- Increases the width of the editor to fill the space provided - Adjusts the layout of the toolbars to better fit the space - Adds a custom editor stylesheet to make the contents of the editor better match the expected output In changing the toolbar configuration I chose to make the display of each button explicit rather than assuming a default set of buttons and adding or subtracting from that. I think this is clearer for someone approaching the configuration trying to under- stand how buttons are displayed. I also chose to use the shorthand "|" instead of "separator" for brevity. This last change is the only one made to the edithelp configuration. [2011.09.20] F. Demians. This patch is compatible with bug 6649 patch, fixing help pages editing, and so could be applied before or after it. Signed-off-by: Frédéric Demians <f.demians@tamil.fr> Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
4 lines
83 B
4 lines
83 B
body, td, pre {
font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
} |