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package Koha::UI::Form::Builder::Item;
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Koha; if not, see <>.
use Modern::Perl;
use MARC::Record;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Biblio qw( GetFrameworkCode GetMarcBiblio GetMarcStructure IsMarcStructureInternal );
use C4::Koha qw( GetAuthorisedValues );
use C4::ClassSource qw( GetClassSources );
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string );
use Koha::Libraries;
=head1 NAME
Helper to build a form to add or edit a new item.
=head1 API
=head2 Class methods
=head3 new
my $form = Koha::UI::Form::Builder::Item->new(
biblionumber => $biblionumber,
item => $current_item,
biblionumber should be passed if we are creating a new item.
For edition, an hashref representing the item to edit item must be passed.
sub new {
my ( $class, $params ) = @_;
my $self;
$self->{biblionumber} = $params->{biblionumber};
$self->{item} = $params->{item};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head3 generate_subfield_form
Generate subfield's info for given tag, subfieldtag, etc.
sub generate_subfield_form {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $tag = $params->{tag};
my $subfieldtag = $params->{subfieldtag};
my $value = $params->{value};
my $tagslib = $params->{tagslib};
my $libraries = $params->{libraries};
my $marc_record = $params->{marc_record};
my $restricted_edition = $params->{restricted_editition};
my $prefill_with_default_values = $params->{prefill_with_default_values};
my $branch_limit = $params->{branch_limit};
my $default_branches_empty = $params->{default_branches_empty};
my $readonly = $params->{readonly};
my $item = $self->{item};
my $subfield = $tagslib->{$tag}{$subfieldtag};
my $biblionumber = $self->{biblionumber};
my $frameworkcode = $biblionumber ? GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber) : q{};
my %subfield_data;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $index_subfield = int( rand(1000000) );
if ( $subfieldtag eq '@' ) {
$subfield_data{id} = "tag_" . $tag . "_subfield_00_" . $index_subfield;
else {
$subfield_data{id} =
"tag_" . $tag . "_subfield_" . $subfieldtag . "_" . $index_subfield;
$subfield_data{tag} = $tag;
$subfield_data{subfield} = $subfieldtag;
$subfield_data{marc_lib} =
"<span title=\""
. $subfield->{lib} . "\">"
. $subfield->{lib}
. "</span>";
$subfield_data{mandatory} = $subfield->{mandatory};
$subfield_data{important} = $subfield->{important};
$subfield_data{repeatable} = $subfield->{repeatable};
$subfield_data{maxlength} = $subfield->{maxlength};
$subfield_data{display_order} = $subfield->{display_order};
$subfield_data{kohafield} =
$subfield->{kohafield} || 'items.more_subfields_xml';
if ( $prefill_with_default_values && ( !defined($value) || $value eq '' ) ) {
$value = $subfield->{defaultvalue} if !$item->{itemnumber}; # apply defaultvalue only to new items
if ($value) {
# get today date & replace <<YYYY>>, <<YY>>, <<MM>>, <<DD>> if provided in the default value
my $today_dt = dt_from_string;
my $year = $today_dt->strftime('%Y');
my $shortyear = $today_dt->strftime('%y');
my $month = $today_dt->strftime('%m');
my $day = $today_dt->strftime('%d');
$value =~ s/<<YYYY>>/$year/g;
$value =~ s/<<YY>>/$shortyear/g;
$value =~ s/<<MM>>/$month/g;
$value =~ s/<<DD>>/$day/g;
# And <<USER>> with surname (?)
my $username = (
? C4::Context->userenv->{'surname'}
: "superlibrarian"
$value =~ s/<<USER>>/$username/g;
$subfield_data{visibility} = "display:none;"
if ( ( $subfield->{hidden} > 4 ) || ( $subfield->{hidden} <= -4 ) );
my $pref_itemcallnumber = C4::Context->preference('itemcallnumber');
if ( $prefill_with_default_values
&& !$value
&& $subfield->{kohafield}
&& $subfield->{kohafield} eq 'items.itemcallnumber'
&& $pref_itemcallnumber )
my $pref_itemcallnumber_part ( split( /,/, $pref_itemcallnumber ) )
my $CNtag =
substr( $pref_itemcallnumber_part, 0, 3 ); # 3-digit tag number
my $CNsubfields =
substr( $pref_itemcallnumber_part, 3 ); # Any and all subfields
$CNsubfields = undef if $CNsubfields eq '';
my $temp2 = $marc_record->field($CNtag);
next unless $temp2;
$value = $temp2->as_string( $CNsubfields, ' ' );
last if $value;
if ( $subfield->{authorised_value} ) {
my @authorised_values;
my %authorised_lib;
# builds list, depending on authorised value...
if ( $subfield->{authorised_value} eq "LOST" ) {
my $ClaimReturnedLostValue =
my $item_is_return_claim =
&& exists $item->{itemlost}
&& $ClaimReturnedLostValue eq $item->{itemlost};
$subfield_data{IS_RETURN_CLAIM} = $item_is_return_claim;
$subfield_data{IS_LOST_AV} = 1;
push @authorised_values, qq{};
my $av = GetAuthorisedValues( $subfield->{authorised_value} );
for my $r (@$av) {
push @authorised_values, $r->{authorised_value};
$authorised_lib{ $r->{authorised_value} } = $r->{lib};
elsif ( $subfield->{authorised_value} eq "branches" ) {
push @authorised_values, "" if $default_branches_empty;
foreach my $thisbranch (@$libraries) {
push @authorised_values, $thisbranch->{branchcode};
$authorised_lib{ $thisbranch->{branchcode} } =
$value = $thisbranch->{branchcode}
if $thisbranch->{selected} && !$value;
elsif ( $subfield->{authorised_value} eq "itemtypes" ) {
push @authorised_values, "";
my $itemtypes;
if ($branch_limit) {
$itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization(
{ branchcode => $branch_limit } );
else {
$itemtypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search_with_localization;
while ( my $itemtype = $itemtypes->next ) {
push @authorised_values, $itemtype->itemtype;
$authorised_lib{ $itemtype->itemtype } =
if (!$value && $biblionumber) {
my $itype_sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT itemtype FROM biblioitems WHERE biblionumber = ?");
($value) = $itype_sth->fetchrow_array;
#---- class_sources
elsif ( $subfield->{authorised_value} eq "cn_source" ) {
push @authorised_values, "";
my $class_sources = GetClassSources();
my $default_source =
foreach my $class_source ( sort keys %$class_sources ) {
unless $class_sources->{$class_source}->{'used'}
or ( $value and $class_source eq $value )
or ( $class_source eq $default_source );
push @authorised_values, $class_source;
$authorised_lib{$class_source} =
$value = $default_source if !$value && $prefill_with_default_values;
#---- "true" authorised value
else {
push @authorised_values, qq{};
my $av = GetAuthorisedValues( $subfield->{authorised_value} );
for my $r (@$av) {
push @authorised_values, $r->{authorised_value};
$authorised_lib{ $r->{authorised_value} } = $r->{lib};
if ( $subfield->{hidden} > 4 or $subfield->{hidden} <= -4 ) {
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'hidden',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
grep { $_ eq $subfield->{authorised_value} }
(qw(branches itemtypes cn_source))
) ? () : ( category => $subfield->{authorised_value} )
else {
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'select',
id => "tag_"
. $tag
. "_subfield_"
. $subfieldtag . "_"
. $index_subfield,
values => \@authorised_values,
labels => \%authorised_lib,
default => $value,
grep { $_ eq $subfield->{authorised_value} }
(qw(branches itemtypes cn_source))
) ? () : ( category => $subfield->{authorised_value} )
# it's a thesaurus / authority field
elsif ( $subfield->{authtypecode} ) {
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'text_auth',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
authtypecode => $subfield->{authtypecode},
# it's a plugin field
elsif ( $subfield->{value_builder} ) { # plugin
require Koha::FrameworkPlugin;
my $plugin = Koha::FrameworkPlugin->new(
name => $subfield->{'value_builder'},
item_style => 1,
my $pars = {
dbh => $dbh,
record => $marc_record,
tagslib => $tagslib,
id => $subfield_data{id},
if ( !$plugin->errstr ) {
my $class = 'buttonDot' . ( $plugin->noclick ? ' disabled' : '' );
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'text_plugin',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
class => $class,
nopopup => $plugin->noclick,
javascript => $plugin->javascript,
else {
warn $plugin->errstr;
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'text',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
}; # supply default input form
elsif ( $tag eq '' ) { # it's an hidden field
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'hidden',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
elsif ( $subfield->{'hidden'} )
{ # FIXME: shouldn't input type be "hidden" ?
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'text',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
elsif (
( $value and length($value) > 100 )
or ( C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "UNIMARC"
and 300 <= $tag && $tag < 400 && $subfieldtag eq 'a' )
or ( C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq "MARC21"
and 500 <= $tag && $tag < 600 )
# oversize field (textarea)
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'textarea',
id => $subfield_data{id},
value => $value,
else {
# it's a standard field
$subfield_data{marc_value} = {
type => 'text',
id => $subfield_data{id},
maxlength => $subfield_data{maxlength},
value => $value,
# If we're on restricted editing, and our field is not in the list of subfields to allow,
# then it is read-only
$subfield_data{marc_value}->{readonly} = $readonly;
return \%subfield_data;
=head3 edit_form
my $subfields =
{ biblionumber => $biblionumber, item => $current_item } )->edit_form(
branchcode => $branchcode,
restricted_editition => $restrictededition,
? ( subfields_to_prefill => \@subfields_to_prefill )
: ()
prefill_with_default_values => 1,
branch_limit => C4::Context->userenv->{"branch"},
Returns the list of subfields to display on the add/edit item form.
Use it in the view with:
[% PROCESS subfields_for_item subfields => subfields %]
=item branchcode
Pre-select a library (for logged in user)
=item restricted_editition
Flag to restrict the edition if the user does not have necessary permissions.
=item subfields_to_prefill
List of subfields to prefill (value of syspref SubfieldsToUseWhenPrefill)
=item subfields_to_allow
List of subfields to allow (value of syspref SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedBatchmod or SubfieldsToAllowForRestrictedEditing)
=item ignore_not_allowed_subfields
If set, the subfields in subfields_to_allow will be ignored (ie. they will not be part of the subfield list.
If not set, the subfields in subfields_to_allow will be marked as readonly.
=item kohafields_to_ignore
List of subfields to ignore/skip
=item prefill_with_default_values
Flag to prefill with the default values defined in the framework.
=item branch_limit
Limit info depending on the library (so far only item types).
=item default_branches_empty
Flag to add an empty option to the library list.
sub edit_form {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
my $branchcode = $params->{branchcode};
my $restricted_edition = $params->{restricted_editition};
my $subfields_to_prefill = $params->{subfields_to_prefill} || [];
my $subfields_to_allow = $params->{subfields_to_allow} || [];
my $ignore_not_allowed_subfields = $params->{ignore_not_allowed_subfields};
my $kohafields_to_ignore = $params->{kohafields_to_ignore} || [];
my $prefill_with_default_values = $params->{prefill_with_default_values};
my $branch_limit = $params->{branch_limit};
my $default_branches_empty = $params->{default_branches_empty};
my $libraries =
Koha::Libraries->search( {}, { order_by => ['branchname'] } )->unblessed;
for my $library (@$libraries) {
$library->{selected} = 1 if $branchcode && $library->{branchcode} eq $branchcode;
my $item = $self->{item};
my $marc_more_subfields = $item->{more_subfields_xml}
# FIXME Use Maybe MARC::Record::new_from_xml if encoding issues on subfield (??)
MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $item->{more_subfields_xml}, 'UTF-8' )
: undef;
my $biblionumber = $self->{biblionumber};
my $frameworkcode = $biblionumber ? GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber) : q{};
my $marc_record = $biblionumber ? GetMarcBiblio( { biblionumber => $biblionumber } ) : undef;
my @subfields;
my $tagslib = GetMarcStructure( 1, $frameworkcode );
foreach my $tag ( keys %{$tagslib} ) {
foreach my $subfieldtag ( keys %{ $tagslib->{$tag} } ) {
my $subfield = $tagslib->{$tag}{$subfieldtag};
next if IsMarcStructureInternal($subfield);
next if $subfield->{tab} ne "10";
if grep { $subfield->{kohafield} && $subfield->{kohafield} eq $_ }
my $readonly;
if (
@$subfields_to_allow && !grep {
sprintf( "%s\$%s", $subfield->{tagfield}, $subfield->{tagsubfield} ) eq $_
} @$subfields_to_allow
next if $ignore_not_allowed_subfields;
$readonly = 1 if $restricted_edition;
my @values = ();
my $subfield_data;
if (
|| ( @$subfields_to_prefill && grep { $_ eq $subfieldtag }
@$subfields_to_prefill )
my $kohafield = $subfield->{kohafield};
if ($kohafield) {
# This is a mapped field
( my $attribute = $kohafield ) =~ s|^items\.||;
push @values, $subfield->{repeatable}
? split '\s\|\s', $item->{$attribute}
: $item->{$attribute}
if defined $item->{$attribute};
else {
# Not mapped, picked the values from more_subfields_xml's MARC
if ($marc_more_subfields) {
for my $f ( $marc_more_subfields->fields($tag) ) {
push @values, $f->subfield($subfieldtag);
@values = ('') unless @values;
for my $value (@values) {
my $subfield_data = $self->generate_subfield_form(
tag => $tag,
subfieldtag => $subfieldtag,
value => $value,
tagslib => $tagslib,
libraries => $libraries,
marc_record => $marc_record,
restricted_edition => $restricted_edition,
prefill_with_default_values => $prefill_with_default_values,
branch_limit => $branch_limit,
default_branches_empty => $default_branches_empty,
readonly => $readonly
push @subfields, $subfield_data;
@subfields = sort {
$a->{display_order} <=> $b->{display_order}
|| $a->{subfield} cmp $b->{subfield}
} @subfields;
return \@subfields;