=$q_itemnumber and
issues.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber and issues.returndate is
my ($previousborrower)=$sth->fetchrow;
sub checkreserve {
# Stolen from Main.pm
# Check for reserves for biblio
my ($env,$dbh,$itemnum)=@_;
my $resbor = "";
my $query = "select * from reserves,items
where (items.itemnumber = '$itemnum')
and (reserves.cancellationdate is NULL)
and (items.biblionumber = reserves.biblionumber)
and ((reserves.found = 'W')
or (reserves.found is null))
order by priority";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $resrec;
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
while ($data && $resbor eq '') {
my $const = $data->{'constrainttype'};
if ($const eq "a") {
$resbor = $data->{'borrowernumber'};
} else {
my $found = 0;
my $cquery = "select * from reserveconstraints,items
where (borrowernumber='$data->{'borrowernumber'}')
and reservedate='$data->{'reservedate'}'
and reserveconstraints.biblionumber='$data->{'biblionumber'}'
and (items.itemnumber=$itemnum and
items.biblioitemnumber = reserveconstraints.biblioitemnumber)";
my $csth = $dbh->prepare($cquery);
if (my $cdata=$csth->fetchrow_hashref) {$found = 1;}
if ($const eq 'o') {
if ($found eq 1) {$resbor = $data->{'borrowernumber'};}
} else {
if ($found eq 0) {$resbor = $data->{'borrowernumber'};}
return ($resbor,$resrec);
sub currentissues {
# New subroutine for Circ2.pm
my ($env, $borrower) = @_;
my $dbh=&C4Connect;
my %currentissues;
my $counter=1;
my $borrowernumber=$borrower->{'borrowernumber'};
my $crit='';
if ($env->{'todaysissues'}) {
my @datearr = localtime(time());
my $today = (1900+$datearr[5]).sprintf "0%02d", ($datearr[4]+1).sprintf "%02d", $datearr[3];
$crit=" and issues.timestamp like '$today%' ";
if ($env->{'nottodaysissues'}) {
my @datearr = localtime(time());
my $today = (1900+$datearr[5]).sprintf "0%02d", ($datearr[4]+1).sprintf "%02d", $datearr[3];
$crit=" and !(issues.timestamp like '$today%') ";
my $select="select * from issues,items,biblioitems,biblio where
borrowernumber='$borrowernumber' and issues.itemnumber=items.itemnumber and
items.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber and
items.biblioitemnumber=biblioitems.biblioitemnumber and returndate is null
$crit order by issues.timestamp desc";
# print $select;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($select);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
($data->{'dewey'} == 0) && ($data->{'dewey'}='');
my @datearr = localtime(time());
my $todaysdate = (1900+$datearr[5]).sprintf ("%0.2d", ($datearr[4]
+1)).sprintf ("%0.2d", $datearr[3]);
my $datedue=$data->{'date_due'};
if ($datedue < $todaysdate) {
my $itemnumber=$data->{'itemnumber'};
sub checkwaiting {
#Stolen from Main.pm
# check for reserves waiting
my ($env,$dbh,$bornum)=@_;
my @itemswaiting;
my $query = "select * from reserves
where (borrowernumber = '$bornum')
and (reserves.found='W') and cancellationdate is NULL";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $cnt=0;
if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
@itemswaiting[$cnt] =$data;
$cnt ++
return ($cnt,\@itemswaiting);
sub checkaccount {
# Stolen from Accounts.pm
#take borrower number
#check accounts and list amounts owing
my ($env,$bornumber,$dbh,$date)=@_;
my $select="Select sum(amountoutstanding) from accountlines where
borrowernumber=$bornumber and amountoutstanding<>0";
if ($date ne ''){
$select.=" and date < '$date'";
# print $select;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($select);
my $total=0;
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
# output(1,2,"borrower owes $total");
#if ($total > 0){
# # output(1,2,"borrower owes $total");
# if ($total > 5){
# reconcileaccount($env,$dbh,$bornumber,$total);
# }
# pause();
sub renewstatus {
# Stolen from Renewals.pm
# check renewal status
my ($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemno)=@_;
my $renews = 1;
my $renewokay = 0;
my $q1 = "select * from issues
where (borrowernumber = '$bornum')
and (itemnumber = '$itemno')
and returndate is null";
my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($q1);
if (my $data1 = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $q2 = "select renewalsallowed from items,biblioitems,itemtypes
where (items.itemnumber = '$itemno')
and (items.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber)
and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($q2);
if (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
$renews = $data2->{'renewalsallowed'};
if ($renews > $data1->{'renewals'}) {
$renewokay = 1;
sub renewbook {
# Stolen from Renewals.pm
# mark book as renewed
my ($env,$dbh,$bornum,$itemno,$datedue)=@_;
if ($datedue eq "" ) {
my $loanlength=21;
my $query= "Select * from biblioitems,items,itemtypes
where (items.itemnumber = '$itemno')
and (biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber)
and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$loanlength = $data->{'loanlength'}
my $ti = time;
my $datedu = time + ($loanlength * 86400);
my @datearr = localtime($datedu);
$datedue = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
my @date = split("-",$datedue);
my $odatedue = (@date[2]+0)."-".(@date[1]+0)."-".@date[0];
my $issquery = "select * from issues where borrowernumber='$bornum' and
itemnumber='$itemno' and returndate is null";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($issquery);
my $issuedata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $renews = $issuedata->{'renewals'} +1;
my $updquery = "update issues
set date_due = '$datedue', renewals = '$renews'
where borrowernumber='$bornum' and
itemnumber='$itemno' and returndate is null";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($updquery);
sub calc_charges {
# Stolen from Issues.pm
# calculate charges due
my ($env, $dbh, $itemno, $bornum)=@_;
my $charge=0;
my $item_type;
my $q1 = "select itemtypes.itemtype,rentalcharge from items,biblioitems,itemtypes where (items.itemnumber ='$itemno') and (biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber) and (biblioitems.itemtype = itemtypes.itemtype)";
my $sth1= $dbh->prepare($q1);
if (my $data1=$sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
$item_type = $data1->{'itemtype'};
$charge = $data1->{'rentalcharge'};
my $q2 = "select rentaldiscount from borrowers,categoryitem
where (borrowers.borrowernumber = '$bornum')
and (borrowers.categorycode = categoryitem.categorycode)
and (categoryitem.itemtype = '$item_type')";
my $sth2=$dbh->prepare($q2);
if (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $discount = $data2->{'rentaldiscount'};
$charge = ($charge *(100 - $discount)) / 100;
return ($charge);
sub createcharge {
#Stolen from Issues.pm
my ($env,$dbh,$itemno,$bornum,$charge) = @_;
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($env,$bornum,$dbh);
my $query = "insert into accountlines (borrowernumber,itemnumber,accountno,date,amount, description,accounttype,amountoutstanding) values ($bornum,$itemno,$nextaccntno,now(),$charge,'Rental','Rent',$charge)";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub getnextacctno {
# Stolen from Accounts.pm
my ($env,$bornumber,$dbh)=@_;
my $nextaccntno = 1;
my $query = "select * from accountlines where (borrowernumber = '$bornumber') order by accountno desc";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if (my $accdata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
$nextaccntno = $accdata->{'accountno'} + 1;
sub find_reserves {
# Stolen from Returns.pm
my ($env,$dbh,$itemno) = @_;
my ($itemdata) = getiteminformation($env,$itemno,0);
my $query = "select * from reserves where
((reserves.found = 'W')
or (reserves.found is null))
and biblionumber = $itemdata->{'biblionumber'} and cancellationdate is NULL
order by priority,reservedate ";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $resfound = "n";
my $resrec;
my $lastrec;
while (($resrec=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) && ($resfound eq "n")) {
if ($resrec->{'found'} eq "W") {
if ($resrec->{'itemnumber'} eq $itemno) {
$resfound = "y";
if ($resrec->{'constrainttype'} eq "a") {
$resfound = "y";
} else {
my $conquery = "select * from reserveconstraints where borrowernumber
= $resrec->{'borrowernumber'} and reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}' and biblionumber = $resrec->{'biblionumber'} and biblioitemnumber = $itemdata->{'biblioitemnumber'}";
my $consth = $dbh->prepare($conquery);
if (my $conrec=$consth->fetchrow_hashref) {
if ($resrec->{'constrainttype'} eq "o") {
$resfound = "y";
} else {
if ($resrec->{'constrainttype'} eq "e") {
$resfound = "y";
if ($resfound eq "y") {
my $updquery = "update reserves
set found = 'W',itemnumber='$itemno'
where borrowernumber = $resrec->{'borrowernumber'}
and reservedate = '$resrec->{'reservedate'}'
and biblionumber = $resrec->{'biblionumber'}";
my $updsth = $dbh->prepare($updquery);
my $itbr = $resrec->{'branchcode'};
if ($resrec->{'branchcode'} ne $env->{'branchcode'}) {
my $updquery = "update items
set holdingbranch = 'TR'
where itemnumber = $itemno";
my $updsth = $dbh->prepare($updquery);
return ($resfound,$lastrec);
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)