Colin Campbell e7bdbd0583 Bug 4248 Rework Cities dropdown for members entry
Garry Collum's patch correctly identified the core flaw in operation
looking closer revealed some other flaws (2 "blank" options, some vars
and documentation belonging to a superceded version, etc.
Changed GetCities to return a structure rather than the messy two returns
Let the template do the concatenation and removed the CGI::Popup

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
2010-04-29 22:20:36 -04:00

740 lines
28 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright 2006 SAN OUEST PROVENCE et Paul POULAIN
# This file is part of Koha.
# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# pragma
use strict;
use warnings;
# external modules
use CGI;
# use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
# internal modules
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Members;
use C4::Members::Attributes;
use C4::Members::AttributeTypes;
use C4::Koha;
use C4::Dates qw/format_date format_date_in_iso/;
use C4::Input;
use C4::Log;
use C4::Letters;
use C4::Branch; # GetBranches
use C4::Form::MessagingPreferences;
use vars qw($debug);
$debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
my $input = new CGI;
($debug) or $debug = $input->param('debug') || 0;
my %data;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my ($template, $loggedinuser, $cookie)
= get_template_and_user({template_name => "members/memberentrygen.tmpl",
query => $input,
type => "intranet",
authnotrequired => 0,
flagsrequired => {borrowers => 1},
debug => ($debug) ? 1 : 0,
my $guarantorid = $input->param('guarantorid');
my $borrowernumber = $input->param('borrowernumber');
my $actionType = $input->param('actionType') || '';
my $modify = $input->param('modify');
my $delete = $input->param('delete');
my $op = $input->param('op');
my $destination = $input->param('destination');
my $cardnumber = $input->param('cardnumber');
my $check_member = $input->param('check_member');
my $nodouble = $input->param('nodouble');
$nodouble = 1 if $op eq 'modify'; # FIXME hack to represent fact that if we're
# modifying an existing patron, it ipso facto
# isn't a duplicate. Marking FIXME because this
# script needs to be refactored.
my $select_city = $input->param('select_city');
my $nok = $input->param('nok');
my $guarantorinfo = $input->param('guarantorinfo');
my $step = $input->param('step') || 0;
my @errors;
my $default_city;
# $check_categorytype contains the value of duplicate borrowers category type to redirect in good template in step =2
my $check_categorytype=$input->param('check_categorytype');
# NOTE: Alert for ethnicity and ethnotes fields, they are invalid in all borrowers form
my $borrower_data;
my $NoUpdateLogin;
my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
$template->param("uppercasesurnames" => C4::Context->preference('uppercasesurnames'));
my $minpw = C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength');
$template->param("minPasswordLength" => $minpw);
# function to designate mandatory fields (visually with css)
my $check_BorrowerMandatoryField=C4::Context->preference("BorrowerMandatoryField");
my @field_check=split(/\|/,$check_BorrowerMandatoryField);
foreach (@field_check) {
$template->param( "mandatory$_" => 1);
$template->param("add"=>1) if ($op eq 'add');
$template->param("checked" => 1) if (defined($nodouble) && $nodouble eq 1);
($borrower_data = GetMember( 'borrowernumber'=>$borrowernumber )) if ($op eq 'modify' or $op eq 'save');
my $categorycode = $input->param('categorycode') || $borrower_data->{'categorycode'};
my $category_type = $input->param('category_type');
my $new_c_type = $category_type; #if we have input param, then we've already chosen the cat_type.
unless ($category_type or !($categorycode)){
my $borrowercategory = GetBorrowercategory($categorycode);
$category_type = $borrowercategory->{'category_type'};
my $category_name = $borrowercategory->{'description'};
$category_type="A" unless $category_type; # FIXME we should display a error message instead of a 500 error !
# if a add or modify is requested => check validity of data.
%data = %$borrower_data if ($borrower_data);
# initialize %newdata
my %newdata; # comes from $input->param()
if ($op eq 'insert' || $op eq 'modify' || $op eq 'save') {
my @names= ($borrower_data && $op ne 'save') ? keys %$borrower_data : $input->param();
foreach my $key (@names) {
if (defined $input->param($key)) {
$newdata{$key} = $input->param($key);
$newdata{$key} =~ s/\"/&quot;/g unless $key eq 'borrowernotes' or $key eq 'opacnote';
my $dateobject = C4::Dates->new();
my $syspref = $dateobject->regexp(); # same syspref format for all 3 dates
my $iso = $dateobject->regexp('iso'); #
foreach (qw(dateenrolled dateexpiry dateofbirth)) {
next unless exists $newdata{$_};
my $userdate = $newdata{$_} or next;
if ($userdate =~ /$syspref/) {
$newdata{$_} = format_date_in_iso($userdate); # if they match syspref format, then convert to ISO
} elsif ($userdate =~ /$iso/) {
warn "Date $_ ($userdate) is already in ISO format";
} else {
($userdate eq '0000-00-00') and warn "Data error: $_ is '0000-00-00'";
$template->param( "ERROR_$_" => 1 ); # else ERROR!
# check permission to modify login info.
if (ref($borrower_data) && ($borrower_data->{'category_type'} eq 'S') && ! (C4::Auth::haspermission($userenv->{'id'},{'staffaccess'=>1})) ) {
$NoUpdateLogin = 1;
# remove keys from %newdata that ModMember() doesn't like
my @keys_to_delete = (
for my $regexp (@keys_to_delete) {
for (keys %newdata) {
delete($newdata{$_}) if /$regexp/;
#############test for member being unique #############
if (($op eq 'insert') and !$nodouble){
my $category_type_send=$category_type if ($category_type eq 'I');
my $check_category; # recover the category code of the doublon suspect borrowers
# ($result,$categorycode) = checkuniquemember($collectivity,$surname,$firstname,$dateofbirth)
($check_member,$check_category) = checkuniquemember(
($newdata{surname} ? $newdata{surname} : $data{surname} ),
($newdata{firstname} ? $newdata{firstname} : $data{firstname} ),
($newdata{dateofbirth} ? $newdata{dateofbirth} : $data{dateofbirth})
$nodouble = 1;
# recover the category type if the borrowers is a doublon
if ($check_category) {
my $tmpborrowercategory=GetBorrowercategory($check_category);
#recover all data from guarantor address phone ,fax...
if ( defined($guarantorid) and
( $category_type eq 'C' || $category_type eq 'P' ) and
$guarantorid ne '' and
$guarantorid ne '0' ) {
if (my $guarantordata=GetMember(borrowernumber => $guarantorid)) {
$guarantorinfo=$guarantordata->{'surname'}." , ".$guarantordata->{'firstname'};
if ( !defined($data{'contactname'}) or $data{'contactname'} eq '' or
$data{'contactname'} ne $guarantordata->{'surname'} ) {
$newdata{'contactfirstname'}= $guarantordata->{'firstname'};
$newdata{'contactname'} = $guarantordata->{'surname'};
$newdata{'contacttitle'} = $guarantordata->{'title'};
foreach (qw(streetnumber address streettype address2
zipcode country city phone phonepro mobile fax email emailpro branchcode)) {
$newdata{$_} = $guarantordata->{$_};
###############test to take the right zipcode, country and city name ##############
if (!defined($guarantorid) or $guarantorid eq '' or $guarantorid eq '0') {
# set only if parameter was passed from the form
$newdata{'city'} = $input->param('city') if defined($input->param('city'));
$newdata{'zipcode'} = $input->param('zipcode') if defined($input->param('zipcode'));
$newdata{'country'} = $input->param('country') if defined($input->param('country'));
#builds default userid
if ( (defined $newdata{'userid'}) && ($newdata{'userid'} eq '')){
$newdata{'userid'} = Generate_Userid($borrowernumber, $newdata{'firstname'}, $newdata{'surname'});
$debug and warn join "\t", map {"$_: $newdata{$_}"} qw(dateofbirth dateenrolled dateexpiry);
my $extended_patron_attributes = ();
if ($op eq 'save' || $op eq 'insert'){
if (checkcardnumber($newdata{cardnumber},$newdata{borrowernumber})){
push @errors, 'ERROR_cardnumber';
my $dateofbirthmandatory = (scalar grep {$_ eq "dateofbirth"} @field_check) ? 1 : 0;
if ($newdata{dateofbirth} && $dateofbirthmandatory) {
my $age = GetAge($newdata{dateofbirth});
my $borrowercategory=GetBorrowercategory($newdata{'categorycode'});
my ($low,$high) = ($borrowercategory->{'dateofbirthrequired'}, $borrowercategory->{'upperagelimit'});
if (($high && ($age > $high)) or ($age < $low)) {
push @errors, 'ERROR_age_limitations';
$template->param('ERROR_age_limitations' => "$low to $high");
if (C4::Context->preference("IndependantBranches")) {
if ($userenv && $userenv->{flags} % 2 != 1){
$debug and print STDERR " $newdata{'branchcode'} : ".$userenv->{flags}.":".$userenv->{branch};
unless (!$newdata{'branchcode'} || $userenv->{branch} eq $newdata{'branchcode'}){
push @errors, "ERROR_branch";
# Check if the userid is unique
unless (Check_Userid($newdata{'userid'},$borrowernumber)) {
push @errors, "ERROR_login_exist";
my $password = $input->param('password');
push @errors, "ERROR_short_password" if( $password && $minpw && $password ne '****' && (length($password) < $minpw) );
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) {
$extended_patron_attributes = parse_extended_patron_attributes($input);
foreach my $attr (@$extended_patron_attributes) {
unless (C4::Members::Attributes::CheckUniqueness($attr->{code}, $attr->{value}, $borrowernumber)) {
push @errors, "ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed";
$template->param(ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed => "$attr->{code}/$attr->{value}");
if ($op eq 'modify' || $op eq 'insert' || $op eq 'save' ){
if (exists ($newdata{'dateexpiry'}) && !($newdata{'dateexpiry'})){
my $arg2 = $newdata{'dateenrolled'} || C4::Dates->today('iso');
$newdata{'dateexpiry'} = GetExpiryDate($newdata{'categorycode'},$arg2);
if ( ( defined $input->param('SMSnumber') ) && ( $input->param('SMSnumber') ne $newdata{'mobile'} ) ) {
$newdata{smsalertnumber} = $input->param('SMSnumber');
### Error checks should happen before this line.
$nok = $nok || scalar(@errors);
if ((!$nok) and $nodouble and ($op eq 'insert' or $op eq 'save')){
$debug and warn "$op dates: " . join "\t", map {"$_: $newdata{$_}"} qw(dateofbirth dateenrolled dateexpiry);
if ($op eq 'insert'){
# we know it's not a duplicate borrowernumber or there would already be an error
$borrowernumber = &AddMember(%newdata);
# If 'AutoEmailOpacUser' syspref is on, email user their account details from the 'notice' that matches the user's branchcode.
if ( C4::Context->preference("AutoEmailOpacUser") == 1 && $newdata{'userid'} && $newdata{'password'}) {
#look for defined primary email address, if blank - attempt to use borr.email and borr.emailpro instead
my $emailaddr;
if (C4::Context->preference("AutoEmailPrimaryAddress") ne 'OFF' &&
$newdata{C4::Context->preference("AutoEmailPrimaryAddress")} =~ /\w\@\w/ ) {
$emailaddr = $newdata{C4::Context->preference("AutoEmailPrimaryAddress")}
elsif ($newdata{email} =~ /\w\@\w/) {
$emailaddr = $newdata{email}
elsif ($newdata{emailpro} =~ /\w\@\w/) {
$emailaddr = $newdata{emailpro}
elsif ($newdata{B_email} =~ /\w\@\w/) {
$emailaddr = $newdata{B_email}
# if we manage to find a valid email address, send notice
if ($emailaddr) {
$newdata{emailaddr} = $emailaddr;
my $letter = getletter ('members', "ACCTDETAILS:$newdata{'branchcode'}") ;
# if $branch notice fails, then email a default notice instead.
$letter = getletter ('members', "ACCTDETAILS") if !$letter;
SendAlerts ( 'members' , \%newdata , $letter ) if $letter
if ($data{'organisations'}){
# need to add the members organisations
my @orgs=split(/\|/,$data{'organisations'});
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes') and $input->param('setting_extended_patron_attributes')) {
C4::Members::Attributes::SetBorrowerAttributes($borrowernumber, $extended_patron_attributes);
if (C4::Context->preference('EnhancedMessagingPreferences') and $input->param('setting_messaging_prefs')) {
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::handle_form_action($input, { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber }, $template);
} elsif ($op eq 'save'){
if ($NoUpdateLogin) {
delete $newdata{'password'};
delete $newdata{'userid'};
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes') and $input->param('setting_extended_patron_attributes')) {
C4::Members::Attributes::SetBorrowerAttributes($borrowernumber, $extended_patron_attributes);
if (C4::Context->preference('EnhancedMessagingPreferences') and $input->param('setting_messaging_prefs')) {
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::handle_form_action($input, { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber }, $template);
print scalar ($destination eq "circ") ?
$input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=$borrowernumber") :
$input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=$borrowernumber") ;
exit; # You can only send 1 redirect! After that, content or other headers don't matter.
if ($delete){
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/deletemem.pl?member=$borrowernumber");
exit; # same as above
if ($nok or !$nodouble){
$op="add" if ($op eq "insert");
$op="modify" if ($op eq "save");
$template->param( updtype => ($op eq 'add' ?'I':'M')); # used to check for $op eq "insert"... but we just changed $op!
unless ($step){
$template->param( step_1 => 1,step_2 => 1,step_3 => 1, step_4 => 1, step_5 => 1, step_6 => 1);
if (C4::Context->preference("IndependantBranches")) {
my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv;
if ($userenv->{flags} % 2 != 1 && $data{branchcode}){
unless ($userenv->{branch} eq $data{'branchcode'}){
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/members/members-home.pl");
if ($op eq 'add'){
$template->param( updtype => 'I', step_1=>1, step_2=>1, step_3=>1, step_4=>1, step_5 => 1, step_6 => 1);
if ($op eq "modify") {
$template->param( updtype => 'M',modify => 1 );
$template->param( step_1=>1, step_2=>1, step_3=>1, step_4=>1, step_5 => 1, step_6 => 1) unless $step;
# my $cardnumber=$data{'cardnumber'};
$data{'cardnumber'}=fixup_cardnumber($data{'cardnumber'}) if $op eq 'add';
$template->param( none => 1);
} elsif($data{'sex'} eq 'F'){
$template->param( female => 1);
} elsif ($data{'sex'} eq 'M'){
$template->param( male => 1);
} else {
$template->param( none => 1);
##Now all the data to modify a member.
my ($categories,$labels)=ethnicitycategories();
my $ethnicitycategoriescount=$#{$categories};
my $ethcatpopup;
if ($ethnicitycategoriescount>=0) {
$ethcatpopup = CGI::popup_menu(-name=>'ethnicity',
-id => 'ethnicity',
$template->param(ethcatpopup => $ethcatpopup); # bad style, has to be fixed
my @typeloop;
foreach (qw(C A S P I X)) {
my $action="WHERE category_type=?";
my @categoryloop;
foreach my $cat (@$categories){
push @categoryloop,{'categorycode' => $cat,
'categoryname' => $labels->{$cat},
'categorycodeselected' => ((defined($borrower_data->{'categorycode'}) &&
$cat eq $borrower_data->{'categorycode'})
|| (defined($categorycode) && $cat eq $categorycode)),
my %typehash;
push @typeloop,{'typename' => $_,
'categoryloop' => \@categoryloop};
$template->param('typeloop' => \@typeloop);
# test in city
$select_city=getidcity($data{'city'}) if defined $guarantorid and ($guarantorid ne '0');
($default_city=$select_city) if ($step eq 0);
if (!defined($select_city) or $select_city eq '' ){
$default_city = &getidcity($data{'city'});
my $city_arrayref = GetCities();
if (@{$city_arrayref} ) {
$template->param( city_cgipopup => 1);
if ($default_city) { # flag the current or default val
for my $city ( @{$city_arrayref} ) {
if ($default_city == $city->{cityid}) {
$city->{selected} = 1;
my $default_roadtype;
$default_roadtype=$data{'streettype'} ;
$template->param( road_cgipopup => 1) if ($roadtypeid );
my $roadpopup = CGI::popup_menu(-name=>'streettype',
-id => 'streettype',
-override => 1,
my $default_borrowertitle;
$default_borrowertitle=$data{'title'} ;
$template->param( title_cgipopup => 1) if ($borrowertitle);
my $borrotitlepopup = CGI::popup_menu(-name=>'title',
-id => 'btitle',
-override => 1,
my @relationships = split /,|\|/, C4::Context->preference('BorrowerRelationship');
my @relshipdata;
while (@relationships) {
my $relship = shift @relationships || '';
my %row = ('relationship' => $relship);
if (defined($data{'relationship'}) and $data{'relationship'} eq $relship) {
$row{'selected'}=' selected';
} else {
push(@relshipdata, \%row);
my %flags = ( 'gonenoaddress' => ['gonenoaddress' ],
'lost' => ['lost'],
'debarred' => ['debarred']);
my @flagdata;
foreach (keys(%flags)) {
my $key = $_;
my %row = ('key' => $key,
'name' => $flags{$key}[0]);
if ($data{$key}) {
$row{'yes'}=' checked';
else {
$row{'no'}=' checked';
push @flagdata,\%row;
#get Branches
my @branches;
my @select_branch;
my %select_branches;
my $onlymine=(C4::Context->preference('IndependantBranches') &&
C4::Context->userenv &&
C4::Context->userenv->{flags} % 2 !=1 &&
my $branches=GetBranches($onlymine);
my $default;
for my $branch (sort { $branches->{$a}->{branchname} cmp $branches->{$b}->{branchname} } keys %$branches) {
push @select_branch,$branch;
$select_branches{$branch} = $branches->{$branch}->{'branchname'};
$default = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'} if (C4::Context->userenv && C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'});
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#in modify mod :default value from $CGIbranch comes from borrowers table
#in add mod: default value come from branches table (ip correspendence)
$default=$data{'branchcode'} if ($op eq 'modify' || ($op eq 'add' && $category_type eq 'C'));
my $CGIbranch = CGI::scrolling_list(-id => 'branchcode',
-name => 'branchcode',
-values => \@select_branch,
-labels => \%select_branches,
-size => 1,
-override => 1,
-multiple =>0,
-default => $default,
my $CGIorganisations;
my $member_of_institution;
if (C4::Context->preference("memberofinstitution")){
my $organisations=get_institutions();
my @orgs;
my %org_labels;
foreach my $organisation (keys %$organisations) {
push @orgs,$organisation;
$CGIorganisations = CGI::scrolling_list( -id => 'organisations',
-name => 'organisations',
-labels => \%org_labels,
-values => \@orgs,
-size => 5,
-multiple => 'true'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $CGIsort = buildCGIsort("Bsort1","sort1",$data{'sort1'});
if ($CGIsort) {
$template->param(CGIsort1 => $CGIsort);
$template->param( sort1 => $data{'sort1'}); # shouldn't this be in an "else" statement like the 2nd one?
$CGIsort = buildCGIsort("Bsort2","sort2",$data{'sort2'});
if ($CGIsort) {
$template->param(CGIsort2 => $CGIsort);
} else {
$template->param( sort2 => $data{'sort2'});
if ($nok) {
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$template->param($error) || $template->param( $error => 1);
$template->param(nok => 1);
#Formatting data for display
if (!defined($data{'dateenrolled'}) or $data{'dateenrolled'} eq ''){
if (C4::Context->preference('uppercasesurnames')) {
$data{'surname'} =uc($data{'surname'} );
foreach (qw(dateenrolled dateexpiry dateofbirth)) {
$data{$_} = format_date($data{$_}); # back to syspref for display
$template->param( $_ => $data{$_});
if (C4::Context->preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes')) {
$template->param(ExtendedPatronAttributes => 1);
patron_attributes_form($template, $borrowernumber);
if (C4::Context->preference('EnhancedMessagingPreferences')) {
if ($op eq 'add') {
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::set_form_values({ categorycode => $categorycode }, $template);
} else {
C4::Form::MessagingPreferences::set_form_values({ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber }, $template);
$template->param(SMSSendDriver => C4::Context->preference("SMSSendDriver"));
$template->param(SMSnumber => defined $data{'smsalertnumber'} ? $data{'smsalertnumber'} : $data{'mobile'});
$template->param( "showguarantor" => ($category_type=~/A|I|S|X/) ? 0 : 1); # associate with step to know where you are
$debug and warn "memberentry step: $step";
$template->param( "step_$step" => 1) if $step; # associate with step to know where u are
$template->param( step => $step ) if $step; # associate with step to know where u are
$template->param( debug => $debug ) if $debug;
BorrowerMandatoryField => C4::Context->preference("BorrowerMandatoryField"),#field to test with javascript
category_type => $category_type,#to know the category type of the borrower
DHTMLcalendar_dateformat => C4::Dates->DHTMLcalendar(),
select_city => $select_city,
"$category_type" => 1,# associate with step to know where u are
destination => $destination,#to know wher u come from and wher u must go in redirect
check_member => $check_member,#to know if the borrower already exist(=>1) or not (=>0)
"op$op" => 1);
nodouble => $nodouble,
borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, #register number
guarantorid => (defined($borrower_data->{'guarantorid'})) ? $borrower_data->{'guarantorid'} : $guarantorid,
ethcatpopup => $ethcatpopup,
relshiploop => \@relshipdata,
city_loop => $city_arrayref,
roadpopup => $roadpopup,
borrotitlepopup => $borrotitlepopup,
guarantorinfo => $guarantorinfo,
flagloop => \@flagdata,
dateformat => C4::Dates->new()->visual(),
C4::Context->preference('dateformat') => 1,
check_categorytype =>$check_categorytype,#to recover the category type with checkcategorytype function
modify => $modify,
nok => $nok,#flag to konw if an error
CGIbranch => $CGIbranch,
memberofinstution => $member_of_institution,
CGIorganisations => $CGIorganisations,
NoUpdateLogin => $NoUpdateLogin
$template->param("contacttitle_" . $data{'contacttitle'} => "SELECTED");
output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;
sub parse_extended_patron_attributes {
my ($input) = @_;
my @patron_attr = grep { /^patron_attr_\d+$/ } $input->param();
my @attr = ();
my %dups = ();
foreach my $key (@patron_attr) {
my $value = $input->param($key);
next unless defined($value) and $value ne '';
my $password = $input->param("${key}_password");
my $code = $input->param("${key}_code");
next if exists $dups{$code}->{$value};
$dups{$code}->{$value} = 1;
push @attr, { code => $code, value => $value, password => $password };
return \@attr;
sub patron_attributes_form {
my $template = shift;
my $borrowernumber = shift;
my @types = C4::Members::AttributeTypes::GetAttributeTypes();
if (scalar(@types) == 0) {
$template->param(no_patron_attribute_types => 1);
my $attributes = C4::Members::Attributes::GetBorrowerAttributes($borrowernumber);
# map patron's attributes into a more convenient structure
my %attr_hash = ();
foreach my $attr (@$attributes) {
push @{ $attr_hash{$attr->{code}} }, $attr;
my @attribute_loop = ();
my $i = 0;
foreach my $type_code (map { $_->{code} } @types) {
my $attr_type = C4::Members::AttributeTypes->fetch($type_code);
my $entry = {
code => $attr_type->code(),
description => $attr_type->description(),
repeatable => $attr_type->repeatable(),
password_allowed => $attr_type->password_allowed(),
category => $attr_type->authorised_value_category(),
password => '',
if (exists $attr_hash{$attr_type->code()}) {
foreach my $attr (@{ $attr_hash{$attr_type->code()} }) {
my $newentry = { map { $_ => $entry->{$_} } %$entry };
$newentry->{value} = $attr->{value};
$newentry->{password} = $attr->{password};
$newentry->{use_dropdown} = 0;
if ($attr_type->authorised_value_category()) {
$newentry->{use_dropdown} = 1;
$newentry->{auth_val_loop} = GetAuthorisedValues($attr_type->authorised_value_category(), $attr->{value});
$newentry->{form_id} = "patron_attr_$i";
#use Data::Dumper; die Dumper($entry) if $entry->{use_dropdown};
push @attribute_loop, $newentry;
} else {
my $newentry = { map { $_ => $entry->{$_} } %$entry };
if ($attr_type->authorised_value_category()) {
$newentry->{use_dropdown} = 1;
$newentry->{auth_val_loop} = GetAuthorisedValues($attr_type->authorised_value_category());
$newentry->{form_id} = "patron_attr_$i";
push @attribute_loop, $newentry;
$template->param(patron_attributes => \@attribute_loop);
# Local Variables:
# tab-width: 8
# End: