This patch revises the staff client list contents view to better match staff client search results, showing more information and offering more ways to interact with the contents than before. - List contents output has been modified so that the staff client can use XSLT-formatted data just as the OPAC can. As in the OPAC it depends on XSLTResultsDisplay being enabled. - A "toolbar" has been added which is similar to that in search results, offering the option to add items to a Cart, add them to a different list, place multiple holds, remove items from the list, or merge records. - This toolbar has been made to float on scroll like the one on the MARC edit page. - Library and shelving location have been added to the display of call numbers. Call numbers are linked to a search as they are in search results. - Edit links are included just as they are in search results. - Automatic focus on the add by barcode form has been removed so that the page doesn't jump to the bottom unnecessarily. - basket.js's "addMultiple" function has been modified so that it receives an array of checkboxes rather than looking for checkboxes in a specific form. This helps abstract its functionality for use on both search results and lists. is modified accordingly. - The page layout has been widened to make room for the increased amount of information on the page. - A new "merge" icon has been added to the default Bootstrap sprite. To test: - View both public and private lists in the staff client. - View lists with and without contents. - Test the functionality of options in the toolbar: Add to cart, add to lists, place multiple holds, remove items, merge items. - Test with users with and without cataloging privileges to confirm that catalog-related controls are correctly shown or hidden. - Test with XSLTResultsDisplay set both to "default" and empty. - Since the staff client and OPAC use some of the same code, test that lists in the OPAC have not broken. - Since JavaScript was modified which affects both lists and search results, confirm that adding items to the Cart and Lists from search results hasn't been broken by this patch. Revision corrects conditional display of hold link, hiding it in cases where there are no items or the record's itemtype is not for loan. Also corrected is the behavior of the Cart/List "save" button in order to prevent it from submitting the "remove items" action which is the default for the form. Signed-off-by: jmbroust <> Edit: Patch rebased against current master and hard-coded paths to /prog/ corrected. Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <> Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
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