When a z39.50 server isn't able to be searched successfully, the yellow error box came up empty. This patch fixes the problem. Test Plan: 1) Go to Administration/z39.50 servers 2) Create a fake z39.50 server with a made up address 3) Go to cataloging, search only that server 4) Note the empty yellow alert box 5) Apply this patch 6) Re-run the search, not the alert box has a message in it now Signed-off-by: Nora Blake <nblake@masslibsystem.org> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de> Passes all tests and QA script. Works according to test plan. When one of the selected servers gives result no dialog box is shown before and after applying the patch. Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
750 lines
27 KiB
750 lines
27 KiB
package C4::Breeding;
# Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications
# Parts Copyright 2013 Prosentient Systems
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Charset;
use MARC::File::USMARC;
use C4::ImportBatch;
use C4::AuthoritiesMarc; #GuessAuthTypeCode, FindDuplicateAuthority
# set the version for version checking
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&ImportBreeding &BreedingSearch &Z3950Search &Z3950SearchAuth);
=head1 NAME
C4::Breeding : module to add biblios to import_records via
the breeding/reservoir API.
use C4::Scan;
C<$marcrecord> => the MARC::Record
C<$overwrite_biblio> => if set to 1 a biblio with the same ISBN will be overwritted.
if set to 0 a biblio with the same isbn will be ignored (the previous will be kept)
if set to -1 the biblio will be added anyway (more than 1 biblio with the same ISBN
possible in the breeding
C<$encoding> => USMARC
or UNIMARC. used for char_decoding.
If not present, the parameter marcflavour is used instead
C<$z3950random> => the random value created during a z3950 search result.
ImportBreeding import MARC records in the reservoir (import_records/import_batches tables).
the records can be properly encoded or not, we try to reencode them in utf-8 if needed.
works perfectly with BNF server, that sends UNIMARC latin1 records. Should work with other servers too.
=head2 ImportBreeding
TODO description
sub ImportBreeding {
my ($marcrecords,$overwrite_biblio,$filename,$encoding,$z3950random,$batch_type) = @_;
my @marcarray = split /\x1D/, $marcrecords;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $batch_id = GetZ3950BatchId($filename);
my $searchisbn = $dbh->prepare("select biblioitemnumber from biblioitems where isbn=?");
my $searchissn = $dbh->prepare("select biblioitemnumber from biblioitems where issn=?");
# FIXME -- not sure that this kind of checking is actually needed
my $searchbreeding = $dbh->prepare("select import_record_id from import_biblios where isbn=? and title=?");
# $encoding = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") unless $encoding;
# fields used for import results
my $imported=0;
my $alreadyindb = 0;
my $alreadyinfarm = 0;
my $notmarcrecord = 0;
my $breedingid;
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#marcarray;$i++) {
my ($marcrecord, $charset_result, $charset_errors);
($marcrecord, $charset_result, $charset_errors) =
MarcToUTF8Record($marcarray[$i]."\x1D", C4::Context->preference("marcflavour"), $encoding);
# Normalize the record so it doesn't have separated diacritics
# warn "$i : $marcarray[$i]";
# FIXME - currently this does nothing
my @warnings = $marcrecord->warnings();
if (scalar($marcrecord->fields()) == 0) {
} else {
my $oldbiblio = TransformMarcToKoha($dbh,$marcrecord,'');
# if isbn found and biblio does not exist, add it. If isbn found and biblio exists,
# overwrite or ignore depending on user choice
# drop every "special" char : spaces, - ...
$oldbiblio->{isbn} = C4::Koha::_isbn_cleanup($oldbiblio->{isbn}); # FIXME C4::Koha::_isbn_cleanup should be public
# search if biblio exists
my $biblioitemnumber;
if ($oldbiblio->{isbn}) {
($biblioitemnumber) = $searchisbn->fetchrow;
} else {
if ($oldbiblio->{issn}) {
($biblioitemnumber) = $searchissn->fetchrow;
if ($biblioitemnumber && $overwrite_biblio ne 2) {
} else {
# FIXME - in context of batch load,
# rejecting records because already present in the reservoir
# not correct in every case.
# search in breeding farm
if ($oldbiblio->{isbn}) {
($breedingid) = $searchbreeding->fetchrow;
} elsif ($oldbiblio->{issn}){
($breedingid) = $searchbreeding->fetchrow;
if ($breedingid && $overwrite_biblio eq '0') {
} else {
if ($breedingid && $overwrite_biblio eq '1') {
ModBiblioInBatch($breedingid, $marcrecord);
} else {
my $import_id = AddBiblioToBatch($batch_id, $imported, $marcrecord, $encoding, $z3950random);
$breedingid = $import_id;
return ($notmarcrecord,$alreadyindb,$alreadyinfarm,$imported,$breedingid);
=head2 BreedingSearch
($count, @results) = &BreedingSearch($title,$isbn,$random);
C<$title> contains the title,
C<$isbn> contains isbn or issn,
C<$random> contains the random seed from a z3950 search.
C<$count> is the number of items in C<@results>. C<@results> is an
array of references-to-hash; the keys are the items from the C<import_records> and
C<import_biblios> tables of the Koha database.
sub BreedingSearch {
my ($search,$isbn,$z3950random) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $count = 0;
my ($query,@bind);
my $sth;
my @results;
$query = "SELECT import_record_id, file_name, isbn, title, author
FROM import_biblios
JOIN import_records USING (import_record_id)
JOIN import_batches USING (import_batch_id)
if ($z3950random) {
$query .= "z3950random = ?";
} else {
if (defined($search) && length($search)>0) {
$search =~ s/(\s+)/\%/g;
$query .= "title like ? OR author like ?";
push(@bind,"%$search%", "%$search%");
if ($#bind!=-1 && defined($isbn) && length($isbn)>0) {
$query .= " and ";
if (defined($isbn) && length($isbn)>0) {
$query .= "isbn like ?";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
# FIXME - hack to reflect difference in name
# of columns in old marc_breeding and import_records
# There needs to be more separation between column names and
# field names used in the templates </soapbox>
$data->{'file'} = $data->{'file_name'};
$data->{'id'} = $data->{'import_record_id'};
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub breedingsearch
=head2 Z3950Search
Z3950Search($pars, $template);
Parameters for Z3950 search are all passed via the $pars hash. It may contain isbn, title, author, dewey, subject, lccall, controlnumber, stdid, srchany.
Also it should contain an arrayref id that points to a list of id's of the z3950 targets to be queried (see z3950servers table).
This code is used in acqui/z3950_search and cataloging/z3950_search.
The second parameter $template is a Template object. The routine uses this parameter to store the found values into the template.
sub Z3950Search {
my ($pars, $template)= @_;
my @id= @{$pars->{id}};
my $page= $pars->{page};
my $biblionumber= $pars->{biblionumber};
my $isbn= $pars->{isbn};
my $issn= $pars->{issn};
my $title= $pars->{title};
my $author= $pars->{author};
my $dewey= $pars->{dewey};
my $subject= $pars->{subject};
my $lccn= $pars->{lccn};
my $lccall= $pars->{lccall};
my $controlnumber= $pars->{controlnumber};
my $srchany= $pars->{srchany};
my $stdid= $pars->{stdid};
my $show_next = 0;
my $total_pages = 0;
my $term;
my @results;
my @breeding_loop = ();
my @oConnection;
my @oResult;
my @errconn;
my $s = 0;
my $query;
my $nterms=0;
my $imported=0;
my @serverinfo; #replaces former serverhost, servername, encoding
if ($isbn) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=7 \@attr 5=1 \"$term\" ";
if ($issn) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=8 \@attr 5=1 \"$term\" ";
if ($title) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=4 \"$title\" ";
if ($author) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1003 \"$author\" ";
if ($dewey) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=16 \"$dewey\" ";
if ($subject) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=21 \"$subject\" ";
if ($lccn) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=9 $lccn ";
if ($lccall) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=16 \@attr 2=3 \@attr 3=1 \@attr 4=1 \@attr 5=1 \@attr 6=1 \"$lccall\" ";
if ($controlnumber) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=12 \"$controlnumber\" ";
if($srchany) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1016 \"$srchany\" ";
if($stdid) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1007 \"$stdid\" ";
for my $i (1..$nterms-1) {
$query = "\@and " . $query;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
foreach my $servid (@id) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from z3950servers where id=?");
while (my $server = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $option1= new ZOOM::Options();
$option1->option( 'async' => 1 );
$option1->option( 'elementSetName', 'F' );
$option1->option( 'databaseName', $server->{db} );
$option1->option( 'user', $server->{userid} ) if $server->{userid};
$option1->option( 'password', $server->{password} ) if $server->{password};
$option1->option( 'preferredRecordSyntax', $server->{syntax} );
$option1->option( 'timeout', $server->{timeout} ) if $server->{timeout};
$oConnection[$s]= create ZOOM::Connection($option1);
$oConnection[$s]->connect( $server->{host}, $server->{port} );
$serverinfo[$s]->{host}= $server->{host};
$serverinfo[$s]->{name}= $server->{name};
$serverinfo[$s]->{encd}= $server->{encoding} // "iso-5426";
} ## while fetch
} # foreach
my $nremaining = $s;
for ( my $z = 0 ; $z < $s ; $z++ ) {
$oResult[$z] = $oConnection[$z]->search_pqf($query);
while ( $nremaining-- ) {
my $k;
my $event;
while ( ( $k = ZOOM::event( \@oConnection ) ) != 0 ) {
$event = $oConnection[ $k - 1 ]->last_event();
last if $event == ZOOM::Event::ZEND;
if ( $k != 0 ) {
my ($error)= $oConnection[$k]->error_x(); #ignores errmsg, addinfo, diagset
if ($error) {
if ($error =~ m/^(10000|10007)$/ ) {
push(@errconn, { server => $serverinfo[$k]->{host}, error => $error } );
else {
my $numresults = $oResult[$k]->size();
my $i;
my $result = '';
if ( $numresults > 0 and $numresults >= (($page-1)*20)) {
$show_next = 1 if $numresults >= ($page*20);
$total_pages = int($numresults/20)+1 if $total_pages < ($numresults/20);
for ($i = ($page-1)*20; $i < (($numresults < ($page*20)) ? $numresults : ($page*20)); $i++) {
if($oResult[$k]->record($i)) {
my $res=_handle_one_result($oResult[$k]->record($i), $serverinfo[$k], ++$imported, $biblionumber); #ignores error in sequence numbering
push @breeding_loop, $res if $res;
else {
push(@breeding_loop,{'server'=>$serverinfo[$k]->{name},'title'=>join(': ',$oConnection[$k]->error_x()),'breedingid'=>-1,'biblionumber'=>-1});
} #if $numresults
} # if $k !=0
numberpending => $nremaining,
current_page => $page,
total_pages => $total_pages,
show_nextbutton => $show_next?1:0,
show_prevbutton => $page!=1,
} # while nremaining
#close result sets and connections
foreach(0..$s-1) {
my @servers = ();
foreach my $id (@id) {
push @servers, {id => $id};
breeding_loop => \@breeding_loop,
servers => \@servers,
errconn => \@errconn
sub _handle_one_result {
my ($zoomrec, $servhref, $seq, $bib)= @_;
my $raw= $zoomrec->raw();
my ($marcrecord) = MarcToUTF8Record($raw, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'), $servhref->{encd}); #ignores charset return values
#call to ImportBreeding replaced by next two calls for optimization
my $batch_id = GetZ3950BatchId($servhref->{name});
my $breedingid = AddBiblioToBatch($batch_id, $seq, $marcrecord, 'UTF-8', 0, 0);
#FIXME passing 0 for z3950random
#Will eliminate this unused field in a followup report
#Last zero indicates: no update for batch record counts
#call to TransformMarcToKoha replaced by next call
#we only need six fields from the marc record
return _add_rowdata(
biblionumber => $bib,
server => $servhref->{name},
breedingid => $breedingid,
}, $marcrecord) if $breedingid;
sub _add_rowdata {
my ($row, $record)=@_;
my %fetch= (
title => 'biblio.title',
author => 'biblio.author',
isbn =>'biblioitems.isbn',
lccn =>'biblioitems.lccn', #LC control number (not call number)
edition =>'biblioitems.editionstatement',
date => 'biblio.copyrightdate', #MARC21
date2 => 'biblioitems.publicationyear', #UNIMARC
foreach my $k (keys %fetch) {
my ($t, $f)= split '\.', $fetch{$k};
$row= C4::Biblio::TransformMarcToKohaOneField($t, $f, $record, $row);
$row->{$k}= $row->{$f} if $k ne $f;
$row->{date}//= $row->{date2};
return $row;
sub _isbn_replace {
my ($isbn) = @_;
return unless defined $isbn;
$isbn =~ s/ |-|\.//g;
$isbn =~ s/\|/ \| /g;
$isbn =~ s/\(/ \(/g;
return $isbn;
=head2 ImportBreedingAuth
ImportBreedingAuth imports MARC records in the reservoir (import_records table).
ImportBreedingAuth is based on the ImportBreeding subroutine.
sub ImportBreedingAuth {
my ($marcrecords,$overwrite_auth,$filename,$encoding,$z3950random,$batch_type) = @_;
my @marcarray = split /\x1D/, $marcrecords;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $batch_id = GetZ3950BatchId($filename);
my $searchbreeding = $dbh->prepare("select import_record_id from import_auths where control_number=? and authorized_heading=?");
# $encoding = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") unless $encoding;
# fields used for import results
my $imported=0;
my $alreadyindb = 0;
my $alreadyinfarm = 0;
my $notmarcrecord = 0;
my $breedingid;
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#marcarray;$i++) {
my ($marcrecord, $charset_result, $charset_errors);
($marcrecord, $charset_result, $charset_errors) =
MarcToUTF8Record($marcarray[$i]."\x1D", C4::Context->preference("marcflavour"), $encoding);
# Normalize the record so it doesn't have separated diacritics
if (scalar($marcrecord->fields()) == 0) {
} else {
my $heading;
$heading = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::GetAuthorizedHeading({ record => $marcrecord });
my $heading_authtype_code;
$heading_authtype_code = GuessAuthTypeCode($marcrecord);
my $controlnumber;
$controlnumber = $marcrecord->field('001')->data;
#Check if the authority record already exists in the database...
my ($duplicateauthid,$duplicateauthvalue);
if ($marcrecord && $heading_authtype_code) {
($duplicateauthid,$duplicateauthvalue) = FindDuplicateAuthority( $marcrecord, $heading_authtype_code);
if ($duplicateauthid && $overwrite_auth ne 2) {
#If the authority record exists and $overwrite_auth doesn't equal 2, then mark it as already in the DB
} else {
if ($controlnumber && $heading) {
($breedingid) = $searchbreeding->fetchrow;
if ($breedingid && $overwrite_auth eq '0') {
} else {
if ($breedingid && $overwrite_auth eq '1') {
ModAuthorityInBatch($breedingid, $marcrecord);
} else {
my $import_id = AddAuthToBatch($batch_id, $imported, $marcrecord, $encoding, $z3950random);
$breedingid = $import_id;
return ($notmarcrecord,$alreadyindb,$alreadyinfarm,$imported,$breedingid);
=head2 Z3950SearchAuth
Z3950SearchAuth($pars, $template);
Parameters for Z3950 search are all passed via the $pars hash. It may contain nameany, namepersonal, namecorp, namemeetingcon,
title, uniform title, subject, subjectsubdiv, srchany.
Also it should contain an arrayref id that points to a list of IDs of the z3950 targets to be queried (see z3950servers table).
This code is used in cataloging/z3950_auth_search.
The second parameter $template is a Template object. The routine uses this parameter to store the found values into the template.
sub Z3950SearchAuth {
my ($pars, $template)= @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my @id= @{$pars->{id}};
my $random= $pars->{random};
my $page= $pars->{page};
my $nameany= $pars->{nameany};
my $authorany= $pars->{authorany};
my $authorpersonal= $pars->{authorpersonal};
my $authorcorp= $pars->{authorcorp};
my $authormeetingcon= $pars->{authormeetingcon};
my $title= $pars->{title};
my $uniformtitle= $pars->{uniformtitle};
my $subject= $pars->{subject};
my $subjectsubdiv= $pars->{subjectsubdiv};
my $srchany= $pars->{srchany};
my $show_next = 0;
my $total_pages = 0;
my $attr = '';
my $host;
my $server;
my $database;
my $port;
my $marcdata;
my @encoding;
my @results;
my $count;
my $record;
my @serverhost;
my @servername;
my @breeding_loop = ();
my @oConnection;
my @oResult;
my @errconn;
my $s = 0;
my $query;
my $nterms=0;
if ($nameany) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1002 \"$nameany\" "; #Any name (this includes personal, corporate, meeting/conference authors, and author names in subject headings)
#This attribute is supported by both the Library of Congress and Libraries Australia 08/05/2013
if ($authorany) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1003 \"$authorany\" "; #Author-name (this includes personal, corporate, meeting/conference authors, but not author names in subject headings)
#This attribute is not supported by the Library of Congress, but is supported by Libraries Australia 08/05/2013
if ($authorcorp) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=2 \"$authorcorp\" "; #1005 is another valid corporate author attribute...
if ($authorpersonal) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1 \"$authorpersonal\" "; #1004 is another valid personal name attribute...
if ($authormeetingcon) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=3 \"$authormeetingcon\" "; #1006 is another valid meeting/conference name attribute...
if ($subject) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=21 \"$subject\" ";
if ($subjectsubdiv) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=47 \"$subjectsubdiv\" ";
if ($title) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=4 \"$title\" "; #This is a regular title search. 1=6 will give just uniform titles
if ($uniformtitle) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=6 \"$uniformtitle\" "; #This is the uniform title search
if($srchany) {
$query .= " \@attr 1=1016 \"$srchany\" ";
for my $i (1..$nterms-1) {
$query = "\@and " . $query;
foreach my $servid (@id) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from z3950servers where id=?");
while ( $server = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
my $option1 = new ZOOM::Options();
$option1->option( 'async' => 1 );
$option1->option( 'elementSetName', 'F' );
$option1->option( 'databaseName', $server->{db} );
$option1->option( 'user', $server->{userid} ) if $server->{userid};
$option1->option( 'password', $server->{password} ) if $server->{password};
$option1->option( 'preferredRecordSyntax', $server->{syntax} );
$option1->option( 'timeout', $server->{timeout} ) if $server->{timeout};
$oConnection[$s] = create ZOOM::Connection($option1);
$oConnection[$s]->connect( $server->{host}, $server->{port} );
$serverhost[$s] = $server->{host};
$servername[$s] = $server->{name};
$encoding[$s] = ($server->{encoding}?$server->{encoding}:"iso-5426");
} ## while fetch
} # foreach
my $nremaining = $s;
for ( my $z = 0 ; $z < $s ; $z++ ) {
$oResult[$z] = $oConnection[$z]->search_pqf($query);
while ( $nremaining-- ) {
my $k;
my $event;
while ( ( $k = ZOOM::event( \@oConnection ) ) != 0 ) {
$event = $oConnection[ $k - 1 ]->last_event();
last if $event == ZOOM::Event::ZEND;
if ( $k != 0 ) {
my ($error, $errmsg, $addinfo, $diagset)= $oConnection[$k]->error_x();
if ($error) {
if ($error =~ m/^(10000|10007)$/ ) {
push(@errconn, {'server' => $serverhost[$k]});
else {
my $numresults = $oResult[$k]->size();
my $i;
my $result = '';
if ( $numresults > 0 and $numresults >= (($page-1)*20)) {
$show_next = 1 if $numresults >= ($page*20);
$total_pages = int($numresults/20)+1 if $total_pages < ($numresults/20);
for ($i = ($page-1)*20; $i < (($numresults < ($page*20)) ? $numresults : ($page*20)); $i++) {
my $rec = $oResult[$k]->record($i);
if ($rec) {
my $marcrecord;
my $marcdata;
$marcdata = $rec->raw();
my ($charset_result, $charset_errors);
($marcrecord, $charset_result, $charset_errors)= MarcToUTF8Record($marcdata, C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'), $encoding[$k]);
my $heading;
my $heading_authtype_code;
$heading_authtype_code = GuessAuthTypeCode($marcrecord);
$heading = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::GetAuthorizedHeading({ record => $marcrecord });
my ($notmarcrecord, $alreadyindb, $alreadyinfarm, $imported, $breedingid)= ImportBreedingAuth( $marcdata, 2, $serverhost[$k], $encoding[$k], $random, 'z3950' );
my %row_data;
$row_data{server} = $servername[$k];
$row_data{breedingid} = $breedingid;
$row_data{heading} = $heading;
$row_data{heading_code} = $heading_authtype_code;
push( @breeding_loop, \%row_data );
else {
push(@breeding_loop,{'server'=>$servername[$k],'title'=>join(': ',$oConnection[$k]->error_x()),'breedingid'=>-1});
} #if $numresults
} # if $k !=0
numberpending => $nremaining,
current_page => $page,
total_pages => $total_pages,
show_nextbutton => $show_next?1:0,
show_prevbutton => $page!=1,
} # while nremaining
#close result sets and connections
foreach(0..$s-1) {
my @servers = ();
foreach my $id (@id) {
push @servers, {id => $id};
breeding_loop => \@breeding_loop,
servers => \@servers,
errconn => \@errconn